Out of sheer curiosity, when is Alpha 3 slated for?

Alpha Release 2 General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

No huge rush or anything, but I have to admit, I'm curious. Do we have an ETA on Alpha 3?

It ate my post. :(

I honestly think that this is a smidgen premature. I mean, c'mon, we're just really getting warmed up fighting about whether the sorcerer is good or bad!

Gurubabaramalamaswami wrote:
I honestly think that this is a smidgen premature. I mean, c'mon, we're just really getting warmed up fighting about whether the sorcerer is good or bad!

Agreed. I'm sure Jason is under enough stress now, as it is, without us pushing for the third installment.

So.. is it done yet? :oP

Runs from the raging jason and his +5 maul of Forum Poster Slaying

Starfinder Superscriber
Pathos wrote:

So.. is it done yet? :oP

Runs from the raging jason and his +5 maul of Forum Poster Slaying

Dude you are so going to be smurfed for that.


Alpha 3 should be out in a few weeks it seems. The blog also has some teasers on what a PF lvl 8 Bard might look like.

Shadow Lodge

Timespike wrote:
No huge rush or anything, but I have to admit, I'm curious. Do we have an ETA on Alpha 3?

I think before alpha 3 we will see a 2.1 release. just a WAG on my part though.

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