Stone Giant

Ulgath's page

Organized Play Member. 44 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


A couple of us could go back in and go and stand near the guy and accidently let him over hear us complaining how the two of us are not paid enough to take the wagon of goods to hommlet on our own, i think that may interest him ,he will probably think its easy pickings and come after us instead. He wont know that there are 5 of us or 4 if you wanna send the lad or ol jonas to tell the local law.

sure i could do with some fresh air as i stand up ill grab my gear and head outside. once we are out side ill say to tionan whats going on?

sorry for the delay

perception 1d20 ⇒ 14

ill excuse my self from big ern and go over and sit with tionan and maliuss before saying to tionan " whats the problem, you sounded a little concerned" ill then have a quick scan of the room just incase there is any immediate threat.

ill spend the rest of the evening talking to the residents and having a few drinks, ill ask around for news from hommlet and the surrounding area.

Diplomacy roll 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

ill sit down infront of big ern put my silver in the pot before saying "ok big ern lets see what you got" ill give him a good view of my tusks as i grin at him before putting my elbow on the table.

Strength check 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
strength check 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
strength check 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
strength check 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
strength check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
strength check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
strength check 1d20 ⇒ 11

" well you know more than me it seems tionan" ill say with a smile. "who know`s what the gods have planned for us or what our futures hold, you know they move in mysterious ways"ill then stand up saying " excuse me gentlemen I thought I saw some of the locals arm wrestling when we came in and im gonna see if I can join em with that said ill head out into the throng of residents.

at the question from tionan ill look up from the food that i have been devouring and say "i have been told hommlet is a nice friendly place,my father suggested it may be a good place to stay. there is also a priest who is a friend of my fathers who im going to see." Ill take another bite of the chicken im holding before adding " And as for why im going, im a fighting man albeit a man of the cloth and its my duty to protect the week and bring the bandits to justice" ill take another big bite out of my food before looking up a bit sheepishly and saying " sorry it takes a lot of food to fill a frame this big" then ill flex my muscles and grin.

as we sit down waiting for our drinks and food to come ill say to tionan with a big tusky grin. thanks for paying i did not realise that we had to buy the room for a week i thought we could just rent it for the is very expensive here and i can see why people sleep in their carts.

im guessing at the fact maliuss has hidden his face within the shadows of his hood he would be more comfortable at a quiet table by the fire. ill say to the serving wench a quiet table by t'fire would be great as would some hot food and a drink. And who do i see to get a room for the night for us ill smile as much to my self as i do at the serving wench for using her term t'fire. as we are led towards the table ill nod and say hello to anyone who even looks in our direction.

im guessing at the fact maliuss has hidden his face within the shadows of his hood he would be more comfortable at a quiet table by the fire. ill say to the serving wench a quiet table by t'fire would be great as would some hot food and a drink. And who do i see to get a room for the night for us ill smile as much to my self as i do at the serving wench for using her term t'fire. as we are led towards the table ill nod and say hello to anyone who even looks in our direction.

im guessing at the fact maliuss has hidden his face within the shadows of his hood he would be more comfortable at a quiet table by the fire. ill say to the serving wench a quiet table by t'fire would be great as would some hot food and a drink. And who do i see to get a room for the night for us ill smile as much to my self as i do at the serving wench for using her term t'fire. as we are led towards the table ill nod and say hello to anyone who even looks in our direction.

ill grab my stuff from the back of the cart before saying to tionan and maliuss ill see if i can get us a room if you dont mind sharing, i have a few coins left and the thought of a warm fire a hot meal and a cold beer sounds very appealing right now, ill then head over to the inn door and open it and go in.

i am away as andy says but i will try and keep the posts going :) even though its hard sitting by the pool in the sun. lol

after breakfast ill make my rounds saying farewell to all my new friends who are not travelling with us and then ill go and find miller and say well miller thats it we are ready to head out i think ill shake his hand and say you take care my friend and have a safe journey, its been a pleasure travelling with you and your men and i hope our paths cross again. and with 1 final slap on the back ill head to the cart jump up besides ol jonas and say well shall we get this wagon rolling, there's a beer with my name on it waiting at the welcome wench

ill make sure all my other equipment is placed in the cart that i will be traveling with before settling down for the trip.

Ill look at Zaister and miller and say" I happy to carry on to hommlet with one of the caravans as was my original plan if thats what you wish, after all there are still bandits in the area around hommlet." Ill turn to tionan and say " tionan if you have no plans as such id welcome the help in trying to bring to justice the bandits around hommlet." ill then turn to look at mallius, pause for a few seconds as if trying to decide what to say before asking " And what of you Mallius, what are your plans, Care to come to hommlet with us and see what Fate has in store for you or are you going back to your people."

ill say to miller ” well if what maliuss says is true then we are done here, unless you want to fight to get whats left of the wood but im sure that will cost lives. i would suggest we leave.” guessing what millers answer will be ill trudge after the retreating caravans. as i walk away ill mutter ” And they call my fathers people savages"

i agree with tionan if you can go and speak with them maliuss and tell them we only want to bury the dead and we want to avoid any more bloodshed ,i think that would be best.

Perception 1d20 ⇒ 9

Ill get a good grip on my club and ready a partial charge if i can. Im expecting an attack any second. Ill say " i dont think that was any natural lightning, i wish the sneaky bas***** would just come out and tell us what they want or come and fight us " from the look on my face its hard to tell if im frightened or angry or both but either way i look like im gonna go into a rage .

Ill say to miller " id like to atleast bury the dead and the wood thats cut will only rot and go to waste if we leave it, but its up to you and the caravan master and how you feel about curses"

Ill place the unconscious man in the place that was cleared for him before turning to maliuss and tionan I hope you will for give me for mixing up your names, its probably not the best way to make new friends but its not a mistake i shall make again. ill then Give them a smile and take the offered weapon from tionan with a nod of thanks.

Ill say quietly to miller " it looks like every one from the lumber camp is dead except luke and this guy here, and im not sure how much longer he is gonna last, tionan's attempts to heal him seemed to make him worse. He did say something or at least it came from his mouth about the animals and forest rising up to strike down any who defile the one wood and a curse on those touch their tainted work. It looks like the lumberjacks had been felling trees and hunting in the one wood and someone took bloody revenge for doing so. ill give miller a few seconds to digest the information and for tionan and maliuss to give there thoughts on what happened.

"that dont sound like any lumberjack to me, come on lets get him to the caravan and out this dam weather. ill then pick up the uncon
scious lumberjack. "will one of you bring my club please " ill will then start to carry the lumberjack back to the caravan. Ill ask " either of you two know anything about the one wood. Is it cursed or do you know of any evil spirits that dwell there " it may be an uncomfortable question for toinan but it was asked without accusation or malice.

Untrained heal check 1d20 ⇒ 11

Ill move besides maliuss and ask "is there anything i can do to help maliuss, i have some healing powers? ill then wait for direction.

Ill go back to where tionan indicated the tracks,have another quick look
Perception 1d20 ⇒ 18
before setting off after tionan cautiously. im happy to let tionan lead as he is obviously more at home out in the wild than me also im sure he would not be happy if i messed up the tracks with my great clod hopers


1d20 ⇒ 16

After i have finished looking round ill approach Tionan and Malliuss and Say " look i dont think justice is the same as death and your point about Ignorance is no defence in the eyes of the law is true and i know different lands have different laws which you should abide by if you are going to enter that land, all im saying is its a shame these men had to die" indicate the bodies around the camp anyway i think we should go and report to the caravan and these bodys will need dealing with. And before you say anything NO i will not be going charging into the one wood to extract vengeance but i will report what happend here. ill then start back towards the caravan.

Looking at the bodies strewn around ill say looking at maliuss " looking at the state of the bodies they look like they have been killed by animals not civilized people and what worries me more is that you seem to think its ok for them to come and slaughter them all for what , cutting down a few trees. It seem harsh. They may not have even known they were in someone elses land for gods sake, DID Your people even approach them to tell them. ill take a few deep breaths before saying in a quiet voice " im sorry its just i dont like seeing anyone dead and it upsets me to think of their families loss. We dont really know what went on here lets investigate further ill then begin looking around.

Ill move forward into the camp keeping my eyes peeled ,ill say to my two companions "This does not look good, i dont think we will find any survivors, can either of you two tell where the attackers went, im all for hunting them down and bringing them to justice providing there not waiting for us in there." indicate the camp ,that said ill still move into camp expecting trouble but i want to check just in case anyone survived.

ILl say to mallius and Tionan "Shall we then" before indicating the path towards the lumber camp and starting forward."you probably dont need to be told but keep your eyes and ears open" ill then start moving with some caution.

Ill turn to miller and ask "well what do you think? shall we spring the trap if there is one, i think we should go and have a look just in case there has been an attack and there is anyone who might need our help"and in a low voice ill say to miller.
Gm only:

" Keep an eye on them just in case"

ill then turn back to the strangers and say "Come then let us go and take a look and luke why dont you stay here with the caravan". Ill wait to see if miller has any thing to say before starting towards the lumber camp.

Ill take a few steps forward and say " you will have to excuse the reception my friends but we live in dangerous times and this area is full of bandits and such like, and seeing 3 armed men who look like they have been out here a while" indicate the mud and dirt on their clothes "kinda puts us on edge, but if what you say about the lumber camp is true then we have done you a disservice and owe you an apology." So with a smile ill say"So let us start again my name is Ulgath lighthammer and this is my friend miller" indicate miller who is standing behind me.ill then wait for a response.

DM only:

Ill keep my hand on peacekeeper but pay particular attention to what they say next and their actions.

Sense motive
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Ill give the three of them the once over.Ill say quietly to miller.

GM Only

"The two at the front both carry them selves like experienced fighters but the guy at the back looks well out his depth, infact he looks afraid to me.Want me to speak to them?"

ill then plant the head of peacekeeper on the floor in front of me and lean on its handle.

Ill jump down, grab peacekeeper and follow after miller "Well at least i might warm up a bit if this turn out to be a fight". Ill give miller a nervous smile while giving a silent prayer to st cuthbert that my training will keep me alive if it turns out to be a fight.

With millers mention of monsters and bandits being in this area, ill just check my equipment for the 100th time and make sure Peace keeper is near.
"well if i was a monster or bandit id be sitting im my cave or where ever it is they sleep wrapped up in my blanket next to a big fire. Still if they wanna attack us id be happy to teach them the error of their ways, and besides a bit of a workout now might warm me up a bit" Now miller has put me on edge ill start paying more attention to the surrounding area.

perception check (if needed) 1d20 ⇒ 18

sorry for the delay

During the trip ill mingle with the guards and merchants trying to get to know them.

Diplomacy roll 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Ill say to miller We must be in a bit of a rush to carry on during this lot indicate the sky and weather,are we late or something?
Having said that ill pull my cloak tighter round my shoulders to try and stop the rain dripping down my neck.

Ill smile at miller and indicate the blob of jam in his lap saying "you have to watch the little buggers, they do that a lot, i got myself into trouble a few times when i was young." After a few minutes of quiet contemplation watching the world go by ill say " i think ill head to Hommlet, there is a priest there who is a friend of my fathers. To be honest miller it will be nice to see a friendly face, i dont think every one will be as friendly as you and not every one will be able to see past these." tap a finger against my tusks." still cant blame them if i saw someone like me walking down the street id probably cross over to. Ill just have to make sure my dazzling personality shines through eh" with that ill give miller a nudge with my elbow and grin. Ill then sit back and enjoy the ride.

Climb up besides miller and say with a smile thanks. So what does this caravan trade in, i notice this wagon is almost empty? Cant be much profit in a few chips of wood then ill rummage in my backpack to find my jam filled Pastries and then offer miller 1 saying want 1 of these. They are great before stuffing 1 in my mouth.

Ill turn towards the merchant and with an apologetic shrug and a toothy smile ill say to him im sorry sir but on this occasion im going to have to decline your most generous offer but i wish you a most prosperous and safe journey with that said ill bow low whilst taking a couple of steps away before turning on my heel and shouting after miller miller wait up.

well miller the names ulgath, pleased to meet you,ill offer my arm in a warriors arm grip. Ill nod towards the approaching merchant and say a friend of yours

I look down into my father’s eyes and say to him,father I hope that I can live up to your expectations, I will use everything that god gave me to fight for the weak and those unable to fight for themselves. Having said that ill put my hand on his shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze saying,Bandits to the east eh, it’s about time they met “Peace keeper”(his great club). With a last nod towards his father and a wave to the rest of his friends he hefts his club over his shoulder picks up his other belongings and begins the long walk towards hommlet and to find the head priest Terjon.

I read it as any spell from the casters list.

I agree with you tony about the skills and hd of the cleric but you did not mention the bab, I also think they should get a armour proficiency or it means they have to use at least one spell or possibly two to make there ac reasonable so as not to get there butt kicked when they go in to make there melée touch attacks. I suppose at later levels the fact that they had to choose protection spells doesn't matter so much, but when you only get two spells at first level it makes a big difference.

I don't think it would have hurt to much to have given at least a couple of the bloodlines a ranged touch attack as an alternative to melée touch attacks. Let's face it at low levels (1 to 6) unless the sorcerer has chosen Mage armour and shield as I did there ac is gonna be bad which means if you get into melée combat your gonna get your a## handed to you on a plate. Another bad thing from my point of view is that our group created our characters using 25 points on the point buy system( nwn ) 8 STR ,enough said. LOL. Give me a armour proficiency a better BAB and d8 hd then I'll have no problem.

All that said our DM ( All Dm's are evil, on the forum) is a fair kinda guy who will a least listen to us and make changes if he thinks its needed. We will have to see how the play test goes on Thursday to see how it works out.

I don't like the new sorcerer bloodlines at all. I don't like the idea of being forced into melée combat as soon as I run out of spells. I should probably point out that in our current campaign we are only using the core 3.5 players book and have converted to the alpha 2 rules, we are currently 5th lvl. I'm thinking of having the fey bloodline just so I can choose point blank shot and precise shot and use a crossbow.

What do you guys think?