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I really am enjoying playing my Warlock Spryte. Mechanically and role play wise it was a fun Character to play. I can't wait till I get my first Lesser Invocation and I can go invisible at will. It's not an Optimized Character. I took Call of the Beast for pure flavor reasons. I have had a few raised eyebrows when it comes to a Fey flavored Warlock vs. Devilish. ![]()
I am very excited about getting to play my Spryte 3/Warlock 4 character on Saturday. I am playing with Monte Cook Arcana Unearthered rules for the Faen. My Character won't have the Greater Invisibility that a Pixie does but it is a tiny Character. The Warlock can have a Fae flavor too it instead of the darker Demonic/Devilish I am looking forward to flying around and Eldritch Blasting people. For my Invocations I took Entropic Warding and Call of the Beast which lets me talk to animals. I love this Character idea and I hope I don't die right off the bat. ![]()
I have preordered the Pathfinder RPG. I love the Pathfinder AP. As a 37 year old father of 1, with a job and a slate of obligations I like having Adventures all planned out for me. My Group only plays every other week and my campaign is only the second half of our D&D days so we are only to Sins of the Saviors in the Runelords Campaign. My Basic thought was to run Pathfinder RPG AP with my players playing 3.5 Characters. What modifications would they have to make to play Pathfinder adventures. I read something a few months ago that if they start with more HP and take feats every other level the power would equalize with Pathfinder Characters. Any insights anybody? ![]()
If you read a lot of Sci-Fi and Fantasy I would encourage you to think about joining SFBC. Thier Hardback's are sized down from a normal hardback size, probably closer to a Trade paperback. They cost twice as much as a mass market paperback but the tradeoff in quality I find appealing. I read a lot on my Kindle currently but there is nothing like having a Physical book or series that you love sitting on your bookcase. You don't have to Buy anything on a regular basis. They send you the card or you can go on their website and decline a month's featured selections so they don't automatically send them to you. ![]()
I declined the Featured Selections for SFBC this month and was browsing the other reccomendations when what did I see but Northwest of Earth by C.L. Moore And it had the Planet Stories logo on it. Are you letting SFBC have some of your extra's or will this be printed in their Hardcover format? I think this will certainly get the Planet Stories name out there which is a good thing. ![]()
I really like what Planet Stories is doing by bringing old forgotten gems to light. I started reading Fantasy sometime in the mid 80's and I started with David Eddings. I loved his stuff as a kid. If you have not read any good Fantasy or SF lately you must not be reading. Patricia McKillip
or John Scalzi ![]()
I own a Kindle and I am all for Planet Stories Kindle Version. But one of the reasons I am a Planet Stories Subscriber is because I enjoy seening the reprinting of some neat vintage pulp stories. I never realized how good this stuff was until I read The Secret of Sindharat. I am accumulating my own little Planet Stories bookshelf and I think that's something that's neat. As I understand it Paizo does not have ebook rights for many of these stories. If they did I think it would be cool to have MobiPocket/Kindle downloads for free if you subscriber of the phisical book. Just like Pathfinder is handled with a free PDF of the books. ![]()
Wow- I feel honored to get a reply from none other than The Erik Mona. My Group is starting Pathfinder #4 next session. They all want to continue playing past the end of Runelord's and I thought I would toughen up Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk for after Pathfinder #6 Erik by the way I have really enjoyed Planet Stories. It is that much more a month on top of Pathfinder but it has been a real treat. It's been my favorite reading material since The Dresden Files ![]()
Eric John Stark Wow This is an outstanding book. I read the first book on an airplane. I like modern Fantasies and SF but after reading 1000 page Steve Erikson Saga's it is nice to read a gritty awesome pulp story. I became a Planet Stories subscriber because of this Book. It is that awesome. I wonder if George R.R. Martin named the Stark Family because of this pulp series. ![]()
The Earthman from Mercury. Wow. I just finished reading The Secret of Sindharat on vacation. I finished most of it on the flight. Normally I read Steven Erikson or other modern fantasies or SF. I can not tell you how fun it is to read a book that you can finish on an airplane ride. It's refreshing. Like a pallette cleanser between works of modern fantasy. Stark what a great Character. I would love to see the game stats for him. And the beauty Brackett puts into her description of Old Mars. The fast pacing of the plot. I an now a Planet Stories Subscriber If you like George R.R. Martin , John Scalzi, Robin Hobb, Terry Brooks, Steven Brust , J.K. Rowling, Steven Erikson read planet stories. It will blow your mind how good these stories are. I wonder if GRRM named the Stark Family for another fictional Stark. Hmmm.? ![]()
I an taking the leap and becoming a Planet Stories Subscriber. I am currently reading the Elric stories and it's really nice to read a book full of short stories and take a break from 7 book series of 900 page epics. I will be reading the first Leigh Brakett book on vacation and I will let you know wheather I like it when I get back. ![]()
Allright, I really did not want to start a thread on Christianity/Athiesm / whatever. The first guy said he had an issue with one of his players who was a Christian not liking the idea of the Harrow Deck. I explained the Christian position on that, that's all. I think I could use the Harrow deck or be involved with a game that had that element in it without a problem. D&D is just make believe after all. As far as your question I do believe that the Bible says you should not take part in Divination. Do I believe in Divination. I believe that the person who invests themself in Horoscope, Tarot, ect. believes. And as a Christian that is not where someone should place their belief. I also believe that Divination places one in the future and not trusting God in the Now. I don't avoid science or logic like it's some sort of infectious disease. Science has brought tremendous gifts for our lives today. Unlike D&D characters I like cell phones, indoor plumbing, and advanced medicine. Divination by it's very nature implies some sort of supernatural activity. The Definition of Hell is the Absence of God. I don't believe God will twist people's arms to be with him in Heaven. You have to want a relationship with Christ. As per my Definition above I think of Hell a little differently than most. It's not fire and brimstone it's just where God won't go. I don't believe the Supernatural is natural in any way. It is not another name for a natural process that we don't understand. It superseeds the natural. Your view on how I do Church or my faith is very different from my view. Just so you Know. ![]()
I am simply telling you how most Christians would feel about Harrow/Tarrow. It is the conjoining of real world/game world that most Christian would have a problem with. Most of the Folks see the Game as just that a fun game. They want to keep it that way. Tying something like real world divination to their game would not be a good mix in their opinion. I am not telling you my opinion but what I think the opinion of most Christians who play D&D would be. Regardless if you believe wheather the aka Supernatural exists most folks do to some degree or another. In fact the Whole premise of the Christian faith is that Jesus rose from the dead. You don't get any more supernatural than that. ![]()
I am the DM for our group. Right Now we are still in Rise of the Runelords. Interestingly enough the whole group met at Church and we are all Christians. The main objection to things like Tarot is that they are divination and to a Christian that is a "no-no" That said the Harrow is a divination for a Fantasy Character so not exactly applicable. The problem lies in that it is too close to the real world application so most Christians would not be okay with Fantasy Harrow readings. Here's How I have decided to approach things. #1 I have not read the information from Harrow and the AP. But I would give the Characters the option to seek out a Varasian Fortuneteller or a Priestess for a certain God. That lets the Characters make the decision of where they want to go. I would make the Priestess similar to the old Delphi Oracle so the Characters can either have a Harrow reading or they can seek out this Oracle. ![]()
I am an Elder in my local Church and when my Pastor brought up the fact that I was playing D&D I kind of had to defend myself, which is too bad. I simply said that I enjoy roleplaying fantasy Characters like those that inhabit the world of Tolkein and C.S. Lewis and that Fantasy is the most Christian of genre's. There was no comment after that but I don't mention my gaming to most folks at Church. It's funny cause my gaming group all go to our Church and are all Christians. ![]()
When I first started playing D&D a couple of years ago I started with playing a Fighter. After a while I thought I would branch out into something different. When I told the gal that had been playing the Cleric that I wanted to give it a shot,she said Good "Now I can play something else." The group I play with is very particular about the clerics. They always want ones with the Healing Domain so they get the extra healing. In Forgotten Realms there are only 6 Diety's with the Healing Domain. So I kind of get a narrowed selection. How do you all keep the Cleric a fresh Character to play? ![]()
I am so confused as to what WoTC is going to do with the Eberron campaign setting. While I see the flavor of 4e might possible make more sense in Eberron there are a few things that have me scratching my head. In Eberron each race except for Shifters and Changelings has a dragonmarked house. That includes Gnomes, Half Elves and Half-Orcs. If all of the above are getting tossed out the window and 4e is adding Tieflings(I know nothing about them and don't like them)and Dragonborn. How can they possible work the new 4e system in Eberron. I liked the Eberron concept. It reminded me a little bit of the Vlad Taltos books by Stephen Brust. Anyway I liked the concept. One other thing that rankles me is getting rid of the nine alignments. I think it is a fairly easyway of catogorizing a characters personality/values. I remember looking at the Alignment discription box in the 1e players handbook and it made sense to me and I was 12 at the time. I played D&D in gradeschool for a few years but wandered away from it because of a lack of folks to play it with. I have been enjoying playing D&D 3.5 since a friend asked me if I wanted to play because he knowsI love the Fantasy genre. It just seems to me that 4e wanders to far away from the core of the game. ![]()
Hello, I am somewhat intriqued that if the Runelords used sin magic in their lost empire of Thassilion it means that "Sin" as an idea exists and that the power of sin is harnessed by these Runelords. Is there an oposite group of folks that harnass the power of "Virtue" to combat these Runelords. Also what is the Moral Code by which Sin and Virtue are considered and established. Are we talking the 10 Commandments here? Just a few questions? Maybe they are aswered in #1 because I have not finished reading it all the way through yet. Our group happens to consist of people from the Church I go to and I am sure they will want the answers to this. |