GM KoKyu's Jade Regent

Game Master KoKyu

A journey of a thousand miles begins with killing a few Trolls.
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~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

No clue. Sit in our wagon until something happens I guess.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

If that's all you want to do...

Rennyn wrote:

Rennyn offers the journal to Fenra. Perhaps you and the other more magically inclined can copy useful information out of here before we turn it over to the village elders. Specifically, but not entirely limited to, the parts imparting useful cures and treatments for hazards we might encounter and the magical formulae and schematics pertaining to the black spires.

I would seek out Ulf, get his help in translating it and to let him get a good look at the entirety of it as well. It would seem invaluable to someone such as he who travels these lands. Koya and Spivey can also likely assist. Someone should use magic similar to mine to assist as well. Someone with intimate magical knowledge will need to read the formulae directly I'm guessing.

Having determined Tunuak yet lives, the group turns their attention towards the journal, map and the loose pages of vellum recovered from the chest. Within the journal, there are no arcane formulae specifically for the black spires or the black monolith encountered in the forest. The women can determine what the writer did know about the spire, was heavily reliant upon his communication with the spirits and this was used as inspiration for the creation of Adlartok's Lantern. Of this, the magical means used are as yet beyond the capabilities of the magic users present to recreate. These pages are copied and set aside for future study.

Ulf sets to work doing his part to assist in the copying of what useful information there is available regarding hazards.

A way forward, either across the high ice to the boreal expanse or to Tian Xi, is easily found/marked on the map. Only the Morozkos will prevent the journey.

Translating the loose vellum pages reveals the writer to most likely be Katiyana. Her words are chaotic at times, expressing a wide range of emotions from elation to rage on various topics relating to the village. Interspersed are verses of bad poetry, written in spirals, which seem to vividly describe the deaths of several villagers. She dedicates these poems to the glory of her Lord, Sitthud. She rejoices in his name as villagers first began to panic then again when they come to live in fear. For only in their suffering does his power overcome! There's a chart measuring this. She praises her Lord for his guidance with poisoning the shaman. Meanwhile her failure to get the "old fool" to explain the lantern's creation is infuriating. Confounding song! No one freaking cares! Venting her frustrations in these writings, conducting random killings which no one seems to be able to solve as well as reveling in seeing the villagers demoralization takes up a lot of the space.

Only one page contains any sort of plan. A rough drawing of the village, complete with dead bodies, frames a detailed black monolith complete with measurements in potrzebies. The paladin's spell translates this as roughly a 3/32 fingerbreadth with the number of potrzebies involved taking up the entire backside of the page. Intersecting lines on the drawing puts the planned monolith somewhere near the Chieftain's tower.

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

Glancing over the strange calculations, the sorceress decides that they were done by a creature gone completely 'MAD'. The remainder of the items proved to provide them with good information on several topics but it didn't seem that any of those would give the companions a clear idea of what was next.

I'm still not seeing it. She says aloud, speaking to the group in an effort to gather their thoughts aloud. We've gathered more information here but it doesn't seem to point us in any specific direction. Tunuak is alive... somewhere. The Morozkos keeps us hemmed in. We gain a temporary dome of reprieve, thanks to the lantern, as long as it is continually sung to. Is that about it?

Looking at our options, finding Tunuak may be the most productive. The villagers are none too concerned with finding their denounced shaman but I'm sure some of them would have to know of possible shelters within the limits of the lantern's protection. You know, like caves or caverns and such. Whether he only has what he did when he was sent away or he has a reserve stashed somewhere, he's likely to be seeking shelter as well.

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

Biting her lip, silent while her mind sifted through the possibilities, Anara continues to speak her thoughts. ... unless we instead stick with the 'go north' plan and plan to catch one of these newly mapped spires. Who knows? Maybe we find an old coot while we're at it!

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

We tried to "go north". The storm stopped us dead in our tracks. Once we leave the protection of the lantern, how will we proceed? We will be completely at the mercy of the storm.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Rennyn sits with his eyes closed, quietly trying to puzzle out a plan.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!
Cross the Crown of the World!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Iqaliat | High Ice


East. Shalelu corrects with mirthful intent, We were trying to leave this place behind and get to Tian Xi.
It does not matter. Uksakkha interjects, Sonavut has said no one has made it past Unaimo. That is east. Morozkos goes where it will.
Ulf shakes his, Reuben made it. His wagons were not as well made as ours and he survived five Morozkos. It will be slow, but we can do it.
Sandru nods as he remembers the less experienced guide the group had met in the forest not that long ago. He and his caravan were stranded during the storm, weren't they? But they managed to get through during the breaks. Is that right?
Ulf nods his head, That is the way.
Then that is how we will do it. Make what headway we can when we can, and when this Morozkos blows in, we dig in and sit it out. Although the Tian heiress tries to sound decisive, there is some despondence to her plan.
Pfft. No one said it was going to be easy dear. Koya says over her tea cup. But I believe The Queen of the North Star would not have tasked us to destroy this Hungry Storm if she judged us incapable. We're a resourceful bunch Ameiko. Strong too. Why, just look at how far we've come! The old cleric's words, while not as inspiring as one of Ameiko's songs, holds the same intent.
Ulf exhales, We should leave as soon as possible, while there is a break in the storms. According to the map we found, these spires are hundreds of miles from here. I'll see to the wagons. Ulf nods to Uksakkha as he stands to leave and his partner follows.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link
GM wrote:
I hope this helps the group decide where to go next, but just in case, go north. Hit the spires.

Your words, not ours.

Uksakkha wrote:
Sonavut has said no one has made it past Unaimo. That is east. Morozkos goes where it will.

Morozkos seem to have a will of their own currently. Its knack for showing up exactly when it would be most inconvenient would signify intent or intelligence. Perhaps it acts with sentience, or perhaps it is merely controlled by someone or something. If this is the case, and is no random act of nature, then how can we assume the storms will not just intensify in number and length? Reuben said one of the storm episodes lasted for two weeks!

Ulf wrote:
Reuben made it. His wagons were not as well made as ours and he survived five Morozkos. It will be slow, but we can do it.
You mean the caravan of four starving, half frozen people on the verge of death that had lost the majority of their numbers to the storms? That caravan? You should work in your inspirational speeches Ulf.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!
Cross the Crown of the World!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Iqaliat | High Ice


Oh, this thing is unnatural alright. Shalelu reaffirms what's already been discussed. And I'm with Rennyn, if something is controlling that storm, we could be in for a long, cold trip.
How? Ameiko asks. How does the storm know where to go? Ameiko lets the question hang in the air for a moment, Let's say it's being controlled, then someone, supposedly, is pulling the strings. Do they have eyes on us? Scrying?
Katiyana's dead. Shalelu folds her arms.
The storm hit here after she died. Ameiko counters.
So another guy?
Ameiko nods. That's one of the things we've got to figure out. But lets say there is. Best case, there's a puppeteer, Katiyana, and she's dead. She could have called the storm to Iqaliat to pick up where her demons left off. Or there's a second puppeteer, X, who was connected to Katiyana. When the connection was severed, our guy sent us a parting shot.
Maybe. We don't know. And if this storm is sentient? It may be just like any hunter, watching for easy prey wondering around the Crown out in the open. If that's its game, a predator doesn't usually stray far from known sources of game. Shalelu ponders.
There's got to be more than one of them out there. Unaimo is cut off, so there has to be a storm hovering around there just to keep it that way or trade would have resumed. Shalelu touches a finger, then counts another, The Path is also being plagued. Reuben's group barely made it off the High Ice and he missed Unaimo. I count that as separate instances. Then there's the one that hit here.
And it's what, 3,000 miles from here to Tian Xi so there could be a couple more out there blocking that end of the Crown, right?
Ameiko nods to say she's following along.
Shalelu continues, Then it may not matter. Whether it's just a guy sending Morozkos out to cut off the Crown or sentient storms on the hunt, these storms will just be concentrated in key areas. But we're going off the beaten path, away from any settlements and away from the game trail. I think there's a small chance the storms won't hound us all the way to the Boreal Expanse. Shalelu raises a conspicuous eyebrow.
If the spire creates a Morozkos, and sends new ones out to replace those which have blown themselves out, then we'll encounter them along the way. Ameiko counters.
We won't know unless we take that chance. Put in the distance now and roll the dice. We could be missing a piece to this puzzle. Shalelu says.
That black monolith. Koya mutters.
Ameiko's eyes widen, If there are more of those monoliths, they could be focal points or staging areas for new Morozkos to start from!
Great, Shalelu exclaims, something else to watch out for.
Theories and ideas continue to fly around the interior of the wagon with a common theme emerging.


Back turned in the process of leaving, Rennyn's comment causes Ulf to pause at the wagon's hatch and slouch with a sigh. Inspiring speeches are your job Rennyn. Not mine. I'm the guide. If you judge you can do better, then Uksakkha and I are no longer needed. We will depart here.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

We are agreed then Ulf. You stick to guiding and leave the pep talks to others.

Turning back to the others Rennyn goes to speak and then catches himself. I was going to suggest we vote as a group on whether we should continue along our originally intended path, or, investigate these spires and try and solve the mystery of the storms, or, turn back for Kalsgard, or, stay here until spring. I however have changed my mind. I think the decision should be made the one that this journey's purpose is most relevant.

The paladin pivots and kneels in front of Ameiko. Should we succeed on our mission, you will lord over countless subjects. Let this be but a taste of what your future holds in store for you. Bowing his head he asks, What do you say? Command us, and we will do as you wish!

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Draeven watches as Rennyn bends the knee. His head subtly bobs back and forth a few times, clearly mulling over a decision in his mind. After a few seconds he gives a slight shrug and also takes a knee. As sound an idea as any I've heard today, he says quietly. His head remains unbowed, watching Ameiko intently for her response.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!
Cross the Crown of the World!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Iqaliat | High Ice


Ameiko blushes with embarrassment. Thankfully, that fate is still thousands of miles from here. The Tian princess tries to pick her next words carefully, If I could somehow teleport us to our final destination, right all the wrongs the Oni have imposed upon my family and the rest of Tian Xi, it would do nothing to keep the Path of Aganhei open. Inevitably, the Morozkos will consume the Crown and the people who call this region of the world home. The much needed trade route between Avistan and Tian Xi will cease. As a critical route between the two continents, my subjects, gods that term will never sound right to my ears, will call upon me to solve the problem. So, either I confront this Hungry Storm now while it is not yet accomplished its goal, or later. There is over three thousand miles yet to travel to Tian Xi. Those are thousands of miles to reclaim should I gain the throne without first dealing with the threat to the Path. It is far less to get to these spires from here. Ameiko sighs, We may never get a better chance to deal with the source of these storms. We should take the chance Rennyn, and make for the spires! As always I am in your debt for your continued protection. The skill and bravery you have all shown in getting me this far is unquestioned. I believe those same skills will see us safely to these spires. Together, we will find a way to keep the Path of Aganhei open for generations to come!
Still blushing, Ameiko says sotto voce in Draeven's direction, I hope that sounded more inspiring than Ulf.

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

The two swordsmen each took a knee, repledging their oath. Once they were back on their feet, Anara approached Rennyn. Don't take my not kneeling beside you the wrong way. I meant no disrespect but I am not accostomed to kneeling in servitude to show my dedication.... although I see it is a gesture both passionate and meaningful. Just know that both Shar and I are fully invested in helping you and your companions, we wouldn't likely be here if not for your timely arrival a few weeks back, thank you.

Stepping from the conversation with Rennyn, the sorceress addresses the group. All settled then, off to the spires we go! Is it likely to matter which one we visit first?

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Agreed. It is decided. We make for the spires, Rennyn says as he retakes his feet. No reason to tarry any longer, we should leave as soon is practical.

Unless the journal we found can inform of us as the importance of one spire over the others, we should head for the nearest one. Or if there is a large concentration of spires in close proximity we could try and head there.

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Definitely, Draeven replies to Ameiko with a sly grin. I'm not sure we can guarantee "for generations to come" but I'm game to try for this winter at least, he adds with a wink.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!
Cross the Crown of the World!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Iqaliat | High Ice

The High Ice

The word is given and within an hour the caravan once again makes its way along the High Ice Trail. Before long, the group passes Adlartok's Lantern and presses north towards the Boreal Expanse.
Prior to leaving, Headmistress Sonavut gifts an heirloom; a purple silk banner 3 foot tall by 1 foot wide inscribed in black silk thread with Tian characters. Sonavut explains the banner is called Sashimono and it will protect the caravan from extreme cold so long as it is near by. Simply plant the banner into the ground where ever the caravan chooses to rest and clap three times.
The Map indicates the spires are in a relatively concentrated area, near the center of the Boreal Expanse. Once the caravan gets close enough to see the spires, a decision can be made regarding which to approach first.
Traveling across the High Ice is more difficult than the tundra, both because the terrain is more rugged and because it is more desolate, and thus harder to navigate.
Venturing into this part of the world, the days begin to grow considerably shorter. The sun hangs lower in the sky with each day and provides only a few hours of actual daylight (4 hours long). Nights are not particularly longer, however the transition between seems to drag on for hours. Twilight dominates. This is treated as dim light. The sun ascends only to just at or below the horizon during the day, never truly rising; its refracted light faintly illuminates the sky, but brighter stars are visible.
Ulf explains the extremes of light and darkness become exaggerated as the caravan approaches the pole. He predicts the caravan will experience polar night before reaching the Spires. The caravan will need lights, either magical or mundane, to illuminate their caravan. It is possible to use no light, however the caravan will be forced to slow its pace Speed is reduced to half in uninterrupted darkness.
Ulf has never been further north than the High Ice. He has seen gorges in the High Ice region over a mile deep and it is common knowledge the region sits atop a frozen massif of at least that thick. The ice is deep enough to hide some subglacial mountain ranges, with the exception of the Alabastrine Peaks, a common land mark used by guides. Elevation alone plunges the average temperature into the range of severe cold, and during the perpetual dark of the winter or during bouts of severe weather, it can become colder still. According to the Map recovered from Tunuak's home, the Boreal Expanse sits much higher in elevation, some 5,000 feet higher, maybe more. Ulf estimates the caravan will be about 100 miles from Iqaliat by then. He predicts conditions this far north will become dangerously cold. For comparison, the baseline temperature of the Crown is usually below 0° C during the peak season. Later in the year, the severity of the cold weather averages –20° C. During the polar winter, temperatures could range from –40˚ C to –70˚ C. These are the temperatures Ulf is expecting the caravan to encounter. This makes endure elements alone less than adequate. Fortunately, cold-weather outfits or furs, cold weather gear for the caravan, and the Sashimono Banner given by Sonavut are sufficient to protect the caravan while encamped. While traveling, the caravan will require a number of endure elements spells either using wands and the PCs’ own resources. Even with these precautions in place, however, temperatures are so extreme that the caravan must make a DC 25 Fort check each day or become fatigued. Basically, as long as they stay with the caravan, the group or other creatures are effectively protected from the cold. As soon as they leave the confines of the caravan, however, they must make normal saves against the extreme cold.

GM Notes:

Week 1
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 100
FD: 1d100 ⇒ 4
Altitude sickness. Crossing into the Boreal Expanse the thin air puts the caravan at risk of altitude sickness and becomes fatigued. A DC 22 Fortitude save against altitude sickness will begin in the second week. The check will be made for each day traveled with a failure resulting in no progress. At the end of 1 month, both the PCs and their caravan are considered acclimated to the altitude, and no longer suffer any adverse effects. The caravan can even camp for a month to acclimate before setting out across the High Ice, if the PCs wish.

Explorations Activities: I assume Draeven and Shalelu will be using Scouting actions during the day. Any other actions?

Sashimono: Rare, Aduration, Invested*, Magical Item Lvl 20(?)
When attached to a pole or spear of sufficient length and planted into the ground, the banner creates a 30foot magical emanation. All creatures within the area are affected as by the spell Endure Elements for as long as the banner remains upright in the ground. This area is sufficiently large enough to encompass the caravan with all the wagons circled.

Boots of the Winterland: Uncommon, Aduration, Transmutation, Invested, Magical Item Lvl 10(?)
The wearer benefits from the spell Endure Elements and gains a +5 feet bonus when moving across difficult terrain due to ice.

Wands of Endure Elementsx4: These will act exactly as prescribed in 2e, one spell per day for the listed duration of that spell.
Wand CLW: This will function as a Wand of Heal, but I am not sure if more than one action can be used when activating the wand. Until I am corrected, this will function as a single action Heal spell.
Scroll of Dispel Magic: Functions as per 2e scrolls.
Potion Neutralize Poison: Consumable, Functions as 2e potion.

Fine Print: I am blowing smoke here with item levels. I have linked the boots of the winterland to a similar item in 2e for comparison (Hellfire Boots) but really have no idea how much these items are worth or if the level assigned RAWs. Until I can see a chart with pricing that explains how to determine levels for invested magical items, fluff overrules RAW. These are necessary items and their effects are needed to navigate this environment. All items levels and value are subject to change without notice.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Here is a link to an example of a conversion of the Sashimono of Comfort for you to look at.

The Boots of the Winterlands should be 2e Sure-Step Crampons with constant Endure Elements added (via an affixed spellheart).

Wand of Endure Elements (level 2) function as normal in 2e. With the way wands work in 2e, we would possibly acquire/craft 1 for each PC and a few for NPCs to use if they leave the caravan.

Unlikely we bother with a Wand of Heal (would need a level) and the actions are determined exactly like casting the spell in 2e. Spend more actions, get the described benefits. Would likely just replace with potions.

The scroll of Dispel Magic is likely swapped out for a wand of Dispel Magic.

Possibly the same for the potion of Neutralize Poison.

Not sure how the Exploration activities work with the caravan travel. Do we really want to move at half speed to allow for scouting? Probably not.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

I'm comfortable with the Sure-Step Crampons but want to clarify; it is an action to activate them so moving through difficult terrain, such as the icy environment, is a two action movement with PCs benefiting from a +2 circumstance bonus to shove or trip at the end of their movement. Do I have this right?

Can we clarify the crafting of the Spellhearts and wands. For example, Prerequisite: Craft Magical item + Have/purchase a formula + ability to cast spell. Time: 4 days per item isn't too difficult.
However problems come up with:
Cost: (Presumably there is a way to determine this? I had a hard time just trying to attach a value to some basic jewelry!)
DC: Determined by GM - Is this always the case? Does the GM scale this by something or is it on a whim?
And how do we determine the Item's Level? Is this based on spell level alone or that plus something else?

We also need to determine some sort of budget for how much can be spent on items to be used by the group. I was thinking of taking the total spent to make the original items and adjusting that to fit with 2e economics, say 10% of 1e value. Figuring this out could also help me with straight coin treasure values later on.

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

Aren't there WBL numbers we can use as a jump off? Presumably, those are for characters, and I would assume the GM could add a few items of note to the party (as you have an idea what is needed going forward). I would assume our WBL would also cover the "party items" like consumables.

Laid out, I would imagine it to be something like this:
- characters pick their listed magic items (from the provided WBL chart)
- each player will have 180 gp besides those items, we would all chip in the same amount to a "group fund", say 60 gp
- we now have 5 x 60 gp, or 300 gp for "party items.

No equalizing between 1e and 2e, no confusion, totally equal. If there ends up being any issues, solutions are easy as they would apply to all PC's equally.

Any person sore about the loss of a specific item, sorry, we are characters in a story line not piles of walking items. Sure, it'll suck to loose items Anara has accumulated but she's still Anara without them and I intend to still play her as such.

Seems super simple , unless I'm missing something. Thoughts?

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!
Cross the Crown of the World!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse

Boreal Expanse

One hundred twelve miles north of Iqualiat the bleak white expanse of the artic spreads on and on with very little change in sight. Everywhere the eye looks is ice and snow covers like uneven carpet. Broken by snow capped boulders, snaking drifts and mounds of hard packed frost, the landscape changes little. For the first week of travel, the winds have not acted out of the ordinary and the temperatures both during the day and night have remained cold yet tolerable.
Despite the familiar routines of caravan life, the feeling of profound change has settled over everyone in the party - not one member feels as they did before leaving the tiny Erutaki village.

Just before mid-day on the sixth day, flurries hit and the winds suddenly pick up. Visibility ahead drops and Ulf's chosen path becomes difficult, slowing the sturdy dwarven wagons Difficult Terrain. Without much warning, the caravan has run full on into blizzard like conditions. In an effort to circumnavigate, Ulf directs the wagons east yet no sooner does the guide change course when he calls for a halt. Just over a 100 feet away, standing amid a few protruding boulders is an unnatural formation of black stone. The monolith standing ahead is immediately recognized and the source of this unexpected blizzard is clear.

I've uploaded Ulf v.2e (I was tempted to make him a Thaumaturge!) and will have a 2e version of Uksahkka up shortly. As soon as everyone has their updated characters completed, we can move to this encounter which should be a good test. We are still waiting on Fenra, Shara and Anara, correct?
As discussed, if you have not already done so, please equip your 2e PC as per Table 10-10 CR pg 511.

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

Leaving Iqualiat behind seemed to be a load off of everyone's shoulders, it wasn't just the physical changes she noticed in both her and her companions but it was also the internal ones; they were tangible. For her, physically, it saw the sorceress showing new ink in several places. Internally, her inner source of magic had also changed, perhaps adjusting to being away from the familiar warm, dry climate of her home; perhaps something else. Regardless of the reason behind it, her abilities now lent themselves more toward darkness and shadow than the poison she was accustomed to. She was confident there would not be much waiting for a chance to test these recent changes.

For her sister, it was harder to say. Shar was usually quiet, so that was nothing new, but Anara was having a hard time reading her twin as of late. She didn't see anything that necessarily concerned her but her sister was definitely different. The best she could do for now was stay close and keep an eye on her until she was more confident.

Anara saw the same looming shape as the rest of her companions. Pulling her hood up against the cold, she turns to them and asks What do you figure we do with that? It is clearly the cause of this miserable weather we struggle through. Do we try to approach and destroy it?

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Draeven looks at the immense column of black stone jutting up out of the snow and ice, towering over the bleak landscape, before turning to face Anara, And how do you propose we destroy that?

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

Anara squeezes Draeven's bicept, smirking. I figured you'd show us how it's done, no? She turns to speK to the whole party. Do we know, are these spires forced up from the earth by magic or are these set up in place? I wonder if we could topple it somehow...? Her voice trails off as what started as a question of the group ends as a thought spoken aloud. I guess we should at least go see if it's the same or similar to the one we analyzed earlier; only this time I hope to be ready for any surprises.

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Yeah not likely, but thanks for the vote of confidence, Draeven responds to Anara as he looks at the basalt formation. That looks extremely durable without likely magical reinforcement.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Agreed. Surely they have been created by magic, Rennyn interjects. Now, the next thing to determine is whether undead surround this one as well, he adds as he jumps down from his wagon and draws Suishen, the blade alighting with flame immediately.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Waiting on the oracle...

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Why tho?

Did you message her? I guarantee she isn't checking the boards...

Pathbuilder link Perception +13| AC 24| Fort +14| Ref +12 |Will +17

As the group travels in the seemingly endless and featureless, freezing expanse Fenra tries to keep her spirits up and the group entertained, but the desolation causes her to draw inwards as they progress. Finally, her spirits seem to hit bottom as she withdraws completely to the wagon for days she of private meditation. Any of her companions that exhibit concern are kindly turned away by Koya with reassurances that all will be well. After many days Fenra once again joins the rest of the group. She seems as before, smiling, joking and laughing, but also seems more content in herself and her seductive nature appears to have been somewhat restrained, although sometimes a laugh or a look will betray that the old Fenra is still there.

trying to roleplay that Fenra doesn't need entertainment to avoid fatigue anymore lol.

When the monoliths appear she bundles herself up more thoroughly and joins the others in their distant examination.

cast detect magic.

Pathbuilder Perception +16| Init +2 (++1 favoured terrain)| AC 26| Fort +15| Ref +19 |Will +15

Over the weeks since they first started this journey over the top of the world, Sharadei had been paying special attention to the care Ulf took in examining the trail for signs of instability of the snow pack and other hazards. She spent the more temperate days foraying out and back to the wagon train, learning how the animals and limited plant life interacted with the terrain. She spent some days and many evenings quizzing Ulf about the area and its special challenges and was pleased that he never seemed to tire of her questions.

Now the the landscape was seemingly barren of any kind of life she spent more time examining the make up of the snow and ice after different weather systems and how it reacted to being compressed or how easily things would glide over it. By the time their travels took them to the monoliths she was as confident as Ulf in traversing these snow battered plains.

Squinting over the blinding ice, Shar looked for anything that might indicate a trap like the last one.

Arctic is now Shar's favoured terrain.
-Travel speed is increased by 10' and no difficult terrain for travel speed if follow the leader.
-resistance 4 to all environmental damage.
-All temperature effects are one step less severe if following leader allies gain same bonus.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!
Cross the Crown of the World!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse

Boreal Expanse

I'd rather not presume everyone just starts walking out to the monoliths so if we could start with Exploration Mode and let me know what actions everyone is taking. Fenra has already declared she is using the Detect Magic action.

Opening herself to her connection with the cosmos, Fenra's eyes turn to black orbs dusted with shimmering starlight. Directing her sight forwards towards the monolith, the fair oracle does indeed see the aura of magic fill the area around the monolith but nothing within the immediate area. Fenra's spell does not detect any aura's within 30 feet of her position. Her spell is heightened to 4th level so once she is withing 30 feet of the Monolith she'll be able to determine more about the aura she sees.

Fenra, can you edit your PC pages so versions 1e are in spoilers? Better yet, include the Pathbuilder link to appear in your headers.
And if everyone could do the same that could help, thanks!

Suggested Post Format:
Exploration: Seek Then a descriptor of what this looks like.
1st Action: XYZ Descriptor
2nd Action: EFG
3rd Action: ABC
Feel free to embellish as we go but I think separating by action will be helpful.

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Draeven drops down from his wagon and joins Rennyn in cautiously moving forward towards the monolith. Fully expecting a repeat of the events of the last monolith, he too draws his sword. While his sword does not burst forth with flames, the wickedly sharp and jet black steel impresses nonetheless.

EA: Seek

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Rennyn scans the area for signs of ambush or other hidden hazards.

EA: Seek

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

Seeing the boys clear their weapons from their scabbards and push forward toward the spire, Anara steps clear of the wagons and follows a few paces behind them. The weather demanded she keep her hood up but she didn't like how it cut off her peripheral vision; her head was on a constant swivel as they approached the looming object. As the group moves toward the obelisk, the sorceress readies her defenses as she brings her inner source of power to the forefront of her mind, a split second away from fueling her chosen magics.

Pathbuilder link Perception +13| AC 24| Fort +14| Ref +12 |Will +17

Well, there is definitely magic of some sort.

Fenra stays with the group, remaining to the rear. Continuing to sense the magical aura.

EA:Detect Magic - Identify Magic

Pathbuilder Perception +16| Init +2 (++1 favoured terrain)| AC 26| Fort +15| Ref +19 |Will +15

Sharadei brings her bow to hand while simultaneously keeping an eye on her sister and the surroundings for signs of an ambush. She moves cautiously forward.

EA: Scount(free, always on) Search
My understanding is that Seek is not an exploration activity as it is listed as an action and has a range and a DC. I think the Exploration activity is Search.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

*shrug* As far as I'm concerned we are in encounter mode. That is unless you plan on spending 10 minutes walking up to the monolith.

Pathbuilder Perception +16| Init +2 (++1 favoured terrain)| AC 26| Fort +15| Ref +19 |Will +15

If we are in encounter mode we should have initiatives and not be posting exploration activities.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Ok. No argument from me. We are fairly certain there are threats in our immediate vicinity. Even though we cannot see them. That is encounter mode. I didn't suggest exploration mode, but I cannot also ask for init rolls. That is the GM's job.

But I mean, if you just want to argue about semantics and silly things, I would ask what Exploration Activity is "scount"? I hear it is free and always on. :P

Pathbuilder Perception +16| Init +2 (++1 favoured terrain)| AC 26| Fort +15| Ref +19 |Will +15

Not trying to argue anything, just acknowledging that this is a new system we don't all know perfectly and that there are two similar sounding things that are actually different so we get them sorted out now and don't have problems in the future due to confusion.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Perhaps Sharadei meant Skxawng? Kind of sounds the same :/
Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!
Cross the Crown of the World!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse

Boreal Expanse

Rightfully suspect, the group slowly advances (Searching at half speed). The wind howls and crystalized snow assaults the group with each passing step. Eyes blackened to perceive the magical aura of the area, Fenra does not notice any changes; still only the one source of magic radiating in the distance. As for the rest, each member does their best to search the frozen ground ahead, weary of the danger history dictates must be here. Sure enough, when the group takes their 30th step, loud cracks reverberate through the snow covered ice ahead and to either side Positions A, B, C & D. The expected undead have stirred...

Mode: Encounter
Initiatives! ... Undead A: 35 | Undead B: 35 | Undead C: 29 | Undead D: 32

GM :

A Hide vs. DC16: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (12) + 17 = 29 Stealth check result compared to the Perception DC of each creature.
A Init: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
A 1st Action...Escape DC 25: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31 Check to escape from below the ice

B Hide vs. DC16: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30 Stealth check result compared to the Perception DC of each creature.
B Init: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
B 1st Action...Escape DC 25: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27 Check to escape from below the ice

C Hide vs. DC16: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30 Stealth check result compared to the Perception DC of each creature.
C Init: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29
C 1st Action...Escape DC 25: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29 Check to escape from below the ice

D Hide vs. DC16: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30 Stealth check result compared to the Perception DC of each creature.
D Init: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32
D 1st Action...Escape DC 25: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34 Check to escape from below the ice

All creatures have the same initial action, 2nd and 3rd actions to follow after initiatives have been set

Pathbuilder Perception +16| Init +2 (++1 favoured terrain)| AC 26| Fort +15| Ref +19 |Will +15

Initiative: 1d20 + 16 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 16 + 2 + 1 = 24

Pathbuilder link Perception +13| AC 24| Fort +14| Ref +12 |Will +17

Initiative: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 13 + 1 = 29

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

Init Roll: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 11 + 2 = 30

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Init: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 24

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Init: 1d20 + 16 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 16 + 2 + 1 = 29

So init order should be: B, C, D, Anara, A, Draeven, Fenra, Sharadei and Rennyn.

The nearest undead should likely be 30' away when it notices us and erupts from the ground.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!
Cross the Crown of the World!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse

Boreal Expanse

Mode: Encounter!
Round 1 ... Undead B: 30 | Undead C: 30 | Undead D: 30 | Anara: 30 | Undead A: 29 | Draeven: 29 | Fenra: 29 | Sharadei: 24 | Rennyn: 24

Undead B,C & D 1st Action: Escape the ice, prone
A grey blue hand punches through the ice, fingers curled into claws tipped with blackened nails. Then another followed by a third pair of hands. Chunks of ice, perhaps only a few inches thick break apart and are sent rolling or skidding across the snowy carpet.

Undead B 2nd & 3rd Actions: >> Frozen Breath
The head of the first creature to emerge turns creepily towards the advancing group. Blue glowing eyes stare blankly and a ruinous mouth opens as though to shout in greeting. But no sounds issue forth. Instead a blast of razor sharp ice assaults the group slashing at skin and fabric!
Cold Damage: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 6, 5) = 23 Slashing Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 3, 3) = 12
Please include a Reflex save at the start of your posts.

Undead C & D 2nd and 3rd Actions: Stand from Prone, Stride
On the flank, the two other creatures stand then, hands outstretched begin to make their way toward the two warriors.
C Advances - AF15 to AH12 | D Advances - AH17 to AK14


Rounds: 1d4 ⇒ 2

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

reflex save: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

reflex save: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Pathbuilder Perception +16| Init +2 (++1 favoured terrain)| AC 26| Fort +15| Ref +19 |Will +15

reflex save: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (14) + 19 = 33

Pathbuilder link Perception +13| AC 24| Fort +14| Ref +12 |Will +17

reflex save: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

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