Age of Worms consumes Faerun - Group #2

Play-by-Post Discussion

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The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

You can use search, survival and the like to find the cairn and you can take a ten on those checks if you want if your character is willing to put the time into exploring the general area :) Don't worry I'm not going to leave you all stood on a hill ;)

Ah, Survival -- that I can do! None of this INT-based stuff, thank you.

(Actually, Hetta's maxed out on Knowledge:Local, too, but at 1st level it's more about the dice.)

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Hehehe, finding things out in the wild is always a lot easier with a handy dandy druid on hand ;)

Female Halfling Druid 2

Ok, we talked about "marching order," but I don't know if it was quite settled, and it will probably be faster to do it here. Here's what I've got:


True and Greylan


Hugh and Hetta

But this didn't involve any feedback to Jeny's comment about her speed.

Maybe switch Jeny and Kallista?


Being a twerp, I've just posted that Kallista's in the middle of the line. Not too late to edit though. How wide's the passage? Doesn't matter how fast Jeny is if she has to barge past the whole party to get to the front or back of the line and it's only one person wide.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

What about Greylan? He's trying his level best to make friends, and not get in the way!

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

This is when I wish my Search and Spot were higher...

Female Halfling Druid 2

While Hetta's just sweet and innocent ;-)

male lvl 5 know it all
Hetta wrote:

Ok, we talked about "marching order," but I don't know if it was quite settled, and it will probably be faster to do it here. Here's what I've got:

Mikel and Jeny
True and Greylan
Hugh and Hetta

But this didn't involve any feedback to Jeny's comment about her speed.
Maybe switch Jeny and Kallista?

Mikel and Kallista

True and Greylan
Hetta and Hugh

this way to have rogue doing trap finding stuff at the front, fighter for backup, healer close to all, squishy caster well protected also the whole elf secret door thing. hetta back up healer and hugh protecting her and me protecting the back but able to overtake you all and get to the front of the line if need be.

just my 2 cents.

male lvl 5 know it all
rev wrote:
Doesn't matter how fast Jeny is if she has to barge past the whole party to get to the front or back of the line and it's only one person wide.

in general DnD physics suck horribly... although every now and again it favors the player... i'm pretty sure you can move through a friendly's square at no penalty

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

You can indeed. Squares are five feet wide of course, and no human being takes up a whole five feet in width.

Except for those people who have to be hoisted out of bed and all that.

They might.

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Argh! Squares! *flail!*

The opening is gaping, as is the passage into darkness beyond. *digs out map* Yeah, 20ft across so even walking in pairs you have an abundance of space.


Argggh. I'd forgotten the whole "it's really five feet" thing. I will fall in at the head of the line. Which assuming that either Kallista or Mikel can bring themselves to shut up long enough is not a stupid combination.

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Hey guys. Sorry for the quietness, I have been busy and now I have a full Easter weekend, so probably won't be posting until Tuesdayish.

Female Halfling Druid 2

Hey, all.

As you may find out soon enough, Hugh doesn't have the trick that will get him to attack undead . . .


Female Halfling Druid 2
Mikel wrote:
"You know, you're going to feel silly if this is the girls being afraid of their own shadows." he says out loud.

<gets the popcorn while waiting for True to see that>

"Don't look at me! I can't cast Calm Emotions!"

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

He doesn't say it within earshot of them. :D

The Exchange

It's nice to have a chance to help build the tension.

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

I'm enjoying being blithely unaware of any danger.

Female Human Barbarian

it would be real handy if by the time we hit lvl 10 (assuming jeny still lives) that sombody does know the calm emotions spell... or at least hold person, you have been warned.


I don't know if you're using the full complications of the initiative rules? If you are, then I think Jeny should be ahead of the wolves now from her ready action -- otherwise, they'll get two actions between two of hers.

If you're not, I'll be quiet. ;-)

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3
Pat o' the Ninth Power wrote:


I don't know if you're using the full complications of the initiative rules? If you are, then I think Jeny should be ahead of the wolves now from her ready action -- otherwise, they'll get two actions between two of hers.

If you're not, I'll be quiet. ;-)

Rarg, I meant to move her on the list to make it workable - I really am the suck today!

Female Human Barbarian

its not a problem... i lived all the same

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Would Jeny really attack another member of the party?

I ask so I can ready my +2 can of barbarian repellent...

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Dude, we have to work as a team. 'PvP'ing me is pointless, as I'm not keen on participating.

Jeny wrote:
with a word of thanks to True for the healing, Jeny then turns and makes for the exit of the cairn.

Either way, is there a reason Jeny is leaving?

Female Human Barbarian

i'm just incredibly frustrated with this group over the whole wolf thing.

next time you want to work as a team, back a party member up in combat before they get 2/3 attacks on her and then you decide there hostile.

greylan wrote:
So praising your character for her skill in battle, and asking for someone to heal her is something that would cause you to 'pvp' me? Get over yourself.
Graylan wrote:
"I hope your wounds serve as a reminder to you. Your courage is formidable, truly. However, your impetuousness may cost you your life before you realize your full potential. I'm not convinced Tempus would favour one of his warriors felled by a hungry and mangy beast!"

I fail to see the praise.

For one ooc D&D experience says if its in a dungeon and its not intelligent (therefore cant be communicated with) its an encounter... that means combat.

in character common sense says when u walk into a wolves den there is no "avoiding" them, they came out to attack us and jeny defended... and while you guys were scolding her for killing "weak and mangy" animals those "weak and mangy" animals were ripping her to shreds. jenys thinking that if every time she runs into battle the party is going to go "oohh thats not cool maybe we could just feed the zombies a lil brains and the'll be on there way" then shes not hanging around...

as for the pvp well you came close to what jeny could ("could" being why i let is slide) considered insulting tempus and that is the quickest sure fire way to get her to kill sombody. this isnt the ooc me being annoyed let me quote from her bio:
"To jeny all disputes can be settles with a dual"
"to Jeny everybody is fair game"

in respect to attacking party members you have to remember jeny asserts herself through her strength and her combat skills, if your verbally attacking her actions and cant seem to comprehend her reasons for doing what she did and then continuing to verbally attack her shes going to knock you down and then say "Well that settles that i guess i was right" after beating you in combat (i doubt she'll kill you shes CN not CE) this directly relates to: "To jeny all disputes can be settles with a duel"

as for why she'll leaving hmm maybe when the whole group took the side of the mangy wolves over her it hurt her feelings...

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

If that's how you/Jeny feel then nothing I/Mikel say will convince you. I disagree with the assessment, but since debate on the internet is a no-win situation for both sides, I'm not going to press the point.

Not every group of players is compatible; I know I've left games before.

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

I always welcome people attempting different solutions to encounters. There was a chance of calming the wolves but at the same time Jeny's actions were perfectly in character.

I had something similar with encounters with my tabletop group a couple of members were all for attempting to talk their way around a few things whilst another couple (the half-orc and the dwarf) were all for smacking it. They eventually found a balance, after a few in character arguements.

As for Jeny getting 2/3 of the attacks, that's just pack tactics, they will all pile the same target before moving onto the next, and the party didn't have much chance to back her up until after those opening attacks.

For what it's worth I'm here to attempt to smooth this out so everyone can continue to enjoy the game and their characters.

If you're that frustrated Ricky; group 1 have yet to reach the cairn so I can do a little reworking to add you to that group if you'd like.

The Exchange

A player left my game last week.

At least Ricky had the courtesy to tell us his reasons. There was little or no chance of negotiation in the fight, and it was extremely chaotic.

Maybe Ricky made the right decision for him and us in leaving now, before things got out of hand.

I'd rather not dwell on it, because the game is a good one and Kayos' olive branch of the other game is a solution that I hope he will appreciate.


Female Human Barbarian

well jeny is still walking out of the cairn... anybody is welcome to run after her but if not i guess i'm leaving the game... Kayos i really love your DM'ing and i would be tempted to to play in group 1 but i'll be reading over there actions and if jeny is just going to cause more problems i wont.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

Again, not worth fighting on the internet. I really dig this game and the characters in it, even if we disagree about some solutions that may be chosen.

However, to defend myself and the others;
Jeny charged as soon as she saw the lone wolf:

Kayotic DM wrote:
Jeny, eager as ever, charges the lone critter without stopping to assess the situation fully.

With her massive speed, not only did you throw us into combat immediately, you isolated yourself ahead of the group, opening yourself up to the attacks of the other wolves.

Greylan's first action was to attack the next hostile thing, which he did, rolling a 20 and max damage. Don't accuse us of letting you take the hits without support. We have to work as a team, which is something you further disregarded in the sense of Hetta's skills, and how they would play into this encounter.

Female Human Barbarian

you dont even know what you are arguing about anymore... i'm annoyed at the people who didnt want me killing the wolves... i dont care about isolating myself. as for charging in before anybody could do anything well thats me role playing my toon.



looks like i'll be in group 1 from now on... if you'll have me.
my only request is that i come into the party as a guide to the cairn so we can move them swiftly... that groups moves painfully slow for jeny, and for me.

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3


I've added an introductory post for you on group one's thread, enjoy!

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

re: summation so far
looks good to me

do we need spot checks? search checks? knowledge checks? will saves? (oh god)

The Exchange

I posted a response this morning but I seem to be losing them all over the place. It may reappear but I'll try again sometime soon.

Shadow Lodge

Male. Mostly. Elf Wizard3/Master Enchanter7

i did see your response, french. it was lodged at the bottom of page 6, not 7

however, i saw it after I had split from the group. maybe we could rest afterward?

The Exchange

see the main thread, I'm easy with this.

*True on the other hand.....*


Hey all.

Continuing computer problems -- currently on a pay-by-the-minute. Will be back as sooon as I can.

I think we're waiting on Kayos to tell Mikel what he found in investigating, right?


I guess. Kayos posted on G1's thread that she's having computer problems, but would be back in circulation shortly. I was just noseying around because not much seemed to have happened on either thread for a bit.

Cool, thanks.

Happens to the best of us . . . ;-)

The Exchange

Female Human(ish) DM 1 / Housewife 1 / Zany RPer 3

Just finished DMing the tabletop but to save on confusion between Shackled City & AoW I'll be posting on the game thread in the morning :)

Thanks for bearing with me and my wonky connection right now. Needless to say I'm not going to abandon you guys so don't worry ;)

Great, thanks for the update.

See you tomorrow!


You don't normally vanish, so it was just worry. Glad it's only a wonky connection. They happen to all of us.

Oops. Hugh does not have the extra-super-Attack trick, so he would not have attacked vermin. Fortunately, he missed.

SRD wrote:
Normally, an animal will attack only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, or other animals.

In my ongoing saga of computer problems, Vista (My Very Favorite OS Ever) has suicided. Things may be erratic for a little while, but I'll try to keep up.


Vista is spawn of satan. I was offered a free upgrade to it recently and flinched away violently, prompting the chap in the shop to say sympathetically "Had a bad experience have you? Lots of our customers do that."

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic

Linux for the win!

I sent the IT guy specs for a new XP laptop a couple hours ago. Meanwhile, I've borrowed one.

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