Fighter (p. 12) - remove weapons groups

Races & Classes

At least they shouldn't be in the fighter class description, wastes space and is less extensible. Make them tags on the weapons in the weapons list, so new added weapons etc can easily be put into groups. New Goblin Cleaver Thing (axe). Also since feats etc. might want to use weapon groups outside of the fighter context.

Ernest Mueller wrote:
At least they shouldn't be in the fighter class description, wastes space and is less extensible. Make them tags on the weapons in the weapons list, so new added weapons etc can easily be put into groups. New Goblin Cleaver Thing (axe). Also since feats etc. might want to use weapon groups outside of the fighter context.

Page 18 I mean...

I've used weapon groups as per UA for a while and think that they belong in another section also: the fighter section can still have a class feature giving bonuses to them, but i don't see why people shouldn't be allowed to use (for example) weapon focus on related weapons as opposed to just one specific weapon.

Sovereign Court

I agree here, personally I wish they'd just adopt the whole srd weapon groups anyways.

I agree, it will make it easier for new weapons to be added in and it will allow other classes to gain weapon group benefits by detaching it from fighter and allowing feats to access the mechanic.

Three agreements? I LEVEL UP!!!

Ernest Mueller wrote:
At least they shouldn't be in the fighter class description, wastes space and is less extensible. Make them tags on the weapons in the weapons list, so new added weapons etc can easily be put into groups. New Goblin Cleaver Thing (axe). Also since feats etc. might want to use weapon groups outside of the fighter context.

This is a good suggestion.

Liberty's Edge

Ernest Mueller wrote:
At least they shouldn't be in the fighter class description, wastes space and is less extensible. Make them tags on the weapons in the weapons list, so new added weapons etc can easily be put into groups. New Goblin Cleaver Thing (axe). Also since feats etc. might want to use weapon groups outside of the fighter context.

Alpha 2 weapon groups do not grant proficiency, as opposed to the UA weapon groups. Both weapon group systems are incompatible and have very different game effects.

Using UA-style weapon groups requires that we remove all simple, martial, exotic proficiencies from Alpha 2 and give weapon-group based proficiencies to all classes.

I'm not sure of the benefits of giving Alpha 2 Weapon Training and the associated bonuses to other classes.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Ernest Mueller wrote:
At least they shouldn't be in the fighter class description, wastes space and is less extensible. Make them tags on the weapons in the weapons list, so new added weapons etc can easily be put into groups.

Worst idea ever. I don't want to have to check each weapon to see what group it belongs to. NEW weapons can say what group they should be in.

If we do this, let's save space by getting rid of Favored Enemy list. Put the entry with the monster, so when new monsters get added.. nevermind, you get the point.

Sovereign Court

SirUrza wrote:
Ernest Mueller wrote:
At least they shouldn't be in the fighter class description, wastes space and is less extensible. Make them tags on the weapons in the weapons list, so new added weapons etc can easily be put into groups.

Worst idea ever. I don't want to have to check each weapon to see what group it belongs to. NEW weapons can say what group they should be in.

If we do this, let's save space by getting rid of Favored Enemy list. Put the entry with the monster, so when new monsters get added.. nevermind, you get the point.

Um how is going to the equipment section and looking up your weapon somehow harder than going to the weapon groups looking to see which ones you think your weapon is in and then hoping your right, or reading through every single group till you find your weapon?

This problem becomes even more exacerbated with exotic weapons, which group does the ogre hook belong in hm? or the scarf? if they were just tags I could go to the euipment section look at the weapon chart and see its group. I would much rather find my weapon in the chart in the equipment section than try to find it by reading through the weapons groups in the fighter section. How is that the worst idea ever?

and monsters already do that, it's called creature type. and its shown amazingly enough in the monsters entry. Yet somehow that won't work for weapons?

He's not saying remove weapon mastery from fighter he's saying remove the list of weapons after each group. The fighters weapon mastery could still show which groups you have to select from, it just wouldn't list out each weapon in that group. to find out what group a weapon belongs in you will need to be in the equipment section, which makes more sense anyways.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I don't see the problem with the DM just adding appropriate new weapons to whatever group a fighter has. "Oh look, this sourcebook has a hobgoblin serrated axe. That fits into you axe weapon group, Bob." Some exotic weapons, however, should be so exotic that they fit into NO weapon group.

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