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This power should be adjusted. 100% immuneity is a little much for the price.I think it should be 25% light armor,50% medium armor,75%heavy armor.I dont think padded armor should be allowed to have heavy fortification if you see my point of this thread.,but adding light fortification would be fine to padded armor.

Olivier Roux |
This power should be adjusted. 100% immuneity is a little much for the price.I think it should be 25% light armor,50% medium armor,75%heavy armor.I dont think padded armor should be allowed to have heavy fortification if you see my point of this thread.,but adding light fortification would be fine to padded armor.
Yes this power should be adjusted
Perhaps a reduction of damage against sneak attack
for example :
Light : 10
Medium : 20
Heavy : 30

ellegua |

This power should be adjusted. 100% immuneity is a little much for the price.I think it should be 25% light armor,50% medium armor,75%heavy armor.I dont think padded armor should be allowed to have heavy fortification if you see my point of this thread.,but adding light fortification would be fine to padded armor.
Having playtested this one with the Professor, I'll throw in my vote for this change as well. The progression should go 25% -> 50% -> 75%, with an additional restriction that the level of fortification cannot be higher than the type of the base armor* - light for light armor, light to medium for medium armor, and all three as options for heavy armor.
(* - Unpacking that a bit: While something like mithril full plate is considered medium armor, because the base armor (full plate) is a heavy armor, it should be allowed heavy fortification. I'm sure there's a better way to phrase it, but I'm not the guy to figure it out. *g*)

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I'm forced to agree, since I realize that the first thing I spend money on with a higher level character that's at all a warrior type is heavy fortification - it's just TOO good. I could perhaps see keeping the 100% fortification but dramatically increasing the price, say a +7 enhancement bonus at least.

Jal |
Just had an encounter and our mage scored a critical hit with a Ray of Enfeeblement on a major enemy NPC. We are using the d20 Critical Hit Deck and spell affect was target was subjected to a dispel magic affect. NPC was equipped with 100 percent fortified plate.
Should the 100 percent fortification ability negate the spell critical immediately? In this case the additional dispel magic.
Our DM decided he didn't want to argue that the fortification would ignore it and just let the dispel magic go through (npc was screwed anyways due to lowered strength).
We are using Beta rules at the moment ... I would suggest that the fortification description be expanded a bit to clarify beyond just sneak/precision/critical damage.