Greyhawk Deities


Liberty's Edge

I need some help from the fine folk here.

Some time back, someone posted a link to a full list of Greyhawk deities, along with domains, favoured weapons etc. I think the information was contained somewhere on the WotC website.

The link that I saved no longer appears to work, and I was wondering whether someone could either repost the link or direct me to some other resource that may have the same information.

Thanks in advance.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

I can't for the life of me remember where I got this, but I have a LG listing of Deities on PDF. I remember the page on the WotC site you are mentioning and can't help but think that this may be one in the same. Feel free to email me if you'd like, Mothman. My email is in my profile.

Liberty's Edge

Daigle my friend, you are a genius! Or I am an idiot … probably some combination of the two.

Now you mention it, I’m almost certain that I saved this list as a pdf as well … it was Living Greyhawk iirc. It’s probably on my computer at home – if not, I’ll drop you a line.


Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

No problem, man. I do what I can.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 8

There is also a good list in the Complete Divine with blurbs about each as well.

Liberty's Edge

Joseph Yerger wrote:
There is also a good list in the Complete Divine with blurbs about each as well.

Thanks man - don't have that book, though I think one of the guys in my group might have it.

I found the pdf list that Daigle mentioned in the end.

This might be of help:

Dark Archive

Sean Reynolds compiled a list of Greyhawk dieties updated to include the new Domains from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, as well are correcting some missing alignment Domains from the listing in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer.

Greyhawk Dieties Expanded Domain List

Living Greyhawk Deities v2.0
Or, you could try to find the Living Greyhawk Gazateer (3e).

Liberty's Edge

I like Sean Reynolds added list. Those domains should be added to demi-human gods etc. The Living Greyhawk .pdf adds domains from the Spell Compendium but NOT the demi-human ones.


I'd love to see the original Greyhawk deities & demigods posted or available with 3rd or 3.5 edition rules. :D

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Crystal Keep has a list of almost all statted deities, its simple, but has book references:


I like how in that list on my site I say, "And when I get around to it, I'll put the favored weapons from the LGG into this table, too."

Yeah, like that ever happened. :p Silly, optimistic, me-of-the-past. :)

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

I like how in that list on my site I say, "And when I get around to it, I'll put the favored weapons from the LGG into this table, too."

Yeah, like that ever happened. :p Silly, optimistic, me-of-the-past. :)

Just put up the rest of the "Absolutes" commentary (and stat out Bigbangicus), and we'll forgive you of all other timing transgressions.

Dark Archive

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I like how in that list on my site I say, "And when I get around to it, I'll put the favored weapons from the LGG into this table, too."

This old-school Greyhawk fan was delighted to see that you'd put the battleaxe back in as a favored weapon option for Heironeous in the LGG!

Istus granting both the Chaos and Law domains was also a fun thing to see, and probably made a few people's heads spin.

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Is there a resource for bringing Greyhawk Deities upto PathFinder 2e rules?

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