Aasimar shaman channeler build


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I'D like to get some feedback on my life spirit channeler build if at all possible?

We are playing unofficial PFS which means PFS rules but not registered PFS (its impossible to get a venture license!!) so id like to know if something is illegal

Character Sheet:
[SIZE=+1]Andulvar Yaslanna[/SIZE]
M T/N Aasimar Shaman (Witch Doctor),
Level 1,
Init 5,
HP 11/11,
Speed 20 ft.
AC 17, Touch 11, Flat-footed 16, CMD 9,
Fort 2, Ref 1, Will 6,
CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Quarterstaff -2 (1d6, 20x2)
Crossbow, light +1 (1d8, 19-20x2)
Chainmail (+6 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 6(7), Dex 11(12), Con 13(14), Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 18
Condition None
FeatsSeductive channel
TraitsSeeker, Exalted of the Soceity
Racial alternates Deathless Spirit, Scion of elvenkind (Scion of humankind), Immortal Spark
ClassLife Spirit, Channel Energy 6/day, 1d6 (DC 15)
Spells 0:Guidance, Detect Magic, Create Water.
1:Sleep, Entangle

Feat progression:
1:Seductive Channel
3:Selective Channel
5:Quick Channel
7: Improved familiar (retrain seductive channel to spirit talker)
9: Craft Rod
11: Fateful Channel
13: Liberating Channel
15: Quicken Spell
17: Empower Spell
19: Dazing Spell

At level 4 get strategy Variant Channeling as there will be two bodyguard feat users int he party as well as my familiar.

[spoiler=Mr Aegis, Familiar]Mr. Aegis
Greensting Scorpion (Protector archetype)
N Tiny Magical Beast
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8


AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, +2 size)
hp 5 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2


Speed 30 ft.
Melee sting +5 (1d2–4 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks poison


Str 3, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 7 (19 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon FinesseB, Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard
Skills Climb +7, Perception +8, Stealth +15, Heal +1, Knowledge (Religion) -1, Spellcraft -1; Racial Modifiers +4 Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Fast Healing 1, Share Spells, Empathic Link



A greensting scorpion familiar grants a +4 bonus on Initiative checks so long as the familiar is within 1 mile of the spellcaster. A greensting scorpion familiar loses the mindless trait and has an Intelligence score appropriate for its master’s level.

Poison (Ex)

Sting—injury; save Fort DC 11; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect sickened for 1 round; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.


I like the build so far but i'm not entirely at ease with shamans or channeling.

I'd love to get my hands on channel force (the aasimar feat line) but I don't know if there would be enough undead in the campaign to make it worthwhile.

In the forge of combat metaphor, I aim to be the arms with a little splash of anvil and hammer depending on my whimsy for the day (spirit talker and wandering hex will help for that)

For my improved familiar I was thinking of getting an arbiter with the protector archetype, with shield other and in harm's way he would greatly extend my life, and with regen (chaotic) he's almost unkillable.

Plus the bodyguard feat means that combined with my variant channeling he would have a channeling bonus to aid another, and then that translates to AC for me.

Plus the variant channeling is very useful for skill checks. Boost party's aid another checks, everyone aid's the dude with the highest skill check in that skill, and then we give him a s*%#ton of bonuses.

Anyone care to add something, or tell me i'm wrong on something?

Thanks for feedback.

I thought crafting was off limits in PFS rules? Also you've got 2 or 3 deity specific channeling feats at a glance (fateful, liberating & I think seductive?) and I'm not sure any of those deities count strategy in their portfolio.

If you're into battlefield control then toppling spell and spiritual guardian are feats worth considering. Also if you're taking 3 metamagic feats and going to high level then spell perfection is a no-brainer.

Indeed crafting IS off in pfs.

I'll ask the dm when we start of he wants to abide by that cause crafting is fun. In the meantime I'll remove it from my build.

I just love the sprit guardian toppling spell combo!!!! Hadn't seen it before, I'll definitely try to add it to my roster, probably get spirit guardian at level 3!

As for the portfolios, I'm actually still looking really hard at which god I want.

Those were my ideal choices, however everything being considered I think I'll go with Desna.

She can fit séduction libération and luck in there so she fits my channeling needs and the luck variant channeling isn't bad.

There are no requirements to GM games in PFS. You do not need a Venture Leiutenant, you just need the players to register their characters on the website and the GM to report the games and issue chronicles.

Liberating, Seductive and Fateful channel all have deity requirements in PFS, you cannot have all 3 of them. I would check their text on Archives of Nethys rather than the SRD. Seductive channel is largely terrible as it only provides its benefit once per day.

With a str of 6 wearing chainmail, carrying weapons and probably other equipment, you are likely to be in heavy encumbrance.

Just to be clear, I looked them up and seductive channel is a feat which requires you to worship Calistria, liberating channel requires worship of Cayden Cailean & fateful channel requires worship of Pharasma. Worshipping Desna allows you to take trailblazing channel, which isn't in your plan. Worship in this context is exclusive - you can't take more than one deity-specific channel feat.

andreww wrote:
There are no requirements to GM games in PFS. You do not need a Venture Leiutenant, you just need the players to register their characters on the website and the GM to report the games and issue chronicles.

Really ? I thought you had to be licensed and approved by the venture captain? Well that changes everything. I'll make sure to discuss this with the group.

andreww wrote:

Liberating, Seductive and Fateful channel all have deity requirements in PFS, you cannot have all 3 of them. I would check their text on Archives of Nethys rather than the SRD. Seductive channel is largely terrible as it only provides its benefit once per day.

With a str of 6 wearing chainmail, carrying weapons and probably other equipment, you are likely to be in heavy encumbrance.

I know seductive channel is bad, I only took it for level 1 when it will probly mean a full heal to the party once a day (average of 7.5 aoe heal)

I will however switch my deity to pharasma, which is the one I found coolest anyways, and stick with fateful channel.

Cause rerolls are key

As for the chainmail, I do have 7 str (6 is my baseline sine I'm middle aged, but immortal spark basically nullifies that) but you are quite correct, I'll calculate my encumbrance precisely until I can afford the spell slot on ant haul.

As for the strategy variant channel, it really irks me because the only deity to have strategy in their portfolio is Torah, a minor dwarf god. Which means it's a pretty pointless variant channeling to put in there.

The feats on pfsrd had portfolios and domains affiliated I thought Desna fit the enchantment luck/fate and freedom aspects. My bad.

New feat progression will be such:

Feat progression:
1:Channeling Surge/Selective Channel (Our group is very ranged focus so I want to test if i miss selective channel or not since it feels like a feat tax right now)
3:Spiritual Guardian
5:Quick Channel
7: Improved familiar (retrain Spiritual Guardian to spirit talker)
9: Fateful Channel
11: Destructive Dispel
13: Improved Counterspell
15: Parry Spell
17: Quicken Spell
19: ???

And i guess the fate variant channeling isn't bad since witch doctor forces me to have a counterspell hex, and counterspelling is a readied action.

This makes me think that I could probably turn my secondary feat focus into counterspelling/dispelling, I've taken out some adequate feats but I might change my mind.

The Exchange

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I mean Torag is the major dwarf god. Their creation mythos. Other gods would make sense to have strategy in their portfolio but it isn't pointless. Also if you do end up playing official PFS aasimar will require a boon.

And no stat adjustments from age category apply in PFS.

Edit: Took out the bit about non-human aasimar as that is not PFS legal either.

Damn pfs is hard to make a thematical group in.

First time characters have a free book don't they? If so that takes care of my problems.

I'll stay at Scion of humanity then, it changed very little except for my fluff.

The dm oked stat changes we will see if he rescinds, if that is the case I will not take immortal spark.

The Exchange

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Your first PFS character gets the Welcome to Pathfinder boon which gives a choice of starter items I believe. It is sadly not a race boon. They are typically handed out for Conventions/Gamedays/similar events.


The guide is free and details the non-boon races. At the moment it is the core races, the elmentals (Slyph, Oread, Ifrit, Undine), Kitsune, Tengu, Nagaji, and Wayang. Those are the ones I remember but there might be one or two more.

I can always switch to half elf and trade in all my racial bonuses for +2 Wis +2 charisma but bleh.

I'll see where the dm wants to go before I mod stats.

Also I forgot about familiar spell metamagic

AlastarOG wrote:
andreww wrote:

Liberating, Seductive and Fateful channel all have deity requirements in PFS, you cannot have all 3 of them. I would check their text on Archives of Nethys rather than the SRD. Seductive channel is largely terrible as it only provides its benefit once per day.

With a str of 6 wearing chainmail, carrying weapons and probably other equipment, you are likely to be in heavy encumbrance.

I know seductive channel is bad, I only took it for level 1 when it will probly mean a full heal to the party once a day (average of 7.5 aoe heal)

I will however switch my deity to pharasma, which is the one I found coolest anyways, and stick with fateful channel.

Cause rerolls are key

As for the chainmail, I do have 7 str (6 is my baseline sine I'm middle aged, but immortal spark basically nullifies that) but you are quite correct, I'll calculate my encumbrance precisely until I can afford the spell slot on ant haul.

If playing by pfs rules age modifiers to stats are ignored.

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