The Nerf spells

Combat & Magic

Liberty's Edge

There seems to be a set of spells that must be taken to be able to avoid most of the monster special abilities.Freedom of movement,Death ward,protection from evil,and a few others.A Pc can become all but immune to most effects.Maybe having the spell caster lvl effect vs the creatures HD.Some times I just cant see pro vs evil a 2nd lvl spell stopping the Vampire lord who has lived for 1000 years from dominating someone.Or a 4th lvl spell FoM stopping the Kracken from grabbing you.Mostly I like these spells and rules but sometimes they seem to just nerf the encounter.

There's another thread on basically this topic - "Remove the Absolutes Problem'".

A lot of other people have problems with absolute protections, including the ones you mentioned. It's one of the things that makes high-level play clunky.

I personally play with several of the 'absolutes' being replaced by +10 or +20 bonuses, so that the uberkraken can still grab people with Freedom of Movement.

Professor Frankln Von Wolfstien wrote:
There seems to be a set of spells that must be taken to be able to avoid most of the monster special abilities.Freedom of movement,Death ward,protection from evil,and a few others.A Pc can become all but immune to most effects.Maybe having the spell caster lvl effect vs the creatures HD.Some times I just cant see pro vs evil a 2nd lvl spell stopping the Vampire lord who has lived for 1000 years from dominating someone.Or a 4th lvl spell FoM stopping the Kracken from grabbing you.Mostly I like these spells and rules but sometimes they seem to just nerf the encounter.

you are forgetting something regarding protection from evil, however. It only lasts minutes per level AND it doesn't stop the vampire from dominating someone at all. It only supresses the control for the duration of the spell. If someone fails their will save versus a charm or dominate while under the protection spell, they are still charmed or dominated, but the while the protection spell lasts, the charm or dominate has no effect. As soon as the spell ends, the dominate is back on and the vampire is fully aware of it.

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