Chelaxian vs. Chelish

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

I've encountered both of these terms in a number of places throughout the existing PF material. Is there a difference between the two, or are they just different ways of saying "someone from Cheliax?"

yoda8myhead wrote:
I've encountered both of these terms in a number of places throughout the existing PF material. Is there a difference between the two, or are they just different ways of saying "someone from Cheliax?"

I *THINK* one is a reference to the language spoken and one is a reference to race (human of course, but I mean the racial subtype).

I think one speaks Cheliaxian, but refers to oneself as Chelish.

I might have that backwards.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I think it is a referance to the country, Chelix
and referance to the people that live there, Chelaxian, and their language

Dark Archive Contributor

Chelish is used when referring to a group of people from Cheliax.

Chelaxian is used for everything else from Cheliax.


Chelish farmer, Chelaxian farm.
Chelish warrior, Chelaxian war.
Chelish nice guy, Chelaxian lie.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Mike McArtor wrote:

Chelish is used when referring to a group of people from Cheliax.

Chelaxian is used for everything else from Cheliax.


Chelish farmer, Chelaxian farm.
Chelish warrior, Chelaxian war.
Chelish nice guy, Chelaxian lie.

Thankee kindly.

Frakkin' Chels!

Dark Archive Contributor

Troy Taylor wrote:
Frakkin' Chels!

Uh oh. Don't tell me you're one of them Shoanti-lovers, Troy. ;)

Mike McArtor wrote:
Troy Taylor wrote:
Frakkin' Chels!
Uh oh. Don't tell me you're one of them Shoanti-lovers, Troy. ;)

Wouldn't the technical term be "Shoanti sheep-shaggers"? ;-)

<Apologies to those who keep/tend sheep>

Now you guys are just Sho-baiting. . .

Don't make me come over there. Soon I will have rage points.


P.S. Chelaxian, Chelish. . . They die the same way whatever you call em.

Ask a Shoanti wrote:

Now you guys are just Sho-baiting. . .

Don't make me come over there. Soon I will have rage points.


P.S. Chelaxian, Chelish. . . They die the same way whatever you call em.

LOL!! Love the name, BTW!! :-)

Bah, Shoanti. Mere Savages. Now Cheliax has style. They make the devils look good. The Korvosan temple of Asmodeus managed to get 17 virgins to go along with being a secrifice for the temple's inauguration - and when the city paid for resurrection, 4 of them even refused to come back!

Now, I give you, getting your boys to run around in front of huge bush fires isn't bad, either, but that has the argumentum ad baculum feel to it.

Dark Archive Contributor

Ask a Shoanti wrote:

Now you guys are just Sho-baiting. . .

Don't make me come over there. Soon I will have rage points.


P.S. Chelaxian, Chelish. . . They die the same way whatever you call em.

What would a Shoanti know about dying Chelaxians?

It's the Chelaxians who know all about dying Shoanti.


Ok that’s it! It is so time to hear the lamentations of your women.

Hold it a second. . . this is all just a scam to increase the number of posts in a thread which has a title so lame nobody would normally stop to even glance at it. $&*%^!!!

Will somebody tell me where I put my rage points!

Har Har! Did the little Barbie wander into the wrong thread and get ganged up on?

That’s enough outta you Hell-Nuts! Go sit in a corner and wait for your prestige class.

Geesh! Seeing as you couldn’t get admission to the Order of the Nail or the God Claw – maybe try the Order of Poor Personal Hygiene?

Dark Archive Contributor

Wow. Watching someone argue with himself via different messageboard avatars is bizarre.

yah totaly lol!!1!

Almost as weird as someone agreeing with himself via avatars.

Whoa. That avatar pic is hawt. Why did that one get used?

Tarrasquey Doo wrote:
Whoa. That avatar pic is hawt. Why did that one get used?

And I would have gotten away with it, despite my apparant lack of motive and seemingly irrelevant introduction at the start, if it hadn't been for you kids and that pesky Tarrasque!

Dark Archive Contributor

Old Man Jenkins wrote:
Tarrasquey Doo wrote:
Whoa. That avatar pic is hawt. Why did that one get used?
And I would have gotten away with it, despite my apparant lack of motive and seemingly irrelevant introduction at the start, if it hadn't been for you kids and that pesky Tarrasque!

But hey, you should have just sold that hologram technology you invented. It would have made you even more money than whatever it was you were trying to do anyway.

Cuz dude... holographic projectors...

Mike McArtor wrote:

But hey, you should have just sold that hologram technology you invented. It would have made you even more money than whatever it was you were trying to do anyway.

Cuz dude... holographic projectors...

That is a great point. The patent on the holographic projectors was always worth more than the friggan farm, run down lake resort, or Sonny and Cher's net worth at that time.

Mike McArtor wrote:
Troy Taylor wrote:
Frakkin' Chels!
Uh oh. Don't tell me you're one of them Shoanti-lovers, Troy. ;)

Breathe the fresh air, flex your muscles and crush your enemies! Shoanti rock.

Don't trust the city-folk. Chels consort with demons, you know. Look at the mess they made of Korvosa. It's only a matter time before they infect all of Varisia. Stamp out the infection before it spreads, I say.

Mike McArtor wrote:

What would a Shoanti know about dying Chelaxians?

It's the Chelaxians who know all about dying Shoanti.


Cute. Real cute.

My reply to your humor is a two-handed great sword I refer to as "Oh, this little thing?"

This thread just gave me an idea for a half-Chelaxian half-Shoanti named Chex-Mix who constantly self-flagellates.

Troy Taylor wrote:

Don't trust the city-folk. Chels consort with demons, you know.

It's devils. And really, they're an ungrateful bunch. You turn your back for a century or two because you had to get crisps from the gas station, and they declare you dead and fawn over that attention-whore Asmodeus.

demons ... devils ... whatever.

My big Shoanti warrior friends will smash them with my sword and send them back from whatever pit they crawled out from.

How many Shoanti does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Stop me if youve heard this one...
2 Chelish guys walk into a tavern....

Scarab Sages

Mike McArtor wrote:

Chelish is used when referring to a group of people from Cheliax.

Chelaxian is used for everything else from Cheliax.


Chelish farmer, Chelaxian farm.
Chelish warrior, Chelaxian war.
Chelish nice guy, Chelaxian lie.

It sounds like both adjectives work to describe people and things:

"He dispatches five Chelish legionnaires" (J1, page 11)
"the Clan of the Sun has suffered much at the hands of Chelish invaders" (PF3, page 61)
"All tshamek bear the sins of the Chelaxian invaders" (PF8, page 7)
"the righteous Queen Galfrey...a Mendev-born Chelaxian" (D3, page 26)
"a Chelish ship called Direption" (PF8, page 7)

It looks like Chelish is to be used for things and Chelaxian for people. Some authors have messed it up in the past though. Just guessing here...


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