Products I'd like to see

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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I know Paizo listens to their fans, so I thought I'd mention some things that I'd throw down some scratch for regardless of gaming system.

Book of Encounters. Paizo's encounters are typically very high quality and sometimes I raid Dungeon magazine just for stat blocks. Their encounters tend to have good descriptions, interesting settings, and fun opponents.

Book of Bad Dudes. The Exemplars of Evil book from WotC was good, and I'd pay to see Paizo's version. They also come up with BBEGs that are bigger, badder, and more evil than most other people's. If they came up with world-shaking opponents (a la Elder Evils but not so crappy), all the better.

Gazetteers of Golarion countries. Something in the same vein as the OD&D gazetteer series for Mystara. IMO, these are some of the best gaming products ever (up there with Paizo's adventure paths) and I'd be interested to see the same level of quality that we get in the Adventure Path modules (overview of Sandpoint, Magnimar, Stone Giants of the Storval Plateau) applied to a whole product.

A 'guide to fluff'. Paizo's fluff is awesome. I think they, and Expeditious Retreat Press, have some of the best methodologies for taking cool ideas and adding them in a very fantastic way to a gaming setting. Maybe something short, published as a PDF, that details different lifestyles of various ethic and racial groups of Golarion, what they eat, how they live. WotC made a stab at this with the Races of * products, but it doesn't compare to XRP's work.

When I look through this list, I think what I want to see as much of as possible are things that make a DM's job easier. Not all of us have that much time and I'd rather spend my few hours of prep time writing interesting stories and coming up with creative ideas instead of statting up a minotaur fighter/cleric 3/7. One of the promises of 4th edition is that it takes less time to stat up monsters and NPCs, and if there were a library of things to draw from I think that would help alleviate the amount of time that DMs spend on this kind of thing.

Scarab Sages

DudeMonkey wrote:

A 'guide to fluff'. Paizo's fluff is awesome. I think they, and Expeditious Retreat Press, have some of the best methodologies for taking cool ideas and adding them in a very fantastic way to a gaming setting. Maybe something short, published as a PDF, that details different lifestyles of various ethic and racial groups of Golarion, what they eat, how they live. WotC made a stab at this with the Races of * products, but it doesn't compare to XRP's work.

AND what they WEAR!!! With artistic examples...Like the Andoran officer. NICE!

If the peasants all wear shades of grey because it's illegal for them to wear colors, that would be great to know. If the queen is into wearing velvet and bird beaks, then those trying to curry favor should know that.

DudeMonkey wrote:

Gazetteers of Golarion countries. Something in the same vein as the OD&D gazetteer series for Mystara. IMO, these are some of the best gaming products ever (up there with Paizo's adventure paths) and I'd be interested to see the same level of quality that we get in the Adventure Path modules (overview of Sandpoint, Magnimar, Stone Giants of the Storval Plateau) applied to a whole product.

I'd love to see something like this too. I always liked the detail they provided for each country/region.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
DudeMonkey wrote:
Gazetteers of Golarion countries. Something in the same vein as the OD&D gazetteer series for Mystara. IMO, these are some of the best gaming products ever (up there with Paizo's adventure paths) and I'd be interested to see the same level of quality that we get in the Adventure Path modules (overview of Sandpoint, Magnimar, Stone Giants of the Storval Plateau) applied to a whole product.

Have you seen the Pathfinder Chronicles line lately?

There are 4 region books already revealed in it, 1 of which came out last month. :)

Dark Archive

I wouldn't mind seeing a combo "Book of Bad Dudes/Book of Encounters." Something akin to the old "Book of Lairs" stuff, just not quite so generic. I'm sure many of the Paizo folks could come up with some pretty twisted places.

Scarab Sages

How about a PATHFINDER DM's screen? Simple to make I would assume, and I'm sure it would sell. Especially with some artwork of revamped classic monsters i.e. Goblins, Ogres, Etc. Plus you would have to throw in some new relevant charts. Perhaps this is more of a reality once the game pass's the beta & alpha phase. Either way it's food for thought, and if you guys make one I promise to buy 2.(_)3CHEERS!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

DudeMonkey wrote:
Book of Bad Dudes. The Exemplars of Evil book from WotC was good, and I'd pay to see Paizo's version. They also come up with BBEGs that are bigger, badder, and more evil than most other people's. If they came up with world-shaking opponents (a la Elder Evils but not so crappy), all the better.

HA! Keep in mind that three of us from Paizo wrote entries for Elder Evils...

Jason Bulmahn did the chapter on Father Llymic.
Mike McArtor did the chapter on Pandorym (I think...).
James Jacobs (me) did the chapter on Sertrous (although I would have rather had Obox-ob be the focus of the chapter... but alas, WotC wanted a yuan-ti demon lord).

AND: The Worm that Walks chapter was VERY heavilly influenced on the Age of Worms campaign that Dungeon ran from issues #124 to #135.

So hopefully you liked those four chapters, at least! :)

DudeMonkey wrote:
Book of Encounters. Paizo's encounters are typically very high quality and sometimes I raid Dungeon magazine just for stat blocks. Their encounters tend to have good descriptions, interesting settings, and fun opponents.

I like this idea. I would like to see something like the old Treasure Maps or maybe that would look like a compiliation of Side Treks.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
HA! Keep in mind that three of us from Paizo wrote entries for Elder Evils...

Lol.. I was waiting to see who would respond to that. :)

James Jacobs wrote:
DudeMonkey wrote:
Book of Bad Dudes. The Exemplars of Evil book from WotC was good, and I'd pay to see Paizo's version. They also come up with BBEGs that are bigger, badder, and more evil than most other people's. If they came up with world-shaking opponents (a la Elder Evils but not so crappy), all the better.

HA! Keep in mind that three of us from Paizo wrote entries for Elder Evils...

Jason Bulmahn did the chapter on Father Llymic.
Mike McArtor did the chapter on Pandorym (I think...).
James Jacobs (me) did the chapter on Sertrous (although I would have rather had Obox-ob be the focus of the chapter... but alas, WotC wanted a yuan-ti demon lord).

AND: The Worm that Walks chapter was VERY heavilly influenced on the Age of Worms campaign that Dungeon ran from issues #124 to #135.

So hopefully you liked those four chapters, at least! :)

Hasty word choice. I wanted to go back and edit it but I thought that the website ate my post so I never got the chance.

I thought it was an amazing idea but the execution wasn't what I was expecting. The CR of the Elder Evils didn't stack up to the magnitude of what they were supposed to represent. Kyuss in EE was CR 20, and I was expecting things more along the lines of Kyuss's AoW stats, or Demogorgon. I think Karzoug would wipe the floor with most of the BBEGs in Elder Evils, and he was only designed to be a challenge for a party of around 16th level. I was expecting Epic level things in that book.

That was my complaint about the book and I phrased it poorly. I felt like the book was constrained, not crappy.

well, to keep it in the vein of the post's title. im a forms guy. i would love to see paizo guys do a forms pdf. or put a form into the pathfinder series. an example would be the campain planner series by mystic eye games, just better.

i would also like to see the game mastery map packs maps fit together better. the ruins maps can be put together pretty well, but i would like to see all of them fit like that.

Liberty's Edge

I've started a specific thread for this one but how about an annual or semi-annual collection of original Paizo monsters from the APs, modules, and whatever supplemental material is put out by Paizo over the course of the year. Just looking at the first 8 volumes of Pathfinder we've got:

Goblin Dog
Goblin Snake
Giant Gecko
Attic Whisperer
The Sandpoint Devil
Faceless Stalker
Lamia Matriarch
Smoke Haunt
Skull Ripper
Mother of Oblivion
Hound of Tindalos
Taiga Giant
Shining Child of Thassilon
Marsh Giant
Shemhazian Demon
Night Monarch
Crag Spider
Denizen of Leng
Rune Giant
Carrion Golem
Dream Spider
Soulbound Doll
Daughter of Urgathoa
Giant Fly
Giant Maggot

That's fifty really good, evocative monsters, right there. I'd put that lineup against any supplemental monster book ever published except maybe the Tome of Horrors series.

Dark Archive Contributor

SirUrza wrote:
DudeMonkey wrote:
Gazetteers of Golarion countries. Something in the same vein as the OD&D gazetteer series for Mystara. IMO, these are some of the best gaming products ever (up there with Paizo's adventure paths) and I'd be interested to see the same level of quality that we get in the Adventure Path modules (overview of Sandpoint, Magnimar, Stone Giants of the Storval Plateau) applied to a whole product.

Have you seen the Pathfinder Chronicles line lately?

There are 4 region books already revealed in it, 1 of which came out last month. :)

Yup. And the Pathfinder Companion will occasionally cover a nation as well. So in this regard, DudeMonkey: Your wish is granted!


Mike McArtor wrote:

Yup. And the Pathfinder Companion will occasionally cover a nation as well. So in this regard, DudeMonkey: Your wish is granted!


I should have wished for an infinite supply of sour patch watermelons and an advance copy of Madden 2009 for Xbox 360.

On second thought, I'm okay with gazetteer-style coverage of nations.

James Jacobs wrote:
DudeMonkey wrote:
Book of Bad Dudes. The Exemplars of Evil book from WotC was good, and I'd pay to see Paizo's version. They also come up with BBEGs that are bigger, badder, and more evil than most other people's. If they came up with world-shaking opponents (a la Elder Evils but not so crappy), all the better.

HA! Keep in mind that three of us from Paizo wrote entries for Elder Evils...

Jason Bulmahn did the chapter on Father Llymic.
Mike McArtor did the chapter on Pandorym (I think...).
James Jacobs (me) did the chapter on Sertrous (although I would have rather had Obox-ob be the focus of the chapter... but alas, WotC wanted a yuan-ti demon lord).

AND: The Worm that Walks chapter was VERY heavilly influenced on the Age of Worms campaign that Dungeon ran from issues #124 to #135.

So hopefully you liked those four chapters, at least! :)

Tell Mr. Bulmahn that Mr. McArtor one-uped you guys in this book. Pandorym was the coolest thing in that book (with the worm being a close second).

Dark Archive Contributor

David Jackson 60 wrote:
Tell Mr. Bulmahn that Mr. McArtor one-uped you guys in this book. Pandorym was the coolest thing in that book (with the worm being a close second).





I'm so happy.

Which one was Pandorym? Was that the one that negated divine powers within like 1000 miles and the art was some kind of purple cloud thing with eyes? That one rocked. I was going to use it as the finale of my current campaign, but the PCs are all 21st level so I went with Kyuss from the AoW.

As an aside, it's going to be tough to be a player in the next campaign after getting the chance to run such a slammin' monster. The battle is on its second week.

Liberty's Edge

Mike McArtor wrote:
David Jackson 60 wrote:
Tell Mr. Bulmahn that Mr. McArtor one-uped you guys in this book. Pandorym was the coolest thing in that book (with the worm being a close second).





I'm so happy.

You should be. Pandorym is COOL.

Yep, Pandorym definitely was the coolest part of that book. I'd love to see something like elder evils, giving stats and information on various major baddies of Golarion such as the other Runelords. (Though I highly doubt that we'll get those from you guys that easily.) Sigh... But I can dream at least!

However, I already see great potential elsewhere. For Example:

The sleeping Mhar in Spires of Xin-Shalast.

I'd also like to get a yearly monster book series, detailing all the creatures you've released each year in the Pathfinder Adventure Paths & Modules, with hopefully a few extras, and maybe even a design contest winner or two as well. ^_^

Hmm... Well, I can't think of anything else as of yet, however I would like to take just a second to thank you guys for all the work you're putting into this. I know were probably overwhelming you with requests at the moment, but hey at least that proves just how wonderful of a job you've done so far. As far as I'm concerned Golarion & Pathfinder is here to stay, and I'm undeniably hooked.

Dark Archive

Another thing that I think would be cool is an addition to the map folio. It would be handy if there were a couple of poster-sized tactical maps included for areas where major combat occurs. I would be happy to pay a little extra for that.

kikai13 wrote:
Another thing that I think would be cool is an addition to the map folio. It would be handy if there were a couple of poster-sized tactical maps included for areas where major combat occurs. I would be happy to pay a little extra for that.

I was one of the ones that b$%!@ed that the map folio wasn't a great value, as it is.

Having said that, I do use my for Runelords, and it is pretty damn handy. I'm not sure if it's $15 worth of handy, but I am definitely getting good use out of it.

Tactical battlemats could actually be a top notch product idea. That was what I was hoping the map folio would actually have been...

Sovereign Court

Chambodian wrote:
How about a PATHFINDER DM's screen? Simple to make I would assume, and I'm sure it would sell. Especially with some artwork of revamped classic monsters i.e. Goblins, Ogres, Etc. Plus you would have to throw in some new relevant charts. Perhaps this is more of a reality once the game pass's the beta & alpha phase. Either way it's food for thought, and if you guys make one I promise to buy 2.(_)3CHEERS!

Great idea, I'd love to get one.

Liberty's Edge

A Pathfinder Interactive Atlas (CCpro or CC3).

I am sure we will see the other suggestions in time. As most have already started showing up.

Sovereign Court

A Book of Myths and Legends of Golarion. What's the mythology of Golarion? Whose's deeds and acts are sung about through the ages? What stories get told to children, then get repeated by bards for coin? I'd love to see that, from an inworld POV. It would really help me get into the mind of the characters.

A Guide to the Pathfinders. THE Sourcebook on the Pathfinder organisation. I want all the details on that group possible!

Art of Golarion. More artwork. Of, you know, Seoni. Maybe Sabine. And Queen Illosa. (And a few others so that we can argue that it's not been bought just for the ladies. Ahem) But on a serious note, some wide landscape pictures of some of the locales in Pathfinder would be quite well recieved.

The Exchange

DM Screen and Battlemaps for the Paths. I love these ideas.
Prepainted plastic minis for the Paths(maybe get Reaper to do them).
A pathfinder compass that is a turn counter.

Fake Healer wrote:

DM Screen and Battlemaps for the Paths. I love these ideas.

Prepainted plastic minis for the Paths(maybe get Reaper to do them).
A pathfinder compass that is a turn counter.

Love the pre-painted minis idea. Especially if Reaper does them. They have a pre-painted minis line. I'm sure they would love to anchore it to a popular setting (Pathfinder being that setting). Also, I like the idea of a CCPro interactive Pathfinder map. You would have my money for any of these products.

Scarab Sages

A book about magical academies and bard schools on all the world, similar to Gods of Golarion.
Its locations, greater masters, famous people what was studend on it and its relations with other schools and local governments.

And "lost" schools too, with information about wizard specializations/prohibited magics and special techniques for each one (as the Inscribe Rune or Acadamae Graduate feats)

Liberty's Edge

1) Pathfinder DM screen
2) Pathfinder MM
3) Pathfinder version of ToH
4) Pathfinder Book of Bad Guys
5) Large vinyl maps (cities, regions, etc..) for Pathfinder.
- I bought one for Ptolus, and I used it quite a bit for my Ptolus campaign. The paper maps are good, but they show wear after awhile.

Here's one by me.

A book of Secrets.

I really loved the way that Eberron was set up. The world itself was full of open-ended conflict, conspiracy, mystery, and secret. I liked this design so much, it overshadowed the flavor aspects I didn't like.

In your guidebook to Korvosa, you had a secrets chapter.

I would love to see a big book of secrets, most of them open ended so you can take them down the path you want. I basically love it when you have some things chalked with flavor but the total explanation is only hinted at and could be one of several possibilities.

That would be first on my list.

Scarab Sages

I already posted this in another thread, but thought it would work well added here.

I'd like to see a book/pdf that did a 3-5 page write-up of each of the iconic characters. Flesh them out, tell their backstory, personality, quirks, motivations, the whole nine yards.

An exciting, fun and immersive version of the planes.

An atlas. After five years or so.

large maps for miniatures, from the AP's.

A non-random plastic miniatures line, with a limited run, and the option to reprint.

A book of myths and legends, aphorisms and quotes. Super fluff.

A mythos sourcebook for Golarion.

Map folios done right.

A PDF character sheet. Make a contest, and solicit feedback.

A Neverwinter Nights or TOEE module for download, with PFRPG mods to make it Pathfinder specific.

Pathfinder fiction. Only do it if it is possible to do it well.

A GM screen that rivals White Wolf for quality.

More map packs for each AP.

A searchable database and hyperlinked file, like the D20SRD website, for rules queries and printing of sections.


A Guide to Kaer Maga, ir's the most intrigant city of all Varisia :p

Dark Archive

artemis_segundo wrote:

A Guide to Kaer Maga, ir's the most intrigant city of all Varisia :p

Yes, I'd like to see this as well. Kaer Maga is such an awesome place, that it would be a shame to let it go unexplored after the APs leave Varisia. It doesn't seem to play a role in CotCT (nor in SD), so I don't expect a back drop for the city (like you did for Magnimar). Maybe there could be a Guide To Varisia, that explores several locations throughout the region. It could feature Kaer Maga, the Storval Plateau, Janderhoff, the Mushfens (incl. the Sunken Queen) and the like. As Magnimar has been covered (and Riddleport will be in the SD AP), there'd be even more room to write something about Celwynvian and other interesting places.

Grand Lodge

I have an idea for a product that isn't really high end and maybe it would be something that maybe the community should put together rather than the writers.

I have always had a thing for the old menus for products that used to exists in 1e games for things adventurers might buy. I do realize that price lists exist in the Players hand books and the like, but I though it might be interesting to have some sort of specialized menu just for a specific shop a player might enter, or perhaps see nailed to the side of thier workshop.

Going through the lists in the players handbooks can be confusing and not everything is listed together. Breaking it out and tuning it to the NPC who owns the shop might be more interesting.

This mught be better conceived as a Game Nastery product, it also might be interesting as a wiki type thing that was flavored for the Pathfinder game world.

Herald wrote:

I have an idea for a product that isn't really high end and maybe it would be something that maybe the community should put together rather than the writers.

I have always had a thing for the old menus for products that used to exists in 1e games for things adventurers might buy. I do realize that price lists exist in the Players hand books and the like, but I though it might be interesting to have some sort of specialized menu just for a specific shop a player might enter, or perhaps see nailed to the side of thier workshop.

Going through the lists in the players handbooks can be confusing and not everything is listed together. Breaking it out and tuning it to the NPC who owns the shop might be more interesting.

This mught be better conceived as a Game Nastery product, it also might be interesting as a wiki type thing that was flavored for the Pathfinder game world.

I will start.


Everything: 1 GP

Grand Lodge

David Jackson 60 wrote:
Herald wrote:

I have an idea for a product that isn't really high end and maybe it would be something that maybe the community should put together rather than the writers.

I have always had a thing for the old menus for products that used to exists in 1e games for things adventurers might buy. I do realize that price lists exist in the Players hand books and the like, but I though it might be interesting to have some sort of specialized menu just for a specific shop a player might enter, or perhaps see nailed to the side of thier workshop.

Going through the lists in the players handbooks can be confusing and not everything is listed together. Breaking it out and tuning it to the NPC who owns the shop might be more interesting.

This mught be better conceived as a Game Nastery product, it also might be interesting as a wiki type thing that was flavored for the Pathfinder game world.

I will start.


Everything: 1 GP


By the way, how much is that?

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:

An exciting, fun and immersive version of the planes.

An atlas. After five years or so.

large maps for miniatures, from the AP's.

A non-random plastic miniatures line, with a limited run, and the option to reprint.

This is not realistic, plastic is only cheap when done in really large runs, as making the molds for plastics are very expensive

A book of myths and legends, aphorisms and quotes. Super fluff.

A mythos sourcebook for Golarion.

Map folios done right.

A PDF character sheet. Make a contest, and solicit feedback.

A Neverwinter Nights or TOEE module for download, with PFRPG mods to make it Pathfinder specific.

Pathfinder fiction. Only do it if it is possible to do it well.

A GM screen that rivals White Wolf for quality.

More map packs for each AP.

A searchable database and hyperlinked file, like the D20SRD website, for rules queries and printing of sections.

These are good, except the plastic minis, This is not realistic, plastic is only cheap when done in really large runs, as making the molds for plastics are very expensive. Once you have that you can run them off cheap, but the initial investment is really expensive (damn near bankrupted Rackham this year)

Rackham? Damn near killed 'em!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Seoni Dress Up video game... wait.. did I say that out loud.. nevermind!

Liberty's Edge

Padraig wrote:
David Marks wrote:

Hmm. Is there anyway to spell grognard with a 3?

(I prefer pro-4E and anti-4E when I am forced to categorize positions, myself. I think it is human nature to band together into tribes, and no matter what we call the those who refuse to let DnD go silently into 4E, I suspect it will come to possess negative connotations given time. More than DudeMonkey implies, I'd chalk this up to the natural inclination in us all.)

Cheers! :)

How about grogn3rd? then you kind of get "nerd" for free... just a thought.

I'd like to see and wear a "grogn3rd!" T-Shirt.

Scarab Sages

Herald wrote:


Everything: 1 GP

Everything in the shop?

For one gold piece?

I'll take it all!

<flips 1 gp into till>

...oh, yeah, that till is mine, by the way...

Scarab Sages

SirUrza wrote:
Seoni Dress Up video game... wait.. did I say that out loud.. nevermind!

Who needs a video game?

...oh, wait, did I say that out loud?...never mind!

<strokes 'accessories'...>


Scarab Sages

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
A GM screen that rivals White Wolf for quality.

Haven't seen White Wolf's but I think it would be awesome to have Kenzer licensed to produce Pathfinder screens that are similar to their Hackmaster/Kingdoms of Kalamar screens.

I love my KoK DM screen. I would snatch up a Pathfinder screen of the same type in a heartbeat.

Well for my coppers I love to see an 3.p update to FFG mythic races ( a fav. of mine). or a Pathfinder optional racial books. Not starting a core race fight here, I think core races are a diff. animal but some of use like new racial options. Classic monsters revisted almost did this, though in a very crunch limited sort of way.

I would kill, well not really, but I would volunteer my son and grandson who are black belts in karate to seriously beat someone up to have the following product.

In the DMG 3.5, page 137, table 5-2 there is a Random Town Generator.

I would like to see a "Book of Places", for lack of a better title. It should include a town stat block, see D1 - Crown of the Kobold King, page 3 for the Falcon's Hollow stat block, as well as a map (D1-page 27), a legend, and notes about places, persons, organizations in town (D1-page 27-28).

Include the following:
1) Shoanti hamlet of about 100 people
2) Shoanti village of about 500 people
3) Shoanti small town of about 1000 people
4,5,6) Chelexian/Variasian hamlet/village/small town, using same numbers
7) A "way station", ie. an Inn, with maybe a shop or two a days travel from a town
8) 4,5,6 in various settings, ie. forest, desert, cold climate, jungle, etc.
9) Add 100/500/1000 sized 'monster' lairs, ie. a goblin, or orc.
10) 9, but for wood elves, fey, dwarves, halfling village, gnome.

etc, etc, etc.

A 32 or perhaps 64 page booklet on this subject would be a wonderful addition to any DM's set of preparation material.

-- david

Papa-DRB wrote:
In the DMG 3.5, page 137, table 5-2 there is a Random Town Generator.

Available online here. :)

Lilith wrote:
Papa-DRB wrote:
In the DMG 3.5, page 137, table 5-2 there is a Random Town Generator.
Available online here. :)

Nice. But... and you knew there had to be one, I want the maps and the places, persons, organizations (all at high-level) mostly, as that is the real hard part.

-- david

Abook about organisation group,secert society,cult stuff like that

Papa-DRB wrote:

Nice. But... and you knew there had to be one, I want the maps and the places, persons, organizations (all at high-level) mostly, as that is the real hard part.

-- david

But of course! :D

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