Spells per Day: 0 Level = 4, 1 Level = 4, 2 Level = 3
0 level
All except necromancy & enchantment
1 Level
Burning Hands
Colour Spray
Comprehend Languages
Mage Armour
Magic Missile
Shocking Grasp
Tenser's Floating Disc
2 Level
Flaming Sphere
Scorching Ray
Specialist School: Evocation
Everytime an evocation spell that deals damage hits, it deals +1 damage/5 CL.
CL 1 Energy Ray (Su): As a standard action you can unleash an energy ray targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The energy ray deals 1d6 points of damage +1 for every two caster levels you possess. The type of damage is acid, cold, electricity, or fire, is chosen by the caster when the ray is unleashed.
CL 2 Magic Missile (Sp): You can cast magic missile 1/day per 2 caster levels you possess.
CL 4 Scorching Ray: 1/day
Spells Memorised:
Level 0 (Cantrips):
Dancing Lights
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Level 1:
Burning Hands
Mage Armour
Magic Missile
Level 2:
Scorching Ray x 2
Flaming Sphere
(Bonus spells inluded in spells per day)