What are some divine spells that create difficult terrain?


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have a lizardfolk warpriest of Gozreh with Terrain Advantage, so I'm looking for ways to make enemies flat-footed by way of difficult terrain. What are some divine spells that create difficult terrain?

I'm also open to suggestions of other options as well, such as feats or magical items that might synergize well with Terrain Advantage.

There's Rouse Skeletons, but it doesn't really fit with a Gozren warpriest's vibe, haha. Could reflavor it as vines or something! There's also Repulsion maybe? This one's a bit specific though. In general it's arcane and primal that has the difficult terrain-generating spells...

    As for feats:
  • I like Champion's Divine Wall, especially if you can also make yourself bigger.
  • Kineticist iirc has a bunch of impulses that can create difficult terrain.
  • Spell Trickster archetype has interesting ones related like Obscured Terrain and Toppling Tentacles, but again, obscuring mist and black tentacles aren't on the divine list.
  • Geomancer also has Rough Terrain Stance and I think the divine list has enough element-tagged spells in it for this to work?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
rimestocke wrote:
There's Rouse Skeletons, but it doesn't really fit with a Gozren warpriest's vibe, haha.

Maybe it will work if I say they're the revered iruxi ancestor spirits?

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