Cut Favored Classes

Races & Classes

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I am so old that:

a)i don't think that every race should have access to every class

b)some races should be premier at certain classes

However, we aren't going back to class limits anytime soon no matter how much i miss the old days and favored classes is too integral of 3.0/3.5 to remove.

I've played under 6 different 3rd edition DM's and none of them ever enforced the favored class rules.
I say just get rid of Favored class thing altogether. It works just fine without it.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Unnecessarily pushes certain races to certain classes (when ability scores already do it better). Lose 'em.

Silver Crusade

I think the main thing that should be taken into consideration as far as the favored classes concept goes is that the idea for it (indeed, for the whole game system) is that it is taken from a human-centric point of view. Humans see more dwarven fighters than dwarven wizards, humans see more elven wizards than elven sorcerors, humans see more half-orc barbarians than they do half-orc monks, etc. That doesn't mean the others don't exist, it just means they aren't seen as often.
Personally, i like the idea of favored classes. I like the idea of giving more hit points to those that fall in line with that mind set instead of thinking "out of the box" class-wise, both as a player and as a GM. But I also think that there should be some kind of reward for those that do think outside of the racial "box". Perhaps they should get the bonus to skills that has been suggested in this thread rather than the "stereotypes".

As I mentioned in the first "favored classes are pointless" thread -

People are missing the actual point of favored classes. That point isn't to restrict choices, but rather to guide new players. It's far simpler for a new player to make an effective character (and thus have fun with the game) if he has a little guidance. A new player isn't going to have a clue that dwarves don't make good sorcerers - he'll just think it's a little disadvantaged. The "favored class" tag on each race and the "races" entry on each class serve mostly to guide new players. They say, "Hey, if you want to play a fighter, Dwarves are good at it as-is but you might want to steer clear of Elves for now".

As such, and since they take up just about zero effective room in the book, it would be far more detrimental to remove them than to leave them in. It's just about the simplest house rule there is to remove them yourself if you don't need them, but it is nearly impossible to house-rule their primary function back into the game if they are removed.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Zurai wrote:
People are missing the actual point of favored classes. That point isn't to restrict choices, but rather to guide new players. It's far simpler for a new player to make an effective character (and thus have fun with the game) if he has a little guidance. A new player isn't going to have a clue that dwarves don't make good sorcerers - he'll just think it's a little disadvantaged. The "favored class" tag on each race and the "races" entry on each class serve mostly to guide new players.

Good point. But creating rules for everyone based on the needs of new players seems a little extreme. Someone somewhere started a discussion of a Pathfinder boxed set or a Pathfinder Basic with lite rules for new players. I love the idea and maybe favored classes as suggestions for new players belong there.

I also agree about stop pigeon-holing characters and classes. There are days when I am tired of seeing the stock half-elven ranger and would have a hoot with dwarven scorcerer that could be just as survivable (game mechanically) as an elven one, but perhaps for different reasons.

Instead of a *favored class* per se why not have some of the racial bonuses conditional on the initial class.

I'm thinking along the lines of free Symbiosis Feat that is based upon thier race AND initial class: (this is just a partial list for sake of example)

Thick Skin
+2 AC
Racial PreReq: Dwarf, Half Orc
Class PreReq: Wizard, Sorcerer

Magical Affinity
+3 to DC on spells cast
Racial PreReq: Elf, Gnome, Half Elf
Class PreReq: Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid

Nimble Fingers
+2 BAB
Racial PreReq: Gnome, Halfing
Class PreReq: Wizard, Rogue, Druid

Big Bodied
Racial PreReq: Human, Half Orc, Half Elf
Class PreReq: Wizard, Sorcerer

Long Stride
+10 Base Movement Rate
Racial PreReq: Human, Half Orc, Half Elf
Class PreReq: Druid, Ranger, Rogue

Broad Shoulders
Encumberance does not effect Base Movement
Racial PreReq: Dwarf, Human, Half Orc
Class PreReq: Fighter,Paladin,Barbarian

Nimble Body
+5 CMB bonus
Racial PreReq: Gnome, Halfing
Class PreReq: Fighter,Paladin,Barbarian

Some combinations might have only have one choice while others have options.
This could also help tone down ECL/LA mismatchs and add flavor.

If you give some (game mechanical) incentives to players to try different race/initial class combinations other than the *standard* matchups then the players will start to try them and enrich our gaming experience.

Grand Lodge

Here's an idea off the top of my head. Instead of racial favored classes make them character favored classes. Every character regardless of race chooses one class that's their favored. Then give them whatever bonus you deem necessary for it. This has 3 major bonuses I can see. 1) Reduces multiclassing dips, since they only get 1 favored class. 2) Doesn't pigeon-hole characters into playing (what some people would call) "boring" class choices, ie. dwarf fighter, elf wizard, halfling rogue, ect. 3) If you're going with an extra skill point per favored class that most people seem to like (at least from what I've seen) then low skill point classes get a small boost instead of giving the the classes as a whole extra skill points all around. Also it reduces the 20 skill point gap from someone who took a favored class, as opposed to someone who didn't for sake of flavor or what have you.

*2cp into the bowl*

How about having racial abilities that 'unlock' the more levels of favoured class you have? Regardless of the class.

So a Halforc that pick Barbarian and a halforc that picks Cleric gain a small 'bonus' that helps them be a Halforc.

No combat bonus in here, maybe a bonus modifier to a skill, upgrade of an orc ability, something on those lines.

Or call them feats and have them selectable when a feat is gained.
Give them a prereq. of x favoured class levels and bam! its an option that make the character more of an Orc but you miss that vital feat for your class

Orc is just an example here, change it to whatever race/class you are thinking of.

Still think the +1hp is the easiest way to go, mayby add in the +1 skill point too!

But if people are unhappy with that lets look at racial feats/ablities!

Favored classes as 'thematic suggestions' is fine. But any mechanics which gives you free stuff for making choices without any real cost is bad mechanics. "If you want to be a fighter, you get free stuff for being a dwarf" is a bad mechanic, no matter how small the free stuff is. As such, bonus hp (or any other bonus) for playing a 'favored' race-class combination needs to be stripped from the rules. Why be passive-aggressive about acceptable race-class combinations? Either a particular combination is acceptable under the rules (and should be equally supported by mechanics) or its not and shouldn't be allowed at all. As all race/class combinations are currently supported, blatant favoritism is counter-productive.

(and as already pointed out, racial abilities already suggest particular race/class combinations - instead of artificially encouraging combinations why not let 'natural selection' dictate which combinations are more prevalent?)

Squirrelloid wrote:
Favored classes as 'thematic suggestions' is fine. But any mechanics which gives you free stuff for making choices without any real cost is bad mechanics. "If you want to be a fighter, you get free stuff for being a dwarf" is a bad mechanic, no matter how small the free stuff is.

You say it's a bad mechanic, but WHY is it a bad mechanic?

And actually, there are costs - at least as much of a cost that goes into any other race/class choice. "If I make a Dwarf Fighter, I'll have more hit points, but I'll be slower and have a lower AC than if I made an Elf Fighter."

Zurai wrote:
Squirrelloid wrote:
Favored classes as 'thematic suggestions' is fine. But any mechanics which gives you free stuff for making choices without any real cost is bad mechanics. "If you want to be a fighter, you get free stuff for being a dwarf" is a bad mechanic, no matter how small the free stuff is.

You say it's a bad mechanic, but WHY is it a bad mechanic?

And actually, there are costs - at least as much of a cost that goes into any other race/class choice. "If I make a Dwarf Fighter, I'll have more hit points, but I'll be slower and have a lower AC than if I made an Elf Fighter."

Racial abilities already trade off. In theory, the dwarf racial ability set is balanced against the elf (in practice the dwarf is probably better). Even without bonus hp for favored class, the dwarf fighter has more hp (con bonus), better will save (wis bonus), penalty to a dump stat (cha), dark vision, slower but speed not effected by armor (platemail = same speed), is stable and gets an awesome +2 to a lot of saves, plus has a bunch of random other useful bonuses. The elf has other advantages. Not only does this suggest that fighter is likely better suited for dwarves based on intrinsic racial characteristics, but it does it without specifically rewarding dwarven fighters arbitrarily. Why does there need to be a +1 hp for being a dwarven fighter? If a player prefers the elven racial traits, he should play an elf, and if he prefers the dwarven racial traits he should be a dwarf. We shouldn't randomly award one of those choices just because we think people should play dwarven fighters. And it certainly makes no sense to reward the one that is already arguably better - that's free power for no reason.

I'm in favor of ditching the favored classes altogether. It seems to pigeonhole some things that don't need pigeonholing. For example, my playtest group has an elf barbarian, who is really getting shafted on hit points because of the combination of racial bonus hit points (the option we're using) and being of a non-favored class. If the character was, say, a half-elf, he'd be starting out with 4 hit points more (racial + racial con. mod. + favored class). I have no problem with the racial hit point bonus or the race con. modifier, but I really don't see the point of penalizing the player for the choice of race for his barbarian character.

Personally, I think the hitpoint per level doesnt have the right flavor.

I'm starting to like the idea of an additional skill point that can only be spent on that favored class skills.

The classes are getting a bit much in the way of hps as it is.

Maybe give the fighter/barb/paladin +1 hp/ level... but why should my wizard get 1 additional hp per level? Increased wizard-ninja training from the mage academy?

Im a diehard wizard fan and I was happy with wixxors at 4hp/level... now suddenly im at d6+1 and it seems too much, for no real justified purpose.

Know Remorse wrote:

Personally, I think the hitpoint per level doesnt have the right flavor.

I'm starting to like the idea of an additional skill point that can only be spent on that favored class skills.

The classes are getting a bit much in the way of hps as it is.

Maybe give the fighter/barb/paladin +1 hp/ level... but why should my wizard get 1 additional hp per level? Increased wizard-ninja training from the mage academy?

Im a diehard wizard fan and I was happy with wixxors at 4hp/level... now suddenly im at d6+1 and it seems too much, for no real justified purpose.

I really like the idea of additional skill points on the favoured class skills as well. It makes a bit more sense than the bonus hit point - if a race is naturally predisposed to a certain class, then offering an additional skill point would show their predisposed flair in that class.

It would be a shame, I think, if favoured classes were to disappear - as someone's already said, they're incredibly easy to get rid of if you don't want them, but I like the fact they reflect some non-human races are simply better suited to some things than others.


Not only do I LIKE the favored class incentive, but I think it should be ENHANCED as well. In addition to the +1 hp per favored class level, give +1 skill point (as long as it is spent on a class skill). It helps to reinforce some archetypes, which for me, help make the game interesting. Why? Because if you decide to be a vagrant elf who studies the ways of a fighter you are distinguishing yourself from all those snooty elf wizards in their high caps. But if you do decide to become an elf wizard, then you can bask in the glow of your superiority to wizards of every other class.

Don't like favored classes? It's very simple to nix them. And it isn't like it takes a huge amount of space in the book.

airwalkrr wrote:
Don't like favored classes? It's very simple to nix them. And it isn't like it takes a huge amount of space in the book.

Exactly. It's a matter of three seconds talking to say "no favored class bonuses" and be done with it. The difficulty of house-ruling in their primary purpose is exponentially harder - and not just to the second power, either. More like tenth power.

Cut them. Slash them. Kill them. Disappear them. Rip them a new one. Feed them their own innards. Run them over with a steamroller, feet first, so they can see it coming.

Or something.

One way or the other, I have no strong feeling about the issue.

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