Thousand Bones

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313 posts. Alias of Cpt_kirstov.


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Cap, I remember Rheticus putting an everburning torch in the owlbear. Was that permanently quenched by the first Darkness, or just damped out temporarily?

Its still there, the darkness overpowers it when they are both up, but it still burns (evermore)

The Derro just stands there quivering as the group springs to action around it.

Arius and Branahm:

a snake-like skeleton with a human skull slithers forth from the trapped room you had just left, attacking Arius 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 Damage 1d6 ⇒ 1The 'moving skulls' you saw last round You also see another one slithering down the hall from the far side.

Hosk, Liz, and Arius:

While running through the room, you hear a rattling of bones, and notiCe two of the skulls moving away from the wall, one on either side of the room (top and bottom of the room on the map)

I'm assuming you're running into D7, if that is not the case, then ignore the next paragraph Wooden tables here are stacked with vials, beakers, and other alchemical gear, although the southern one is heaped with broken vials and leans awkwardly on a hastily repaired leg. Three large cauldrons sit against the east wall, one of them upended. Its foul, rancid contents of rendered fats have spilled over the floor. There is another Derro here, his eyes go wide as you enter and he stands next to the southern-most table, which he was repairing.. he stares at you, stammering in confusion.

Elizabeth Danflor wrote:

Perception to look for Traps: 1d20 + 8 I'll lay money on the DC being 25... :/

Elizabeth stops at Arius' cautioning and peers closer at the walls and floor, trying to discern any mechanism to spring a trap.


you see that a number of the skulls along the far wall are building up acid in the area where the lower jaw would be on a live human. It looks like you don't have much time before they are full... somewhere between 1 and 2 rounds.... yes it was a DC 25, but since you have Arius' warning on where it is you can locate it

Branahm Pelgane wrote:
D6 it is.

1d6 ⇒ 4Ha - ha ha

The walls and ceiling of this tall hallway are encrusted with dozens of yawning skulls, their mouths open into dark holes in the walls. The floor of this room is a more puckmarked than the other parts of the catacombs you have been in.


You notice green spittle leaking out of a few of the skulls, which is the same consistency as the acid Liz shoots when using acid dart

nothing of real value is found in the room, the wooden 'cage' the stirges were in is empty, and the wooden tables are bare except for the one body the other stirges were on. you easily find the blood trail mentioned behind the spoiler above

Liz 27
Branahm 21
Stirges 20
Rhet 12
Hoskuld 11
Keth 10
Anju 6
Tikannni 5
Arius 4

Liz's acid dart singes ton of the 4 wings off one of the insect-like creatures, burning it's body in the process.. it spirals down towards the ground, but regains flight before connecting it's hurt bad, almost dead.

Between everyone seraching:through, the thigh-deep muck you are rewarded with a few trinkets left over by the otyugh’s meals: an amber necklace worth 350 gp, a silver dagger, and a wax-sealed elixir of vision in a metal flask.

Arius Pelgane wrote:
"From what I have read about Shoanti culture, I think . . . ."

that for the burial ritual, the body has to be complete, but not nessisarily intact. as long as we find the other pieces, that should be good enough

scavenger hunt!

anyone with knowledge history, knowledge local or whose character background would have a good working knowledge of shoanti culture can make a roll if they want, I'll post results behind a spoiler when I get home from work @ 11PM EST

Rheticus wrote:

yeah, I imagine 'someone' is merrily rolling to see which of our characters has already picked up filth fever, it's a delightful standby

Not yet... the Otyugh kept eating things too quickly for parasites to spread among the large pieces of body..

Arius and anyone else with over a 15 perception:

Among the still-uneaten body parts on the island are the broken legs and hips of a human—legs decorated with bold Shoanti tattoos. These legs once belonged to Gaekhen. They seem to have been cut from the body with a sharp implement. It seems like the legs were dumped with body parts from other bodies, and the rest of the body your are looking for is elsewhere

Anyone with a perception over 25:

determined searchers are rewarded with a few trinkets left over by the otyugh’s meals: an amber
necklace worth 350 gp, a silver dagger, and a wax-sealed elixir of vision in a metal flask.

The creatures attacks Hoskuld Attacking with both tenticles. Fortunatly, it only hits with one 3 damage

The projectiles from the wand hit the creature squarely. at the same time the skeleton slashes the beast with it's claw. Liz throws an acid dart, hitting the creature in its foot, Hoskuld steps forward with his deadly weapon, and just misses one of the waving tentacles.


The majority of this room contains a nasty-looking stretch of mud—a partially collapsed sinkhole—kept damp by rivulets of water seeping from the walls. A patch of solid ground extends into the mud to form an island, on which is heaped a reeking pile of body parts. To the north, a rickety wheelbarrow sits on its side against the wall.

perception 15+:

you hear Erm???? as the door opens

perception 27+:

you see a tentacle moving among the pile of bodies

Everyone: After the last person enters the room, you hear a delighted slobbery voice yell "Come here, fresh food as the center 8 feet of the sinkhole raise up and lumber's toward you, mud falling to the ground all around it. not going to try to describe Him coming up out of the sinkhole.. I've tried 3 times and can't quite do it justice

Nope, no relation that you can tell - Derro aren't coherent enough to build real models to scale

Anju wrote:

Using the Spell "Speak With Animals" Anju tries asking the rat about its captors and why they were here.

I'm perfectly fine with that marching order Arius

The rat doesn't tell you much, other than it's hurt and scared... and it lived in these catecombs all of its life

it appears that this is where the two derro that attacked you came from, and that the thunderstone interrupted their needlessly complex and cruel game using a rat, a maze, handfuls of stones marked with numbers, a hammer, and a pair of pliers.... There is nothing in the staw pallets, and nothing of real value on the table, there is a wounded rat in the maze, and 3 dead ones on the floor next to the table.

Full map
I'm guessing that Liz ends up coming out into D3, if that isn't right, let me know.
Rank with the stink of sweat and mud, this cavern contains
four filthy straw pallets and a low table covered with dice and
a miniature maze of carved clay. There is a pair of pliers on the floor and a hammer matching the one the derro that attacked you wielded.

I'll reveal the rest of the rooms you can get to today (there's nothing spectacular in any of the passages.

Current location (this is placement before the battle, so this might have changed slightly)

map of what you can see from where you are or through any of the secret entrances.. let me know where you go though..

Nothing shows magic.. they were just two crazy little derro employed by Rolth The Derro came from the main stairs and not the secret door. ( just as a reminder since I accidentally said they came from the secret door when posting from work without a book in front of me)

Derro1: short sword, metal tongs
Derro2: standard hammer

No poison can be found on them. There is blood on the hammer and tongs.

skeleton can fit in the passage...

Branahm Pelgane wrote:

"Perhaps I can shed some light on this mess."

I'll cast light.

As soon as Branahm sheds some light on the Derro, The owlbear and the wolf attack. The owlbear rips apart the first one, as the wolf grabs the second by the throat, shaking his head a few times until it no longer moves (crit on the bite), you see no other humanoids approaching.. so, you were deciding which way to go?

Keth Lunges at the remaining Derro through the darkness with his spear. he misses the creatures jugular by mere inches (nat 20 on first roll, only a 5 to confirm)

Keepiru wrote:

Hopefully the Cap will be back this week, I will be gone the next four days.

I'm back, was going to post when I got home from work today, but you did my job for me... working on an updated map now if maptools will let me today (I've been fighting with it for 2 days) Thanks for picking up my slack during vacation

Hoskuld Wulfson wrote:
I never named him or fleshed him out too much just in case there is a bad guy in the module that could be suited to the role, Hoskuld would supply the name the man used, though it was likely an alias.

You will see him again, prolly not until the "cutscene" at the end of the second book of the AP though... OK - like I said earlier, I leave my house for Gencon in 24 hours, and will be gone until next Monday. I plan to have a laptop there to be able to update, but no guarantees. you have about one more round to talk before you see more 'friends' comming from the crawlspace Liz found. I'll update with that soon

Rheticus throws the thunderstone down the trap door and into the caverns under the graveyard, which hits the stairs about 20 ft away with a loud BANG Anju and Takaani need to make fort saves. Everyone can hear it loud and clear (even if your dice hate you).

I take it your throwing this down the the trap door and against that wall?

Main group:

Liz easily finds the sides of a secret door facing the same direction as the stairs and pulls it open. on the other side appears to be a crawlspace. Which way do you want to go down the crawlspace or down the main stairwell?

New group:

With Rheticus' knowledge, it is easy to find the Gray District. Upon searching your third graveyard you find the presence of 5 sets of human sized tracks another man’s tracks along a wheelbarrow trail. More interestingly, several smaller humanoid tracks, each bearing only four toes, clutter the site as well. All of these tracks lead into the mausoleum itself, where a quick Search reveals an open secret trap door in the floor that leads down into the dark. It appears the last group in isn't too far ahead of you.

Hoskuld Wulfson

upon landing in the city, you see crowds bustling in all directions. None of them very happy there is obvious evidence of recent riots. Buildings are burned, there are blood stains in the street, and people seem to be scared to stay in the street for long periods of time. by sitting in a tavern for a few hours, you easily overhear that the king died about a week ago. Yesterday his wife, the queen, declared that they had found the assassin, a young female artist whom the queen claims poisoned the king in his bed. A local group of citizens working for the guard found her and turned her into the guard. Within ten minutes of them leaving, a woman named Sabina (whom seems to be a bodyguard of the queen) came with a written order from the queen herself, forcing the field marshal to turn over the prisoner.

You also hear rumors that the citizens who found Trina had been looking for a Shoanti boy's body, to prevent the Shoanti tribes from attacking the city... it is said that they headed toward the graveyard district. They seem to be a group who is up to getting information on the man whom attacked your queen....


You are sitting in the table in the tavern playing towers (a game played using the cards of a varisian harrow deck - which is similar to a tarot deck) as an interesting looking man comes in at 6'7" he towers over many in the room, his rust-colored hair starting to gray ever so slightly. Wearing a cape of white seal skin, he sits down and is obviously listening to the talk around him. You pull your hand back, because as you watch him, the harrow card called the betrayal burns your hand. when you look away, you can pick up the card, bt when you look at him again, the card once again burns you.

I'll let you two interact if you want, or if Hoskuld would just head out thats fine too...

Liz's acid goes between the ribs of the skeleton she is aiming at, but Keth's aim is a little better, cutting through the skeleton's arm. Anju's stone and Arius' magic missiles hit it in the head at the same time, sending brittle teeth flying in all directions and it goes down. The owlbear skeleton practically lunges onto the skeleton closest to it, turning it to dust. two skeletons left you may have a fighter joining you at the end of the fight....
One skeleton swipes at Branahm hits ac 15 for 4 damagethe other misses Keth.

Round 1:
Keth runs up and takes a swing at the skeleton closest to him just after Liz throws another acid splash on the one she had damaged. Liz's acid hits the same spot that her previous attack did, eating away at the skeleton's spine until it falls to the ground in two different pieces. Keth's Spear goes right into the eye socket of the skeleton, and out the back of it's head with a puff of dust. With a twist, the head pops off and the skeleton falls to the ground (max damage)
As Arius finishes reading from the scroll you see the owlbear skeleton stop abruptly, shaking slightly Anju's second stone flies through the space that Liz's target just fell from, narrowly missing the skull of the skeleton behind it.
my dice hate me today it seems... must be payback for IC hating you guys.
The skeletons shamble forward and swipe at liz and Keth. all 4 of them miss though.

AC 15

surprize round:
the skeletons amble up, liz's acid bolt hits the one closest to her in the chest, you watch as it eats away and the things ribs and puts puck marks on its spinal column. Anju's stone goes over the skeleton's shoulder, bouncing harmlessly off the wall.

see the init order on the ooc board if you're not sure where you are in the turn - Keth got a 12 liz then keth and the skeles

Arius Pelgane wrote:

Cruddy iniative roll.

you want to switch initiatives with the owlbear skeleton, it got a natural 1...

OK, since its been 3 days and no one but Liz mentioned doing anything...

As Liz gets to the center of the room, a great rustling can be heard from the two pits, as you watch the bones get up and start walking towards her - you count 6 human skeletons to the west, and a large animal skeleton to the East (Liz and anyone else who got a 20+ on the last check can act on the surprise round, anyone with knowledge nature or knowledge dungeoneering would know on a 10 or better that the animal skeleton is of an owlbear) The skeletons come towards the center of the room, but can't quite make it within melee reach (they get to just between the two pillars).


Elizabeth Danflor wrote:

Perception Check. (1d20+7=26)

LIZ (and anyone else above 25):

you hear some noises of bone on bone from both pits, and think you feel a slight breeze coming from back wall of the left pit (as you enter)

anyone 20-24

you hear some noises of bone on bone from both pits

anyone under 20

you see lots of bones

This large room is supported by four wide pillars of stone. The ceiling above arches in a dome nearly twenty feet high. The walls are lined with skeletons caked into the mud—human bones mostly, but here and there smaller bones might be from halfings, or perhaps children. Fifteen-foot-square pits sit to the east and west, each filled with a large heap of hundreds of bones. To the south, a crude hole has been gouged into the
wall, providing access to a tunnel.
Anyone entering the room can make a perception check if they feel like looking through the bones for anything interesting, or to listen for noises from further down the hallway. A map will be up tonight (Eastern Standard Time) sometime.

Korvosa’s vast graveyard, a place known as the Gray District, is a mournful place even by day. No sign of Gaekhen’s body remains in the area. Everyone except for Anju and Arius (unless they arepointed out)

the presence of a man’s tracks a wheelbarrow trail. More interestingly, several smaller humanoid tracks, each bearing only four toes, clutter the site as well. These tracks lead into the mausoleum itself, wherea quick Search reveals a poorly hidden secret trap door in the floor that leads down into the dark.Make a Knowledge Nature check for those who have it results below:

DC 15:

the small tracks are derro footprints.

under 15:

You think the small tracks are either a big ant or a tiny hippopotamus

I'm going away for the weekend, feel free to roleplay anything you want to while preparing to go after the body

Elizabeth Danflor wrote:
Did we get any reward for turning Trinia over? Can't remember if we were supposed to or not.


look at Skoan-Quah (The Skull Clan) part of This link

"Who is Rolth?Kroft searches for the right words momentarily He’s long been a thorn in my side. A failed Academae student, Rolth’s a monster of a man whowas expelled after the true nature of his experiments were revealed. He was butchering vagrants, stray animals, and anything else he could get his hands on to try to build some sort of golem from their collected parts. The Academae didn’t press charges because it didn’t want to cause a scene—it just quietly expelled him and the man’s been trouble ever since. We suspect he’s responsible for nearly a dozen slayings, each involving mutilation to the body, but to date we haven’t been able to find him or locate his lair. He might or might not be in the Dead Warrens, but anything you can find there that could lead to his arrest would be greatly appreciated..... Before you ask, Korvosa’s Gray District is riddled with underground chambers,some of these warrens are patrolled and kept clear of monsters by the church of Pharasma, yet the Gray District is a large place and the tunnels below are vast and tangled. The Pharasmen focus on containing the problems with undead and necromancers, but as soon as they wipe out one, it seems as if two are ready to spring up in its place. The problem’s particularly vexing in Potter’s Ward, where the bodies of the poor and homeless are buried. According to Thousand Bones, the Dead Warrens were one of his people’s burial vaults, chambers that lie under Potter’s ward.We have the man who sold Gaekhen’s body to Rolth in custody: a simpleton named Elkaris. He spilled everything when we told him what was going on and how much trouble he was in—in any event, Elkaris says he delivered the body via wheelbarrow to a partially collapsed mausoleum deep in Potter’s Ward, near the southern edge. A toppled and headless statue of a sword-wielding gargoyle lay in the dirt near the mausoleum’s entrance—he was told to leave the body behind the gargoyle. This location matches where Thousand Bones believes the Shoanti burial grounds called the Dead Warrens used to be located, so that’s the best place to start the search. In responce to the cleric's question about the serving girl One of the scribes is bringing the notes on her crimes here for me to review as we speak, I'm told that they took some time to find. I should know more in a day or two.

picture is now of Thousand Bones

You get to the garrison un-hassled, and are let into the compound on sight. You notice that the guards seem to be particularly uneasy and agitated as you make you way to Field Marshal Kroft's office.

if asked a guard will tell you:

One of those Shoanti kids went and got himself killed, and now the rest of them are all worked up—if it’s not one riot about to erupt, it’s another! Field Marshal Kroft’s in her office now, trying to talk some sense into the Shoanti ambassador—in fact, she mentioned that she’s looking for you all to help with the situation

A tall, rail-thin Shoanti man of 60 winters is in Kroft's office when you approach. He leans heavily on a walking stick, the polished femur of some giant beast crowned with a firepelt cougar’s skull. He wears a
shirt decorated with countless jangling animal bones, many painstakingly scrawled with dozens of tiny symbols and glyphs. A bearskin cloak is draped about his bony shoulders, and warpaint in the shape of a skull decorates his face. The Shoanti’s eyes are milky as if he were blind, though he sees better than most men half his age. He is never without his familiar, a regal red-feathered razor crow named Eats-Eyes. He regards you impassively while Cressida introduces him as Thousand Bones, a Way-Keeper for the Skoan-Quah, the Clan of the Skull. Cressida bids the you to sit, tells you about the situation with the mob violence and the dead Shoanti(see spoiler below), then turns the floor over to Thousand Bones. The old shaman speaks with a deep voice, his words carefully chosen but delivered with a barely restrained anger.
"My people have worked hard to understand yours, yet it seems each day we see new examples of how your people work just as hard to foster old hatreds. My grandson is dead, beaten to death by cowards in your city street. I do not blame you, yet still Gaekhen is dead, and my son and his kin are not so forgiving as I. They wish to return to the Skoan-Quah in the Cinderlands, to join with the Sklar-Quah and rally to war against Korvosa. This would be disastrous, for both our peoples. Amends must be made.
“Our ways are not as yours. If a body does not go whole to the fires of the gods, the smoke of a warrior’s spirit cannot rise to the Great Sky. If I could send Gaekhen’s body to the Great Sky with honor and dignity, his father and brothers would listen to me and stay their wrath—the talks of peace between my people and yours can continue. But he was not just murdered.His body was taken from the scene of his death, sold by a
peddler of corpses to a necromancer named Rolth, a criminal to both our people. I have spoken with the spirits, and they have revealed to me that Gaekhen’s body has been taken to a place below your boneyard, a place the spirits call the Dead Warrens.
“With this knowledge, I could surely lead a group of my finest warriors into your boneyard to retrieve Gaekhen’s body, but this would be seen as an act of aggression by your people. No, it falls to you to make amends for what has been done. You must bring me Gaekhen’s body, lest we be forced to recover him ourselves. And although it pains my heart to say it—we will not be gentle if it comes to this.”

Thousand Bones then rises, nods curtly to Cressida, and leaves the room to return to his people to await the delivery of his grandson’s body. Field Marshal Kroft apologizes for the man’s behavior, but to a great extent she agrees with his assessment. Someone tied to Korvosa needs to find the dead Shoanti’s body and return it to his people as a gesture of good will, or things will quickly go from bad to worse. Normally, Kroft would contact the Church of Pharasma to organize an expedition into one of the warrens under the city graveyard, but you have proven capable, and thus were Kroft’s first nomination for the problem. If you can help her, there’s also another 1,000 gp reward in it for you. Cressida would like the PCs to begin immediately, but she can certainly answer a few questions.

use the unrest to fuel their own agenda. Tensions between Korvosa and the Shoanti have existed since the city’s foundation some 300 years ago, when Chelish colonists attacked and defeated the Shoanti tribes who dwelt in the region destined to become the largest city in Varisia. Forced to retreat and relocate into the inhospitable Cinderlands northeast of Korvosa, the Shoanti persevered and even flourished, and many among them preach that the time to take back their ancestral homeland is nigh. Yet in Korvosa itself, the Shoanti seek a more peaceful accord. Led by a visionary shaman known as Thousand Bones, a large group of Shoanti have been in talks with the Korvosan government for years now, hoping to find a way their two people can coexist in peace.
Thousand Bones’s mission is anything but easy. A large number of Korvosa’s citizens are prejudiced against the Shoanti and see them as little more than violent barbarians. Curbing and moderating the violence between these racists and the quick-to-anger Shoanti who dwell
in and near Korvosa is a constant battle for the ancient shaman. Thousand Bones’s patience reaches its limit when one of his grandsons, a young warrior named Gaekhen, is murdered by a mob that uses the unrest in Korvosa as a feeble excuse for misplaced vigilantism

Pretty much all of this post is taken word by word from the book.... basicaly if asked about What will happen to Trina, Kroft says that she will get the services of a wizard with spells to tell if Trina is speaking the truth, and if she is, than Kroft will find a safe place for her until the fervor dies down. If not, she'll turn the girl over to the queen

Pseudo-Branahm wrote:

"Let's get to the house. It will buy us--and Trinia--some time."

You get back to the house easily enough.. not sure what you guys want to do.

Pseudo-Branahm wrote:
" Do you remember anything unusual during your sittings with the King? Something that someone might try to silence you for seeing?"

No, the king sat with me for hours on end. He was already showing signs of sickness when I first met him. I didn't notice anything extra-ordinary happening.

Anju wrote:
"Have you ever painted portraits of other important figures before the King?"

I hoped to make my name with this piece. To be truthful, I'm not even sure why the chamberlin picked me to do the king's portrait, although he did ask me to entertain the king with stories and/or songs while painting him, so maybe they wre looking for someone with more than one art skill..

At this time, you hear a rattling from the your left and turn as Rags lands on the roof next to you The crowd has found this place, it's not safe anymore He tells you. Trina turns to you with pleading eyes and asks
Please, hide me, if the mob finds me they'll kill me on the spot.

Pseudo-Branahm wrote:

"Just tell us what happened, and we'll try to help you if we can."

She Sober's up a little at hearing this I don't know whats happening, all I did was paint the king's portrait, just as the Chamberlain paid me to... All I Did was paint the portrait, I Swear!

You don't think that she is lying

The hold person works, Trina freezes just before jumping to the next rooftop, and is too worked up to build up the resolve to break the spell's hold. You get there and grab her just before the spell wears off.

As soon as Trina can move again she breaks down in tears I'm *sob*
being set up *sniffle*I*sob* didn’t kill the king *sob* don’t want to *sob* die. Ple-Please ddon't give me to the qqqueeeennnn *Sob, wail*

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