GVDammerung |
I don't want to contribute to thread proliferation necessarily, but as I don't see a general "Fighter Thoughts" folder, here goes.
I and my players like the new fighter. The armor and weapon bonuses make it feel like the fighter is accomplishing something more as he levels and that he is less "everyman." Good work.
Looking at the Pathfinder thief's "talents," there is a thought that the fighter could have something similar to vary fighting styles beyond type of armor and type of weapon. A suggestion.
With respect to iterative attacks, the feeling is to split the baby. Fewer iterative attacks but retaining them in 3 levels, sort of nodding to 1e. So, 1 attack at low levels, 2 attacks at mid levels and 3 attacks at high levels. Problem is backwards compatability. So, the suggestion is a side bar similar to the variant XP progression. Make it an option (of course, applicable to all classes with fighters getting the most iterative attacks.)
In fact, the thought is lots of sidebars with lots of options. Pathfinder - The Game With Options?

Bertious |

One possible suggestion to deal with iterative attacks would be to actually increase the damage fighter does in place of adding attacks.
The question would then arise as to how much damage to add and when. The best 2 options i can come too would be either a slow dice increase like the monk's unarmed damage or a large jump every time they used to get an additional attack.
Another good option someone came up with in a different forum would be make 1 attack roll but at certain levels allow an additional hit for every 5 points you beat the targets ac by.

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Looking at the Pathfinder thief's "talents," there is a thought that the fighter could have something similar to vary fighting styles beyond type of armor and type of weapon. A suggestion.
I agree. I also think that a lot of customization for ALL the core classes could be solved by the Talent mechanic, such as Star Wars Saga classes use. Check my link here.

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I just read Races of War by K and Frank - they've been active on these boards lately.
They have a really good suggestion about ititerated attacks - the -5 applies to the second attack, and all other attacks are at the same bonus.
So, if you have a BAB of +16 your full attack is not +16/+11/+6/+1. It is +16/+11/+11/+11
I think that is brilliant. Those final attacks are seldom worthwhile.