lordmolay |

And Goblin Minion - so just the Goblin Commando / Dog and the beginning is set.
One thing i noticed about your minion that i think needs to change is the HP.
Yours say "a minion dies when hit my an attack that deasl dmg" vs WOTC minions say "Hp 1: a minion never takes dmg from an attack that misses"
There is very little difference here but on think is attacks like cleave... (Attack on target and a 2nd adjacnet target takes 3 dmg) If a minion is the 2nd target (taking 3 dmg) by your wording it will not die... however by WOTC wording it will...
By the way i love these guys!

Derek Poppink |

Here's another conversion. I'll stick them in this thread for a while, then gather them up in a single thread on the Runelords board once I have a bunch.
Vargouille (Level 2 Controller)
Medium immortal magical beast XP 125
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +7; darkvision
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 15; Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 13
Speed 6, fly 6 (hover)
M Bite (standard; at-will)
+7 vs. AC; 1d0 + 3 damage, and the target loses a healing surge.
C Shriek (standard; recharge 6)
Close burst 10; deafened creatures are immune; +4 vs. Fort; the target is stunned (save ends).
M Kiss (standard; at-will)
Stunned target only; +6 vs. Fort; the target contracts level 2 vargouille mutation.
Alignment Evil Languages Supernal
Skills Stealth +7
Str 10 (+1) Dex 13 (+2) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 12 (+2) Int 5 (-2) Cha 8 (+0)
Vargouille Mutation (Level 2 Disease)
Endurance stable DC 15, improve DC 20
Initial Effect : The target loses 1 healing surge until cured.
Improve: The target is cured.
Worsen: The target loses another healing surge until cured.
Worsen x2: The target takes a -2 penalty to attacks and checks until cured.
Worsen x3: The target dies and becomes a vargouille.
It was much quicker to make this one. It was fun to create a disease using 4e rules. I based it on a combination of filth fever (rats) and mummy rot. I gave it several stages to reflect the 3.5 flavor text (hair falling out, facial changes, mental faculties failing).
I used the loss of a healing surge to model the no-healing poison of their bite (a little less severe, perhaps). I modeled the shriek on 4e harpies, and made it an infrequent recharge (because stun is powerful, and varg's have gained a lot of hp and damage in 4e math).
For the Catacombs of Wrath, I'm considering an encounter of varg's and sinspawn (brutes and controllers). I think I've got two varg minis and two abyssal skulker minis which would be ideal.

Derek Poppink |

One more today. Koruvus gave me a chance to try creating an elite monster.
Koruvus Level 3 Brute (Elite)
Medium aberrant humanoid XP 300
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +0; low-light vision
HP 112; Bloodied 56
AC 16; Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 12
Immune fear Resist 5 acid, 5 poison
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 1
M Triple Threat (standard, at-will)
Koruvus makes the following three melee attacks, each one against a different target:
Longsword +6 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage.
Handaxe +6 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage.
Dagger +6 vs. AC; 1d4 + 4 damage.
C Acid Breath (standard, recharge 5/6) Acid
Close blast 3; +4 vs. Reflex; 3d6+3 acid damage. Koruvus makes a secondary attack against each hit target. Secondary Attack: +4 vs. Fortitude; the target takes -2 to attacks and checks (save ends).
M Shove (immediate reaction, when bloodied)
Koruvus makes a bull rush attack against each adjacent enemy; +4 vs. Fortitude; push the target one space; Koruvus may shift into any vacated space.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Intimidate +6
Str 19 (+5) Dex 13 (+3) Wis 8 (+0)
Con 16 (+4) Int 3 (-3) Cha 10 (+1)
Equipment longsword, handaxe, silver dagger
I considered starting with the Goblin Skullcleaver and adding a template, but it was easier to create Koruvus from scratch and apply the elite transformation. Giving him three melee attacks fulfills part of the power upgrade (thanks for the inspiration, chimera). Giving him the Shove ability fulfilled the other (something that happens when he's bloodied). I figure he'll be too busy to bull rush people into the zombies every round, but doing it once in the middle of the fight would really change the dynamic (particularly if the fighter and rogue disappear down pits and leave the rest of the party to hold Koruvus off for a few rounds).
Because bull rush follows the rules for push (target must move to a square farther away from you), there does not have to be a pit directly behind you for Koruvus to bull rush you into one. This is important considering the checkerboard layout of the pits in the map. Characters get a 50/50 saving throw to avoid falling, but end up prone if they succeed.
The zombies in this room should definitely be minions. They're not much of a threat, but definitely a distraction if you fall in a pit.

Derek Poppink |

Here's a version of Tsuto created using the Create an NPC rules in the DMG:
Tsuto Kaijitsu Level 3 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid XP 150
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +3; low-light vision
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 15; Fortitude 13, Reflex 17, Will 14
Speed 6
First Strike (rogue feature)
Tsuto has combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.
Sneak Attack (rogue feature)
Once per round when Tsuto hits a foe that he has combat advantage against, he deals +2d6 damage.
R Deft Strike (standard; at-will)
Tsuto may move 2 squares before the attack; +7 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage.
M Stunning Fist (standard; encounter)
+3 vs. Fortitude; 1d6 + 2 damage and the target is stunned until the end of Tsuto’s next turn.
R Blinding Barrage (standard; daily)
Close blast 3; +7 vs. AC; 2d8+4 damage and the target is blinded until the end of Tsuto’s next turn.
Tumble (move; encounter)
Tsuto may shift up to 3 squares.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Elven, Goblin
Skills Acrobatics +9, Diplomacy +4, Insight +5, Thievery +9
Str 12 (+2) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 12 (+2) Int 13 (+2) Cha 13 (+2)
Equipment shortbow
I'm allowing Tsuto to use the rogue powers with a shortbow, even though a PC rogue could not. Stunning fist is loosely based on Dazing Strike (and the Githzerai Cenobite's Stunning Strike). He will work well with Goblin Blackblades given the stun and Tumble.

Keith Richmond Lone Shark Games |

Yours say "a minion dies when hit my an attack that deasl dmg" vs WOTC minions say "Hp 1: a minion never takes dmg from an attack that misses"
Yep, WotC changed the minion rules and I was using an old version(that or someone else transcribed them incorrectly).
On that note, I'm planning on doing the goblin commando soon and I'm a little iffy on something actually cool to give him.
I'll need to reread that section, but I was considering some kind of special charge ability, perhaps a leader role to help rally other goblins.

Pop'N'Fresh |

Here's another conversion. I'll stick them in this thread for a while, then gather them up in a single thread on the Runelords board once I have a bunch.
Vargouille (Level 2 Controller)
Got a couple of suggestions for your Varguoille, which looks really good btw.
1. Probably reduce its size to small to match its d20 version, but that doesn't really change its stats at all. It is after all a flying head :P
2. Bump up its Strength score to 13, as suggested in the DMG, as it is a melee attacker and relies on its bite. That being said, probably reduce its bite damage die to a d6, as it has an added effect of removing surges, and its old bite was only a d4 after all. So its bite should probably deal 1d6+1 damage. It seems low I know, but its other attacks can be very powerful with this.
3. Bump up its AC to 16.
4. Add the "Fear" keyword to your shriek power and maybe make it an encounter power similar to the young black dragon's frightful presence since the power only really will work once per encounter right? The d20 version only works every 24 hours, so this seems appropriate. I would probably also remove the save ends part of this power, just like the dragon's.
Good job!

Pop'N'Fresh |

Here's a version of Tsuto created using the Create an NPC rules in the DMG:
Tsuto Kaijitsu Level 3 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid XP 150
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +3; low-light vision
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 15; Fortitude 13, Reflex 17, Will 14
Speed 6
First Strike (rogue feature)
Tsuto has combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.
Sneak Attack (rogue feature)
Once per round when Tsuto hits a foe that he has combat advantage against, he deals +2d6 damage.
R Deft Strike (standard; at-will)
Tsuto may move 2 squares before the attack; +7 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage.
M Stunning Fist (standard; encounter)
+3 vs. Fortitude; 1d6 + 2 damage and the target is stunned until the end of Tsuto’s next turn.
R Blinding Barrage (standard; daily)
Close blast 3; +7 vs. AC; 2d8+4 damage and the target is blinded until the end of Tsuto’s next turn.
Tumble (move; encounter)
Tsuto may shift up to 3 squares.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Elven, Goblin
Skills Acrobatics +9, Diplomacy +4, Insight +5, Thievery +9
Str 12 (+2) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 12 (+2) Int 13 (+2) Cha 13 (+2)
Equipment shortbowI'm allowing Tsuto to use the rogue powers with a shortbow, even though a PC rogue could not. Stunning fist is loosely based on Dazing Strike (and the Githzerai Cenobite's Stunning Strike). He will work well with Goblin Blackblades given the stun and Tumble.
Giving him a stunning strike is a bit too powerful for a level 3 NPC. I would probably go with Dazing strike instead or you'll have one PC groaning about how he can't do anything on his turn every round. Either that or make it an encounter ability.

lordmolay |

On that note, I'm planning on doing the goblin commando soon and I'm a little iffy on something actually cool to give him.
I'll need to reread that section, but I was considering some kind of special charge ability, perhaps a leader role to help rally other goblins.
For the commando (mounted Goblin) i when with this
Goblin Dog Rider Level 2 Skurmisher+mount
XP 125 Small Natural humanoid+MountImitative +5 Perception +3
HP 37 Bloodied 17
AC 16 Fort 14 Ref 16 Will 12
Speed: 8 (if mounted, 6 if not)
[:B:] Long Spear (Reach 2; Standard; at-will) * weapon +7 Vs AC 1d10+2;
[:m:] Hit and Run (Reach 2; Standard; at will) * weapon +7 Vs AC 1d10+2; May move up to speed and make 1 melee attack any where in the move
Protect the Mount- Immediate Interrupt Encounter Recharge 4-5-6
Trigger: One [:m:] or [:r:] attack Targets the mount: that attack misses
Great Position: If on it's turn The GDR moves 4 squares from where it starts +1d6 on that attack
HP 29
Ac 17 Frt. 15 Ref 17 will 13
Speed 8
Bold: While a riders is mounted Mount is considered never bloodied
Fearful: If rider is killed or dismounted Mount will flee
I Went with the spear for a change in flavor and to give a little advantage to the movement. But i thought a Full mounted Goblin would give a different feel to the fight. I also want this guy to Hit and run in and out of the fight all the time... hopfully the part will be more focused on the minions and Pyros in the fight
I think i might drop Great Position, His dmg output seems good as is, and that might make him to strong

Derek Poppink |

Giving him a stunning strike is a bit too powerful for a level 3 NPC. I would probably go with Dazing strike instead or you'll have one PC groaning about how he can't do anything on his turn every round. Either that or make it an encounter ability.
Thanks for the comment. Notice that it's not a save ends stun. It just lasts until the end of Tsuto's next turn, so one player misses one turn. The githzerai cenobite's stun is similar.

Pop'N'Fresh |

Pop'N'Fresh wrote:Giving him a stunning strike is a bit too powerful for a level 3 NPC. I would probably go with Dazing strike instead or you'll have one PC groaning about how he can't do anything on his turn every round. Either that or make it an encounter ability.Thanks for the comment. Notice that it's not a save ends stun. It just lasts until the end of Tsuto's next turn, so one player misses one turn. The githzerai cenobite's stun is similar.
Ah, ok then, didn't notice it was an encounter power, that works!

Derek Poppink |

Got a couple of suggestions for your Varguoille, which looks really good btw.
1. Probably reduce its size to small to match its d20 version, but that doesn't really change its stats at all. It is after all a flying head :P
2. Bump up its Strength score to 13, as suggested in the DMG, as it is a melee attacker and relies on its bite. That being said, probably reduce its bite damage die to a d6, as it has an added effect of removing surges, and its old bite was only a d4 after all. So its bite should probably deal 1d6+1 damage. It seems low I know, but its other attacks can be very powerful with this.
3. Bump up its AC to 16.
4. Add the "Fear" keyword to your shriek power and maybe make it an encounter power similar to the young black dragon's frightful presence since the power only really will work once per encounter right? The d20 version only works every 24 hours, so this seems appropriate. I would probably also remove the save ends part of this power, just like the dragon's.
Good job!
Thanks for the comments. Good catch on the size.
I haven't used changes to the ability scores to change the attack and damage modifiers of the creatures I've created (just the defense scores). So I have no problem upping the Strength, but I'd leave the Bite attack bonus at +7 to hit. Lowering the damage is reasonable, since losing a surge for 1st level characters is like losing an additional 5 to 8 potential hp.
Adding the "Fear" keyword is good. I think I looked for it in the d20 version, but I must have missed it. I see it now.
I think the 24 hour limitation was a safeguard in d20 to prevent a monster from spamming an annoying power. The harpy had it in d20, but no longer does in 4e.
Having a recharge 6 is close to making it an encounter power, but gives it a small chance of coming up again. I like the recharge because it's the vargouille's primary gimmick, and the kiss is dependent on it. That said, having it be stun (save ends) is probably better (like the black dragon). Stun is powerful, and you could end up costing multiple characters multiple rounds of actions (unlike Tsuto).
What did you think of the disease? I'm concerned it may be too powerful for a 2nd level disease (death), given that the Cure Disease ritual is 6th level and costs 150 gp. Granted Sandpoint is close and I could handwave the component cost, but for general application it's harsh.

Derek Poppink |

Next up: Erylium. I applied the Wizard class template to an imp. The conversion is far from exact (summon creature spells are pretty much absent from the PHB, and I didn't try to recreate her corruptions), but I think it will be close enough for a quick conversion, and the players shouldn't know the difference.
Erylium Level 3 Artillery (Elite)
Tiny immortal humanoid (devil) XP 300
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +8; darkvision
[b]HP 74; Bloodied 37
AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 15, Will 17
Resist 15 fire
Saving Throws +2
Speed 4, fly 6 (hover)
Action Points 1
M Bite (standard; at-will)
+7 vs. AC; 1d6 + 1 damage.
M Tail Sting (standard; recharges when the imp uses vanish) Poison
+8 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage, and the imp makes a secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: +5 vs. Fortitude; the target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and a –2 penalty to Will defense (save ends both).
Vanish (standard; at-will) Illusion
The imp becomes invisible until the end of its next turn or until it attacks.
C Thunderwave (standard; at-will) Thunder
Close blast 3; +5 vs. Fortitude; 1d6+4 thunder damage, and you push the target 2 squares.
A Icy Terrain (standard; encounter) Cold
Burst 1 within 10 squares; +5 vs. Reflex; 1d6+4 cold damage, and the target is knocked prone; the power’s area is difficult terrain until your next turn.
R Flaming Sphere (standard; daily; sustain minor) Fire
Range 10; +5 vs. Reflex; 2d6+4 fire damage; you conjure a Medium flaming sphere in an unoccupied square. Any creature that starts its turn next to the flaming sphere takes 1d4+4 fire damage; As a move action, you can move the sphere up to 6 squares; as a standard action, you can make another attack with the sphere.
M Shield (immediate interrupt; encounter; when hit by an attack)
You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of your next turn.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Supernal
Skills Arcana +9, Bluff +9, History +9, Stealth +9
Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 16 (+4) Int 16 (+4) Cha 16 (+4)
Clearly Erylium is not an EL 4 encounter by herself anymore. With a single sinspawn she'd only be an EL 1. I might add another two or three sinspawn to her room to keep things interesting. Another option would be to level her up as an imp before applying the wizard template. Then she might get slightly more powerful spells. Converting her to a solo monster would be a third option, but I'm not sure she deserves it.

lordmolay |

Next up: Erylium.
I almost Did a set of 4e stats for her, however I found that we know very little about the final boss until near the end of the game, So i droped her, and made "Unknows Image Level 5 Elite Artillery" The unknown image is of Karzoug, Here are the stats (the may be a little to powerful not sure yet)
Unknows Image Level 5 Elite Artillery XP 400
Med Fantom
Init +1 Perception +3 Action Point 1
Hp 74 Bloodied 40
AC 16 Frt 15 Ref 20 Will 19
Also see Unstable Image
[:RB:] Thunder Wave Standard At will
+9 Vs Frt 1d6+4 and Push 3
[:c:] Burning Hands Encounter Recharge when bloodied
+7 Vs Ref 2d6+4 Blast 5
[:R:] Acid Arrow Daily Standard (Recharge when Bloodied)
+7 vs. Ref 2d8+4 and 5 ongoing acid (save ends) and Fallow up
Fallow up: +8 vs. ref 1d8_4 acid and 2 ongoing (save ends
Miss 1\2 dmg no fallow up and no on going dmg
Unstable Image Immediate when attacked, Encounter Recharge 5-6
Target gains Con11
Rune Wells blessing the Image must stay with in 5 squares of the well or it is destroyed
If forced out of the Range of the Well the image takes 2d6 dmg per round and have con11
For every Spawn Summoned from the well -1 attack, for every creature killed with in 20 squares of the Rune Well +1 attack.
Str 8 int 18
Dex 12 wis 16
Con 10 Cha 12
Oh and i expect to start with 3 spawn and summon 2 more duing the fight, i expect to have 6 players so that will make it a level 3 encounter

Pop'N'Fresh |

Just to be anal, I never said you should change the attack bonus :P hehe, but anyways.
The disease looks pretty good IMO. I have referenced it against some other diseases in the DMG and MM and while having "death" be the final stage, it will generally take at least 3-4 days to get that far, as compared to the 3.5 version which only took 24 hours or less.
I'd like to see the flavor of the disease kept maybe and its ability to scale up or down for tougher monsters. So including the stuff about hair falling out in stage 1, ears and tentacles growing on your head in phase 2, etc. Maybe something like this:
Vargouille's Kiss (Level 2 disease)
Improve DC: 20 + half vargouille's level
Maintain DC: 16 + half vargouille's level
Worsen DC: 15 + half vargouille's level
Initial Effect: The target loses 1 healing surge, and all its hair falls out.
Improve: The target is cured.
Worsen: The target's ears grow into leathery wings, tentacles sprout on their chin and scalp, and their teeth become long, pointed fangs (-2 penalty to all Charisma based checks and Will defense).
Worsen x2: -4 penalty to all Intelligence and Charisma based checks, Reflex defense, and Will defense.
Worsen x3: The target's head breaks free of the body (which promptly dies) and becomes a vargouille.
Honestly, if the group doesn't decide to take their buddy back to town for a cure disease ritual when his ears turn into wings or all his hair falls out, then I'd let that PC come back as a Vargouille just to kill the rest of his party :D

Esangue |

Hello everybody!!
I'm trying to convert Pathfinder in 4ed too!!
And on friday we'll start the campaign!!
If you wish, I could give you a hand :)
I tried to make the stats for a sinspawn... I think they're a bit lame, ma with the little spare time I have, can't do better...
Wrath Sinspawn
Level 2 Brute XP 125;Medium Aberrant humanoid
Initiative +0; Senses Perception +5; Scent Sin 10
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 14; Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will
Speed 6
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+4 vs. AC; 2d6+3 damage; 3d6+5 damage if bloodied and the target is slowed (save ends)
aftereffects: After the first failed save, the target is dazed (save ends).
Alignment Evil ;Languages Common
Skills Stealth +9, Perception +9
Str 17 (+4) Con 12 (+2) Dex 12 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Wis 10 (+1) Cha 6 (-1)
Basically, scent sin works like blindsight, they just find the sinful people around...
Ok, tell me what you think and what I shall change. I'll give you news about my campaign!!
Ah, and sorry for the english, it's not my first language...
See you!!

Derek Poppink |

I tried to make the stats for a sinspawn... I think they're a bit lame, ma with the little spare time I have, can't do better...
Nice job, Esangue! The basics look right. A few comments:
You've got two values for Perception. Remove the one after Skills and leave the one after Senses. Might want to give them darkvision as well.
If you want to reflect the Burnt Offering flavor, make them speak Thassilonian.
Interesting power choice. At first I was concerned about dazed being too strong for an at-will power, but it does have a fairly low chance of happening (the sinspawn must be bloodied, the sinspawn must hit, and the target must fail their first save).

Derek Poppink |

Throwing my sinspawn in this thread as well for reference:
Sinspawn Level 2 Brute
Medium aberrant humanoid XP 125
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +2; darkvision
HP 44; Bloodied 22
AC 13; Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 13
Immune fear
Speed 6
M Claws (standard; at-will)
+5 vs. AC; 1d0 + 3 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the sinspawn’s next turn.
M Wrathful Bite (standard; recharge 5/6)
+5 vs. AC; 2d10 + 3. If the bite hits, the sinspawn makes a secondary attack against the same target. Secondary attack: +3 vs. Will; the target is dazed (save ends).
Alignment Evil Languages Thassilonian
Skills Stealth +7
Str 13 (+2) Dex 12 (+2) Wis 13 (+2)
Con 14 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2)

Derek Poppink |

I almost Did a set of 4e stats for her, however I found that we know very little about the final boss until near the end of the game, So i droped her, and made "Unknows Image Level 5 Elite Artillery" The unknown image is of Karzoug, Here are the stats (the may be a little to powerful not sure yet)
Interesting twist on that encounter. Definitely a good way to preview Karzoug a little more.
The bloodied amount should be 37. I noticed that the bloodied amount on my sinspawn was incorrect in the other thread. Comes from tinkering with the creature type and only changing the HP number.
What does the Unstable Image power do? I don't understand "Target gains Con11".

Esangue |

Thank you Derek!
I think I'll use your version, it seems more interesting!!
I must start thinking in 4e, but it was since the start of 3e that I haven't designed a monster from scratch!! :)
About Con 11, I think lordmolay took inspiration from the miniatures rules: it means concealement 11. When you attack you have to roll a d20 and make 11+ to see if you hit. Then you can make the attack roll.
I think that in 4e it sould be replace by the intangible (or somenthing like this, I haven't the book with me now) that halves the damage taken.
Anyway, in the previous posts I read about a wiki or something... Somebody did anything?

Derek Poppink |

Anyway, in the previous posts I read about a wiki or something... Somebody did anything?
Some people suggested creating a conversion section on the Pathfinder Wiki.
I'm not ready to get that involved, but I'd be fine if someone wanted to put my conversions up there or somewhere else.

lordmolay |

Thank you Derek!
I think I'll use your version, it seems more interesting!!
I must start thinking in 4e, but it was since the start of 3e that I haven't designed a monster from scratch!! :)About Con 11, I think lordmolay took inspiration from the miniatures rules: it means concealement 11. When you attack you have to roll a d20 and make 11+ to see if you hit. Then you can make the attack roll.
I think that in 4e it sould be replace by the intangible (or somenthing like this, I haven't the book with me now) that halves the damage taken.
Anyway, in the previous posts I read about a wiki or something... Somebody did anything?
Yeah i'm a big DDm player and even with the new rules (that are almost exactly like 4e combat) they have con11, I thought about adding insubstantial (have dmg on attacks that are not cirts) but i think the miss chance was better...

LeeSw |
What did you think of the disease? I'm concerned it may be too powerful for a 2nd level disease (death), given that the Cure Disease ritual is 6th level and costs 150 gp. Granted Sandpoint is close and I could handwave the component cost, but for general application it's harsh.
Nice conversion,
I would leave the Disease as is, and even go as far as to insure one PC is inficted.
New system and Disease is now a major issue to deal with, the Father at Sandpoint could cure it, an in my game would at no charge for the services so far.
But it would get the idea that Diseases are dangerous and need to be considered.
Good job all on the 4E stuff, copying a lot of ideas :)
Thank you all

![]() |

Nice posts and this was a ton of help. I compiled everything that was given so far into a single personal wiki I am using.
I noticed that none of the 4e conversion material was posted on the Pathfinder Wiki. Is it because of the learning curve for using the Wiki?
Also, has anyone else converted the commando yet into 4e?

Archibald |

Hello, i'm very interessed in your project as i want to play this campaign with DD4.
Is there a final compilation of the works done i could use ? (Josiah Knight, you said you got yours...). I'm graphist and i'll be able to put it in layout and make a pdf available for you all (color and illustrations in).
PS: i'm french so excuse my english.

lordmolay |

Nice posts and this was a ton of help. I compiled everything that was given so far into a single personal wiki I am using.
I noticed that none of the 4e conversion material was posted on the Pathfinder Wiki. Is it because of the learning curve for using the Wiki?
Also, has anyone else converted the commando yet into 4e?
I just took a look at the Pathfinder wiki, and i don;t see a good place for 4e conversions, if you make a place and set it up i would be happy to post my changes there.
As for goblin camandos, i found little flavor in them so i used the Goblins from the 4e MM however i do have some more goblins
Goblin Glass Thrower
Goblin Glass Thrower Lvl 1 Artillery
Small Natural humanoid Xp 100
Init +3 Sense Perception +0
HP 24; Bloodied 12
AC 13; Fortitude 12, Refl ex 14, Will 12; see also trap sense
Speed 6
m Dagger (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+5 vs. AC; 1d4 + 3 damage.
r Sling (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Ranged 10/20; +6 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage; see also special shot.
Special Shot
The Goblin sliger can use objects around him as Ammunition: In the Glass
works he can get use
Glass Ball: Hit Squares adj to target become difficult
Hot Glass: Hit 2 ongoing fire dmg save ends
Sand Shot: Hit Blind until end of targets turn
Goblin Tactics Miss from [m] free shift
Skills Acrobatics +8, Stealth +10, Thievery +10
Str 9 (–1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 9 (–1) Cha 10 (+0)
basicly it;s a kobold slinger changed into a goblin
Goblin Glass Maker
Goblin Glass Maker: Level 1 Skirmisher
XP 100 Small natural humanoid
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +0
HP 27; Bloodied 13
AC 15; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12
Speed 6
[b] Glass Tongs (standard; at-will) * Fire
+5 vs. AC; 1d4+4 fire damage.
[M] Glass Tong Grab (standard; at-will) * Fire
+5 vs. Reflex; 1d4 fire damage Target is Grabbed
Glass worker can hold the Grab as a minor Action
Glass worker Can Shift 1 square with Gabbed target as a move action
Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when a melee attack
The goblin shifts
Combat Advantage
The goblin pyro deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee and
Languages Common, Goblinoid
Skills Stealth +7, Thievery +7
Goblin worker
Goblin Worker Level 1 Minion
Small natural humanoid XP 25
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +1; low-light vision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 16; Fortitude 12, Refl ex 14, Will 11
Speed 6; see also goblin tactics
m hot Poker (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon Fire
+5 vs. AC; 4 Fire damage (5 damage if the goblin cutter has combat
advantage against the target).
Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee attack; at-will)
The goblin shifts 1 square.
Skills Stealth +5, Thievery +5
Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
Thisletop Clan Guardian
Thisletop Clan Guardians
Small natural humanoid XP 125
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +2; Low light viison
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 18; Fortitude 14, Refl ex 13, Will 13;
Speed 5
[b] Short Sword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+7 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage, and the target is marked until the
end of the Clan Guardians next turn.
Clan Guardians Tactics (immediate reaction, when an adjacent
enemy shifts away or an enemy moves adjacent; at-will)
The kobold dragonshield shifts 1 square.
Mob Attack
The Clan Guardian gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls per
Goblin ally adjacent to the target.
Goblin tactics
When Missed by a [m] attack shift 1 square
Languages Goblin
Skills Acrobatics +5, Stealth +7, Thievery +7
Str 14 (+3) Dex 13 (+2) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 12 (+2) Int 9 (+0) Cha 10 (+1)
Equipment scale armor, heavy shield, short sword
it;s a Kobold dragon sheild with a few changes
Gogmurt: Goblin Fire Druid level 4 Elete Artilery
Small natural humanoid
Init +5 Senses Perreption +4 Low light vison
HP 42 Bloodied 21
AC 18 (14 vs [m]) Frt 14 Reflex 18 Will 16
action point 1
save +2
Speed 6
[b] Flame Touch Standard at will Fire
+8 VS Ref 1d6+2 Fire
[Rb] Produce Flame Standard at will Fire
+10 vs Ref 1d8+2
[r] Hail of Fire Standard at will Fire
2 attacks +6 vs Ref 1d8+2
[c] Channeled Fire Standard Daily Fire
Blast 5 +6 vs Ref 3d6+2 fire
Fire Sheild immidate Encounter once bloodied for the rest of the encounter
+3 vs ref 5 on going fire dmg
Spell shaper; when making a [c] attack Gogomurt can pick 2 allies in the attack who are considerd
not targets of the attack
Endless power: minor Encounter recharge [6]
Recharge any daily power
Goblin Tacktics immidate when missed by a [m] attack
Shift 1 square
Goblin dog Rider
Goblin Dog Rider Level 2 Skurmisher+mount
XP 125 Small Natural humanoid+Mount
Imitative +5 Perception +3
HP 37 Bloodied 17
AC 16 Fort 14 Ref 16 Will 12
Speed: 8 (if mounted, 6 if not)
[B] Long Spear (Reach 2; Standard; at-will) * weapon
+7 Vs AC 1d10+2;
[m] Hit and Run (Reach 2; Standard; at will) * weapon
+7 Vs AC 1d10+2; May move up to speed and make 1 melee attack any where in the move
Protect the Mount- Immediate Interrupt Encounter Recharge 4-5-6
Trigger: One [m] or [r] attack Targets the mount: that attack misses
Great Poison: If on it's then The GDR moves 4 squares from where it starts +1d6 on that attack
HP 29
Ac 17 Frt. 15 Ref 17 will 13
Speed 8
Bold: While a riders is mounted Mount is considered never bloodied
Fearful: If rider is killed or dismounted Mount will flee [/spoilder]
Goblin thrower [spoiler]
Goblin Thrower Level 1 Artillery
Small natural humanoid XP 100
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +5 HP 22; Bloodied 11
AC 15; Fortitude 12, Refl ex 15, Will 13; Speed 6
[Bm] Scrap Metal (standard At will) * Weapon +4 vs. Ac 1d4+4
[Br] Throw Stuff Standard At will * Random item When the Goblin Thrower attacks He picks up
random items he sees Roll 1d6 to find out what he throws
1-2 Rock Range 10\15 +6 vs. AC 1d8 + 1
3-4 Weapon Range 10\20 +6 vs. Ac 1d10+1
5 Box of stuff 3 Targets Range 10 +4 vs. Ref 1d6+1
6 something on Fire 10\20 +6 vs. AC 1d8+1 and 2 on going Fire
(save ends): Thrower also takes 1 fire.
[r] Throw lots of stuff Standard Encounter Recharge 5-6
Make 3 Throw Stuff attacks.
Rip Nugget +Gecko
War Chief Rip Nugget + Gecko
Small Natural Humanoid + Natural animal Mount xp 750 (solo monster)
Init +5 Senses Perception +3 Low Light vision
HP 180 Bloodied 90
AC 17 Ref 19 Frt 16 Will 16
Speed 6 (on gecko 8 Climb 6)
[b] Dog Sliser Standard at will Weapon
+8 vs AC 1d6+2
[m] Hit and Run Standard at will Weapon
+8 vs Ac 1d6+2 and Shift up to speed may make attack anywhere during movement
[m] Powerful Charge Encounter Recharge 5-6 Weapon
+6 vs Ref 2d6+2 and push 3 squares
[m] Gecko's Tongue Reach 3 Minor Recharge when target is no longer immobilized
+6 vs Ref 1d6+2 and Immobilized save ends or when Ripnuget moves more than 3 squares away
Protect mount Imitate encounter Recharge 3-4-5-6
[m] or [r] attack vs mount misses
Skirmish if Rip nugget moves more than 3 squares away from where he started on his
turn +1d6 dmg Not useable on Gecko's tongue
Wall Climber During a move action Gecko+nugget have Climb speed 6
Ac 15 Ref 17 Ft 15 Will 12
HP 40 bloodied 20 (see bold)
Bold : never bloodied while Ripnugget is mounted,
Fearful Runs as soon as ripnugget is defeated

lordmolay |

I'm changing a few things around to make the campain work the way i want it. So i made Bruthazmus show up in a earlyer enounter (an attack on a Shipment coming into sandpoint). Want i'm doing is adding 4-5 Goblin minions, and 2-3 Goblin archers to the encounter, the archers will be hidden with Bruthazmus in the trees while the minions are digging into an already defeated Caravan. The Wagon and dead bodys will be full of arrows while the minos don;t have anything but their dog slicers. (hopfuly showing a tip to the ambush to come)
once the party attacks the minions a Full Rain of arrows will come in any gobiln that misses will still be hidden, and Bruthazmus will have used Quary and Predatory Eye on the lest armered PC. With Twin Strike
Then seeing some power in the PCs, he will use Cut & Run to get the hell out of the area, and if he takes dmg from an attack in his face he will Yeild Ground
Bruthazmus Lvl 3 Bugbear Ranger
Med Natural Humaonid (goblin) XP 300
Initative +6 Perception +6
Hp 56 Bloodied 28
Ac 17 Frt 15 Ref 16 Will 13
Save +2
Action point 1
[b] Long Sword +6 vs AC At will 1d8+2
[Rb] Long bow +8 at will 1d12+3 20\40
[r] Cut & Run Encounter standard
2 shots +8 vs ac 1d12+3 shift 3 squares after 1st or 2nd shot
[r] twin stike at will standard
+8 vs ac 1d12 (2 attacks)
Yeild ground: imidate encounter dmg by melee attack shift 2 squares
+2 def until end of next turn
Hunters quary; Minor At will
1d6 extra dmg
Predatory eye Minor If you have combat advantage +1d6
Skills: Stealth +15
this should be nice added peace to the over looming problems of goblins in the area. I will then try and bring the PC's back to sandpoint if they don;t thistel top will be warned, if they do, it should be a day or so and the alert will be down.
After getting into the main part of thistel top I will have Bruthazmus and Orik Attack the party in some defensable part of The Fort.
Orik Vancaskerkin lvl 3 Elite
Medium natural humanoid XP 300
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +6
HP 80; Bloodied 40
AC 20; Fortitude 18, Refl ex 17, Will 14
Save +2
Action point 1
Speed 5
[b] Long Sword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+10 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage, and the target is marked
until the end of the human guard’s next turn.
Turtle Stance (Move At-will) sheild
+4 AC and Refx until start of next turn
side effect, allies Adj +2 AC until Start of Oricks Turn and Orick takes -2 to attack
Defenceive training: Encounter Imidadate Recharge 5-6
make [b] attack against target that misses with [m] only useable while Orik is using Turtle Stance
Alignment Any Languages Common
Skills Streetwise +7
Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1)
Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 12 (+2)
Oirc will Use Turtle stance making a Wall, (in some door way or hall) Bruthazmus will Be shooting and moving all over the place doing a lot more dmg the Orik will. Once a PC gets to Bruthamus or Drops Orick to 1\4 Bruthamus will run and at 1\4 Orick will give up... and mabye help the Pc's
The Final Fight in Thistel top will be with Nualia Lyrie and Bruthamus (assuming B lived).
Nualia Anti-Paladin of Sin Elite Level 3 Paladin
med Humanoid XP 300
Init +3 Perception +2
Hp 72 Bloodied 36
AC 21
Frt 18 Ref 14 Will 17
Save +2
Action point 1 [_]
[b] Bastard Sword Standard at will
+10 vs AC 1d10+4
[m] Glutenus Steel Stndard at will
make +8 vs 1st taret 1d10+4, +6 vs a 2nd different target 1d10+2, +4 vs 3rd
different target 1d10.
[m] Deformed Claw standard at will
+8 vs will 1d6+2 psyc and Target takes -1 to attacks (Save ends)
A Chalenge of Pride minor at will
Target is marked, (-2 attack if not this target) and if they do not attack Nualia
5 Psiy dmg and Staggered until end of targets turn
[m] Touch of Greed Encounter Recharge when bloodied
+8 vs Ref Hit: Target looses a Healing surge and Nualia heals as if she had a
healling surge (18 Hp) if target has no healing surges target takes 3d6 and
Nualia takes 1d6 psy dmg
The Burn of Wrath Immideate interupt encounter Recharge [6]
Only while bloodied, when attacked Make immidate [b]
Sihedron Medallion minor Action Daily
Free 2nd wind as a minor action (+2 def and heal 18 hp)
Str 16 Dex 10 Wis 13 cha 14 int 13 Frt 14
Lyrie Akenja Drow Mage level 2 Eleit Controller
Med Humnaoid xp 250
Init +2 Perception +1
Hp 64 Blooded 32
Ac 15
Frt 15 Ref 15 will 17
Save +2
Action point 1 [_]
[b] Dagger Standard at will
+4 vs AC 1d4+1
[Br] Magic Missle +7 vs Ref 2d4+3
[r] Ray of Enfebement Standard Encounter Rechange 5-6 Range 10
+6 vs Frt 1d10+3 Necrotic dmg and Weakend until end of Turn
(weakend 1\2 dmg fom attacks and ongoing dmg you deal does not affect target)
[r] Orb of hate Standard Daily
+7 vs Will 2d6 and 3 on going Psy dmg (save ends)
if save is failed target attacks nearest Creature (Randome if more than one are nearest
Expeditous retreat Move action Dailly
Shift 12 squares
[A] Grasping Shadows Standard Encounter Burst 1
+ 5 vs will 2d8+1 Dmg and Target is slowed until end of your next turn
Effect: Any creature that enters the area of shadows takes 3 Psyc dmg and is slowed until end of
Lyrie's next turn
[C] Cloud of Darkness minor Encounter
Close burst 1
Effect: This power creates a cloud of darkness that remains
in place until the end of your next turn. The cloud blocks
line of sight for all creatures except you. Any creature
except you entirely within the cloud is blinded.
Init 16, Cha 16, dex 15, Con 11 Wis 12 str 10
Lyrie will use Expeditous Retreat if she is bloodied or if Nualia Falls at that point she gets out of town as fast as possable, Bruthasmus will Run if he is less than 1\4 or if Nualia Falls.
Nualai will fight to the death, being bound to the RuneLords via the Sihedron medaillion, she hopes to bring them back to help her grow, the Deformed class is a gift she has grown to love and uses it once she is 1\4 down.

lordmolay |

Also i used one of the Wolfs in the MM to make goblin dogs
Goblin Dog Level 2 Skirmisher
Medium natural beast XP 125
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +7; low-light vision
HP 38; Bloodied 19
AC 16; Fortitude 14, Refl ex 14, Will 13
Speed 8
mBite (standard; at-will)
+7 vs. AC; 1d6 + 2 damage, or 2d6 + 2 damage against a prone
Combat Advantage
If the Goblin Dog has combat advantage against the target, the
target is also knocked prone on a hit.
Goblin Blood: counts as a goblin
Goblin Tactics: if missed by a melee attack G dog can shift 1 square
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 13 (+2) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 13 (+2)
Con 14 (+3) Int 2 (–3) Cha 10 (+1)
When you put these with my Thisteltop Clan Guardans they get really nastly

Archmage Mescalin |

I am late to the party – but am very grateful for these posts..... will start digesting them...I am also digesting the new rules and what's behind them
Looking ahead to Thistletop, there are some other critters who aren't in the 4e MM: Shadows, as well as Barghest! Urg!
I'm also aware that, with the extra powers pcs have, and healing surges, that encounter levels are a little different to the past....
When I have read more I'll post some encounter concepts up on this forum.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

Nice posts and this was a ton of help. I compiled everything that was given so far into a single personal wiki I am using.
I noticed that none of the 4e conversion material was posted on the Pathfinder Wiki. Is it because of the learning curve for using the Wiki?
Also, has anyone else converted the commando yet into 4e?
I'd say the issue is that no one that knows how has come forward to set up a Wiki. Once we have one presumably conversion work will get less half hazard.

Derek Poppink |

I ran seven PCs through the Initial Assault of 12 Cutters and 4 Blackblades. One of the two wizards used an encounter power and a daily power (via action point) near the beginning to take out 4 minions and immobilize or knock prone 3 of the Blackblades in the first round. The goblins fell quickly after that, although generally with comic results.
I'll be running Burnt Offerings once a week for an hour at lunch, so I won't be adding much for a while. This week had thirty minutes of roleplaying (the Swallowtail Festival) and thirty minutes of combat. I expect that next week see the group tackle both Goblin Pyros and Die, Dog, Die.

Christopher Fannin |

At a guess the PCs will level up after the battle of Sandpoint. They did in the modules IIRC and PCs will need less XP to make a level. Other level points are going to be much trickier. We really can't choose where they are going to occur without a better understanding of the XP mechanics and without some kind of agreement on which level this should go to.
Late bump, late read-through...but what?
The battle of Sandpoint takes a party of 4 halfway to 2nd level (11 cr 1/3, 3 cr 1 == 2000 xp).
If we want 2nd level characters after Sandpoint in 4e, you've got to find a way to have 5-1st level characters survive 5000 xp worth of goblins and goblin dogs without the encounter at Sandpoint dragging on forever.
Somehow I don't think that's what we're looking for.

lordmolay |

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:At a guess the PCs will level up after the battle of Sandpoint. They did in the modules IIRC and PCs will need less XP to make a level. Other level points are going to be much trickier. We really can't choose where they are going to occur without a better understanding of the XP mechanics and without some kind of agreement on which level this should go to.Late bump, late read-through...but what?
The battle of Sandpoint takes a party of 4 halfway to 2nd level (11 cr 1/3, 3 cr 1 == 2000 xp).
If we want 2nd level characters after Sandpoint in 4e, you've got to find a way to have 5-1st level characters survive 5000 xp worth of goblins and goblin dogs without the encounter at Sandpoint dragging on forever.
Somehow I don't think that's what we're looking for.
my group is at 800xp after the sandpoint attack and the Glassworks, they will be 2nd level just before thistel top (as i added an goblin ambush on the way).

Christopher Fannin |

my group is at 800xp after the sandpoint attack and the Glassworks, they will be 2nd level just before thistel top (as i added an goblin ambush on the way).
That jives with what I remember of our group's playthrough of Burnt Offerings. Except that once we got to Thistletop at level 1, it was a TPK.

Edwin White |
I just finished converting Burnt Offerings today. I'm not on the computer I saved all my info at, but I'll list some noteworthy details.
- I skipped Erylium, the Yeth Hounds, the Tentamort, and the Giant Hermit Crab. Erylium will appear, just not in combat. I'm planning to have her join the Scribbler when the time comes.
- I translated two of the events in Sandpoint into skill challenges: The Shopkeep's Daughter and Boar Hunt in the Tickwood.
- Gogmurt got some cool abilities: an aura that makes roots cling to the PCs' feet (in other words, difficult terrain), the ability to make a root attack and knock a single PC prone, and the ability to use burning hands as a recharge power.
- In contrast to Gogmurt, Warchief Ripnugget is just a Goblin Underboss.
- Lyrie is a Level 4 Elite Artillery, and Orik is a Level 3 Elite Soldier with the ability to shield Lyrie as an immediate interrupt; They are encountered together in the research room.
- Nualia is completely different in mechanics terms than originally written: as a follower of the goddess of madness, she has the divine power to wreak havoc on her opponents' minds. Several of her attacks deal psychic damage in a close burst, and different attacks inflict various status conditions. In addition, while Nualia's claw attacks aren't as likely to hit as her bastard sword attacks, they cause those who take damage to lose one healing surge. Basically, this Nualia was designed as an Anti-Leader who can shut down the abilities of Leaders.
- I used a solo barghest I found on another message board for Malfeshnekor. It possesses the ability to make shadowy copies of itself that serve as minions, but only exist for one round unless sustained as a minor action.
- I found that the XP I've assigned to each encounter would make the PCs level up once after clearing the Catacombs of Wrath, and a second time upon clearing all of Thistletop save Malfeshnekor.

Hexmage |

Edwin White wrote:I just finished converting Burnt Offerings today. I'm not on the computer I saved all my info at, but I'll list some noteworthy details.I'd definitely be interested in seeing your final product.
Back at my computer. Here's my version of Nualia: What do you think?

Esangue |

Long time I didn' post...
I played the first section (Sandpoint attack and The Catacombs of wrath) a couple of days ago. My group hit second level at the end of the Catacombs.
For the first encounter I chose to use three waves of goblin – the first on round one(4 Goblin Minion, 1 Goblin Warrior, 1 Goblin Blackblade), the second (1 Goblin Hexer, 2 Goblin Pyro, 6 Goblin Minion) on round 4 and the third (1 Goblin Skullcleaver, 1 Goblin Dog, 2 Goblin Warrior, 2 Goblin Minion) on round 7.
It was a really nice (and long) encounter, with PC racing all around the battlemat, trying to reach the goblin and to save Foxglove on round seven. Then I made up two skill challenges: the shopkeeper's daughter, based on the diplomacy skill challenge found on the DMG, and the Boar Hunt, based on the wilderness travel on the DMG.
I linked the Boar Hunt skill challenge with the encounter on the glasswork. If PC fail the Boar Hunt they would find a nest of drakes (4 Guard Drake, 1 Spitting Drake). So, after returning in sandpoint they know Ameiko in missing and they face his brother. Failing the Boar Hunt would deplet some resources, so the glasswork would be harder. In the end it worked out very well.
Finally, for the Catacombs, I made five encounters, using the stats provided above. There were Sinspawns, Vargouilles and lot of Zombies :).
I made a pdf of the conversion, but it's in italian (my native language)... If Il'find time, I'll try to translate it in english and put it online.
Can't wait to play the Thistletop!! :D
And, Edwin, I'd like to see you conversion too!!

Christopher Fannin |

Christopher Fannin wrote:Edwin White wrote:I just finished converting Burnt Offerings today. I'm not on the computer I saved all my info at, but I'll list some noteworthy details.I'd definitely be interested in seeing your final product.Back at my computer. Here's my version of Nualia: What do you think?
Not bad. My only concern would be her attack bonuses. I don't think she'll ever miss.
My Wizard 1 had a will defense of 14. Add a level, add 1 point. She's +9 vs. Will on a lot of attacks. That's going to be a pretty tough fight.

Derek Poppink |

I'll be running Burnt Offerings once a week for an hour at lunch, so I won't be adding much for a while. I expect that next week see the group tackle both Goblin Pyros and Die, Dog, Die.
It took the party two one-hour sessions to finish off the Goblin Pyros (3 Hexers and 4 Warriors vs. 7 PCs). The Hexers were scary fun to DM, blinding people left and right and filling the whole combat area with fog. I neglected to use their ability to add attacks to shifting goblins, but it was quite dramatic anyway.
We played a single round of Die, Dog, Die with a bunch of Skullcleavers and Goblin Dogs (Wolves) riding around the chapel (Healing Temple from the Map Pack series). Even before the goblins acted one of the Skullcleavers was dead and most of the goblin dogs had taken aoe damage.
I want my players to level at least once per month, so they're going to level after this fight. I expect skill challenges, the Glassworks, and the Catacombs of Wrath will occupy most of the next month and level, so they'll hit Thistletop at level 3.

Christopher Fannin |

For the first encounter I chose to use three waves of goblin – the first on round one(4 Goblin Minion, 1 Goblin Warrior, 1 Goblin Blackblade), the second (1 Goblin Hexer, 2 Goblin Pyro, 6 Goblin Minion) on round 4 and the third (1 Goblin Skullcleaver, 1 Goblin Dog, 2 Goblin Warrior, 2 Goblin Minion) on round 7.
It was a really nice (and long) encounter, with PC racing all around the battlemat, trying to reach the goblin and to save Foxglove on round seven.
I'm curious to how this played out and what your party makeup was.
You've got 8 minions, 6 level 1 monsters, 2 level 3 monsters, and one level 2 monster (? the dog ?)
That's..what, 1600 xp worth of creatures in a single level 1 encounter?
Shoot, based on the feedback from the TPK thread, a lot of parties have problems with a 1250 xp encounter (Irontooth) at level 1.
I'm also curious if anyone remembers that there were only supposed to be some 30 goblins attacking Sandpoint in 3(?) groups (with one of those not actually attacking anything). This would be about half that number, all showing up in the same general area within a minute of the fight starting.
I'm a fan of breaking the combats up...at least the first two and Die, Dog, Die I feel should be separated into a pair of encounters. There's less chance of overwhelming your party (especially if you have a single leader type and he has to burn his encounter powers early) and it makes more sense to me within the boundaries of the attack.

Scott Betts |

I've taken on the task of converting Burnt Offerings to 4th Edition for the benefit of my gaming group. We started in earnest this last Thursday and I've decided to turn my conversions into a project blog. I'll be publishing encounter details, maps, rules conversions and DMing advice as I go. I'll keep this thread in mind when I do updates, and comments or suggestions can be left on the blog itself. It's located at The Rusty Dragon. So far I have the Player's Guide and up through the second encounter of the adventure finished. I'll try to add new content within a couple of days of my game.

Christopher Fannin |

I've taken on the task of converting Burnt Offerings to 4th Edition for the benefit of my gaming group. We started in earnest this last Thursday and I've decided to turn my conversions into a project blog. I'll be publishing encounter details, maps, rules conversions and DMing advice as I go. I'll keep this thread in mind when I do updates, and comments or suggestions can be left on the blog itself. It's located at The Rusty Dragon. So far I have the Player's Guide and up through the second encounter of the adventure finished. I'll try to add new content within a couple of days of my game.
Very cool. The blog idea works well. Are you going to be posting your games as well, or just the conversion?

Scott Betts |

Scott Betts wrote:I've taken on the task of converting Burnt Offerings to 4th Edition for the benefit of my gaming group. We started in earnest this last Thursday and I've decided to turn my conversions into a project blog. I'll be publishing encounter details, maps, rules conversions and DMing advice as I go. I'll keep this thread in mind when I do updates, and comments or suggestions can be left on the blog itself. It's located at The Rusty Dragon. So far I have the Player's Guide and up through the second encounter of the adventure finished. I'll try to add new content within a couple of days of my game.Very cool. The blog idea works well. Are you going to be posting your games as well, or just the conversion?
I think I'll tend to put a lot more emphasis on the conversion. My game will always be reflected in the conversion, since I will make adjustments to the final conversion based on how the material fared in my game (which is why I won't post new material until after I've run it), but I probably won't do a full synopsis of each game unless there's a lot of demand for it.

Sidereal Knight |
Thanks to everyone for this great work!
My gaming group is undecided on the 3.5 vs. 4e issue. No matter the final decision, I'm planning on running Rise of the Runelords. The conversions that have already been posted make me feel better about working through my own adaptation of this path to 4e, should the need arise.

Fezzy Wolf of Ecomarch |

Hey everyone. Thanks for doing all of this work for me. I'm relieved that I wont have to do it myself...
But are there finished versions of anything you could point to? I see Scott Betts's above, but are there others?
Is it too early for me to ask? Sorry, sorry. I'll go back into my cave now... :)

Esangue |

I'm curious to how this played out and what your party makeup was.You've got 8 minions, 6 level 1 monsters, 2 level 3 monsters, and one level 2 monster (? the dog ?)
That's..what, 1600 xp worth of creatures in a single level 1 encounter?
Shoot, based on the feedback from the TPK thread, a lot of parties have problems with a 1250 xp encounter (Irontooth) at level 1.
Hello !!
Sorry for the delay in the answer, but I've been busy with work and then I went on holydays!! :)Anyway, in the group there is just a leader (cleric), two defenders (fighter and paladin), one controller and one striker (TWF ranger). The encounter was though, but it was my first time Dming 4e, so I surely forgetten something (the goblin ability, for example). Anyway, everithing played out quite well. The combat area was quite big, so the two defender blocked goblin on two sides, while the striker ran everywhere killing the "big" guys. When the Hexer came in, there had some trouble, but after a couple of rounds of panic, everything went ok. The wizard used his sleep on the first wave, neutralizing the blacblade and all the minions, while the ranger dropped a couple of times. But the cleric and paladin did their job quite well. I didn't know the rules for mount, so the goblin dog did nothing. And the defender nailed down the skullclever with a daily plus crit.
So, I think players have been lucky, but the encounter went on very smoothly, and the effect was quite good. At about round 5 the party seemed to be overhelmed, but they decided to go on and turned the wave!!
Very cool!! :)
I'm also curious if anyone remembers that there were only supposed to be some 30 goblins attacking Sandpoint in 3(?) groups (with one of those not actually attacking anything). This would be about half that number, all showing up in the same general area within a minute of the fight starting.
You're right... I forgot it... My love for minions won over adventure consistency!! ;)
I'm a fan of breaking the combats up...at least the first two and Die, Dog, Die I feel should be separated into a pair of encounters. There's less chance of overwhelming your party (especially if you have a single leader type and he has to burn his encounter powers early) and it makes more sense to me within the boundaries of the attack.
That's right, but I wanted a powerful introduction. It was our first take on 4e and I wanted to be sure that everyone understood his own powers and the differencies between the static 3.5 fights and the dynamic 4e ones.
Surely, the fight was hard for a beginning, but it was funny and everyone acted at his best.
Sorry for the lenghty post and for the language (my native language isn't english, so I apologize for the mistakes). Anyway, I'll post my conversion soon and I hope to start working on the second part (Thistletop) soon!!
See you!!

Christopher Fannin |

So, I think players have been lucky, but the encounter went on very smoothly, and the effect was quite good. At about round 5 the party seemed to be overhelmed, but they decided to go on and turned the wave!!
Very cool!! :)
Hahah :) Well, either your players are much better than we are, or our DM's above-average rolling is even better than we thought! I'm quite sure that sort of encounter would have killed us!