The Cap's Alpha Test


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male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

if anyone wants to see a scan of their card, let me know



One night Berwyn comes up out of the trapdoor from the Dusty Tomb, a package in hand. As you watch him come across the roof you notice he seems a little disturbed by his task. He looks you square in the eye and says “This just appeared on the counter today – it has your name on it…When I say that it just appears on the counter, my friend, I mean it just appeared. I had just finished putting away the out of place books and was counting the gold, my spine shivered – you know how it does that when something is out of place- so I looked up, and this was there, wrapped like this, with your name on it” He hands you the package. It appears to be the size of a book, wrapped in blank parchment and tied with twine. Under the twine a Harrow Card is tucked, as you remove it you read the message scrawled on the back.
“Malin, I know what Gaedren has done to you-even more than you do – I know much about you. I also know where he dwells yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet St tomorrow at sunset. Others like you will be there, Lamm must pay. Here is a tip to your misguided past.”
Turning the Harrow card over you see that it is the Crows card.



Using the contacts you had gained in your time as a guard, you comb the city looking for Lamm. After a few days of hearing stories, but with no leads to his current whereabouts you head home for a meal. As you come up the walkway to the farm, you can tell from the talking that your family is at the table. As you approach the door, you notice the harrow card called The Forge nailed to the door. You rip it off the door as you enter and enter the farm, throwing the card on the table next to your plate as you sit.. It falls facedown and you forget about it. About halfway through your meal, you notice that the usually raucous meal of 13 hungry family members is deathly silent. Looking up from your meal you notice everyone looking at the back of the Harrow card.. Written on it is a message in large red letters that seem to glow.
“Trevel, I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has done similar things to me. I also know where he dwells yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet St tomorrow at sunset. Others like you will be there, Lamm must pay”



While asking some of your old Shivers dealers about Lamm, you notice him playing with his pocket suspiciously. So you obviously make him empty his pockets. To both his wonder and yours, he pulls an empty shiver bottle from his pocket with a Harrow card in pristine condition inside of it. The amazing part is that the card is wider than the opening of the bottle, and yet there is no crease or stress marks in the card. You notice it is the Avalanche card. As the two of you marvel at the card you notice writing mixed with the design on the back of the card. After a short discussion with the dealer, in which he tells you that this isn’t one of his bottles and he had never seen it before, and you decide to break it to read the card. Throwing the bottle to the ground and watching it shatter, you pick up the card. This is the message:
“Rumil, I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has done similar things to me. I also know where he dwells yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet St tomorrow at sunset. Others like you will be there, Lamm must pay”

Branahm and Arius:


Your individual institutions have given you many contacts during the years. You pursue all of these, and ask questions of your families customers as well, coming up with no hard evidence of the location of Lamm and your sister. After a few days of searching, you know that time is running out. You decide to keep searching through the night out of desperation. Suddenly your elder sister runs up to you in hysterics. She explains on the way: “we were working on the Sable Company’s order, and we turned around from the forge, and they were sitting there…. We didn’t touch them it freaked us out too much… the door was locked! How did they get there?” Before you can ask what it is she is talking about you reach the shop and go inside. Sitting there on the workbench are two Harrow cards, The Forgien Trader, and the Mute Hag. You each pick one; Branahm the hag, and Arius the Trader. As you turn them over, you put them together to see written in blue, glimmering in the firelight
“Pelgane Brothers, I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has done similar things to me. I also know where he dwells yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet St tomorrow at sunset. Others like you will be there, Lamm must pay”

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

" Berwyn What do you make of this?" Rags says. His hand shaking he shows the crows to Berwyn. "Do you know this card? I am afraid I am not familiar with the cards as I would be if my mom was still around." Rags plops down on his bed soaking it all in. I have to go. Don't I? YES!YES! I must go. Lamm must be dealt with. I will go scout the address and see what I will discover. I'll ask around and see what I might find out. "Berwyn I gotta at least see what this is all about."


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3



You enter the city, passing the guard post at the entrance and hear a cry looking up, you see a flying figure coming from the Sable Company’s tower. You hold up your arm, but instead of alighting on it, the eagle, about the same size as Arden, drops a harrow card at your feet and flies away. You pick it up; The Tangled Briar….. turning it over you see this written in gold letters:
“Anju, I know what The old man named Gaeden Lamm has done to you - even more than you do – I know much about you. He has done similar to me. I also know where he dwells yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet St tomorrow at sunset. Others like you will be there, Lamm must pay..”



sorry Dave I was tired when I got to yours as its after 11pm
You search all day for your supplier… you find him as the incident in Rumil’s encounter with him is happening. You watch as Rumil breaks a bottle on the ground and picks something up. You wait for him to leave and then walk over to the bottle you find shards on the floor and notice a Harrow card on the ground. It is the Paladin card. On the back it says:
“Guarn Delnoy, I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has done similar things to me. I also know where he dwells yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet St tomorrow at sunset. Others like you will be there, Lamm must pay”


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3



Berwyn looks at the card and says, "The crow are a dangerous group - the card usually indicates the taking of something loved - through murder, theft, or other loss.. depending on the location it could mean that the taking is just." He hands you the wrapped package and nods. "maybe whatever book is here will shed some light on who this mysterious benefactor is"

M Human Cavalier /1st

Raising the wooden spoon to his mouth again and again ignoring the looks of his family, and the back of the flipped over card, if the card still hung on the door, it was only out of respect for him, he was sure that his sisters had read it and once they had read it and started over reacting, then his brothers would have read it and tried to settle them down, and of course once all this commotion started, his mother would have tracked the still nailed to the door card and read it as well and then most likely demanded that ‘Father’ do something about all of the ruckus, you would think she would have learned to tune it out by now. The only one to not read it would have been his father. He stopped his charade of ignoring them and picked up the card, read it, reread it, and then dedicated the address to memory.

He passed the card to his right. “Give it to father and mother, I am sure they are the only ones left to need to read it. If all of you fools.” he paused to clarify. “ you excluded of course Mother, Father,” and then continued. “if you fools haven’t been spinning rumors anyhow. And they haven’t over heard the gist of it any way.” He spared his mother out of respect even though she was just another hen clucking when it came to this sort of thing. “I believe you all know that I must go,” he raised his hand to the oncoming torrent of complaint and intrigue. “If he is an ally then he can lead me to Lamm, and if it is a trap they will find they have caught a bare in place of a hare.” He then looked around the table. “I doubt believe I have ever seen food stay on this table so untouched in my life.”

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

For Branahm


Arius picks up the cards and observes them thoughtfully before passing them to his brother. "Hmmm... you have an blind hag with an eye in her mouth, and I have an elf with a monkey. Someone likes to leave riddles with his invitations."

Arius will use Knowledge (Arcana) to determine what he knows about them and then tell his brother whatever he remembers. If I remember correctly, you wanted to roll Knowledge skills for us.

Arius thinks for a minute. "Perhaps it would be wise to find out what we can about 3 Lancet Street before we make our call. I'm assuming that we're going: It's not as if we have many other avenues left to try."

Branahm, I think that your Gather Information (a.k.a. Diplomacy) will be better than mine. I can Aid Another (+0) if you'd like.

"Besides, what's the worst thing that could happen?"

Wondering what the card means and not knowing exactly who Gaedren is he asks the dealer if he knows what any of this means.

"Well I come here for one thing and then this happens... Do you have any idea whats going on? I mean this card is obviously directed towards me, yet I know not who Gaedren is, or what he has done to me specifically. Also what was with the guy I saw earlier? He seemed to be breaking one of your bottles, may I ask why?"

Thinking that this is very strange Guarn wonders if this has anything to do with the shiver supplier. It was the original intent of coming here but this has opened a new area of interest to Guarn.

Rumil pockets the card

"Are you sure you don't remember where this came from?" he says to the dealer

"Well then I guess I will go look into this..."

looks around and then walks off in the direction of 3 Lancet St, so that he can scope out the residence before meeting its owner


You remember that in the harrow reading the mute hag represents blood pacts and secrets, that leaves performers stumbling over lines and tripping on stage. While the foreign trader is the card looked for when peddling in information, as deals made under it's watch normally are true.

shifting your gaze a bit, you notice that both cards radiate illusion magic, with a little divination mixed in.



You come upon the address given to you on the card, and find it to be a Townhouse/shop (as most on this street are) As you get closer you read that it is the house of Zellara. A neighbor sees you looking at the place and hobbles over "looking for a fortune from Zellara friend? she told me some like you might be around in the next two days, and said for you to come back at the appointed time. Moth Woman - always going off to fond some herb or another, gone for days at a time"


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

Ox: you can RP the family situation until you leave the house. You created the family, so you know how they'd react.



The dealer shakes, looking from you to the direction Rumil just stalked off. He shakingly says "I Just sell the stuff... Lamm is the middle peron between me and the supplier... thats all I know!" and he runs off in the other direction.

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

Rags takes the package from Berwyn and unwraps it. Looking at the contents he says" I'll take this with me and do a bit of studying on it. I'll bring some supper back with me Berwyn. I am going to see what I can learn of our mysterious friend and this meeting place." Rags grabs his cloak and tucks his tools in the deep pocket he has sewed on the inside. "Just in case." he winks at Berwyn. The halfling looks as if he is about to start another sermon on caution but Rags waves a hand "I know. I know. I promise to be careful." He checks his daggers and heads out the door. "I'll be back by an hour after midnight I promise." Rags jogs across the roof of the Dusty Tomb and hops to the next roof landing deftly like a cat he strides on into the maze that is the shingles. His urban rooftop jungle. He begins to think of who to speak with first. who will have the nugget he needs on 3 Lancet street? It is time to go to work.
gather information 14



in the package is a dusty ledger book. Along the spine of the book is the royal seal and two crossed swords which you know usually represents the city guard. A bookmark with the words "find these pages to find your past" written on it falls to the floor as you stuff the book into your cloak.
More to come tonight - I'm at work so I don't have all my information with me to give you the results of your roll

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

For Branahm


Arius ponders the cards for a moment. "Let's see.... Your card, the Mute Hag, represents blood pacts and secrets that leave performers stumbling over lines and tripping on stage. Do you have any idea why someone would leave it for you?"

"My card, the Foreign Trader, is the card looked for when peddling in information, as deals made under its watch normally are true. Perhaps it's appropriate for someone proposing a deal: information about Lamm in return for help striking at him."

He mutters a brief incantation, looks at the cards again, and then says "Illusion, with a light sprinkling of divination. Appropriate for an imprecise, folk-magic focal object."

"Shall we try to find out what we can about our host?"

Arius' upcoming attempt at Aid Another ended in miserable failure with a 2. At least he didn't start arguing about politics with the bar patrons....

The 'Cap wrote:

** spoiler omitted **


Rumil smiles at the lady

"Yes I was looking for Lady Zellera's residence but I my appointment was not till later I should think...."

looks around the street to see if anyone else seems to be interested in Zellera's residence, then turns back to the lady
makes a Spot check Rumil's spot check standing outside Zellera's house (1d20 7=16)

"Do you know if Lady Zellera is home right now? maybe I will just go and see her now as I have so much to do this eve..."

what time of day is it Cap? is it pretty close to sunset?

For Arius

Branahm nods at Arius. "Hidden secrets could be as simple as the location of our sister, or an indication of something more sinister. The two cards could be question and answer. I suspect our would-be benefactor means something deeper, however. "

The harrow deck seems more a magical instrument than a religious one, but if a knowledge (religion) check will give any more insight, I'd like to make one.

Branahm turns to the door. "Come, brother, let us see if we can learn anything of 3 Lancet street or it's inhabitants. We should start at the church, I think. "

As he walks out, Branahm glances back towards his eldest brother and sister. "Uther and Myra, we finally have a lead on our sister. With Torag's blessing, we'll have her back. Doubtless she shall forgive you for your lost faith in her return, in time. " With that, he turns and stalks out without waiting for a reply.

Branahm will spend the next 2 hours (1d4 hours, Pathfinder alpha pg 24, had irony roll for how long it would take since that's not a hidden result) doing a diplomacy check to find out what he can about 3 Lancet street and it's inhabitants.

Well seeing as that didn't give him many answers he decides to ask around town to see if anyone has any information on Gaedren, Lamm, or the card.

Gather information roll (16)

M Human Cavalier /1st

As if he brought the family’s stomachs to attention, the majority of them picked up their spoons or forks and began to eat of the hearty stew they made for themselves, for being a common place meal, it was enjoyed for the fact it staved off hunger for a long time. Trevel glanced around the room and noticed Dolly wasn’t at the table any longer, under the table the munchkin had wrapped her little arms and legs around his left leg and the chair leg closest to it. In a shrill voice she screamed” I won’t let you go Ox! I won’t let you! You always do dangerous things in that town, don’t think I am always asleep when you tell your tells to Dale and Shaley! You are going to get your self hurt.’ At this point Dolly lost her grip on the chair leg for the strength of Ox’s leg steadily but gently pulling her grip free once she was he scooped her up and stood away from the table. “Listen here little fox.” Her name for the mischief she caused that seemed to always fall on one of her older siblings. “ I will be back, and I will be fine the whole way threw I will take the five leaf clover you found for me and know that if I don’t come back you will hate me, And I can’t have that can I? “ a tiny “no” sounded from her voice. “Well then, it is settled, I will go and I will return.” He then looked at his brothers and shook his head to them.” Don’t even bother asking I won’t have it, you all must keep watch here, It is always possible that my trouble starting there will bring trouble here, and If so I want it met by the roughest treatment the Cornwall’s have to offer. Keep some of the sickles and hoes inside.” And I hold you two accountable for anything that happens here, while I am gone.” He didn’t disrespect his father but they both knew that giving them a reason to stay would be the only chance of them not following him along any way.

He went up stairs after finally setting the squirming dolly down and went up stairs, he washed up in a basin He dawned a hunter green tunic and black leggings; he retrieved his breast plate and his shield and his sword. He secured his sword at his waste on his left hip and then began to polish his armor and his shield his helm and his hilt, He tucked the five leaf in with his coin and then secured the pouch to hang to on of his side, putting one arm and his head through the loop of the small satchel. It would be more secure there as he appeared as if he held no pouch at all. He then donned his armor and headed back down the stairs, tonight he would head into the city. He would stay at the closest inn to 3 Lance Street. And see what he could find out. He left the favor that proclaimed him an active guard of Korvosa at home. He gritted his teeth at that as he put the favor safely away. Lamm would pay for it, denying him his duties. He headed down stairs looking as if he would march off to war or battle, but this was common enough he did this nearly every day of the week. But tonight purpose held something with a bit more tension, to provoke Ox was to provoke certain and final justice, at least that is what his siblings had come to learn. He took the Forge card from his mother kissed on the top of the head and gave a gruff wave and headed into the night walking with a military pace toward Korvosa once more.


As it seems he has sometime before the appointment he decides the best option would be to find a place to stay nearby for the night, He looks around for a nearby inn or a empty building he could squat in till tomorrow, that has a good view of Zellera house.

take a 10 on a spot check for finding a nearby place to stay that he can observe Zellera's residence from

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid

Before I receive the card this happens:


Anju walks through the outskirts of Mierani Forest recollecting the vision of the druids convulsing on the ground from the old man's poison. She also remembers the instructions her mother told her to make her way to the elven district in South Shore. Being that there are few elves in Korvosa, Anju figures that South Shore would be a good place to start.

Anju walks for what seems like hours. The forest starts looking the same.

"Haven't I been here before? Maybe I should have gotten a map!" she thinks to herself. After more walking Anju decides to take a break and drink from the water skin she took from the village.

While observing her surroundings Anju sees a grey figure in the distance. Before she could get a good look at it, it dashes off. Anju gets up and walks over to where she saw the figure. On the ground are what look like wolf footprints. Anju follows the tracks until they suddenly seem to end. She looks around and suddenly sees a lone wolf standing only 4 feet away from her. She reaches into a pouch on her belt and pulls out some meat scraps and offers them to the wolf. The critter slowly comes up to her and takes the scraps from her hand. The wolf then starts to run around in circles around Anju and then walks in front of her and looks behind seemingly beckoning her to follow. Anju can hardly believe it when she sees the edge of the forest right ahead of her!

“You saved me my friend.” Anju says to the wolf. She starts to leave for the field ahead when she notices the wolf behind her. “Well if you're going to come with me then I might as well give you a name. I'll name you Tikaani which means great fat dog in our language. Or was it great wolf? Oh details...” She laughs as the two of them make their way to Korvosa.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

For Branahm


Branahm wrote:

Branahm turns to the door. "Come, brother, let us see if we can learn anything of 3 Lancet Street or its inhabitants. We should start at the church, I think. "

As he walks out, Branahm glances back towards his eldest brother and sister. "Uther and Myra, we finally have a lead on our sister. With Torag's blessing, we'll have her back. Doubtless she shall forgive you for your lost faith in her return, in time. " With that, he turns and stalks out without waiting for a reply.

Arius knows that it's a bad idea to smirk at his elder brother. He'll get scowls from Uther for the next week, and he'll probably be encouraged to eat in the pub, which is expensive, rather than eat with his family, which is free.

But he smirks anyway: He just can't help it.

Arius catches up to Branahm at the door. "You should probably take the lead at the church, but I'll help find out whatever I can."

The two brothers head out to discover what they can before it's time for their meeting. As they walk, Arius muses further. "We should also try the market, a few taverns, possibly even some beggars. The Harrow Deck is Varisian, so we might want to talk to the Varisians that we know first."

I'm up for compressing time if you want to speed things to the meeting, but I'm also willing to play out our interactions. We'll probably do several Gather Information checks if we have time with Arius using Aid Another. If we find out something interesting early on, that may cause us to redirect our focus.

Arius is planning on showing up at the meeting in full adventuring gear and ready for action. He'll make sure that he mentions their plans to his sister Myra at some point just in case that it's a trap of some sort.

Branahm and Arius

correct on the arcane nature of the cards- Arius got a 26 on his knowledge check for it so you know basically everything about them that you can tell right now

Using your contacts, you find that the address is owned by a woman Named Zallara and used for fortune tellings and Varisan home remedies. Your contacts call her a 'true moth - through and through' but mention that she doesn't step on their toes, so they don't have much data on her. There has seemed to be a lot less traffic going to the house recently though.

One of the bar patrons tells you that she is considered one of the better practitioners of Harrow readings, but has missed a good deal of her recent appointments, so has lost some customers. You depart the tavern at sunset



You get to the city at sunset the first day. (exactly one day before the appointment)



You ask a guard about Gaedren or Lamm and he laughs at you:
"you just git out of Janderhof or wherever you come from? Gaedren Lamm is a small time mastermind. He takes orphans and runaways and turns them into Dancers (Thats a pickpocket my dwarf friend). Unfortunately, he is too small a crook for the guard to commit a large group to hunting him down, We've heard he may also deal in illegal substances, but we haven't confirmed that yet."

This should get everyone but Anju to sunset the first day.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3

Sorry Rags! :

While running across the shingles an advertisement catches your eye nestled between ads to join the Sable Company and some symbols that you don't recognize, it appears to be placed by Magical 'Graffiti' and says "For the truest Harrow reading in town go see Zallara at 3 Lancet street. Her reading saved my life!"
you got a natural 20 to spot this.. let me know if you still want to gather information separately or not

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

For Branahm


Arius says, "It's almost time, and it doesn't sound like a trap to me. Let's go over and hear what she has to say."

Unless his brother objects, Arius plans to arrive with Branahm at 3 Lancet Street slightly early, see who else shows up, and knock on their host's door right at the appointed time. Arius doesn't expect trouble, but he's taking his gear just in case.

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

Rags comes to a dead stop and stares at the glittering message. That has to be the hand of the gods if I have ever seen it!Rags takes a breath and soaks in the city night around him. The lights from the city rise up from the street, and out of windows like some weak fog hanging to the valleys on a fall morning. At the shadowy edges small forms careen through the night sky here and there. Imps? Psuados? To hard to tell at this distance. the night sounds feel the city. A raucous Tavern just off the river front. Great bouts of laughter from a drunken merrymaker stumbling home with his friends. The melodious voice of a lady bard singing a sad Varisian ballad. the Lilly and the Snake. Mom used to sing that one Rags reflected. A tear escapes down his cheek at the thought of his mother and that lovely voice. Somewhere down the way glass shatters. there is a yell for the guard. A few roofs over two figures dart by not noticing Rags siting against the wall. This is home, and this is all the temple Rags has ever needed. It is times like these that remind him how close the Gods are. Some call it chance. Pharasma would say fate. Rags simply knows it to be the presence of the great mystery that is divine involvement. "Guide me Desna. Please help me to do what must be done. See the signs before me. Pay heed to the Gods will." A simple prayer, but one that has always served him well. Rags takes a seat under the advertisement and pulls out the book and the insert from his cloak. Lets see now. Rags begins to inspect the book.

Rags takes note of the page numbers to find the truth. He begins flipping through hunting out any information that he can make sense of.


male Captive2/Rower3/Brawler3


You notice that there are several pages missing where the bookmark was. All of the pages contain names, dates and crimes. Unfortunately, the pages that the bookmark was indicated are the ones that were ripped out. As you inspect the book it slowly grows dark (present time sunset +2 on day 1)

Arius :
its the first day - you still have a full day before the actual meeting time.

Seeing as he isn't finding any more information and that it is starting to get late, he decides to call it a day. He heads over to the inn he has been staying at lately to get some sleep in. He figures he will continue the search tomorrow and hopes that this meeting will have more answers.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

For Branahm


Cpt_kirstov wrote:

Arius :
It's the first day - you still have a full day before the actual meeting time.

Oops! My bad--I misinterpreted how long our collected Gather Information checks took. He'll take the earlier post's actions just before the meeting if circumstances permit.

Over dinner that night, Arius talks with Branahm about the next day.

"Branahm, what do you say to talking to another fortune-teller about Zallara before the meeting tomorrow? She's likely to know more about the cards and what they signify to a Varisian.

"We could also continue to check around with people that we know, or we could head to 3 Lancet Street in the morning to see if we can find out anything about who comes and goes during the day."

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox promptly locates the building at 3 lance street, his gaze studies it as he passes, a fortune teller?he then promptly finds the nearest Tavern, Ox enters the building and begins to drink slow and steady that night, the local crowd doesn't seem to mind the lone warriors presence. The serving wench seems amiable enough, but what server isn't when working for tips. He doesn't make an effort to talk but gladly listens to his surroundings.

Ox and the 2 brothers both find themselves in the Baller's Retreat, a Bar on the same block as the fortune teller's house. It is a frequent stop for the guards on foot patrol, as 1) its location close to the jail means that many criminals recently set free come here for drinks and 2) as well as ale, beer, mead, and wine, they keep a supply of hot coffee to perk the guards up in the middle of the long shift of walking. Today there seems to be an unusual number of guards here though Including some of those stationed in the keep itself.

results of rolls in spoilers:
Ox and Branahm:


you both overhear one of the guards from the Keep say that the King's Sickness is getting worse, and that even the witch of a queen was starting to look worried now.


You spy some unusual people for this type of establishment, mainly 2 men in clerical robes (one sitting with the guards from the keep and one with a man in fine but ragged clothing whom appear to be related)


You spot the cleric if Abadar sitting with the guards, but he seems to be slightly less jolly than this caste of clerics generally are: he sits there drinking a glass of wine thoughtfully as the guards converse around him. It appears that he is only there because the guards offered to pay for his drink.


you are too engrossed watching a game of knivesies far in the back of the tavern to notice anything out of the ordinary. It seems as though one player was much more into the game than the other.... and the second player jumped to the floor nimbly to avoid the eventual fight at all, pulling his opponent to the tabletop out of reach of the knife.

You go to sleep for the night without incident.


you find the building next to the Bailer's Retreat empty, and facing the fortuneteller's house. You did notice a guard approach the house earlier, but it seemed as though he was reading the sign above the door and thinking for a moment before turning around and going into the Retreat


by the time you are done inspecting the book it is 3 hours after dark: you don't recognize anything, but the symbol of the guard n the cover, and fact that there are pages missing lea you to believe that there is more information where this came from, although you are not sure how it can help you. You do note that the last entry of the last page in the book seems to be cut off signifying a second volume may exist

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

Hmmm, what could all this have to do with me? maybe there is evidence of Lamm's wrongdoing, but I did not notice his name. It must have something to do with this meeting. A puzzle without all the pieces I suppose. I will have to see what Berwyn thinks of it. Rags gets up and continues to 3 Lancet street to see what he can discover.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3


The 'Cap wrote:
...Today there seems to be an unusual number of guards here though including some of those stationed in the keep itself.

Arius' curiosity is aroused. He'll make conversation with some of the guards to get a feel for their mood and to see if they mention anything unusual up at the keep.

In case they're appropriate: My Diplomacy/Gather Information was 3, while my Deception/Sense Motive was 5 (from a natural 1). Fumblicious!

The 'Cap wrote:
Arius: You are too engrossed watching a game of knivesies far in the back of the tavern to notice anything out of the ordinary. It seems as though one player was much more into the game than the other.... and the second player jumped to the floor nimbly to avoid the eventual fight at all, pulling his opponent to the tabletop out of reach of the knife.

Arius watches the pair a minute or so, absent-mindedly twisting his ring around his finger. He wants to see if he will need to break up the fight via Charm Person, which he will cast if the brawl comes to bloodshed. After taking a good look at the combantants, he'll go to tap his brother on the shoulder and tell Branahm that he saw something interesting.

Just to confirm the situation: A fight broke out, but one of the combantants was so fast that he pinned the other guy to the table before he could start swinging his knife. That seems usually competent for a tavern brawler.

Arious: close, here's the description of knivesies: "Knivesies
The ever-popular Knivesies (nighve-zees) is the game of choice
among the steeliest pirates, brigands, thieves, and scallywags
in Riddleport. It’s increasing popularity in Korvosa.
Knivesies is simple to play. Two contestants stand on opposite
ends of a long wooden table. Their right hands are strapped
together with a boiled leather strap, belt pouches are fitted to their
waists, and a dagger is stuck in the tabletop between them. The
game begins after a count of ten, during which time observers
can place bets by tossing gold onto the table and standing at the
end of the table where their chosen fighter stands. As the game
begins, each contestant makes an initiative check.
There are two ways to win Knivesies. You can either force the
other contestant to fall off the table, or you can grab for the gold
and drop it into your pouch. Snatching a fistful of 1d10 coins off the
table is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity.
Since each opponent has only one free hand, the first round is
typically a mad lunge for the dagger, forcing the slower opponent
to make grabs for gold. There aren’t any more rules beyond this;
most Knivesies games devolve into tabletop brawls, with the first
person to drop or touch the ground losing.
The game ends once a contestant is unconscious, dead,
or knocked off the table; as soon as no coins remain on the
table; or as soon as any coin is knocked off the table. When the
game ends, an unconscious, dead, or de-tabled contestant is
automatically the loser. Otherwise, the winner is determined by
which person has the most coins in his pouch. At the end of the
game, all money is emptied from the pouches back onto the
table. Half the total is paid to the winner, while the remainder
is split evenly among all of those who stood at the winner’s end
of the table."

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3


Thanks for the clarification about knivesies.

Arius watches the game with a mixture of disdain and fascination. He contemplates ways to win a bout with magic, but realizes that all his spells have somatic components that might be difficult to manage with his hand tied.

After watching a bout or two, Arius realizes that Branahm has wandered off somewhere. Slightly annoyed, he tries to find where his brother has gone.


I assume I don't recognize the cleric of Abadar. If there's a chair next to him free, I'll make my way over and greet him.

Branahm makes his way over to the cleric and says, "Greetings, brother. I am Branahm, a noviate of Torag. I noticed you seem troubled, and a shared burden is always lighter. Anything you'd like to talk about?"

I assume this will take a reaction or diplomacy check. If I did recognize him, I'll address him by name, rather than "brother".

M Human Cavalier /1st

Attention Arius, Last paragraph

The man sat, broad shouldered and strait, his farmer’s necessary strength lent him a strong build, his work as a guard honed his bulk to be a bit more lean and agile as was demanded by the fox like pick pockets and roof runners. It was hard to keep up unhindered by armor, much less in a breast plate. His long black hair was kept in a warriors braid down to his mid back. His facial features were young but solid; if anyone saw youth there it was washed away by the obvious discipline of a warrior. The natural set of his brow & jaw made one question whether he was one to cross. His face was barren of facial hair; it simply wasn’t in his blood. His skin was tanned by his early to bed and early to rise method to life, and years of work under the sun. his dark brown eyes were hard to read and often piercing.

Ox set with his helm on the table facing him, the sturdy Metal face his chosen company for the night. His blade set on the table in front of him as well. It had a false peace tie on it. Making it appear as if the blade was tied into its sheath and thus made for a less threatening visage, but it was for the eyes comfort only, the strip of leather that held it had a bite out of it toward the inside so it would be easy to snap. He reeled in a glare at the two guards that spoke harshly of the queen, He wasn’t on equally footing with them now and could hardly merit knocking some sense in to the both of them, from what he had seen of the young queen, she was simply that, young, what must it be to be thrown into such a position of power at her young age? She was their queen and when he was back in the ranks he would see that those two remembered it, but for now he simply marked their faces. After all, for the good king’s failing health that hardly realized who would take those reigns up until another heir was made.

He glanced around and realized a couple of clerics were in Brawlers tonight, Baller’s Retreat might be its proper name but it was a rough place something about the mix of guard and the recently released had a habit of drawing the criminals right back into their cells, and more than earned its nickname of Brawlers. There was a cleric setting with some of the guard and would be out of any trouble for the simple fact he was with them, the cleric with the other man just might be inviting a bit of trouble their way for not being notably part of either of the two well represented sides of the law. He kept a wary eye out for the pair of men. If a pick pocket were so inclined to mark the pair they would do so under his watchful gaze.

Well, that seemed easy enough the second cleric made way toward the other cleric, leaving his blood on his own near the gaming table, the cleric was now within the same circle of safety as the first, so that left his brother, so his watch fell over to his kin.

The now seemingly more attract wench brought him another mug of the house ale. Soon he would have to slow down or pay the price for slower reaction time. This would be his last drink of the night before he requested a loaf of bread and some cheese to accompany it. He handy the woman a healthy silver tip and stood up, buckling his blade back to his belt and carrying his helm in hand.

He stood up and made way to the now lone blood of the cleric, The game was beginning to start to get interesting, His presence wouldn't be seen as its usual showing of the law, he played with the idea of picking up the extra coin, he most likely would pick up some coin and save somebody's life by simply knocking them out instead of killing them. He stood next to Arius just as a couple of thugs seemed to be heading his way, a shake of Ox's head changed their minds for now. "It's a tempting, dangerous and empty headed game." he said in a friendly tone to Arius. " though, I admit I am tempted to take a round of their money." he smiled a lightly, his boasting stemming directly from the alcohol and the lack of bread and cheese he promised himself.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

For Ox


Ox wrote:

The man... stood next to Arius just as a couple of thugs seemed to be heading his way, a shake of Ox's head changed their minds for now. "It's a tempting, dangerous and empty headed game." he said in a friendly tone to Arius. " though, I admit I am tempted to take a round of their money." he smiled a lightly, his boasting stemming directly from the alcohol and the lack of bread and cheese he promised himself.

Arius looks at the man who just spoke to him--young, large, and heavily armored, which in the Bailer's Retreat probably meant an off-duty guardsman. "I think that you'll win if you're going to try. I'm surprised that the Guard doesn't seem to care about Knivesies; this place has gotten rougher since my student days.

"My name's Arius. What do you go by?"

Perception and Sense Motive for initial appraisal of Ox (1d20+4=6, 1d20+4=11)

m Human (Varisian) Rogue /1

Rags looked around 3 Lancet street. It appears I will learn nothing of this place tonight.He watched from a roof a couple buildings down. Now at least he new the location. It didn't appear anything was going on. I could slip in and have a look around. He toyed with the idea for a moment in the shadows. No I would not want to offend. A lady of the cards is not wise to cross. I suppose I should get back. I promised Berwyn I would bring supper, and there is no way he will leave the shop till I have checked in and he sees I'm no worse for ware. Ha! I never thought to have a halfling nursemaid at my age. He smiled he new Berwyn meant well and it was nice to know there was someone who cared about his miserable carcass. The Brawlers was just down the street. He rarely entered the tavern with its mix of guards and Pigeons. Pigeons were what street folk called recently released jailbirds seeing as how they just flew the coop. Rags was thirsty a drink, some food, and back to feast with Berwyn. Rags walked into the tavern a discrete scan of the room as he stepped up to the bar. Gracefully hopping onto a stool " A mug of cider barkeep if you please. What ya got cooking back there I'll be needing some bibbles for the road here directly?" Rags smiles spinning a gold crown protectively on the bar letting the barkeep know he was flush with coin for food and drink so he wouldn't be taken for some urchin who was going to gulp and go, but sheltered enough so ever thug in the joint wasn't trying to figure him for a mark. Any real artist would know by the knots tied in his head scarf he was a dancer and paid up in the society thus protected from other artists, but not all thugs were savvy to the way things were suppose to work. He had to deal with roughnecks before in the past three years since he had been on his own from Lamm. He knew he would be dealing with them for the foreseeable future as well. He did get a kick out of it when the bullyboys discovered they had chosen the wrong pray. He was good with a knife and quick as a rabbit, And Lamm's years of torture had made him hard.

M Human Cavalier /1st

For Arius

“Well, if it were up to me I would, make them play cudgels instead of knivesies that way at least, they wouldn’t end up dead, but the general thought seems to be, that at least this way, they both know what they are getting into and are on equal ground. Opposed to out on the street and dark alleys.” He caught several dark glances and didn’t mind a single one; He had probably bunked with some of these cutthroats recently when he was framed. Given the opportunity, he was sure that several of them wouldn’t mind trying to slice him open.
“My names Trevel Cornwall, friends call me Ox. Well met Arius.” He said as he offered his hand and wrist in greeting. You think I should do it?” He would need little persuading, he had ached to try his hand at this for a long time coming. He looked to one of the men betting on this round, “I assume its armor off if I want to play?!”

Silver Crusade

For Ox


Ox wrote:
“Well, if it were up to me I would, make them play cudgels instead of knivesies that way at least, they wouldn’t end up dead, but the general thought seems to be, that at least this way, they both know what they are getting into and are on equal ground. Opposed to out on the street and dark alleys.”

"You have an excellent point."

Ox wrote:
He caught several dark glances and didn’t mind a single one; He had probably bunked with some of these cutthroats recently when he was framed.

Arius notices the way that some of the nearby guardsmen are looking at Ox. "Interesting... not a guardsman after all, but they seem to know him."

Ox wrote:
“My names Trevel Cornwall, friends call me Ox. Well met Arius.” He said as he offered his hand and wrist in greeting.

Arius take his hand. "Well met, Ox." He manages to keep from wincing at Ox's grip.

Ox wrote:
"You think I should do it?” He would need little persuading, he had ached to try his hand at this for a long time coming.

"Hmmm... I don't want to encourage any needless bloodshed. But if you think that you can take your opponent out without cutting him, I'll buy your drinks for the rest of the night... or until my purse empties, which will probably happen sooner."

M Human Cavalier /1st


“I won’t cut’em but I can’t promise I won’t spill their blood and say you’ll drink with me the rest of the night, opposed to buy my drink.” He said with a laugh.” There is no need to empty your coin purse on me, in fact bet a coin or two on me. And maybe we will fill it more.”
The looks from the guards were mixed some thought he was guilty and not framed, some thought that he was about as guilty as the queen as old. And some didn’t care; a guard is a guard is a guard. The scum however in the place had a single minded hatred of the man and any other’s that looked remotely like guards.
After the current fight ended, ox bellowed. “Anybody wants to go?” If indeed they did he would hand over his armor to the two clerics for watching. He didn’t imagine that he would have to wait long..

After watching Zellera's house for some time Rumil grows thirsty. He remembers that the Retreat is just around the corner and that it is chalk full of scum and villiany (his kinda people). So without further ado he walks out of the empty building he has been watching from and meanders over to the Retreat. Once inside he goes straight over to the bar and places a coin down.

"Wine, please"

After the bartender hands him his drink he looks for a seat by a window that allows him to still keep a good eye on Zellera's house.


Most of the guards are uninformative, mostly grunting and drinking their ale. Only this Big man offing to play knivesies seems to want to talk. You quickly spot your brother talking to the other cleric that the royal guards had brought with them


The young cleric nods to you glumly. He shakes his head and says "nothing is working, all of our healing practices and spells seem to roll off the king like rain. I fear for all those administering to him if he passes. It seems almost like when the church asks their deity to raise someone, and then that person doesn't want to come back - not something you want to be mixed up in my friend, but be careful, for I have already said too much. I fear this wine may have just put you in danger if we were overheard, and I feel that I must leave before endangering others." With this he gets up and walks directly out the front door of the tavern without looking to either side.

Arius, Branahm, Ox, Rumil: The Crowd is silent for a time after Ox's offer, one of the guards shouts "I would, but they aren't allowed to gamble, Or don't you remember that... then again as a guard you still didn't have enough sense to cover your tracks when.." He is interrupted by one of the Gutter Rat addressing him.

"if you are so interested to watch him fall, will you donate a few gold to me if I cut 'im and win, say 5?" The guard nods and the young man gets up on the table "Let's Go Then Big Boy! Armor off and get up here!" (Rags you hear the yelling, but walk in the bar at this point, almost running into a Cleric of Abadar who was on their way out)


You notice the two clerics talking briefly before the one from Abadar gets up and leaves, Nearly toppling over a young man who was entering in his haste(You recognize that this young man was walking down the street as you left your perch next door, but should have already been here if he had come directly here). The Barkeep gives you a glass of wine, and nods to the back of the room "Don't usually see too many games like this - the big'un 'ill most likely try to use his strength to either push the youngin' off the table, or just clobber him to submission, while the dancer tries to disembowel him - or at least keep him off balance with the knife long enough to scoop up all of the coins." You notice that the big man he is referring to is the man you saw check out the fortune teller's house. He looks up as the door opens again to greet the new guest, but his look turns sour "no animals in this bar, nature-lover. Either leave the mutt outside or leave." He looks back at you "You long lived, big eared freaks - why you all coming in tonight?." You turn to see a female elf kneel and speak to a wolf, and then it bounds off into the night.


You go into the Bailer's Retreat and am greeted by the warmth of the fire, and the obnoxious barkeep yelling at you "no animals in this bar, nature-lover. Either leave the mutt outside or leave. (softer)You long lived, big eared freaks - why you all coming in tonight?."

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Arius claps Ox on the back, "Done. I'll put down five for you, and we'll see how well Rats can fly."

Arius puts his stake on Ox's end of the table and stands there to await the match.

Arius will keep one hand on his spell component pouch in case the Rats don't take their impending loss well. He'll also watch out for any signs of cheating from either Rats or Guardsmen: He'd like to keep the match fair.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Druid
Cpt_kirstov wrote:

Anju:** spoiler omitted **


Anju finds her way into a tavern in South Shore. Even though the majority of the patrons are elves, they all seem to sneer at Anju and none seem open to conversation. With Tikaani following behind her she makes her way up to the bar. The bartender is a beatiful elven woman. The sight of an elf in common clothes is alien to Anju and she doesn't know how to approach the woman. She comes over to where Anju is and says

"Well aren't you quite a sight!"

"What do you mean?" Anju asks.

"Comming in here all dressed like you came straight out of the woods, like those druids!" she replies.

"Well I am a druid."

"I wouldn't go around announcing that." the bartender says sharply. "Druids have quite a bad reputation in these parts thanks to those renegades over by the docks. You best keep a low profile."

Rather surprised by her remarks, Anju decides to get her questions answered and be on her way as soon as possible. She produces the card that the eagle dropped and asks the bartender what she knows about Gaeden Lamm.

After looking at the card the bartender says "All I've ever heard about that old man are rumors. A child gone missing here....a purse stolen there, nothing that ever gets much attention and I sure don't know where to find him."

A guard overhearing the conversation interupts, "Gaeden Lamm is small fish. All he ever does is take orphans and runaways and turn them into "Little Lamms". I would watch my coin purse around them if I were you! We hear he might also be involved in the sale of illegal substances but we haven't found any evidence to confirm anything. At any rate, he's nothing compared to the rest of the crime that happens around here and that includes the trouble you druids are causing!"

The bartender says "You are safe here in South Shore but in the rest of the city you are going to have to watch your back. Being an elf in this city is hard enough but if anyone finds out that you are a druid it will make the situation even worse for you. We elves do our best to look out for each other. I have some extra clothes in the back room that you can wear to blend in at least a little bit. They aren't much but they'll have to do." The bartender goes into the back room and comes out with a very plain looking robe that is in good condition but rather dusty. Anju slips the robe on over her animal skins. She asks the bartender if she knows of an apothecary in the city and the bartender tells her there is one right outside of South Shore. She gives Anju a map of the city and shows her where the apothecary is. Anju thanks her and gives her a few silver for her trouble.

At the apothecary Anju produces the vial of liquid she took from the village. Anju explains what she saw when the druids drank the potions and how the victims are in a state of unwaking slumber.

"I can identify the ingedients used in this elixir, but it's going to cost you some coin." says the old man behind the counter.

Anju gives him a few of the coins her mother gave her before she left. The apothecary runs the remaining liquid through a series of tubes and vials and seems quite perplexed with the mixture.

After awhile the apothecary returns the vile back to Anju "It appears that this elixir is made from the venom of dream spiders. That would definately explain the reactions you witnessed. The only cure would be an antivenom made from a dream spider's venom. I'm afraid I don't have any as they are quite rare in these parts. Most likely the source of these elixirs would have some on hand with which he is using to create this vile mixture. That's all I can tell you."

Pleased that she at least knows what the source of the problem is, Anju asks the apothecary if he knows of a decent place to spend the night. He tells her about an inn called the Bailer's Retreat and circles where it is on her map. She heads off to the inn to spend the night hoping that she can find the cure for the venom in time.

M Human Cavalier /1st

Ox smiled a toothy grin at the encouragement, it was rare to see a guard with all his teeth, and much less one that appreciated quenching brawls as much as Ox did. “ I suppose they don’t serve drink in the retreat either? I won’t cover tracks that aren’t mine, O’malic!” He sent a glare at the guard that brooked no argument.

One of the few things that could open his temper was the comment of the guard, The state and reason of why he wasn’t currently a guard was quite simply the gaping wound that brought him to lance street this night and more importantly tomorrow night, if he chose to throw salt in it, then he would learn why it was a bad Idea to keep it up. He unbuckled his breast plate and the rest of his armor and piled it next to Arius.

“Keep an eye on all that for me would you?”

He then pulled his dagger from his boot and rolled it about in his hand and stabbed it harshly into the table. It would be hard for anyone to pull out. He then gathered the two now empty pouches that helped the game go, he flung one to the young man,he then cracked his knuckles and neck in a stretch that presented the bulk of what the young man decided to take on for five gold. He would make this errand one of the worst in his mangy life.

Intimidate roll 14 +4(skill)+2(cha)+2(background) = 22

He stepped first on the bench next to the table and then on top of it, he offered his right hand to be shook and tied to the young man. His strategy was simple, don’t worry about the knife, don’t worry about the coins, if he had his way, it would all end up in his possession anyhow. Concentrate fully on knocking the sense out this punk and then back into him.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3
Ox wrote:

He unbuckled his breast plate and the rest of his armor and piled it next to Arius.

“Keep an eye on all that for me would you?”

Arius nods in response. "'In for a pinch, in for a plat.'"

an evil grin crosses Rumils face as he looks at the bartender

"My dear friend, it would be wise for you not to insult my race and could be hazardous to your health. You might find us 'long lived, big eared freaks' the only thing between you and knife in a dark alley, catch my drift?"

without waiting for an answer Rumil walks over to the elven woman who has just entered. Rumil smiles and bows deeply to her

"My dear, you are a truly beautiful diamond on a hill of coal. May I buy you a drink?"

40 GP are thrown on the table, 4 others stand with Arius on Ox's side, and 10 stand on the boy's side. You both wait until "go" is shouted, and the youth dives for the knife. He pries it from the table just in time to receive a kick in the face. Ox Tries to push him off the table, but the boy jumps to his feet and swings off balance with the knife, missing Ox's nose by inches. Ox grins at the fools misjudgment, and the boy's eyes grow wide. He flicks the tied wrist, and a spike comes from his sleeve into his hand, which he then jabs into Ox's tied hand (1 HP). This affront of the rules enrages Ox, and he clotheslines the boy, almost taking off his head. When the boy finally lands, flat on his back, on the table, Everyone in the room can hear a loud SNAP as the table's support beam craks under the impact. (Ox you gain 10 GP, Arius you get the 5 gp you wagered back plus 5gp more) Everyone in the bar slowly turns back to what they were doing before the fight, ignoring the heated words that had begun this spectacle.

Male Human (mostly Chelaxian) Pathfinder Universalist Wizard 3

Arius says to Ox, "Nicely done!" He gives one of his gold pieces to a serving woman. "Get this man whatever he want to eat and drink, and keep the change."


I'm assuming that the change will be a pretty good tip. Cap, please adjust the number up if I'm wrong.

Helping Ox collect his possessions, Arius continues, "I would feel bad for the kid if he hadn't cheated. Getting knocked out was probably a less permanent way of learning that's a dumb idea than he might have gotten."

"My brother's a priest. Let's see if we can have him take a look at your hand." He looks around for Branahm again and calls him over to meet Ox.

[ooc]No one else in the Retreat knows anything more about the meeting. I'll give you guys all night tonight to interact with each other and the tavern members, they are all common people, you can roleplay or have me respond for them (as long as what you say happens is reasonable I'm cool with it) Tomorrow morning I'll Pick up at the meeting time (so in your post mention how early you show up to the meeting, please.)

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