EileenProphetofIstus |

I placed this thread here because I think it refers to the overall D&D community more than the 4th edition. I would like to ask people to list their character level and the amount of magic they have, perhaps minus potions and scrolls. Essentially, it would allow comparisons to be drawn from one to the other.
So what level are you and what do you have?

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That list seems a little light. If your DM is loosely structuring your encounters and rewards based on your character level, the DMG lists estimated gp value by ECL. This, combined with giving your monsters treasure they can use, supposedly (and I think it's pretty accurate) keeps your party balanced.
I know a few options or spells or magic items can throw that balance out a little, but that's for your GM to guard. And even a little optimized broken-ness is okay by me if your players are being respectful of each others' fun and not hogging the show every encounter and scene.
So, as for the goodies, the only guy I am getting to play right now is my once-a-month evil campaign, wherein I play a gravetouched ghoul (salutations, Mr. Baur), spellstitched, human rogue 3, swashbuckler (variant) 1, shadow thief 1, chameleon 7 (ECL 15, HD 12). We are somewhat spoiled by our rookie GM, but he still designs encounters around our ECL, so my estimated gear value should be 200,000 gp. His loot value (including cash on-hand and a fantastic location as treasure): 160,953
Plus a phat crib out of the Strongholdbuilder's Guidebook, where I should be worth another 200,000, but need to find a way to spend about 30k. Any ideas?

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My favorite character is a 9th level Half Elf Sorceror/Cleric of Ehlonna/Geomancer, with an ass load of magical items, most of which... don't really have much of a purpose. So, I'll list the ones I use often.
Hat of Disguise (for whenever I go to Greyhawk (long story))
Amulet of Undetectable Alignment (and quite possibly has something sinister sealed inside it)
+1 Crossbow
+1 Millipede Carapace Breastplate
Heward's Handy Haversack

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My current character is a Scout 3/Psion 7/Shadowmind 4.
He has:
Handy Haversack
7 assorted potions
A bunch of alchemical doodads.
A gem with the mind of a former PC trapped in it
8 Assorted dorjes (psionic wands)
- Energy Ray (CL 1)
- Energy Ray (CL 2)
- Energy Ray (CL 6)
- Precognition, Defensive
- Crystal Shard
- Body Adjustment
- Inertial Armour (CL 6)
- Force Screen (CL 5)
Eyes of the Eagle
Amulet of natural armour +1
Cloak of Resistance +2
Monk's Belt
Wand Bracelet
Gloves of Dexterity +2
Elven Boots
Ring of protection +2
Ring of swimming
Armband of Elusive Action
Oh yeah, and one part of the rod of seven parts.

EileenProphetofIstus |

Why are you curious about this?
There is a lot of talk about magic items now with 4th edition. I chose not to put it into that forum because we are all using magic items from previous editions. The purpose of the thread was for individuals to see what other DM's do and characters of various levels have in order to compare their campaign with others.
For example, as a DM I would like to see how my magic choices allowed into the campaign match up with others. I have a group of 11th level characters, so I think it is nice to see where I fit in. Do I give out a little, a lot, in the average range....that sort of thing. We haven't had a lot of responses yet, but so far I would say that people average about 1 magic item a level (I considered potions and scrolls kinda a throwaway item which doesn't affect the big picture very much).
I wish I had included a few more comments in my original post as well, but alas, I did not. I wish I would have asked people to note their XP and level in order to see who all is modifying XP in order to get a better view. I also wish I had asked how much magic treasure people sell or give away (we give a lot to our temples) and therefore hte characters don't keep it.
For example, I greatly modify the amount of XP to advance a level. It takes characters far longer to achieve a level than those using the 3.5 rules. As a result, our hundreds of thousands of XP earned indicates we have had a lot more challenges to be faced before a level is achieved than the average 3.5 camapign. More enounters and dungeons results in more opportunities to acquire treasure. I look at the character sheets and I see quite a bit, at the same time, when you compare the number of XP's earned, it sheds a different view all together.
As mentioned we give a lot to our temples so it doesn't burden the characters down with as many items. The PCs get a different kind of award for this.
Another factor is group size. We have a 3 person group. Less people could mean more treasure per character.
Think of this thread as means of using other DM's and characters to guide how much magic you want in your campaign. This thread isn't a right or a wrong amount of magic. Its for everyone to look at and decide where they fit in. If they like where they are at, great. If they were wondering if they give out a lot, now they will know. If they thought maybe they could be more flexible, this may help them decide.

Lathiira |

Party of five. I'm the changeling ranger, level 7.
mighty composite longbow (+3): +1 seeking
bowstring on it acts like augment crystal: +1 distance
Overall: +2 distance seeking
+2 spear, move action to make it a javelin
Quiver of Ehlonna
amulet +1
potion of cure mod
6 potions of cure light (party goods)
Wearing a masterwork buckler and darkleaf breastplate
Also in possession of 2 explorer's outfits made of darkweave
Pleasantly well-armed, not actually doing bad in the AC department for this party either (armor is 5, Dex for 4, amulet for 1, buckler for 1)

Darkjoy RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |

My players have the following gear, might be below average for a party of 7th - 8th level but too little can be adjusted more easily than too much.
Archibald: Vest of Charisma +2, Cloak of Resistance +2, Bag of Holding (2), Amulet of Health +2, Shortspear +1, Ring of Protection +1, Light Crossbow +1, Dagger +1
Dargon: Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1, Darkwood Quarterstaff +1, Headband of Intellect +2, Brooch of Shielding (88 points), Cloak of Resistance +1
Kitano: Bracers of Armor +1, Ring of Protection +1, Cloak of Resistance +1, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Keen Handaxe +1, Circlet of Wisdom +2
Ravanys: Chain shirt +2, Cloak of Elvenkind, Ring of Potection +1, Bag of Holding (1), Rapier +1
Ymredin: Leather +1, Large Woorden Shield +1, Frost Scimitar +1, Glove of Storing, Cloak of Resistance +1

Vegepygmy |

So what level are you and what do you have?
7th-level: (human paragon 3 / sorcerer 1 / monk 2 / enlightened fist 1) amulet of mighty fists +2, gauntlets of ogre power +2, vest of resistance +1, Heward's handy haversack, artificer's monocle, belt of ultimate athleticism, ring of silent spells, one potion, one 1st-level wand (magic missile), and a few 1st and 2nd level scrolls.
11th-level (conjurer 10 / loremaster 1) Boccob's blessed book, Heward's handy haversack, pearl of power (1st level), boots of levitation, cloak of resistance +3, headband of intellect +4, necklace of adaptation, ring of counterspells, and a smurfload of potions, scrolls, and wands.

seekerofshadowlight |

ok the pc's in my savage tide game just now starting COBI it is eberron so i allow more magic then in most games sence they can just have it made in most citys
1 garth hendark dw/m f/14:*+1holy,shocking,mighty cleaving dwaven ax,*+3 large spiked steel sheild,*+4 mithril breast plate,*+1 cloak of protection,*gauntlets of oger power,*belt of oger power,*boots of levitation,*ring of swiming
2 roland jaczery shifter/m ra/were touched master/druid/4/5/4
*+3 wounding adamantine scimitar,*+2 holy adamantine scimitar,*pearl of power 1st,3rd and 4th,*wands,clw,cmw and aid,*10 braids of dire shifting,*talisman of the 12 moons,*+2 leather armor,*+2 bracers of defence,*+3 amulet of naural armor,*gloves of climbing and swiming,*prayer beads.
total=15[24 if u count all the braids]
3 zander telstaerr now vanderborn[yep he married her alot of roleplaying there] f/rog/dread pirate 3/2/8
*+2 flameing repeating heavy crossbow[home version self loads],*+3 mitheal shirt,*+1 darkwood buckler,*+2 ring of protection,*gargoyls crown,*+4 cloak of charisma,*+1 flameing burst rapier,*+1 flametounge longsword[flameing/flaming burst],*bag of holding type 2
4 vesso de cannith h/m art/14 *bolter[crossbow body with cylender lets load up to 4 wands and shot as bow],*wands,magic missle 5th/lighting bolt 3rd/web /acid arrow 3rd,*etanal wand of spider climb,*boots of striding and springing,*handy haversack,*googles of night,*googles of idenfiy,*ring of might,*ring of disease immunty,*+3 chain shirt,*+6 brazers of armor.*2 6HD iron defenders hector and seba
all told thats 48 or 57 all in how u look at it for 4 14th level pc's thats a whole damned lot in my book far more then id allow if it wasnt eberron.
i didnt count scolls if i did would have 16 more items + 12 more for potions.76 ouch never had that many in a game b4 ever

Chris P |

My current character is a level 7 sorcerer/shujenja.
Bracers of Armor +2
Brooch of Shielding
Heward's Haversack
Shortbow +1
Gloves of Twilight (mostly just a light source)
4 potions
Wand of Mage armor
Wand of Shield
Wand of Enlarge Person
Wand of Burning Hands
Wand of Magic Missile
Wand of Cure Moderate wounds
Rod of Wonder (I'm just carrying it, no one is willing to use it)

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That list seems a little light. If your DM is loosely structuring your encounters and rewards based on your character level, the DMG lists estimated gp value by ECL. This, combined with giving your monsters treasure they can use, supposedly (and I think it's pretty accurate) keeps your party balanced.
you think that's light? I have a ranger who is level 19, But the only magic weapon he uses is an axe that multiplies his favored enemies bonus by 3

CourtFool |

Trolling alert.
I have never liked that equipment was more important than the character. Therefore, most of my games see very few magic items. Granted I play Fantasy Hero. In my opinion, Fantasy Hero has an excellent balance mechanism to handle magic items. A lot of people hate it.
In Hero you have to pay points for your magic items just like you have to pay points for Characteristics, Skills and even spells. The most notable result of this is that most characters simply do not have that many magic items and the ones they have are cherished. Who wants to put points into something that can be taken away? Another result is there is some balance between spell casters and those that rely on magical equipment as points are paid by both.
A lot of people think you have to pay points for mundane equipment in Hero but they are misunderstanding the rules.
More to the original question, I am in the first chapter of Burnt Offerings and none of my PCs have a magic item. Not even as much as a Potion of Cure Light Wounds. There are two healers and I believe everyone has the equivalent skill to Healing.
One of the players has expressed interest in brewing potions in the future. Once he has the points, I will set him up with a nifty little Variable Power Pool and let him brew to his heart’s content.

Misanpilgrim |

I have a ranger who is level 19, But the only magic weapon he uses is an axe that multiplies his favored enemies bonus by 3
So your ranger is potentially getting a +30 damage bonus against his most-favorite favored enemy? And on a critical hit, that becomes a +90 bonus? Why do I have this pain in my chest all of a sudden?

Noir le Lotus |

Here is the magic stuff of some of my characters :
* Naëllo, Elven Rogue 2 / Fighter 2 in RoRL (beginning of 2nd adventure) : 1 Mighty Masterwork Composite Shortbow
* Aldym, Human Sorcerer 6 / Incantatrix 4 / Wizard 1 in STAP (playing the Lightless Depths) : Ring +1, Ring of Swimming, Vest of Resistance +2, Cloak of Charisma +2, Boots of Striding & Springing, Bracers of Armor +2, Stone of Good Luck, Dagger +1 Keen, Kukri +1 Keen (never used but worn for style), Amulet (Spellcraft +5), 2 wands CL 1 and some scrolls and potions. Except for the party druid, his magical stuff is the smallest in the party.
* Seregon, Elven Rogue 3 / Fighter 4. Before playing in Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, his stuff was : Spiked Chain +1 Flaming, Ring +1, Mithril Shirt +1, Bag of Holding type 1, Vest of Resistance +2, Ring of Force Shield (not used) and a few potions. At the end of the adventure, he also had : Gratsword +2, Longsword +1, Pendant of Good Health, Mantle of Second Chance, Ring of the Righteous, Amulet of Health +2 but he was under Strahd Domination ...
At this time, my character with the greatest stuff is a wizard 11th with the Craft Wondrous Feat.

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Cpt_kirstov wrote:I have a ranger who is level 19, But the only magic weapon he uses is an axe that multiplies his favored enemies bonus by 3So your ranger is potentially getting a +30 damage bonus against his most-favorite favored enemy? And on a critical hit, that becomes a +90 bonus? Why do I have this pain in my chest all of a sudden?
Technically it's x(1d3) (re calculated on each critical any of your attacks scores before confirmation is rolled - currently at x3) the before damage is calculated part is important, because it doesn't make me go "I have X3 right now I'll go after the BBEG whose my favored enemy" because you an re roll and get a 1. You have to think more long term help, because as a wemic, if I crit with a paw, I still have to reroll the bonus (even though the bonus is for the axe only).

Korgoth |

Barbarian 7/bear warrior 4
+3 greataxe
belt of str +4
Boots of teleport 60 ft 1/day
amulet con +2
Limited protection from evil item, charm/compulsion only
Medium fort leather armor
2000 pp
Dont really need much. I was kind of worried (balancewise) about the belt +4, since that gives me a 32 str when I use bear form, but the DM put it in on purpose, so...

Kirth Gersen |

In Hero you have to pay points for your magic items just like you have to pay points for Characteristics, Skills and even spells. The most notable result of this is that most characters simply do not have that many magic items and the ones they have are cherished. Who wants to put points into something that can be taken away? Another result is there is some balance between spell casters and those that rely on magical equipment as points are paid by both.
I play 3.5e D&D the same way (by houserule), and it works great, with a minor bit of tweaking (I use action points to make up for the lack of items).

Jeremy Mac Donald |

I'd say that the amount of magic items probably work on something of a curve if your playing by the books.
In general you have X number of body slots to put magic items in (head, torso, body etc). I find my players usually try and fill their slots with something. On average two cheap items is more powerful then 1 good item, there are exceptions but generally its cheaper to buy a +2 shield and +2 amour then a single +4 shield.
So my experience has been that players try and stick something in each of their slots so long as its useful for their character and then they go back and upgrade whats in their slots. This means that, in general, they are gathering lots of new items early on in their career but, as time goes on, they have filled all their magic item slots and they slow down their acquisition of separate new items and switch to selling old items and buying new, better, items for the same slot.