Sorcerer Playtest Notes..

Races & Classes

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Get rid of the melee touch attacks on so many of the bloodlines. Today I watched an armor wearing sorcerer get ripped to shreads when he tried to use his Elemental Touch attack (acid).

I'm not quite sure what the intention of all these touch attacks were, but they need to be revisited.

Scarab Sages

Or make them ranged touch attacks, 30' range.


I like them, even though I am going to use the with the Battle Sorceror Variant (UA) its in the SRD

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'd rather just play a human sorcerer and take armor prof med and armor training then give up the spells.

SirUrza wrote:

Get rid of the melee touch attacks on so many of the bloodlines. Today I watched an armor wearing sorcerer get ripped to shreads when he tried to use his Elemental Touch attack (acid).

I'm not quite sure what the intention of all these touch attacks were, but they need to be revisited.

I agree with this. Sorcerers are not meant for melee combat, so I'm surprised to see most bloodlines give touch-attack powers.

I'd much rather prefer a wizard-like approach and use a 30ft ranged touch attack, as most specialist wizards get.

Still, I don't feel like this "fixes" the sorcerer. Sorcerers have a plethora of spells per day anyway, a spell-like ability that does less damage than the average spell is not an improvement, but just unnecessary. I very much like the bloodline abilities gained at higher levels and would like to see the 1st level ability to be in line with them.

I don't like the new sorcerer bloodlines at all. I don't like the idea of being forced into melée combat as soon as I run out of spells. I should probably point out that in our current campaign we are only using the core 3.5 players book and have converted to the alpha 2 rules, we are currently 5th lvl. I'm thinking of having the fey bloodline just so I can choose point blank shot and precise shot and use a crossbow.

What do you guys think?

I cant believe the outpouring this has got, but not much has been said about the clerics being blasters. at will ranged touch attacks should be primarily for arcane, give the CLERICS the elemental touches

I actually like the idea behind the Sorcerers claw/elemental touch attacks. I understand it puts them more in danger than wizards ranged touches, I just dont think the answer is to give the sorcerer and the wizard identical cool abilities, thats boring.

I would actually like to see the sorcerer gaining light armor prof, and the ability to ignore the light armors casting failure. It makes their magic feel more like spell-like abilities (which is really what a sorcerers casting should be regarded as)

I think the Sorcerer is still too weak (good flavor for sure) but a tad weak.

I don't think it would have hurt to much to have given at least a couple of the bloodlines a ranged touch attack as an alternative to melée touch attacks. Let's face it at low levels (1 to 6) unless the sorcerer has chosen Mage armour and shield as I did there ac is gonna be bad which means if you get into melée combat your gonna get your a## handed to you on a plate. Another bad thing from my point of view is that our group created our characters using 25 points on the point buy system( nwn ) 8 STR ,enough said. LOL. Give me a armour proficiency a better BAB and d8 hd then I'll have no problem.

All that said our DM ( All Dm's are evil, on the forum) is a fair kinda guy who will a least listen to us and make changes if he thinks its needed. We will have to see how the play test goes on Thursday to see how it works out.

Sovereign Court

Personally I love my earth elemental sorcerer and built him around using that melee touch attack, most of the bloodlines that get one also give weapon finesse as a bonus feat so low str. is negligable. And with a decent dex and one armour spell, you should have A/C comparable to a ranger or thief. I think the melee touch attacks are a great flavor and should stay. I don't want to see every casting class (clerics and druids included) become warlock blasters.

lastknightleft wrote:
Personally I love my earth elemental sorcerer and built him around using that melee touch attack, most of the bloodlines that get one also give weapon finesse as a bonus feat so low str. is negligable. And with a decent dex and one armour spell, you should have A/C comparable to a ranger or thief. I think the melee touch attacks are a great flavor and should stay. I don't want to see every casting class (clerics and druids included) become warlock blasters.

But thats a tactic that works from levels 1-4, and after that you are doing so little damage that its almost criminally negligent if you use it in combat because it has so little effect.

What do you do then? Create a new character who is not built around it?

Sovereign Court

become a touchspell focused melee combatant, once the touch spells last for more than a single round then I can start using the acid damage in conjunction with lingering effects from various touch spells, while replacing older armour spells with effective higher level ones through the relearning and using learning the most beneficial warrior based transmutation spells. I haven't actually mapped it out yet, but I'm willing to put money on it working, and I know that as a standard action I can't use it in conjunction with touch attacks that last only a single round.

Sovereign Court

and at higher levels where i won't be gaining too many new touch attack spells I can use metamagic feats in on lower level one to make them cut the mustard.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

SneaksyDragon wrote:
I cant believe the outpouring this has got, but not much has been said about the clerics being blasters. at will ranged touch attacks should be primarily for arcane, give the CLERICS the elemental touches

YES! The sorcerer bloodline touch attacks are the sort of things that clerics should be getting instead of ranged attacks.

"SneaksyDragon wrote:
I just dont think the answer is to give the sorcerer and the wizard identical cool abilities, thats boring.

Well, they do use the same spell list. Besides, a handful of similar ranged touch attacks are still better than every low-level arcanist using a crossbow.

"SneaksyDragon wrote:
I would actually like to see the sorcerer gaining light armor prof, and the ability to ignore the light armors casting failure. It makes their magic feel more like spell-like abilities (which is really what a sorcerers casting should be regarded as)

Agreed. And adding light armor proficiency is very backwards compatible. No new, weird abilities to remember.

Sovereign Court

Personally I hate the light armor proficiencies and think they kill the flavor of mages. I think maybe a % dip in ASF would be appropriate but not just saying oh hey you can wear this. They either need to get rid of ASF or leave it alone, but not just say, well it exist, but just ignore it.

Dark Archive

Epic Meepo wrote:
YES! The sorcerer bloodline touch attacks are the sort of things that clerics should be getting instead of ranged attacks.

Hear hear! I completely agree with this -- it feels odd if the sorcerers are constantly springing to the melee to deliver touch attacks.

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