"Never Hold Anything" - are items really being shipped separately?

Customer Service

I have my combined shipping options set to "Never Hold Anything". However, my most recent set of subscriptions (order #898399) are listed in my order history as all having been shipped together:
Classic Monsters Revisited, Pathfinder #8, GameMastery Module W2 and GameMastery Module D3, all listed as having been shipped on April 15 2008.

Is this correct? A large package like that arriving in the UK can unfortunately incur hefty customs charges and I'd intended to avoid that by having items shipped as they become available and paying separate shipping charges for each item.

(Or have these items just ended up being shipped together because they all arrived in the Paizo warehouse around the same time and thus went out together?)

Can I please get confirmation that my subscriptions are indeed being shipped separately? Many thanks!


Kamelion wrote:

(Or have these items just ended up being shipped together because they all arrived in the Paizo warehouse around the same time and thus went out together?)

I'm pretty sure this is the case - if multiple things come through customs from the printer before being shipped, then they will most likly ship everything together. It is not unusual for 2 items to come on the same boat. Cos or Corey can confirm tomorrow though

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Kamelion wrote:

(Or have these items just ended up being shipped together because they all arrived in the Paizo warehouse around the same time and thus went out together?)

I'm pretty sure this is the case - if multiple things come through customs from the printer before being shipped, then they will most likly ship everything together. It is not unusual for 2 items to come on the same boat. Cos or Corey can confirm tomorrow though

That makes sense. Just wondering :-)

Liberty's Edge

On the Custom front as long a its less than £18 (at the moment)worth of goods, then no charge and all books are no charge anyway. All of what you have listed above would get through without charge. Hope this helps.

Wildfire142 wrote:
On the Custom front as long a its less than £18 (at the moment)worth of goods, then no charge and all books are no charge anyway. All of what you have listed above would get through without charge. Hope this helps.

The package arrived this morning tagged as "Merchandise (4 books)" with no customs charge. So all's well that ends well. I'm still interested to know how the shipping options pan out, though...

Incidentally, are Pathfinder subscriptions (specifically, modules, Chronicles and Pathfinder itself) always going to be classed as books?

If so, it makes sense to change my shipping options back to "Hold subscription items for monthly shipment", assuming that books will never get hit by an import charge...


Kamelion wrote:

If so, it makes sense to change my shipping options back to "Hold subscription items for monthly shipment", assuming that books will never get hit by an import charge...

during the first few shipments they were labeled as gaming and then books, but the international people asked the company to change it to books and they did. I'm not sure how certain chronicles items are classified though

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
during the first few shipments they were labeled as gaming and then books, but the international people asked the company to change it to books and they did. I'm not sure how certain chronicles items are classified though

That's cool to know - certainly makes it easier for us folks labouring under the import duty and Royal Mail's £8 "handling charge".

I'm guessing that there are only a couple of Chronicles items that might not be classified as books - the Harrow deck or the map folio, for example. They're under the £18 limit, though so that would be OK :)

Dark Archive

Kamelion wrote:
I'm guessing that there are only a couple of Chronicles items that might not be classified as books - the Harrow deck or the map folio, for example. They're under the £18 limit, though so that would be OK :)

I'm pretty sure that the only things I've received that weren't declared as books were the Harrow deck and item cards. I've certainly never had to pay import duty on anything I've received from Paizo.

Phil Ridley wrote:
I'm pretty sure that the only things I've received that weren't declared as books were the Harrow deck and item cards.

Good to know - thanks :)

Phil Ridley wrote:
I've certainly never had to pay import duty on anything I've received from Paizo.

I've had it happen once or twice - worst was the time when I ordered all the Steel Sqwire spell area templates and a couple of flipmats in one package. Ouch. To be fair, I'm not so bothered about import duties - if it's the law, then it's the law and caveat emptor. The Royal Mail's handling charge, on the other hand.... Let's just say that at the equivalent of an extra $16, I found myself thinking "but... but... that's another flipmat and then some!" Bloody rip-off.

Anyway, Paizo have - as you might expect - always been very cool about this kind of thing in the past, so I just figured I'd ask them what the score was :-)

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Once again, the Captain comes in and provides the exact answers! And thank you everyone else as well. :)

This month's shipments did, indeed, come in basically at the same time (or, at least within 1-2 days). We will always try to combine shipments and ship as many things together as possible, as this is nearly always the best option for the largest number of people.

As far as the contents of your packages go, everything in every subscription will be considered a "book". The exception is the Chronicles subscription, which contains one or two non-book items. So far, the only non-"book" items have been the Harrow Deck and (before it was taken out of the subscription) the Rise of the Runelords Item Cards.

We send Map Folios as "Books".

I hope this clears things up for you.


Cosmo wrote:

Once again, the Captain comes in and provides the exact answers! And thank you everyone else as well. :)

This month's shipments did, indeed, come in basically at the same time (or, at least within 1-2 days). We will always try to combine shipments and ship as many things together as possible, as this is nearly always the best option for the largest number of people.

As far as the contents of your packages go, everything in every subscription will be considered a "book". The exception is the Chronicles subscription, which contains one or two non-book items. So far, the only non-"book" items have been the Harrow Deck and (before it was taken out of the subscription) the Rise of the Runelords Item Cards.

We send Map Folios as "Books".

I hope this clears things up for you.


Thanks very much for confirming things Cos :-) Much appreciated. The "book" classification takes pretty much all the sting out of the equation and keeps the "ship together" option very attractive. I've amended my shipping options back to "hold everything for a monthly shipment".

Thanks again to all for pitching in on this!

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