Last Seen at Kerrigan's Keep


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Male Half-Elf Sorcerer [Draconic] 3

"Ah, but it is the times you do not have the crossbow that one regrets."

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Yin makes notes of suggestions on a spare scrap of paper, although she can't help but write 'Alchemy Lab' at the top of the list in big letters. She knows it's a pipedream but her own lab would save no end on all the alchemist's fire she keeps buying. All potential lightsources are scrubbed from the list to save money, sure that between setting up fires and her dancing lights that they'll be safe, besides good warriors could survive underground in the dark, if all went wrong she'd at least get a taste of her clan's right of passage.

Sorry I've been busy, I can get a list together at some point soon, but as Yin isn't hurrying with it (she wants to spend at least a little longer at the keep) I'm not going to! :P

Okay, Yin. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves. Kerrigan will put you all up for the night in the manor house. There is a lot of room. His only request is that you don't go down into the wine cellar as they have a spider infestation.

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer [Draconic] 3

"Very gracious of you, my Lord."

Spiders!? Sounds like a quest. How much gold do we get?

Janrith Baelriss wrote:

"Very gracious of you, my Lord."

Spiders!? Sounds like a quest. How much gold do we get?

He has made it very clear, you are NOT to enter the wine cellar.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
He has made it very clear, you are NOT to enter the wine cellar.

Oh Lords.. that's just like red flag to a bull with Yin, she wants to see these spiders now!

Feel free to continue the evenings discussion. Lord Kerrigan excuses himself, as does Falcon. Both claim they have other duties but it seems more like they want you to feel comfortable talking with each other. The following happens when you are ready to retire for the evening



The castellan, Harpur, shows Yin to a small cosy room with a cot. The rest of the party is led to a larger room with three dozen cots. It takes up the entire level of the manor house below the entry level. Screens have been set up to give some privacy to each cot. The castellan explains that if the outer keep falls, this room is intended to house soldiers and townsfolk during a long seige.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

Sir Manfred carefully shucks himself of his armor, revealing the outstanding bruises of the joust, and carefully lies down on the cot assigned to him.

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer [Draconic] 3

Janrith piles sheets and clothes on the floor, with noising pounding and pacing he slowly makes a nest for himself. He buries his valuables under the pile. Satisfied, he takes one last look around the room before curling up into ball to fall asleep.

In the morning, the Castellan wakes the party. A large breakfast is served. Lord Kerrigan does not join them but much later he takes Yin and Manfred aside.


"I would like to thank you for protecting my people as if they were your own. Your actions were brave. Worthy. Take these as tokens of my appreciation."

To Manfred he hands a longsword. The scabbard is well-worn but the blade seems new. +1 longsword. "I've worn this in battle many times. May it serve you as it has me.

To Yin he gives a long slender vial with a swirling orange and yellow liquid inside. "Drink this when your own fiery personality is not enough," he says with a wink. He does not explain.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

I'm back online! I'm glad that it wasn't too difficult to cover for me! ;-)

Janrith Baelriss wrote:

"Well, my good dwarf, I am no slouch with a weapon, ranged or not. I do have these after all." He flashes a hand; razor sharp claws, a deep onyx, protrude from his fingers. "I also have this and this." He points to a dagger and a crossbow at his side and back respectively.

"As for healing, my *ahem* lineage permits me to dabble in many magical endeavours. This small piece of crystal and my talent you might find more valuable than a stalwart cleric, blessed as they may be."

Ovirid notes the claws that Janrith displays, "Interestin'. No offense, but me experience has shown that a mage in melee is a mage in trouble. It be good knowin' you can defend yerself, but I'm fer 'opin' we don't have you in melee much. If'n yer the 'ealer, it's fer bein' even more important that you not be fallin' to a foe." Turning to Yin, he notes, "If'n he's a healer, that's good fer us, but we should 'ave a backup to get 'im on 'is feet if'n somethin' goes wrong - some potions'd be enough, I'm fer thinkin'."

Sir Manfred VonFalkenburg wrote:
Sir Manfred replies; "I am ready now. But why would you want to carry crossbows into the confines of an underground environment?"

"Me boy, jus' because yer under the ground doesn't mean yer in a wee room. I've been fer seein' caverns underfoot that would hold this keep entire. And you can be fer plannin' on foes that don't fight fair -- if'n they can shoot you in the dark afore you know they be there, you can bet they will. I'm fer hopin' I can see 'em first, but it's not always fer bein' that way. Of course, seein' 'ow's yer lookin' to be the muscle on this trip, yer likely to use a bow less, but I'm fer encouragin' our mages to keep back from the tussle and shoot if'n a spell isn't appropriate."

When the trio of men is shown to their quarters for the night, Ovirid makes a point of inspecting each obvious entrance to the room, checking to see which can be locked, and which ones actually are. He doesn't change the state, just makes note of the fact. He also looks carefully for any less-than-obvious entrances. Satisfied that he knows the lay of the land, he will share what he's found if the others appear interested or curious. Otherwise, he will select a cot that is removed from the accessible entrances (preferring locked windows to unlocked, etc.) but remaining near his new teammates.

Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
When the trio of men is shown to their quarters for the night, Ovirid makes a point of inspecting each obvious entrance to the room, checking to see which can be locked, and which ones actually are. He doesn't change the state, just makes note of the fact. He also looks carefully for any less-than-obvious entrances. Satisfied that he knows the lay of the land, he will share what he's found if the others appear interested or curious. Otherwise, he will select a cot that is removed from the accessible entrances (preferring locked windows to unlocked, etc.) but remaining near his new teammates.

Ovirid notices one unusual feature in this space. The doors leading to inward passages or stairs going down are better reinforced than doors leading to outer rooms of the manor and doors to stairs going up. This doesn't seem unusual to the dwarf at first as their holds are often attacked from creatures dwelling below but it does occur to him this is not a very 'human' way of thinking.

Female Human - Shoanti Wizard - 4

Yin looks around the small room and rapidly starts to feel lonely. Grabbing her things she gives a sigh before heading to the room the men have been lead to. Hoping they won't mind she knocks on the door and waits a full half a minute before letting herself in. "Hey.. do you have room for one more?"

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Yintarah Fireweaver wrote:
Yin looks around the small room and rapidly starts to feel lonely. Grabbing her things she gives a sigh before heading to the room the men have been lead to. Hoping they won't mind she knocks on the door and waits a full half a minute before letting herself in. "Hey.. do you have room for one more?"

As Yin lets herself in, Ovirid is headed toward the door to answer it. He gets there just in time to close the door behind her and answer, "Aye, there be plenty of room. 'ave you found another member for the team?" He reaches for the door, thinking he's shut someone out in the hall when what's she's asking sinks in.

"Ah, well, ah, I'm not fer mindin' if you think the team needs ta be campin' together. I'll be fer draggin' some of these screens together so's you can 'ave privacy if'n you need it." And he does so, pulling screens from around the room until he eventually ends up with a double-wall of screens around a pair of cots in the corner of the room. Then he moves his gear to the first cot outside the double-wall where he can come to her aid faster, if necessary.

"There ye be! Let me be knowin' if'n there's anythin' else I can do." With that, he prepares to retire for the night.

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer [Draconic] 3

Janrith's ears twitch slightly at the knock on the door. Raising his head to see Yin enter, he watches until the door is shut again and the sounds of moving furniture stop before laying his head back down.

He seems more bothered by the noise rather than any possible impropriety.

Male Human Cavalier L1-- AC 18-(T10-F18) | hp 13/13| F4, R0, W2 | Init+0 | Percep +0 | Status: OK

To Lord Kerrigan:
Sir Manfred slowly draws a foot of gleaming enchanted steel and gazes upon it with awe. "My Lord, I... I don't know what to say." He kneels before him. "I swear will bear it with the same honor and generosity you have shown to me."

I'm ready to move you guys up to the campsite anytime you've spent the 1000 gp. I'll post a map when it becomes time.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

In the morning

With Yin's permission, Ovirid reads through the shopping list and notes the Alchemist's Lab at the top of the list. "Lass, if'n you've got the knack fer makin' firen-a-bottle n' such, that would be a great thing. But 'ow long does it take ta make a batch o' fire or a bag o' footglue?"

He scratches his chin through his copious beard, "I'm fer thinkin' that we may not 'ave time fer makin' much afore we 'ead out -- isn't yer friend leavin' fer the Spires in the next couple o' days? If'n we're to be lookin' like we're leavin' with 'im, that's not much time fer quality work -- at least, not if'n it be armor or 'ammer you'd be makin' -- in my specialty, quick work is oft needed... I'd not be fer knowin' about yer magic bottles -- but I'm all fer havin' more o' them around, ya understand."

"If'n I can 'elp speed the process up by 'andin' you the ingredients or some such, just let me know. I've got nothin' to do 'ere in the Keep 'cept get ready to go to the Caves 'r go to the Spires, 'n I gave my word to aid you in your task. So just say the word - yer the boss, I reckon."

"Oh, if'n there be any spare coin when yer shoppin' list is complete, extra string or light rope and lumber might be fer comin' in 'andy."

In time leading up to the departure, unless Yin or one of the others has something for Ovirid to do, he will 1) try to strike up a conversation with Orlan to see if they'd be willing to have him in the Spires, 2) try to strike up a conversation or spar with Manfred to get his measure as a fighter and determine how best to complement his techniques, 3) make some plans for quick-to-set up traps involving the before-mentioned string and lumber, 4) think on how to proceed into likely hostile territory with two spellcasters in a group of four. Spellcasters that are unlikely to listen to advice, at that. "Hrmph, best not be wastin' me time on that little riddle, I reckon."

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer [Draconic] 3

Janrith literally sleeps until someone wakes him.

A day or two of relaxation have passed. The heroes remain in Kerrigan's home and are well-treated. The morning of the departure, the castellan wakes everyone and announces that Lord Orlan is prepared to depart. As per the plan, the party is to exit the Keep with Lord Orlan and four of Kerrigan's most trusted guards. Once out of sight of the Keep, two of these guards will continue with Lord Orlan up the river towards the spires. The other two will break off with the party and guide them up to the base of "The Lost Road," a road so ancient and overgrown that even the Shoanti do not know who built it. It is at the base of this road that the party has been advised to make camp.

Note that Kornelius Rowel II is with you ... he, by the way, is my son.

I will assume that everyone who wants one has access to a horse for this journey. Any horses not bought will be lent and returned to the Keep. Marching orders? Special preparations? We'll leave the shopping list for now.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
I will assume that everyone who wants one has access to a horse for this journey. Any horses not bought will be lent and returned to the Keep. Marching orders? Special preparations? We'll leave the shopping list for now.

Ovirid is not a skilled rider, but he will accept the offer of a warpony loaned by the keep. His inclination is to range 20' to 30' ahead of the rest of the party most of the time as a scout, possibly ranging farther ahead if the situation warrants.

"Ah, it's good ta be fer gettin' to the task at 'and, eh?"

He will also visit with their assigned guards to get a feel for their melee preferences. Are they capable ranged fighters? Do they have a preference for two-weapon, sword-and-board, two-handed weapon styles, etc.? He's not much for small talk, though.

"It's good to see you again, young Kornelius. Who be yer friend and ally?"

I have to say I think it's cool that you've been able to share this with your son, Tarren. My brothers (several years younger) and I are looking forward to some joint adventuring via the boards once they are a bit more up to speed. Cool thing, this.

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer [Draconic] 3

Any possibility of buying a scroll of summon monster?

Janrith is fine with horses, and will accept the load on a light warhorse from the Keep. If possible, he will also request a pack mule or even a pulled wagon.

Janrith is best served in the middle of the group for marching order.

Janrith Baelriss wrote:

Any possibility of buying a scroll of summon monster?

On short notice, I'd say not. This tiny Keep doesn't have much in the way of arcane casters and the one NPC one that is there is keeping his magical ability quite secret.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3

Okay, folks. I'm back from hiatus. Many things in real-life are now complete. Time to get Orlan back on track.

Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
In time leading up to the departure...Ovirid...will...try to strike up a conversation with Orlan to see if they'd be willing to have him in the Spires

"Hunh! The Spires do be callin' fer every able-bodied dwarf ta come a'runnin' ta reclaim what was once rightfully belongin' ta the Hammerfoe clan," he replies, "But, by muh beard, yuh're not a Hammerfoe. Doesn't mean yuh wouldn't be welome there. It just might be best if'n yuh find some means o' makin' yerself known and honored by King Klyndak before arrivin' first."

Orlan gestures towards Manfred and Yin. "These two be friends o' the King...and me as well," he states, "If'n yuh be seein' ta their safety and success, I reckon the time'll come when yuh'll have plenty o' accomplishments and honors ta bring ta the King o' the Spires. Yuh might also serve the Hammerfoes well by greetin' any o' our kinfolk who venture up from Janderhoff ta join us. Guide'em on their way and yuh'll all be welcome at Klyndak's hearth."

With that, Orlan puts about gathering his supplies and preparing for the trip into the mountains again. He stomps his boots in readiness and memory of the nearly-lethal river that awaits him. "It'll be good ta breathe the mountain air again," he says, staring off at the horizon as if he can see the Spires even from Kerrigan's Keep.

For DM:


I'll leave it to you as to when you'd like Orlan to arrive in the Foray thread. I've noted the most recent posts regarding the messenger and Orlan's letter. Let me know when you're ready and I'll jump back into the fray...or, um...foray, if you wish. ;)

Orlan wrote:

For DM:
I'll leave it to you as to when you'd like Orlan to arrive in the Foray thread. I've noted the most recent posts regarding the messenger and Orlan's letter. Let me know when you're ready and I'll jump back into the fray...or, um...foray, if you wish. ;)



You never wrote THAT letter. It has your name on it though. ;-)

Male Human Fighter (2)

Kornelius is also fine with horses, and I think he should be ok guarding the rear. Kornelius asks one of the guards, "What do you know about this 'Lost Road'? Any idea of who built the road? Has it been damaged before? How did people find out about the road?" says Kornelius too curiously, and now very thirsty.

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4
Orlan wrote:
Ovirid Thorvirson wrote:
In time leading up to the departure...Ovirid...will...try to strike up a conversation with Orlan to see if they'd be willing to have him in the Spires

"Hunh! The Spires do be callin' fer every able-bodied dwarf ta come a'runnin' ta reclaim what was once rightfully belongin' ta the Hammerfoe clan," he replies, "But, by muh beard, yuh're not a Hammerfoe. Doesn't mean yuh wouldn't be welome there. It just might be best if'n yuh find some means o' makin' yerself known and honored by King Klyndak before arrivin' first."

Orlan gestures towards Manfred and Yin. "These two be friends o' the King...and me as well," he states, "If'n yuh be seein' ta their safety and success, I reckon the time'll come when yuh'll have plenty o' accomplishments and honors ta bring ta the King o' the Spires. Yuh might also serve the Hammerfoes well by greetin' any o' our kinfolk who venture up from Janderhoff ta join us. Guide'em on their way and yuh'll all be welcome at Klyndak's hearth."

"Ya have mah word -- I'll be fer doin' everythin' I can to make sure everyone comes back. I'll not be fer predictin' success, but I'll be makin' ever' effort to ensure safety."

Kornelius Rowel II wrote:
Kornelius is also fine with horses, and I think he should be ok guarding the rear. Kornelius asks one of the guards, "What do you know about this 'Lost Road'? Any idea of who built the road? Has it been damaged before? How did people find out about the road?" says Kornelius too curiously, and now very thirsty.

The guard answers Kornelius' questions to the best of his knowledge:

"The 'Lost Road'? Don't know much about it. We send patrols up here sometimes but don't get too close to the caves and the road itself. It's a stretch of road that runs between two hills full of caves. No one knows who built it or when. Rest of the road must be covered over though 'cause that's the only part that's been found. I guess it must 'ave been Lord Kerrigan that found it. Him and Sirap Hilltown used to roam up here all the time. Don't know what they were looking for but I always thought it was a dangerous thing to do."

The guard stops and swallows a bit. "Of course, it's not my business what Lord Kerrigan does. He's a Lord and all."

Farewells are said to Lord Orlan. The four guards consult and then go their separate ways. There is a great sense of urgency and secrecy about both missions.

The guards are armed with short bows and short swords but stow their shields bearing the insignia of Kerrigan's Keep (a fortress silhouetted against an orange sky) and take out grey cloaks and plain wooden shields out of their backpacks.

"Farethewell, careful of what you might meet in the Mindspins," says one with a rough laugh.

"Be you thinking that the Caves of Chaos are much safer, lad," replies another with a laugh containing just as much false bravado.

Orlan will remain in this thread until he reaches the spires. He has two guards accompanying him.

Anyone going to the Caves of Chaos will go to this thread.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Orlan will remain in this thread until he reaches the spires. He has two guards accompanying him.

"Aye...let's be gettin' on with it then," Orlan nods. He tugs at the reins of the sure-footed mountain pony he's chosen for the trip and leads a train of mules bearing all of the goods secured at Kerrigan's Keep.

Orlan wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Orlan will remain in this thread until he reaches the spires. He has two guards accompanying him.
"Aye...let's be gettin' on with it then," Orlan nods. He tugs at the reins of the sure-footed mountain pony he's chosen for the trip and leads a train of mules bearing all of the goods secured at Kerrigan's Keep.

The level of the river is much lower than it was a few weeks ago. Any spring runoff has long since diminished. You can take the mules and mountain pony along the edge of the river all the way to the falls. Let me know of any precautions you take.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The level of the river is much lower than it was a few weeks ago. Any spring runoff has long since diminished. You can take the mules and mountain pony along the edge of the river all the way to the falls. Let me know of any precautions you take.

Orlan's precautions are quite lengthy. He's a distrustful sort of dwarf. And dwarves are already a distrustful lot as a racial trait. Given that Orlan has seen Kerrigan's men (i.e., Capt. Badder) operating independently of their orders, he's inclined to keep an eye on the guardsmen traveling with him, just in case they get it into their heads to betray him for some reason.

Additionally, Orlan is on his guard for everything he knows about the trail back into the Mindspins. He'll watch out for any giant bats in the sky. Or reefclaws in the river. He'll watch the landscape for any sign of those crazy, displaced cannibals again. He knows there could still be goblins or other humanoids about. Giant spiders obviously make their home in the mountains, too. So he'll use that information and share it with the guardsmen in the hopes that they'll stay on their toes and be too preoccupied with external threats to be able to plot anything against him.

Lastly, Orlan is taking his time. No need to rush. As such, he's making sure to stick to the safest, most defensible route possible. At night, he wants to make sure he can keep the mules safe by hiding them among the trees or an outcropping so anything flying above won't spot them. He also looks to keep a mountain or ravine wall to their backs at each campsite.

Other than that, he's just your average, ordinary, happy-go-lucky dwarven adventurer on the march... ;-)

You seem well prepared ;-)

It is half a day before trouble comes.

The river seems very different from when you last encountered it only a few days ago. Calmer. Tamer. The side of the gorge is less muddy than it was even last week.

The guards are respectful but not entirely comfortable. They are not entirely convinced this plan was well-thought out.

"I'd be happier if t'were as large a group as we set out with," says Kraeg. "It's not like we aren't attracting attention."

"Not ours to question," replies the Lurret, the older of the two who seems entirely professional and you learn was once a well-paid enforcer in Korvosa.

It is half a day before trouble comes and when it does come it is no surprise you didn't detect it before. Three arrows fly from across the river, too great a distance for much accuracy. Two strike Kraeg, the third startles his horse causing it to rear. Kraeg and Lurret react without hesitation. Kraeg gets down behind the wheel of the carts pulling the goods; Lurret urges his horse forward to shield you.

"Lord Orlan," Lurret shouts. "Trouble."

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Three arrows fly from across the river, too great a distance for much accuracy...."Lord Orlan," Lurret shouts. "Trouble."

"Hunh!" Orlan growls, "It'll take more'n a few stick-pins ta spell trouble fer a follower o' Torag! Guard the supplies, fellas. I'll handle this..."

The dwarf trots his pony to the other side of the river and dismounts, readying his shield and war-axe with a steely gaze and fierce determination.

"Ah, yuh done gone an' messed with the wrong dwarf!" he shouts in the direction of their attackers, "I'll be takin' those arrows outta yer hands and shovin' 'em up yer own backside, yuh worthless sons o' Lamashtu!"

Initiative necessary at this point?

Orlan wrote:

Initiative necessary at this point?

I will need some new rolls but I still had one pre-roll for you. A pretty lousy one, actually.

The men must be unnerved at the dwarf's unflinching stance. 'Surely, he can't mean to take on three of us alone!?' they must be wondering as they miss Orlan twice while he crossing the river. Of the six arrows fired, only one hits. It cuts a deep gash on Orlan's cheek and ear. 6 points of damage.

Two arrows are fired back at them by a shaken and dizzy Kraeg. Both missing the men.

Lurret crosses the river right only a few feet behind Orlan. "I'm not under your orders, per se, Lord Orlan. I'm ordered to protect you, not to obey you."

Orlan is now across the river, dismounted, and facing three men clad in leather and unmatched jerkins.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Lurret crosses the river right only a few feet behind Orlan. "I'm not under your orders, per se, Lord Orlan. I'm ordered to protect you, not to obey you."

"If'n we be losin' those mules, yuh'll be needin' someone ta be protectin' yuh from me," Orlan tosses over his shoulder, but in truth, doesn't mind the company as he sees what he's up against.

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The men must be unnerved at the dwarf's unflinching stance. 'Surely, he can't mean to take on three of us alone!?' they must be wondering as they miss Orlan twice while he crosses the river. Of the six arrows fired, only one hits. It cuts a deep gash on Orlan's cheek and ear.

"Hunh!" Orlan growls again, "Yuh bunch o' misfits can't hit worth a damn! Yuh call this fightin'? I'll show yuh a fight, yuh miserable...dung-eatin'...pieces o' dragon arse-scales..."

The rest of Lord Orlan's words come out somewhat unintelligible after that. But he wastes no time demonstrating the intensity of his anger and his eagerness to mete out punishment on those that would seek trouble with him. The dwarf's heavy axe rises, the sun gleaming off its wickedly sharp blade. Then he wades into the very middle of their midst and drives it into his first opponent.

Orlan's attack with waraxe... (1d20+5 = 22 to hit, 1d10+3 = 12 damage)

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
I will need some new rolls but I still had one pre-roll for you. A pretty lousy one, actually.

Here's some new ones for you...

Initiative and Perception rolls... (1d20+2=4, 1d20+1=9, 1d20+2=21, 1d20+1=18, 1d20+2=9, 1d20+1=17, 1d20+2=20, 1d20+1=16)

Orlan's waraxe slices the grey and brown clad bandit's leather armor at the shoulder and cuts most of the shoulder away as well.

Lurret leaps off his horse and slides his sword into the man Orlan attacked finishing him off.

"That leaves one each, Lord Orlan," Lurret says grimly, "Or do you want them both yourself?"

The bandits have dropped their bows and drawn swords.

The blades of both bandits find their marks.

6 more points damage, Orlan. Lurret also takes a hit.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"That leaves one each, Lord Orlan," Lurret says grimly, "Or do you want them both yourself?"

"If'n yuh're gonna be followin' behind me," Orlan grunts, "Yuh might as well be makin' yerself useful, I reckon!"

His axe makes another sweeping arc to get his opponent to chase the weapon's blade in an attempt to block it. But he swings the axe higher and out of reach in order to let its momentum carry him through a tight spin. Then as he comes around again, Orlan brings it much lower, aiming for the bandit's legs instead.

Orlan's attack with waraxe... (1d20+5 = 22 to hit, 1d10+3 = 7 damage)

Orlan wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"That leaves one each, Lord Orlan," Lurret says grimly, "Or do you want them both yourself?"

"If'n yuh're gonna be followin' behind me," Orlan grunts, "Yuh might as well be makin' yerself useful, I reckon!"

His axe makes another sweeping arc to get his opponent to chase the weapon's blade in an attempt to block it. But he swings the axe higher and out of reach in order to let its momentum carry him through a tight spin. Then as he comes around again, Orlan brings it much lower, aiming for the bandit's legs instead.

Orlan's attack with waraxe... (1d20+5 = 22 to hit, 1d10+3 = 7 damage)

The bandit stumbles and drops his sword as Orlan's axe grazes his leg. He hesitates to reach for it and with that his moment is lost.

Lurret, not to be outdone, slices the hand of the third bandit, the only one on two feet and still holding a weapon. That bandit's sword goes flying as well.

Both bandits rolled 1s! I even 'confirmed' their fumbles.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The bandit stumbles and drops his sword as Orlan's axe grazes his leg. He hesitates to reach for it and with that his moment is lost.

Orlan glares as he steps forward and places one of his newly booted feet atop the bandit's lost blade. Pointing at him with his axe, Orlan then loudly demands, "Give up the fight, yuh dishonorable dog...while yuh can still limp outta here with yer life!"

He checks Lurret out of the corner of his eye to make sure the veteran guardsman has the other bandit under control. "If'n either of yuh make one more move against us, it'll be yer last! And don't be doubtin' the word o' a Hammerfoe!"

Orlan wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The bandit stumbles and drops his sword as Orlan's axe grazes his leg. He hesitates to reach for it and with that his moment is lost.

Orlan glares as he steps forward and places one of his newly booted feet atop the bandit's lost blade. Pointing at him with his axe, Orlan then loudly demands, "Give up the fight, yuh dishonorable dog...while yuh can still limp outta here with yer life!"

He checks Lurret out of the corner of his eye to make sure the veteran guardsman has the other bandit under control. "If'n either of yuh make one more move against us, it'll be yer last! And don't be doubtin' the word o' a Hammerfoe!"

The bandit facing Lurret is the braver -- or more foolish -- of the two, he makes a move for his sword and is cut down by Lurret.

The last remaining bandit steps back in surprise and stumbles onto the muddy ground.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The last remaining bandit steps back in surprise and stumbles onto the muddy ground.

Orlan sweeps his other boot through the mud, kicking some at the bandit's face. "By what reason yuh be attackin' us?" he demands, "Who sent yuh on such a fool's errand?"

He gestures at the bodies of the two other bandit's on the ground. "Two o' yer friends are already dyin' 'cause o' yer stupidity. So yuh better wise up now and be answerin' muh questions 'fore I sign yuh over ta the same fate!"

Orlan stays within melee range and readies an action to attack the bandit at the first sign of betrayal.

Orlan wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
The last remaining bandit steps back in surprise and stumbles onto the muddy ground.

Orlan sweeps his other boot through the mud, kicking some at the bandit's face. "By what reason yuh be attackin' us?" he demands, "Who sent yuh on such a fool's errand?"

He gestures at the bodies of the two other bandit's on the ground. "Two o' yer friends are already dyin' 'cause o' yer stupidity. So yuh better wise up now and be answerin' muh questions 'fore I sign yuh over ta the same fate!"

Orlan stays within melee range and readies an action to attack the bandit at the first sign of betrayal.

The bandit begins hesitantly, "We'd just heard ya'd be carryin' gold ...".

You hear a 'CHINK' sound and look up to see an arrow fired from the side of the river with your wagon on it. Kraeg is standing on top of the wagon with a bow. When he gets your attention, he points to the top of the gorge wall above you. You can't see what he is pointing at but three arrows fly in his direction while he leaps back behind the wagon wheel.

"More of them up top!" cries Lurret. Lurret points to a rope hanging down the gorge wall, "That's how they came down."

You cannot see anyone up top, nor can they presently see you.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
"More of them up top!" cries Lurret. Lurret points to a rope hanging down the gorge wall, "That's how they came down."

"Hunh!" Orlan frowns.

He walks over to the first bandit he and Lurret dispatched and reaches down to check him for any sign of life. Provided the man is only dying and not yet past the point of no-return, Orlan quietly mutters a prayer for Torag to hold his spirit while his body still touches the mountainside.

Orlan casts stabilize on the first bandit.

As he does so, the dwarf carries on a conversation, seemingly half to himself and half to Lurret and the remaining bandit.

"Bloody ambushes from up high," he mutters, "Why's there always someone throwin' stuff down on me? First the bone-worshippin' man-eaters and now a bunch o' ill-prepared, misinformed bandits! I got half a mind ta climb the tallest mountain in these parts and shove whatever's makin' its home there off'n the cliffside so's I can have a turn at rainin' stuff down on ever'one else that comes through this pass!"

He moves to the next fallen bandit and repeats his prayer.

Orlan takes another round to cast stabilize again.

He seems unconcerned about standing at the base of the mountain with the potential for more arrows to come their way. But his conversation continues unabated.

"If'n they so much as scratch one o' them mules and delay these supplies from reachin' the Spires, I'll bury ever' last one o' them in the mountain up ta their necks and leave'em fer the birds ta find. Got no respect fer a follower o' Torag protectin' his own belongin's! So why show'em any respect as well?"

After he finishes with the second bandit, he crosses once more to face the only remaining one that's still conscious.

"Yuh plant yerself right there," he points at the man's feet, "And don't be movin' an inch or I'll come back here an' finish this fight! Yuh hear?"

"Lurret?" he looks at the guardsman and motions the man to accompany him back to the wagon, "I figger I can climb muh way up the mountainside easily enough and see just how many o' these bandits dare ta be attackin' us. Them two bandits on the ground back there'll live if'n the third one's got half-a-mind ta help'em. But there's rarely any honor among thieves...or so I been told. Maybe we should be askin' Kraeg ta keep'em covered with his bow while we go up and see ta the bladework that'll be necessary in teachin' the rest o' this rabble a lesson. Yuh think yuh can follow me up?"

Assuming Lurret and Kraeg agree to Lord Orlan's plan, he'll use one of his turning attempts to channel positive energy and heal the three of them by the wagon.

Healing... (1d6 = 4 hp)

Orlan wrote:
"Lurret?" he looks at the guardsman and motions the man to accompany him back to the wagon, ...

Nice. I'm reminded of the crazy colonel in Apocalypse Now who just walked around while the bomb were falling. ... Crossing the river back to the side with the wagon on it will expose you to fire from above. Are you sure you want to do that? Just to be clear, the bandits (all of them) were on one side of the river. Three at gorge level and the others up on the rocks out of sight. Your wagon and Kraeg are on the other side of the river.

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Nice. I'm reminded of the crazy colonel in Apocalypse Now who just walked around while the bomb were falling. ... Crossing the river back to the side with the wagon on it will expose you to fire from above. Are you sure you want to do that? Just to be clear, the bandits (all of them) were on one side of the river. Three at gorge level and the others up on the rocks out of sight. Your wagon and Kraeg are on the other side of the river.

To climb the rope, Orlan will have to go back that way anyhow. Essentially, he's crossing the river with his shield fully held in front of him. Go with the Total Defense option to boost his AC. And I'll toss on shield of faith before he begins his climb. If nothing else, the dwarf's sheer ballsy attitude should entertain the guardsmen for this encounter. I view Orlan very much as someone who fears nothing. His own life is in the hands of Torag now...and with Torag being all about protection as part of his portfolio, it's a pretty good set of hands to trust. ;-)

Orlan wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Nice. I'm reminded of the crazy colonel in Apocalypse Now who just walked around while the bomb were falling. ... Crossing the river back to the side with the wagon on it will expose you to fire from above. Are you sure you want to do that? Just to be clear, the bandits (all of them) were on one side of the river. Three at gorge level and the others up on the rocks out of sight. Your wagon and Kraeg are on the other side of the river.

To climb the rope, Orlan will have to go back that way anyhow. Essentially, he's crossing the river with his shield fully held in front of him. Go with the Total Defense option to boost his AC. And I'll toss on shield of faith before he begins his climb. If nothing else, the dwarf's sheer ballsy attitude should entertain the guardsmen for this encounter. I view Orlan very much as someone who fears nothing. His own life is in the hands of Torag now...and with Torag being all about protection as part of his portfolio, it's a pretty good set of hands to trust. ;-)

Ahh, there's the confusion. No, the rope is on the side of the river you are currently on. The bandits you just slew used it to get to where they are now. The bandits up top are up top on the side of the river you are currently on. You can't see them because of the angle. Kraeg can because he is across the river from you. Should I map this?

I'm sorry for being unclear about this. I should have mapped this out.

mm = mules
car= caravan
K = Kraeg (your helper)
b = bandit (not unconscious)
L = Lurret
O = Orlan
* = rope
| = gorge wall


Male Dwarf Fighter 2 / Cleric 3

"Buncha cowards," Orlan mutters, glaring up at the wall, "Well...I reckon we need ta get the mules and the wagon outta range then." He looks back at the bandits. "Let's tie these fellas up and take'em with us. If'n nothin' else, their presence might safeguard us if'n we be announcin' their capture ta their friends up top. And once we be gettin' all the way ta the Spires, we'll let King Klyndak be decidin' their fate."

He starts to cross the river, shield held before him. Over his shoulder, he calls back to Lurret. "Keep a guard on 'em. I'll go get some rope from the wagon ta bind'em' help Kraeg move the wagon outta bowshot."

OOC: Change of plan - Orlan will seek to take all of the bandits they fought as captives. He'll use some of the rope from the supplies he's taking back to the Spires to tie them up. In game terms, he'll use every option available to boost his AC against the archers up top...and tell Kraeg to use the wagon as cover while he drives it across the river and back to Lurret. After that...he shouts up at the remaining bandits on top of the cliff...

"Alright yuh miserable cowards," Orlan yells as only a dwarf within the rocky gorge possibly can, "At least yer friends had enough honor ta come down and challenge us face ta face. Now they be caught and trussed up like rabbits fer roastin'. If'n yuh value their lives at all, yuh might wanna stop firin' arrows down here 'fore yuh end whatever chance they still got fer livin' ta see tomorrow."

"And be knowin' yuh're attackin' a caravan bound fer the Foehammer Spires and belongin' ta King Klyndak o' the Hammerfoe clan," he adds, "We'll be takin' yer friends along with us ta see him. And yuh can come plead fer leniency in the King's judgement o' their actions if'n yuh please. But if'n yuh be gettin' it in yer head ta cross us again, I'll be huntin' down ever' last one o' yuh so I can be introducin' yuh ta my forefather's axe. Yuh understand?"

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