Talislanta 5th Edition?

Other RPGs

Dark Archive

I'm a big fan of the Talislanta game and have played it throughout various editions.

The 5th edition of the game has been on my "To get" list for some time now. Anyone have any experience with it? Is it worth getting a new edition?

You should get the Big Blue Book (aka 4th edition) which has everything you need to play the game. It includes character generation, rules, setting info, a bestiary, cosmology and other tidbits. There have been some complaints that 5th edition is a mishmash of rules, has poor editing and the company that produces it may be going out of business (so continued support is not guaranteed). The BBB is a beautiful piece of work and a worthy addition to any rpg library.

Dark Archive

Yeah, I've got the 4th. Was wanting to know about the 5th.

I picked up the d20 version about a year ago. Not bad but it did not have all the races available.

Who does the 5th edition? Morgan Press?

Dark Archive

Morrigan Press, yup.

Liberty's Edge

After a fashion, anyhow. 5th edition Tal has all kinds of errors from proofreading and the like, and there are apparently issues with one of Morrigan's backers wanting to pull out. Some of the writers have never gotten their promised payments, and 5e as a whole looks like a terrible disaster struck a perfectly good game

I have the Shooting Iron Big Blue Book, and if I choose to play Tal I'll be using it, instead. It's much better in terms of production quality, and the majority of the book is given over to detailing the world. And, as the tagline says, 'Still No Elves'.

The 5th edition is based on the french version of the game and it adds a 'real' character generation process, not based on archetypes. In the french version (I'm french, I got that one too) the character creation is nicely done with only the 7 races of the 7 kingdoms in the main book and 12 carreers to give your character job orientation and access to several skills, talents and magic. You can choose up to 5 different carreers (or several times the same for additional bonuses).

In the 5th version, they give you more than 70 races and I think more than 50 carreers. How would you expect to create characters with that. And effectively, the editing is bad, and you have to buy three books (player, game master and world) to play where one was enough with the 4th.


Liberty's Edge

I had forgotten about Talislanta but I had the Chronicles book and I loved it so I might spring it on my D&D for my next campaign once I finish Runelords.


I am buying Talislanta 4th Edition

Liberty's Edge

I love the Talislanta setting but all the folks I play with are used to D&D rules. What luck have folks had with converting Talislanta to a D&D rules system.

Liberty's Edge

Durin1211 wrote:

I love the Talislanta setting but all the folks I play with are used to D&D rules. What luck have folks had with converting Talislanta to a D&D rules system.

There are one or two Tal D20 supplements out there.

Scarab Sages

The third edition (whitebook) is the best edition of Talislanta. 4th and 5th only use a d20, so a sword did a d8 in 3rd does 8 points. Very unforgiving, considering tough characters have about 28 hpts.

ive game master the 3rd edition ,..its the best way to go ,..and find all the source books for them ,..its worth it ,..kepp it from putting it into D&D,....Its better that way!!!!!!

Dark Archive

DangerDwarf wrote:

I'm a big fan of the Talislanta game and have played it throughout various editions.

The 5th edition of the game has been on my "To get" list for some time now. Anyone have any experience with it? Is it worth getting a new edition?

You could always download the PDFs and look through it yourself.

The Talislanta Library has almost the entire game line available (and I think the 5th edition is fully complete).

EDIT: Oh yeah, and they're all FREE!!!

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