Homosexuality in Golarion

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Sovereign Court

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In my own game I've inserted precedent for the tolerance of homosexuality. It's called 'Touched by Nethys'. Nethys' dual nature -and his wacky mask - inspired me to add the moon and gender to his portfolio. He's the hermaphrodite god of magic and the moon, and he's had lovers of both sexes, so the common people in Golarion are comfortable attributing homosexuality to him. Basically, being gay isn't any odder than being a sorcerer (which is still pretty odd).

There's nothing salacious about worshipping Nethys, magic is by far the core focus, but I'd say that some wizard orders attract gay men and women.

I don't think I'd explore this as a major facet of my game - waaaay too Mercedes Lackey for me - but I like that the god of magic is a mascot for those who might feel a little different.

I'm curious to see what the canon has to say about Nethys.

ps - It's totally Merisiel. And Ezren's bi ;)

Liberty's Edge

Rechan wrote:
Timespike wrote:
I'm not really sure how much it matters at all, really. I think forcing PCs to have sex with an NPC as part of the required path through an adventure is probably pretty unlikely
Gives new meaning to being railroaded. ;)

It certainly would!

EndVision wrote:

I had a western civ instructor who talked about homosexuality amongst the Romans, and how a common perception was that men could do everything better, which of course led to the belief that no one could do the deed like another man.

I think its interesting, because when compared to current (American) culture it seems on the surface to be progressive, the whole accepting of homosexuality thing. On the other hand its misogynistic. I think its a cool place to start for an adventure with a complicated social issue, if you have pretty liberal players.

Obviously not for everyone. I know its a little off topic, but its what came to mind.

It ain't just American culture. Though some places are starting to come around (some parts of Europe), nearly EVERY culture has gone from being sex-positive (or at least open) to sex-negative. I think, personally, it has a lot to do with the rise of philosophical/religious asceticism. The more the dominant philosophies deny the self (whether to worship a god, promote proper behavior, suffer such austerity that you achieve a higher consciousness), the more repressed cultures collectively get. Sex becomes taboo in general, non-procreative sex far beyond the pale.

Liberty's Edge

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Fake Healer wrote:
Riese wrote:
I know it's a homebrew campaign that I am in and all but I'm gay. Shhh! I don't think my DM knows yet! He keeps tossing cute ladies at me to see if I go for them.

Shut up, Riese! That's supposed to be a secret!

So that's the Secret of Saltmarsh!!!

150 experience points for thwarting the dungeonmaster's gaydar.

James Jacobs wrote:
I'll further go on record to say that at LEAST one of our iconics is homosexual. Not that we've explicitly revealed who it is yet, since that doesn't really matter at all for the purposes of Pre-Gen PCs.

Seoni. Just to upset her fanboys with a torment worthy of Tantalos.

Scarab Sages

XxAnthraxusxX wrote:
Is sex really something that goes down in alot of campaigns?

Sure, mostly in the building a relationship with an NPC or other player which potentially leads to sex, straight, gay and bi. I can also think of two characters I've played off the top of my head who slept with lot of people (one straight 7th Sea character, one bi Scion character), I seriously doubt I offended anyone in either game, I aimed to shock them with my characters actions, not by getting explicit about it, something that basically amounts to "I go upstairs with X and don't come down for a while" is enough for people to get the picture.

The fact is that unless your character is a-sexual, lust and sexuality will be a part of who they are. A lot of the time this won't come up in the game. Occasionally it will, if it's a major part of the character's make up or if they meet someone, and that's cool, it adds another dimension to them. Incidentally by far the best roleplay I've ever seen (often in-character conversations would happen for hours after sessions had finished, we must have really confused people in the pub) was one where there were several interparty and PC-NPC relationships, a couple of which became sexual, it can make for some seriously emotional and moving stuff.

It's also like giving your GM a giant plot stick to beat you with :P.

James Jacobs wrote:
SirUrza wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I'll further go on record to say that at LEAST one of our iconics is homosexual. Not that we've explicitly revealed who it is yet, since that doesn't really matter at all for the purposes of Pre-Gen PCs.
I'm going with Kyra or Merisiel. It's been hinted at one of Seoni's companions likes her (I think it was you) and she's too wrapped up in her own things to notice. It hasn't been stated who, most assume it's Valeros because of his comment in her background because it makes for an amusing scenario.
Seoni's pretty popular. More than one iconic has a crush on her, I suspect.

I thought Seoni was bi-or maybe I was just hoping.

Either case lest Pathfinder creates a realistic eeh fantasy setting.

Liberty's Edge

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I'll further go on record to say that at LEAST one of our iconics is homosexual. Not that we've explicitly revealed who it is yet, since that doesn't really matter at all for the purposes of Pre-Gen PCs.
Seoni. Just to upset her fanboys with a torment worthy of Tantalos.


Oh, wait....that's hot too.

Illessa wrote:
XxAnthraxusxX wrote:
Is sex really something that goes down in alot of campaigns?

Sure, mostly in the building a relationship with an NPC or other player which potentially leads to sex, straight, gay and bi. I can also think of two characters I've played off the top of my head who slept with lot of people (one straight 7th Sea character, one bi Scion character), I seriously doubt I offended anyone in either game, I aimed to shock them with my characters actions, not by getting explicit about it, something that basically amounts to "I go upstairs with X and don't come down for a while" is enough for people to get the picture.

The fact is that unless your character is a-sexual, lust and sexuality will be a part of who they are. A lot of the time this won't come up in the game. Occasionally it will, if it's a major part of the character's make up or if they meet someone, and that's cool, it adds another dimension to them. Incidentally by far the best roleplay I've ever seen (often in-character conversations would happen for hours after sessions had finished, we must have really confused people in the pub) was one where there were several interparty and PC-NPC relationships, a couple of which became sexual, it can make for some seriously emotional and moving stuff.

It's also like giving your GM a giant plot stick to beat you with :P.

Well you have a more mature gaming group then mine. The subject isn't exactly taboo, but almost no one plays up their sexuality. Hell one of my players, after two years of gaming mind you, asked me seriously could a guy player play a female character. Well I said, since I've been playing Princess Nat leader of our group since we started, I think you can.

Not saying its a good or bad thing, just that it isn't delt much with my group. Although I did play in a group that had a player who was effectly Capt. Jack from Tourchwood about six years before Dr. Who. He was stright in real life, but oddly enough no one took him up on the offer for a ride home.

HMMM I guess i am homophobic. Not a crime i guess. In todays enlightened society it seems hip to ridicule anyone with any kind of moral center or religious belief. And homosexuality is so mainstream now it is as if it is the "in" thing all of the sudden. Invading even the most innocuous of arena's, Dungeons and Dragons.
Don't get it twisted though. I am not here to judge anyone. But pardon me if i don't bow and scrape to the politically correct crowd. It is the beauty of democracy, that you can give your opinion, i can give mine and armed storm troopers won't hunt either of us down and take us to task for it.
I do apologise for invading this rather disturbing thread,and if any one person was offended by anything i may have said, i apologise for that as well. On a parting note ,if there is room in PFRPG for a gay iconic, there has to be room for psionics as well. And for the record i do not condone the mistreatment of gays or psions in any way shape form or manner. Thank you.

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:

Both styles of gaming are fun in their own ways and I think its important that Pathfinder provide the details necessary to run with both versions. Makes for more interesting reading for the DM as well and thats certianly a fairly important consideration in my opinion.

Exactly! The intent of any adventure should be to give the adventurers the ability/inspiration to take the game where the players want to go. For example, if you are in the Town of Hommlet, your PCs may want nothing to do with the big, dumb guy with the big axe from "his brudder," and the DM just doesn't use that part. Added dimensions gives opportunities to role play as you wish.

And incidently, it was Town of Hommlet that about the only place in my gaming experience where my PCs explored that aspect of role-playing... a female wizard got tired of trying to seduce the fighter (who was actually a paladin in disguise), and spent the night with a potboy (of legal age).

Not trying to thread-jack, but does anybody else have stories?

Dark Archive

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I cannot resist.... Sure thing one gay psion iconic coming right up. I know I shouldn't have said it but... oh hey why am I in this handbasket and where are we going again. :D

Liberty's Edge

Doomlounge wrote:

Not trying to thread-jack, but does anybody else have stories?

Well, not yet; but with Riese's revelation above,...

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XxAnthraxusxX wrote:

HMMM I guess i am homophobic. Not a crime i guess. In todays enlightened society it seems hip to ridicule anyone with any kind of moral center or religious belief. And homosexuality is so mainstream now it is as if it is the "in" thing all of the sudden. Invading even the most innocuous of arena's, Dungeons and Dragons.

Don't get it twisted though. I am not here to judge anyone. But pardon me if i don't bow and scrape to the politically correct crowd. It is the beauty of democracy, that you can give your opinion, i can give mine and armed storm troopers won't hunt either of us down and take us to task for it.
I do apologise for invading this rather disturbing thread,and if any one person was offended by anything i may have said, i apologise for that as well. On a parting note ,if there is room in PFRPG for a gay iconic, there has to be room for psionics as well. And for the record i do not condone the mistreatment of gays or psions in any way shape form or manner. Thank you.

Your not alone, if anything anyone who has labled you is ineffect doing the same to you that they think you are too them, without looking at the complexity of real life. I think of myself as homophobic but at the same time I have an older friend Ruben who is not only gay but has been openly so for 40+ years (he's 68 I think). Hell I actually think of him as a sort of mentor. He has given me very good advise had helped me though some personal problems, I will always count him as a close friend. The in no way says I aprove of his life style.

Idealist sometimes don't have a since of humor nor do I think do they look at the world as being complex. As a Chatholic I see being gay as a sin, but I can still deal with my views as a mature adult as you have. Hell I joke more then anyone but dosent change my core belife system. Don't think your alone and don't jump ship. As a said a few post above I think the guys at Pathfinder just wanted a more realistic fantasy setting, some like it some don't. Most I think are indiffernt. Your voice however is just as important as the rest of ours.

Verdant Wheel

I think this thread is amusing. Not the here in Brazil we are impervious to sexism, but we really a more natural approach to sexuality in a game (and that don´t really means we role-play sex scenes). It is so strange the manner everyone is so fearful of discussing the matter...

Well, i see adult games as games where you have to go through real problems fro real world, relationships, prejudice, injustice, suffering, powerlessness etc... To me and to near all the players that had played with me sex is only a backstage reality not a focus. So if a NPC or even a PC is homossexual, it´s only the description of the character.

In Golarion just as real life i see the more lawful civilized people being more against the concept of open homosexuality (hence is a secret most of cases), someplace as long it keeps out of they way of everyone it is ignored (as in Sandpoint), other places might not be so merciful.

Primitive culture tend to see this as more of a spiritual problem, some don´t have any problem of it others not. I personally see elves as at minimum latent bisexuals, dwarves as spartans, gnomes don´t care and halfling follow the local human population. Orcs and humanoids might see it as a weakness (because it nullify the offspring production of two males), but if the couple somehow keep producing offspring they might not care much also. That´s it.

What i do in my games is never about sex, it´s about love. Because of love, many wars were made, many crimes were made, many suffering were felt. Love is a huge tool for the DM that knows how to work with it, there is no need to adult content (only the part were love summons the worst of the people psyche).

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I find religion abhorrent. I think it is a weakness of the imagination, and a shackle for the mind. Part of the reason for my take on religion is the intolerance and bigotry that seems to accompany it. The previous poster claimed that he has a gay mentor, who is precious to him, but that he cannot condone the man's sexuality? WTF? I will not post on this thread again. Just know that there are people out there who find your twisted Judeo-Christian take on human potential as perverse and twisted as you seem to hold gays to be. I have more gay friends than Christian friends. They are just far more pleasant to be around.

Sceptenar wrote:

First I want to say that I honestly appreciate the inclusion of homosexual characters in Pathfinder, Queen Ileosa and Sabina for example, as most RPGs seem to ignore this group completely. However it seems to me that Paizo has fallen into the trap of only making female gay characters. What I would like to see are some gay male characters and transsexuals in Golarion, the women have had their fun, let the boys and anyone in between in on it as well!

Also, I would like to see some information on how these groups are generally treated in the various societies on Golarion (most of what I've seen up til now seems to be quite progressive, but I doubt that is true for the entire world).

Not to mention that they've fallen into the evil gay lesbian cliche, started in The Well of Loneliness.

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XxAnthraxusxX wrote:

HMMM I guess i am homophobic. Not a crime i guess. In todays enlightened society it seems hip to ridicule anyone with any kind of moral center or religious belief. And homosexuality is so mainstream now it is as if it is the "in" thing all of the sudden. Invading even the most innocuous of arena's, Dungeons and Dragons.

Don't get it twisted though. I am not here to judge anyone. But pardon me if i don't bow and scrape to the politically correct crowd. It is the beauty of democracy, that you can give your opinion, i can give mine and armed storm troopers won't hunt either of us down and take us to task for it.
I do apologise for invading this rather disturbing thread,and if any one person was offended by anything i may have said, i apologise for that as well. On a parting note ,if there is room in PFRPG for a gay iconic, there has to be room for psionics as well. And for the record i do not condone the mistreatment of gays or psions in any way shape form or manner. Thank you.

Dude, it isn't "hip" to ridicule anyone. You are entitled to your opinion that homosexuality is vile and disguisting. But whether of not you approve, homosexuality is real. Why would you expect to *not* see it in Golarion? You are proceeding from the incorrect assumption that the natural state of affairs is exclusively heterosexual, and that Paizo has an agenda by "adding" homosexuality. In essence, you aren't asking for something not be be added; you're asking for something *you* find offensive to be explicitly removed.

Your viewpoint is skewed, and people are reacting to it.

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:

I'll further go on record to say that at LEAST one of our iconics is homosexual. Not that we've explicitly revealed who it is yet, since that doesn't really matter at all for the purposes of Pre-Gen PCs.

It's Valeros, isn't it? He strikes me as a classic closet-case overcompensating.

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
I find religion abhorrent. I think it is a weakness of the imagination, and a shackle for the mind. Part of the reason for my take on religion is the intolerance and bigotry that seems to accompany it. The previous poster claimed that he has a gay mentor, who is precious to him, but that he cannot condone the man's sexuality? WTF? I will not post on this thread again. Just know that there are people out there who find your twisted Judeo-Christian take on human potential as perverse and twisted as you seem to hold gays to be. I have more gay friends than Christian friends. They are just far more pleasant to be around.

I hate to do it, but...

What he said.

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
I find religion abhorrent. I think it is a weakness of the imagination, and a shackle for the mind. Part of the reason for my take on religion is the intolerance and bigotry that seems to accompany it. The previous poster claimed that he has a gay mentor, who is precious to him, but that he cannot condone the man's sexuality? WTF? I will not post on this thread again. Just know that there are people out there who find your twisted Judeo-Christian take on human potential as perverse and twisted as you seem to hold gays to be. I have more gay friends than Christian friends. They are just far more pleasant to be around.

I'm religious, but I find myself more and more in the "God's great, but his fanclub creeps me out" group.

cappadocius wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I'll further go on record to say that at LEAST one of our iconics is homosexual. Not that we've explicitly revealed who it is yet, since that doesn't really matter at all for the purposes of Pre-Gen PCs.
It's Valeros, isn't it? He strikes me as a classic closet-case overcompensating.

Oh hell yeah. :D

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
bugleyman wrote:
Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
I find religion abhorrent. I think it is a weakness of the imagination, and a shackle for the mind. Part of the reason for my take on religion is the intolerance and bigotry that seems to accompany it. The previous poster claimed that he has a gay mentor, who is precious to him, but that he cannot condone the man's sexuality? WTF? I will not post on this thread again. Just know that there are people out there who find your twisted Judeo-Christian take on human potential as perverse and twisted as you seem to hold gays to be. I have more gay friends than Christian friends. They are just far more pleasant to be around.

I hate to do it, but...

What he said.

Well "thanks a lot" to the two of you for lumping every religious person in with those you have trouble with and being as lousy as they are.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Sovereign Court

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I find people who argue about religion, politics, or sexuality on the internet to be tedious people without a glimmer of self-awareness and with egos the size of a Tarrasque. This is a thread about made-up characters in a made-up world that was made-up to facilitate a game of make believe. Shut the nine hells up about the real world.

Also, what subforum should I post Valeros/Harsk slashfic in?

Callous Jack wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
I find religion abhorrent. I think it is a weakness of the imagination, and a shackle for the mind. Part of the reason for my take on religion is the intolerance and bigotry that seems to accompany it. The previous poster claimed that he has a gay mentor, who is precious to him, but that he cannot condone the man's sexuality? WTF? I will not post on this thread again. Just know that there are people out there who find your twisted Judeo-Christian take on human potential as perverse and twisted as you seem to hold gays to be. I have more gay friends than Christian friends. They are just far more pleasant to be around.

I hate to do it, but...

What he said.

Well "thanks a lot" to the two of you for lumping every religious person in with those you have trouble with and being as lousy as they are.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

Whether you have faith or not, surely you see that some people actively promote intolerance in the name of religion? I don't think all religous people are evil, but certainly many do evil in the name of religion. I don't see groups of homosexuals out promoting intolerance or strapping bombs to themselves and running into hospitals, and until I do, I just don't see the hypocrisy.

cappadocius wrote:

I find people who argue about religion, politics, or sexuality on the internet to be tedious people without a glimmer of self-awareness and with egos the size of a Tarrasque. This is a thread about made-up characters in a made-up world that was made-up to facilitate a game of make believe. Shut the nine hells up about the real world.

Also, what subforum should I post Valeros/Harsk slashfic in?

My ego is only gargantuan, not colossal.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My goodness, this thread took a long, long time to pop up. I noticed the homosexual Paladin first read through, because it was such a bold choice. It definitely leads to an interesting debate regarding the nature of alignment, sexual preference, and what a deity considers acceptable. “He’s sleeping with whom? Wait…still getting spells? Huh, ok, guess it must be ok…”

Unfortunately, the tedious “whore with a heart of gold in love with the sheriff,” and the stereotypical homosexual playwright quickly overshadowed one standout NPC, but still, I thought it was an interesting pick.

As far as what it means out of game, never crossed my mind. Pathfinder contains more mature themes than other adventures, so par for the course.

Also, if we’re taking sides; I love religion, I think it’s a beautiful thing, and I think everyone should have one. I just don’t think they should ever get together and talk about it.

XxAnthraxusxX wrote:
In todays enlightened society it seems hip to ridicule anyone with any kind of moral center or religious belief.

These kids today. In MY day we said "hep." I suppose he's using that new-fangled "fire" I hear so much about.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
cappadocius wrote:

I find people who argue about religion, politics, or sexuality on the internet to be tedious people without a glimmer of self-awareness and with egos the size of a Tarrasque.

Sir I will have you know that my ego is not the size of a Tarrasque.

It is just about as hard to kill however. :P

cappadocius wrote:

I find people who argue about religion, politics, or sexuality on the internet to be tedious people without a glimmer of self-awareness and with egos the size of a Tarrasque. This is a thread about made-up characters in a made-up world that was made-up to facilitate a game of make believe. Shut the nine hells up about the real world.

Also, what subforum should I post Valeros/Harsk slashfic in?

There TOTALLY ought to be a slash fic forum.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Put the gay issue in your other hand for a moment (gently)... When is Pathfinder going to stop with all this violence? I mean, a kid could wander by, open one of these magazines and get ideas about blood and weapons and alternate haircuts! In this world of carnage that the news keeps scaring me about is this the kind of message we need to be sending to young people? That it's okay to kill folks and take their stuff?!

Paizo should be ashamed for not setting an example. You'll all be happy to know that my new adventure setting book Absolutely Nothing Interesting Ever Happens Here... EVER will be hitting shelves this June to correct the problem!

Sovereign Court

The Jade wrote:
Put the gay issue in your other hand for a moment (gently)... When is Pathfinder going to stop with all this violence?

I *guess* we can let people post their guro in our slash subforum.

cappadocius wrote:
I *guess* we can let people post their guro in our slash subforum.

Are you hating on Yaoi and Yiffy now? Let it all hang out, don't go half in!

The Exchange

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roguerouge wrote:

There TOTALLY ought to be a slash fic forum.

Lets not and say we didn't.

The Jade wrote:

Put the gay issue in your other hand for a moment (gently)... When is Pathfinder going to stop with all this violence? I mean, a kid could wander by, open one of these magazines and get ideas about blood and weapons and alternate haircuts! In this world of carnage that the news keeps scaring me about is this the kind of message we need to be sending to young people? That it's okay to kill folks and take their stuff?!

Paizo should be ashamed for not setting an example. You'll all be happy to know that my new adventure setting book Absolutely Nothing Interesting Ever Happens Here... EVER will be hitting shelves this June to correct the problem!

Will it be 3.5E or 4E?!?

cappadocius wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Put the gay issue in your other hand for a moment (gently)... When is Pathfinder going to stop with all this violence?
I *guess* we can let people post their guro in our slash subforum.

Coprophagia? Back o d bus!

bugleyman wrote:

Will it be 3.5E or 4E?!?

Whichever is the least effective gaming system.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Jade wrote:
bugleyman wrote:

Will it be 3.5E or 4E?!?
Whichever is the least effective gaming system.

Palladium it is, then!

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
I find religion abhorrent. I think it is a weakness of the imagination, and a shackle for the mind. Part of the reason for my take on religion is the intolerance and bigotry that seems to accompany it. The previous poster claimed that he has a gay mentor, who is precious to him, but that he cannot condone the man's sexuality? WTF? I will not post on this thread again. Just know that there are people out there who find your twisted Judeo-Christian take on human potential as perverse and twisted as you seem to hold gays to be. I have more gay friends than Christian friends. They are just far more pleasant to be around.

So let me see if I got this stright, I like a person, but not his sexulaity, though it isn't a problem enough for me to end our friendship and based on that you think that I'm a twisted Judeo-Christian and that we are perverse and twisted with a weakness of the imagination full of bigotry and intolerance and let me see did I forget anything, oh yeah not pleasant to be around (that last one actually hurt) yet you still have christan friends (whom I assume are all the above). Do you condone them, oh wait they are abhorrent. Look for intolerance in the mirror my friend. Still I hope you do not leave this board just because others have different views.

And for the record we are still taking about a game, lets everyone calm down a bit please.

And as to your spicfic comment, I can condone or not condone as I see fit. My friend knows this, and cares not a bit. It has stoped his lifestyle, not a bit. Hell he calls me and my kind breeders (which is really low since I haven't yet). As I said before life, real life, not closted persodo "I'm better, hippper, and more liberal than tho" life is far too complex to paint it as you have seemed to.

cappadocius wrote:
The Jade wrote:
bugleyman wrote:

Will it be 3.5E or 4E?!?
Whichever is the least effective gaming system.
Palladium it is, then!

Now those are fighting words sir, I will meet you at dawn, for a duel with roman candels.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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I am currently playing Savage Tide with a group that has included quite a bit of sex. One character had sex with a succubus, and just about everyone has some sort of romance with an NPC (or two). In this case, they are all heterosexual relationships, but it's also a group of heterosexual men playing the game. For the homosexual gamers out there, forcing them to play only heterosexual characters in a world where their sexual orientation simply doesn't exist is probably not much fun. I know it would be a little offputting for me to play in a setting in which every character were gay.

As it stands in Golarion, to this point, the homosexual elements have been pretty minor. So minor that they could be completely omitted were it to be offensive to any GM or player. I for one welcome it in the world, and think that it adds an extra level of realism and diversity to the characters and relationships that exist. It's easy in fantasy settings to find cookie-cutter NPCs and cultures derived from the same archetypes over and over again, and it's very refreshing to have the more individual characterizations present.

yoda8myhead wrote:

I am currently playing Savage Tide with a group that has included quite a bit of sex. One character had sex with a succubus, and just about everyone has some sort of romance with an NPC (or two). In this case, they are all heterosexual relationships, but it's also a group of heterosexual men playing the game. For the homosexual gamers out there, forcing them to play only heterosexual characters in a world where their sexual orientation simply doesn't exist is probably not much fun. I know it would be a little offputting for me to play in a setting in which every character were gay.

As it stands in Golarion, to this point, the homosexual elements have been pretty minor. So minor that they could be completely omitted were it to be offensive to any GM or player. I for one welcome it in the world, and think that it adds an extra level of realism and diversity to the characters and relationships that exist. It's easy in fantasy settings to find cookie-cutter NPCs and cultures derived from the same archetypes over and over again, and it's very refreshing to have the more individual characterizations present.

Good points on all counts. I didn't even notice the NPCs until this thread. My initial reaction wasn't that the guys at Pathfinder had guts, it was more like "oh, okay wonder how I'll use that info for the game". Even if I never use the info its good to know that it is a more complex world then one with evil dragons and demi-human cultures to kill.

mwbeeler wrote:
My goodness, this thread took a long, long time to pop up. I noticed the homosexual Paladin first read through, because it was such a bold choice.

See the "Sandpoint is amazing" thread for earlier forays into this territory...

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Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
...I think it is a weakness of the imagination, and a shackle for the mind...

So true.

But I have to admit Tal, I find it quite possible to be an atheist bigot, and also to be intolerant while holding a scientific world-view. Narrow minded people come in every stripe and color.

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XxAnthraxusxX wrote:
Not a crime i guess. In todays enlightened society it seems hip to ridicule anyone with any kind of moral center or religious belief.

Well, since accepting people for who they are regardless of something as unimportant to me as their sexual identity is PART of my moral center, I get used to the ridicule. Of course, that's more from your ilk and not mine.

XxAnthraxusxX wrote:

Don't get it twisted though. I am not here to judge anyone. But pardon me if i don't bow and scrape to the politically correct crowd.

Not here to judge, but lump homosexual-accepting into a group that needs to be bowed and scraped to. Love it.

XxAnthraxusxX wrote:
On a parting note ,if there is room in PFRPG for a gay iconic, there has to be room for psionics as well.

That's a faulty syllogism. Because there is room for a rain barrel in PFrpg, does that mean there is room for a hide-a-bed sofa? Or perhaps because there is room for frozen peas, there must be room for butter-pecan ice cream?

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James Jacobs wrote:
Fair enough. And I hope you respect the fact that I view your views on this subject as outright disgusting as well. If it's that big of a deal to you, you should vote with your wallet.

I know I am. You guys just sold this homosexual a book or two. :)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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Bill Dunn wrote:
That's a faulty syllogism. Because there is room for a rain barrel in PFrpg, does that mean there is room for a hide-a-bed sofa? Or perhaps because there is room for frozen peas, there must be room for butter-pecan ice cream?

I completely agree, but speaking logic to ingrained homophobia is like an even longer string of faulty syllogisms.

The issue here is that homosexuals in Golarion are a reflection of our real world. Inclusion of fantasy elements like magic and psionics is for fun. If you can't turn it around and say "If there are homosexuals in the real world, there should be psionics as well" then it simply doesn't work.

Kruelaid wrote:
See the "Sandpoint is amazing" thread for earlier forays into this territory...

Ah yes, thanks for that. I remember avoiding the thread like the plague at the time. Going back and reading it now, I’m on page 3 and already want to saw my wrists off.

Liberty's Edge

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XxAnthraxusxX wrote:
HMMM I guess i am homophobic. Not a crime i guess. In todays enlightened society it seems hip to ridicule anyone with any kind of moral center or religious belief.

A very neat non-sequiter there.

If you are afraid of homosexuals then accept it. Do not try to blame it on moral or religious belief.
If instead you want to hold up your morals and religious beliefs as the source of an overt hatred of homosexuality, then do that. Do not try and hedge it.

As for judging people, you have used rather loaded language repeatedly. So again, either stand up and say you want to judge people or deal with being called on demanding people bow and scrape to your theocratically correct self.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Here's a plea . . . I'm a practicing Catholic, with all that that entails, and I also think that it would be a deal breaker to present Golarion as a complex, detailed world and yet somehow ignore that homosexuality exists. It would devalue the setting as a "working" alternate reality that is detailed and textured.

I've felt that way about the Forgotten Realms as well, and one of the things that has bothered me about some of the backstory of various things in 4e is that is trying to walk a line between every possible "hot button" so that no one is offended, which of course then makes the setting feel all the more artificial.

That having been said, I come to this forum to talk about games. By no means would I expect someone to ignore aspects of the adventures are written into the game, but at the same time, is there really a point in moving beyond the discussion of the game and into political or religious discussions?

I respect a lot of people here on the boards, but I notice when things like this happen, there are a lot of incautious comments about those who are religious, and then I start feeling a bit upset. Some of those comments are made by people that I would like to chat with further, that I see around the forums a lot, and I start to feel like they view me in a negative way, if I happen to make the mistake of mentioning my religion.

I think that sometimes people misinterpret their own faith, and I think that other times well meaning people portray their religious views poorly or in overly simplistic terms. I fully expect those that might have been unfairly portrayed by such a portrayal or interpretation to comment on those declarations, but I would also appreciate if the automatic response wasn't a similarly broad counter comment condemning anyone that is religious as being intolerant, or unable to think for themselves.

I know its never going to happen, but I would really love it if, before people say something about a sensitive subject, they might think about if someone that they talk to all of the time on the boards might be someone affected by an incautious comment. Regardless of my religion, I want to talk to gamers that are homosexual, athiest, conservative, liberal, religious, spiritual, and all the various shades in between, so long as well all talk about what we love, and we all try to make sure that we aren't intentionally taking shots at one another for our differences.

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