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Lilith and I put this together. Giving back to the community.
(She bribed me with many cookies with white chocolate in them.)
It covers years 4707 and 4708.
(Since Rois of the Rune Lords starts in the fall of 4707 and the Guide to Korvosa has the current year as 4708.)
Each month is 11 x 17
There are form fields for each day too. So you can make notes of what happens or who died when or whatnot...
Get it here. (5.5MB)
(If you want the 28MB version let me know and we can arrange transfer.)
Enjoy. :D
If I have any errors please let me know.

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Would it be possible to get a version that you could print on an 8.5 x 11 page without the pictures?
Sure, let me see what I can do. (Might be a day or two...)
Also, a side note that should have been in the first post, The first year's pics all come from RotRL... I wanted to do that with the 4708 year but we only have one issue available so far... :)

KaeYoss |

Great work!
I'm tempted to print it out on some glossy paper, bind it, and hang it on the Dungeon wall.
The only peeve is that I prefer my calenders to display only women. No men. No clothes, either (landscape and the like is okay, as long as it doesn't obscure anything) ;-)
I'll have to get back to my idea of a Naughty Monster Manual. I only need some time, start writing or doing any brainstorming, and get some artists. After all, Jackson got his Munchkin Monster Manual.

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Would it be possible to get a version that you could print on an 8.5 x 11 page without the pictures?
Here you go:
11" x 8.5" version with no picturesThanks for the feedback people. Makes my heart glow. :D

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Very nice, I DLed her earlier ones she had posted. I am just waiting for one or both of you now to make the rest. 09, 10, 11, 12, 13. By then 07 could be flipped to 14 and have all the dates match up. *nudge nudge, wink wink* hint hint... :D
Also not to sound pushy or demanding. But any chance we can see both the image and not image one in black and white and typeable as well? It would sure save my poor color ink on printing.
I appreciate the work and effort you two have put into this and sharing.

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Nyarlathotep wrote:Would it be possible to get a version that you could print on an 8.5 x 11 page without the pictures?Here you go:
11" x 8.5" version with no picturesThanks for the feedback people. Makes my heart glow. :D
Thank you for the calendar, you just made my RotRL character's journal that much more interesting!

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...any chance we can see both the image and not image one in black and white and typeable as well?
Yep, there's a chance...
Black & White versions
11" x 8.5"
11" x 17"
Note: Yeah I also plan on doing further years. I want to make each year's pictures from an AP. I will end up redoing (maybe) 4708. If not, I just do the 4709...

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Thanks and glad to hear you plan to do more.
On a side note, the links are broke. You accidently got the <br> html tag in the URL link. For those that try to open it before it gets fixed. Just click it and when the page opens delete everything after the f in the .pdf of the URL and it will open just fine.

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I am getting ready to run Rise of the Runelords for my friends (we start tomorrow).It is our first pathfinder game, so anything that helps us add to the experience is great. This should add a lot of personality to the campaign, especially since I can reference the lunar cycle (that is a nice touch). Thanks for making it.

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The phases of the moon and seasons are a nice touch. Did you just determine those by dividing the year in quarters or has this been published somewhere that I missed?
Yep, it was somewhere... I think in PF#7 but Lilith would have to tell you for sure since I got that info from her. :)

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Also, in case anyone was wondering, Fray is awesome to work with. We've been emailing about his calendar and he's agreed to make a (minor?) tweak that will bring it in line with everything official we've put out and are going to put out. And because his calendar is so awesome, the tweaking will go the other way as well. We'll be making his seasonal beginnings and solstices and equinoxes canon in the hardcover. :)
Hurray for the Paizo community! :D

Lilith |

The phases of the moon and seasons are a nice touch. Did you just determine those by dividing the year in quarters or has this been published somewhere that I missed?
I divided the years in quarters, and put the start of the seasons at the start of the month. It has always seemed to me that our Gregorian method of determining the starting days of the month did not jive with the seasons and solar/lunar cycle, so I made the seasons start at the beginning of one month, a equinox/solstice in the second month, and the season end in the third month.
The lunar cycle repeats every seven years, for those that would like to know. I have a spreadsheet I calculated things all out in, lists blue moons/double new months and what not.
I obsessed over the lunar cycles for a good while. :D

KaeYoss |

Cool, so will this mean a new one that will be a offical calendar might go up in the store? As either a free or cheap DL? Just curious, calendars are always handy for games. Especially if they list major holidays and seasons, moon phases ect.
I'd guess that this thing will be as official as it gets. You can download it when it's done, print it out, put it on the wall. (maybe tinker with it and put varisian swimsuit models in there ;-))

KaeYoss |

Really cool calendar! Thanks for doing this.
One question. Mine says that I can't save what I type into it. Would it be possible to make us a savable version, or is there a trick to this that I don't know?
I think that is because you're using acrobat reader, which doesn't allow changes to be saved. You'd have to get acrobat (the full version), or other programs that allow changing PDFs.

lectric |

I think that is because you're using acrobat reader, which doesn't allow changes to be saved. You'd have to get acrobat (the full version), or other programs that allow changing PDFs.
There are some form pdf's that are savable even in Acrobat Reader, like these character sheets:
Not to dredge up any recent trauma, but the IRS even has forms that you can save in Acrobat Reader! :)
I think there might be a Save/Export setting in Acrobat that lets Acrobat Reader users save their forms....
Anyway, the calendar is great either way.

lectric |

Just to let you guys know, there's a mention in Guide to Darkmoon Vale that mentions the full moon in Arodus, 4707. I made sure the dates for that reference match what you did with the calendar. It turned out the original dates I put in were only a few days off, so GMTA! :D
So ... is the calendar in this thread the final one? Or is there a new one with slightly different dates and moon cycles? Thanks!!

Michael F |

So, I think I saw somewhere that the Swallowtail Festival at the opening of Burnt Offerings was on the Autumn Equinox. If that's true, that would make it Toilday, Lamashan 1st, 4707. Is that correct? Or is the Swallowtail Festival the first day of Autumn?
The Calendar is amazing. Someone made an Excel calendar that was floating around a few months back. But this looks great with all the artwork.

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Was the issue of the five missing days ever addressed? I know that there has been considerable discussion regarding where these dates should fall and I wanted to know if an official decision has been made. I am starting my campaign on 1 Rova 4707 and would hate to have to retcon the journals of all the characters and such when the hardcover comes out in August.