The Ramblings of Grognard Madness: Postings of Things, Ideas & Ancient Imaginations

Off-Topic Discussions

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This here Thread is the grounds for true grognards*, however you don't have to be grognard to post here, but beware of the ire of a old grognard. Heed thy words and tread with caution. You may post whatever you wish to share, but grognards may cast down judgement...4e talk is welcome but may be butt of a great many jokes.

*Grognard:These dedicated game players are often viewed as a blessing( and a curse, as they will ensure a certain minimum level in sales, but they will also be the most critical of any mistakes or bugs in the game.

You may post now....
Please list the year you started playing D&D!

Tobus Neth
Grognard D&D wisdom since 1981

Liberty's Edge

I wonder when I'll switch to 4e?

Heathansson wrote:
I wonder when I'll switch to 4e?

I thought you already did!

Liberty's Edge

I just want to have fun.

Liberty's Edge

Is it possible to be a grognard and yet not miss THAC0 in any way, shape or form?

Probably my first 4e foray will be a pbp.

Mothman wrote:
Is it possible to be a grognard and yet not miss THAC0 in any way, shape or form?

I missed THACO.

I was playing Champions and Rolemaster.

Tobus Neth wrote:

This here Thread is the grounds for true grognards*...

Tobus Neth
Grognard D&D wisdom since 1981

Sounds good. I'm in.

Grognard D&D wisdom since Christmas of 1977

P.S. All you kids get off my lawn! (*shakes cane*)

Dark Archive

Dudes. We're in the era of teenage grognards now.


Liberty's Edge

Hmmm ... been playing since early 1989. Guess that makes me young for a grognard.

Dark Archive

Nah, I'm not old either.

Liberty's Edge

Did any of y'all tap that Silver Princess, or were you scared of her boyfriend on the dragon?

Dark Archive

Heathansson wrote:
Did any of y'all tap that Silver Princess, or were you scared of her boyfriend on the dragon?

I tapped the dragon.

It was a dude?


Nah, I was only 9. I killed everything.

Relic of ages past...This is from a old 1e module I wrote back in like 1982 I was 15
The bone and brass bar of Dispater

A magical bar that will produce random potions 50% of the time or fine liquors such wine or brandy. The bar once belonged to the Dispater Lord of Hell's 2nd layer. The bar is horse shoe shaped made of Bone and Brass and fills a area 10'x 10 and is chest level to a human male. Behind the bar are hundreds of bottles of many colorful liquids.

Anyone coming with in 5'ft of the bar instantly summons a bartender from the court of Dispater Roll 1d6 1-2-Erinyes-3-4 bearded devil 5-6 pitfiend, The devils summoned are short on talk. But will serve drinks for 2 hours, they gate away instantly if attack.

The bar had many carvings around it's outer surface of devils in massive orgies and wanton lust. 300,000gpv in rubies encrust the carvings and brass fixtures. The bar weight 2,000lbs

Remember the DMG on mixing potions..ehh


Coming to you live since my first character got temporarily blinded and crapped on by a dragon back in '74. I recall he was a dwarven fighter-man that didn't require a feat to swim out of all that poo.

Jade you playing since '74

I won't take 4.0 if it were the only way to avoid undying!

Mothman wrote:
Is it possible to be a grognard and yet not miss THAC0 in any way, shape or form?

yes I hated Thaco!

Liberty's Edge

Tobus Neth wrote:

Relic of ages past...This is from a old 1e module I wrote back in like 1982 I was 15

The bone and brass bar of Dispater

A magical bar that will produce random potions 50% of the time or fine liquors such wine or brandy. The bar once belonged to the Dispater Lord of Hell's 2nd layer. The bar is horse shoe shaped made of Bone and Brass and fills a area 10'x 10 and is chest level to a human male. Behind the bar are hundreds of bottles of many colorful liquids.

Anyone coming with in 5'ft of the bar instantly summons a bartender from the court of Dispater Roll 1d6 1-2-Erinyes-3-4 bearded devil 5-6 pitfiend, The devils summoned are short on talk. But will serve drinks for 2 hours, they gate away instantly if attack.

The bar had many carvings around it's outer surface of devils in massive orgies and wanton lust. 300,000gpv in rubies encrust the carvings and brass fixtures. The bar weight 2,000lbs

Remember the DMG on mixing potions..ehh

Hey! Play 4e now!!!

Change "erinyes" to "succubus" and you're golden!

I knew you were gonna say that lol!

There's nothing wrong with undying. I'll take THAC0, but I'll need to work on that 1st edition psionics awhile...

Grognard since '81 and lovin' it!

Tobus Neth wrote:
Jade you playing since '74

From a post back in September of 2005:

"In 1974 I was a lil kid who followed some college students onto campus in Boston and into a room afterschool. I was an intrusive little brat and this was nothing new. They allowed it. I'd had the hobbit read to me that same year and, initiated into the lyric of epic fantasy, discovered D&D to be as colorful and appealing as crack-sprinkled Froot Loops.

My first character was a no frills dwarven fighter named Forgus, which I later realized was probably just an unambitious variant of 'forge'.

Forgus never got to second level. A Grimtooth style DM informed me that the large statue whose hands I'd climbed up, held out in front of it like steps, was actually just an extremely patient giant of particularly granite complexion. No one at the table bought it and I was given a reprieve but during the very next adventure I was forced to attempt to use a wand (I know the rules don't bear this out) to stop a rushing horde of orcs in a banquet hall. The wand went boom. The orcs were dead. The room had chests full of high level treasure alas, the treasure was quite dead as well. And Forgus was blinded. Then the sound of massive beating wings bearing down upon me. Two rounds later I was neck deep in a jacuzzi of farm fresh dragon poo.

I just retired poor Forgus before this particular DM could raise the dwarf's charisma score then shove him into a Turkish prison full of megaphallic hobgoblins. Who does that to a three foot tall kid? lol, bastid."

Liberty's Edge

Just like I know I'm gonna convert. I won't be able to hold out.
Even though I played Palladium through 2e which lasted half an age of man.

Dark Archive

The true horor of 4e? It unleashes teenage grognards among us.

Teen Punk 1: D00d. 4e is teh suk. 3.xe rulz!

Teen punk 2: Ya. I h8 $e.

Teen Punk 1: OMFG! w3 R grognards!

Teen punk 2: ROFLOLOL!!!1!1!!

Teen Punk 1: get 0ff our lwn n00bs!

Teen Punk 2: ya! we will kill ur stuff. we r gn0mes!

Teen Punk 1: gn0me dr00ds!

Teen Punk 2: lol u pwned 4e.

Teen Punk 1: 4 r33l

Teen Punk 2: dont uze 4 n e more u lozr. we h8 4. 3e ftW!!!!!1!1!

Teen Punk 1: o ya...

Teen Punk 2: u r st00pid. 1/2 orc.

Teen Punk 1: Ya! I am 1/2 orc. old sch00l!

Teen punk 2: ya!

Teen Punk 1: grognards r cool.

Dark Archive

Tobus Neth wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Is it possible to be a grognard and yet not miss THAC0 in any way, shape or form?
yes I hated Thaco!

Gah! THAC0 > BaB

Paizo Employee CEO

Tobus Neth wrote:

You may post now....

Please list the year you started playing D&D!

I also started playing in 1981 with the Basic D&D set which my parents gave me for Christmas along with two Grenadier sets of miniatures. One of various PCs and one of basic monsters. My first campaign was Keep on the Borderlands, which was in the box I got for Christmas. Priceless. :)


Evil DM Bill(Bhal)story...

We played the slavelords modules back in 1e around say 1984. I played a female paladin named Joelene Silvermane our first few adventures were great and our dm ran them well. As our characters progress I drew a picture of my paladin, a copy off a dragon mag cover. He our Dm thought it was cool and loved it saying how hawt she was. while exploring the sewers we became seperated, my paladin was captured from behind by three half-orcs that sacked her head took her into a secret room and raped her several times as the party search for a secret door. Our Dm had suddenly gotten nasty and mean. As players scrambled rolling dice for searches our Dm would go into detail of my characters rape. He rolled 3d6+8(11-24 inches to say how big the orc's flesh swords were. After a while the Dm says no more searches your content to believe Jolene has fled the sewers. As the party backtracks our Dm continues Raping of my character-after having their way with you the half-orcs throw acid in my face making my charisma drop below that of a paladin needed ability -3 . Then one of the half-orcs cut off her breast as a keep sake he said he was gonna make a coin purse out of it.!

After that Joelene Silvermane became fighter/rogue(Because of her -3 charisma) She became NE due to revenge so says the Evil Dm and hunted half-orcs, until he informed me she was pregnant!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

It is with great shame that I admit the following:

I am ineligible for true grognardness - I started playing in 89 or 90 with the release of 2e. I never played keep on the borderlands. When I started playing, Greyhawk was widely scorned for being that generic fantasy place full of stupid names. In fact, it wasn't until I started hanging out here that y'all made me appreciate the setting.

A younger grognard here, weighing in with the red box and 1st edition since 1987 give/take a few months. Played with both back and forth till 2nd edition. First character was a ranger named Aragorn. Ah, to be young and geeky . . . .

Oh, and I did more basic D&D modules than anything else. Still ran the Temple of Elemental Evil back then, which was great. Dragon Mountain in college back around '94 is a campaign still extolled by the players. Survived Twilight Calling once, and boy did that sting. Took the Gray Box and loved FR from there till now. Now, not so much . . . .

Dark Archive

When the Red Box came out in 83 a kid in my neighborhood picked it up. His mom threw a fit over it (D&D is evil!) and promptly placed it in the family yard sale for a quarter. I snatched it up and have been hooked ever since.

I later traded a few toys to an older kid in the neighborhood for some modules.

Heathansson wrote:
Did any of y'all tap that Silver Princess, or were you scared of her boyfriend on the dragon?

The boyfried was fine - it was the doppelgänger upstairs that gave us headaches.

Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:

It is with great shame that I admit the following:

I am ineligible for true grognardness - I started playing in 89 or 90 with the release of 2e. I never played keep on the borderlands. When I started playing, Greyhawk was widely scorned for being that generic fantasy place full of stupid names. In fact, it wasn't until I started hanging out here that y'all made me appreciate the setting.

No wonder you're so cranky. Somebody give him a teddy bear.

Liberty's Edge

1e life lesson #1:

Hot chicks behind bars? Probably werewolves.

Sebastian wrote:

It is with great shame that I admit the following:

I am ineligible for true grognardness - I started playing in 89 or 90 In fact, it wasn't until I started hanging out here that y'all made me appreciate the setting.

Yes you are based on the fact you played for 10+years and you like Greyhawk!

Liberty's Edge

Light Brite, making thi-hings with li-hi-hight!
What a sight, making things with Light Brite!!

Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:

It is with great shame that I admit the following:

I am ineligible for true grognardness - I started playing in 89 or 90 with the release of 2e. I never played keep on the borderlands. When I started playing, Greyhawk was widely scorned for being that generic fantasy place full of stupid names. In fact, it wasn't until I started hanging out here that y'all made me appreciate the setting.

I'm in almost exactly the same boat as Sebastian. Were it not for Dungeon mag and these boards I probably still would not like Greyhawk.

Dark Archive

Lathiira wrote:
First character was a ranger named Aragorn. Ah, to be young and geeky . . . .

Hah!I know the feeling. The first game 1 DM'ed had a PC wizard named Merlin.

Heathansson wrote:

1e life lesson #1:

Hot chicks behind bars? Probably werewolves.

The question is, did you have the original PotSP, or the reprint with the redone (censored) art?

Grand Lodge

Mothman wrote:
Is it possible to be a grognard and yet not miss THAC0 in any way, shape or form?

Hells yeah!

Or any of the ridiculous save categories, for that matter. Save vs. rod, staff or wand? Give me a break!

Bringing the grognard funk since 1983.

Billzabub wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

1e life lesson #1:

Hot chicks behind bars? Probably werewolves.

The question is, did you have the original PotSP, or the reprint with the redone (censored) art?

The one with boobies!

Anybody remember a module called Inferno which was based on Dante's Inferno. (The module covered the first four circles of hell, with the other circles to be handled by a follow on module that never made it to market.)

Dark Archive

Tobus Neth wrote:
Billzabub wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

1e life lesson #1:

Hot chicks behind bars? Probably werewolves.

The question is, did you have the original PotSP, or the reprint with the redone (censored) art?

The one with boobies!

Any body remember a module called Inferno which was based on Dante's Inferno. (The module covered the first four circles of hell, with the other circles to be handled by a follow on module that never made it to market.)

I must have missed that one.

damn. It sounds fairly sweet.

Judges Guild released Inferno.

Liberty's Edge

Vattnisse wrote:

Or any of the ridiculous save categories, for that matter. Save vs. rod, staff or wand? Give me a break!

That one always got a laugh from our group. Ah, the maturity of boys in high school...

Dark Archive

Tobus Neth wrote:
Judges Guild released Inferno.


Found a copy but yeesh! the price tag.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Heathansson wrote:
Did any of y'all tap that Silver Princess, or were you scared of her boyfriend on the dragon?

I got some princess action... I really loved Castle Amber. I have thought of updating it...

Liberty's Edge

Billzabub wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

1e life lesson #1:

Hot chicks behind bars? Probably werewolves.

The question is, did you have the original PotSP, or the reprint with the redone (censored) art?

I thought it was Q1.

Dark Archive

For some reason I have to rank Rank Drums on Fire Mountain as one of my all time favorites.

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:
Billzabub wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

1e life lesson #1:

Hot chicks behind bars? Probably werewolves.

The question is, did you have the original PotSP, or the reprint with the redone (censored) art?
I thought it was Q1.

I'm old, I can't remember!!!

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