Sable Company Elite Marine

Branahm's page

9 posts. Alias of bainard.


"There is another thing to consider, when we go to confront the rat in his lair. Lamm's preference for making children into his thieves means we will need to be prepared to exercise restraint in the force we use. Our lust for revenge cannot overwhelm our sympathy for his current victims. "

Branahm rises from his seat. "Years ago, when my sister was stolen from our family, my brother and I swore we would find her. Now, we have a chance to either find her, or at least bring her justice. I am in. For far too long, Lamm has preyed on the defenseless, and I think it is high time for the hammer of justice to crush him. "

Branahm lays his card down on the table in front of his brother. It depicts a blind hag with an eye in it's mouth. He speaks towards the group, since Arius already knows what he is to say:

"I was gifted with the mute hag at the same time my brother received the trader. A card representing secrets and pacts, he tells me. "

Rumil wrote:

Rumil smiles and pulls out his card, then sips his wine before putting it down and standing. He bows slightly to Arius and hands his card to Arius.

"Well Met Arius. The name is Rumil. I recieved the Avalanche card from our mysterious benefactor."

Branahm lays his card down on the table in front of his brother. It depicts a blind hag with an eye in it's mouth.

"I was gifted with the mute hag at the same time my brother received the trader. A card representing secrets and pacts, he tells me. "

"My brother and I are here to eat, and to consider our options. Our sister vanished several years ago, and we have only recently had a lead on her possible whereabouts. We are contemplating the best way to approach our new informant. "

Branahm falls silent for a few minutes, then looks at Ox. "We've asked many people in town, so one more won't hurt. Have you heard of a fortune teller named Zallara?"

Branahm agrees that he and his brother should show up an hour early.

My previous post seems to have vanished into the ether, sorry if this is a duplicate.

Branahm makes his way back to the table where he and his brother were sitting. The commotion of the "game" draws his attention, and he is surprised to see his brother wagering his hard-earned money on the rabble's blood sports.

When his brother calls to him, he moves to his brother's side. "Gathering strays, Arius? Let's see what we can do for that hand, stranger. . . "

Since cure minor wounds is gone, Branahm will use a turn undead attempt to heal Ox (and everyone else in 30'. ) He'll try to position the heal so Ox's opponent doesn't get it if he can. I rolled a 4, so that should heal it.

Branahm makes his way back to the table he had shared with his brother and sits, suprised to see Arius wagering his hard-earned cash on the rabble's blood sports.

When his brother calls him over, he rises and walks over to the two men. "Picking up strays, Arius? Let's do something about that hand, then. "

Perversely, eliminating cure minor wounds means that the easiest way for me to heal 1 hp of damage is to burn a turn undead attempt (Alpha playtest pg 44-45). I'll try to position myself so the healing doesn't wake up the cheater, if possible. Since the minimum healing the turn effect could do will heal the damage. I got a 4, so that should heal everything (along with every bar patron in 30').


I assume I don't recognize the cleric of Abadar. If there's a chair next to him free, I'll make my way over and greet him.

Branahm makes his way over to the cleric and says, "Greetings, brother. I am Branahm, a noviate of Torag. I noticed you seem troubled, and a shared burden is always lighter. Anything you'd like to talk about?"

I assume this will take a reaction or diplomacy check. If I did recognize him, I'll address him by name, rather than "brother".

For Arius

Branahm nods at Arius. "Hidden secrets could be as simple as the location of our sister, or an indication of something more sinister. The two cards could be question and answer. I suspect our would-be benefactor means something deeper, however. "

The harrow deck seems more a magical instrument than a religious one, but if a knowledge (religion) check will give any more insight, I'd like to make one.

Branahm turns to the door. "Come, brother, let us see if we can learn anything of 3 Lancet street or it's inhabitants. We should start at the church, I think. "

As he walks out, Branahm glances back towards his eldest brother and sister. "Uther and Myra, we finally have a lead on our sister. With Torag's blessing, we'll have her back. Doubtless she shall forgive you for your lost faith in her return, in time. " With that, he turns and stalks out without waiting for a reply.

Branahm will spend the next 2 hours (1d4 hours, Pathfinder alpha pg 24, had irony roll for how long it would take since that's not a hidden result) doing a diplomacy check to find out what he can about 3 Lancet street and it's inhabitants.