Love the Alpha release preview BUT.....

Alpha Release 1 General Discussion

Two things that stand out that I don't like..

1) Many of the school and domains start off with an at will power that is as powerful as a first level spell. What's the point of taking an offensive spell at first level?

2) Favored classes getting a bonus hit point every level. I don't like the fact that if I want to play an Orc fighter instead of a barbarian,
I miss out on hit points. It doesn't make sense.

your first point I don't see it as an issue and I love they schools and domains .And your 2nd I love giving the extra hp it makes since and gives a reason to have a favored class

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

gary downing wrote:

Two things that stand out that I don't like..

1) Many of the school and domains start off with an at will power that is as powerful as a first level spell. What's the point of taking an offensive spell at first level?

2) Favored classes getting a bonus hit point every level. I don't like the fact that if I want to play an Orc fighter instead of a barbarian,
I miss out on hit points. It doesn't make sense.

1) Spells like sleep and color spray are still better are still better choices at 1st level. Of the straight damage spells, magic missile does comparable damage and doesn't miss, and burning hands affects an area. You're right that the at-will powers are almost as good at caster level 1, but the spells get better much faster (typically +1d6 per level as opposed to +1 per two). And low level spellcasters need more at-will love. Personally I think Paizo should have gone further, let the damage be (say) 1d6 + 1d6 per three levels and maybe improved the potency, range, or duration of the disabling effects with higher levels... I'm still a bit wary of 4E's slew of encounter and at will powers, but having to rest after every two encounters because the wizard ran out of mojo is just plain silly.

2) While still better than the original favored class system, I agree that the Alpha rules do too much to encourage playing to specific race/class combos.

The existing 3.5 rules only deal with multiclassing - namely, by discouraging it except into certain classes traditional to the race. The advantage being you're never hindered if you don't multiclass (racial ability penalties aside), but the downside is the system still doesn't really address the cherry picking twinkery it's designed to prevent, and the more base classes get added (we're up to what, around 40 now?) the harder it is to make legitimate multiclassing work.

The alpha rules say if you're going to multiclass you get fewer hit points - period - and you're always hindered (relatively speaking) for not playing your race's favored class. It only exacerbates the problem of more base classes than races (which might be intentional, but is a kick in the pants for people who like the scout or duskblade or what-have-you).

I'd say if Paizo wants to stick with the bonus hit point idea everyone should have two favored classes - one of the player's choice, and one given by race (except humans and half-elves, who pick two). If you start as your race's favored class you can hold off picking your chosen class until later. One bonus hit point per favored class level as in the alpha.
This would mean taking more than two classes always hurts, but taking one never does. If you dabble in two classes you're still encouraged to play to racial tradition. Going for your race's favored class from first level also means if you pick up a prestige class later on you can choose that as your second favored. Rewards single classing, multiclassing only into core race-appropriate classes, and no more than one prestige class. I'd call that win.

In regards to favored classes, I say eliminate them. They are not entirely logical (elves are better wizards than rangers or sorcerers or rogues?) . . .also it practically begs normal players to play a dwarven fighter or an elven wizard and nothing else, because you are penalizing them for not playing to type, which in my opinion is hamper on roleplaying.

The Last Rogue wrote:
In regards to favored classes, I say eliminate them. They are not entirely logical (elves are better wizards than rangers or sorcerers or rogues?) . . .also it practically begs normal players to play a dwarven fighter or an elven wizard and nothing else, because you are penalizing them for not playing to type, which in my opinion is hamper on roleplaying.

If missing out on 1 hit point per level hampers the roleplaying of your group, I think your group has other issues than favored classes. It's really just a minor bonus for people that play to the iconic characters. Personally, I'm glad they removed the xp penalties, so people are free to roleplay whatever crazy character they desire. The downside to that comes with people dipping into vast amounts of insane classes that can be combined to break the game. However, people can still roleplay game breaking characters. Your roleplaying is really independent of how sweet your PC happens to be.

The Last Rogue wrote:
In regards to favored classes, I say eliminate them. They are not entirely logical (elves are better wizards than rangers or sorcerers or rogues?) . . .also it practically begs normal players to play a dwarven fighter or an elven wizard and nothing else, because you are penalizing them for not playing to type, which in my opinion is hamper on roleplaying.

I agree with you 100% on this. Favored classes just don't make any sense. I hope they get squashed by the time of the beta.

Dark Archive

I never really cared for the concept behind a favored class in the first place.
A creature gets an XP penalty for multi-classing a non-favored class higher than the other? WHY???
Didn't make sense before.
Gaining and extra HP for taking levels in a fav class. WHAT? WHY?
at least give some reasoning behind it.

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