Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

ho, strange Vanir.....cease thy rough play.
"Any ideas what who whispers?" (knifes up, probably vainly) "This is me up the wrong alley."

Rousing from a deep sleep in the hole he dug under his umbrella just in time to hear the voices; Aso repeats a curse he has heard sworn oh so many times by the fat bigjobs who lost their coin betting against him, "We're f... f... f... f~&#ed!"

Male Halfling (Athasian) Psychic Warrior 4

"What is that?" asks Issiki. "Are these dryland spirits?"

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

<click squak>I am a warrior and archer; the bow and arrows will serve me best; daggers are no better than my claws,<chirp> but a sword and sheild would be nice for melee; perhaps one of you flightless things can make leather armor? <Kh Hkck> Water is life, I trade water for armor to prolong my life; bow and arrows to prolong yours.

gm <as stated I will summon water with my spell and purify the food and drink; didnt see that in your previous recant. This will use both of my 0 level spells and help us get out of this exhaustion and fatigue>

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

<== tries to get Zuko's attention

will approach and ask Zuko
"I wish to have private conversation with you Priest; do you assent?"

Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka wrote:
gm <as stated I will summon water with my spell and purify the food and drink; didnt see that in your previous recant.

Ah cool, I missed that. With the two of you summoning plus purifying the *ahem* waste water, that should help a lot.

The whispers don’t just surround the camp; they come from above and below now as well. Though it seems impossible to locate the source, they don’t appear dangerous as of yet, beyond the harm done to your sanity.

The voices grow more insistent:


“Wet the sand.”

“Give us life.”

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

If Kirrish witnesses the migrating tattoos that Faindriac found, he wants nothing to do with them. Bad elf magic is nothing he wants a part of. They're Faindriac's (or anyone else's) now.

After the wind starts whispering, his back hunches and his antennae begin to twitch in a most worried way. He keeps the kank close, perhaps hastily beginning to tie a harness for it.

Worried suggestion: We go. Now now now. No wait whisperer, no wait dry throats. Get water elsewhere.

Kirrish runs to rouse anyone else that needs help getting a move on, occasionally stopping to draw a small pattern in the sand with a "foot" or chittering rhythmically to himself in a superstitious attempt to ward off evil magic.

Aso points violently in the direction which the else have been supposed to travel. "G... g... g..." He growls. "Let's g... g... g... g... frackin' GO!"

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

Agreed, my little friend, we need to go.
*Holdrus turns and follows the halfling, keeping pace with him.*

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"hrrrm.....aye, move her on....."
Schenker moves out with Holdrus, Aso, and whoever else, knifed up in both hands.

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

"Yes-yes. Go go go. This all very strange."

Skarsnikt joins as the party moves out, head swinging around and antennas twitching wildly as he tries to locate the source of the whispering voices.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik's eyes burn like two violet flames in the darkness. As he turns to follow the departing group, the taciturn fighter uses his tiny flint razor to make a second tiny cut on his palm, next to the first. He watches for a second as the blood soaks into the sand, then picks up his pace, keeping up with the others, but several paces away.

Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka wrote:

<== tries to get Zuko's attention

will approach and ask Zuko
"I wish to have private conversation with you Priest; do you assent?"

"Kha-Chik-Chik-Ka, give me a moment then we can have that conversation." Zuko says, as he test the weight and balance of his new weapon. Taking a couple of practice swings, Zuko then executes a kata, striking high and low then coming to rest with the weapon raised above him.

"Now what is it you wish to talk about?"

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Faindriac offers to instruct any who are interested in the tattoos in their use. Explaining that one must have at least a potential for manipulating 'the Way'. If none none step forward to claim them now, he will keep them in his belt pouch till later. He decides not to try adopting any more tattoos himself until he learns more about them.

As the sun sets, and the whispers begin, Faindriac suddenly seems to be most motivated in getting on the trail of their former captors.

"I've not a talent for stealth mr Shenker." Faindriac picks up the thread of an earlier conversation. "But if it's a distraction you need when battle is engaged, I believe I can promise you that their attention shall be focused elsewhere." He grins, but looks over his shoulder nervously to see if the whispers have faded with distance. He sees Radik rubbing his palm, but moving out with the others.

Got 22 for KNowledge Arcana, and 18 for Knowledge Psionic HERE

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Hrrmmm....Mr. Faindriac...them skinscribbles....the healy one ought go to someone who can't fight so much, so as they can come patch a feller up who can keep slicing at it. And that falling scribble, that should ought to go to a feller who, unlike me, ain't gonna be too good on climbing up a wall.
Come of it, wager I bet the feathree one (points to the aaracockra) might could use it. I bet that one gets hurt way up high, that scribbley come in real nice and handy......hrrmmmm...."
(guess this convo woulda gone down during the day in the sauna, not when we've got the thirsty whispers jabbering around our campsite.)

As the whispers start...."any idea what this is? I take it my brain's cooked, but every else hears it too. 'water....water....thirsty...' wa wa wa, ye squawky pap, jine the club. Yer dead, so what good's water ya!"

Idle curiosity...which direction are we fleeing?

I was hoping the characters with the brains would decide. But if you ask me,

Toward, in the following order:
1. Water
2. Civilization
3. the asshats that tried to enslave us

If they are the same place, I don't think you will hear any quarreling amongst the party members. So Kirrish, who can track, is probably the best guy to ask. He might want to consult with someone who hasn't been locked in a cage for the last ten years, especially with someone who might have area knowledge.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi moves out with the rest of the group.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish is going to use his Know Direction power to figure out which way we have to head in relation to the closest landmark, be that Raam or something else. Then, he'll direct everyone toward it, likely with himself and the other kreen in front. Hiding right now may not be a great idea if he's leading everyone out of trouble.

I believe the party recovered a map.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi tries his hand at learning something about the whispering voices (first roll in each category), locating more favorable terrain (second roll in each category), and tracking the elves. I think he can take 20 on that giving him an unmodified check of 30.

Knowledge (local) 1d20+5=24, 1d20+5=17

Knowledge (nature) 1d20+8=21, 1d20+8=28

Survival 1d20+8=15, 1d20+8=12

Survival (track) 1d20+10=18

PS MalaKi can be very sneaky.

EDIT: Zuko is correct about the us having a map.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi votes for following the long eared sand running kankersuckers. We may not be able to catch them but they may lead us to some resources? I think MalaKi should be able to navigate by the stars using his survival skills if we need to do that.

For easy reference here is The Map.

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Yeah, Kirrish isn't huge on maps. He'll also try to pick up the filthy elves' tracks.

Survival: Track= 1d20+7=17+2 favored enemy (elf)= 19.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi strikes up a conversation with Kirrish. Using speech, pantomime, and sand drawings MalaKi tries to show Kirrish the groups location in relation to Raam. MalaKi also tries to question Kirrish (and any others listening) about a region known as “The Dragons Bowl”. The map shows what looks like water there.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

how far away is Raam, four days, right? A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush, even if it's an undead bird that wants to turn us into unliving thralls. They're bound to have water, I'll just have to figure out how to steal it.
If this is a democracy, I'm voting for Raam.

"Hrrrmmm....catching them elves...improbable. If they wind it that we're tailing them, they'll lead us round in circles until we're zaustered then ambush us and take us to Raam in fetters as was originally planned. I also don't want to find out that that water in the dragon's bowl is poisonous. I think there must be some reason none of those roads on that map don't, like, go there. I think I was a merchantman, I'd head there if it was posh. Raam might be a hussy, but I reckon she's a wet hussy."

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish will confer with the thin-shell about possible courses, growing ever more nervous about the voices.

I'm not sure if he knows anything about the Dragon's Bowl, since he's not from this area originally. I made a knowledge: nature roll to see. 1d20+4=17

If that's a success:

Declaration: This one not think Dragon's...he scoops out a little trough in the sand to say 'bowl'...wise course. Water no good, sick sick. Long-ear sandwalkers no go there. Clutch wiser go city-dweller wall house get water.

If that's a failure:

Declaration: Not know this land well. Good talk others know well. Dead carry creature may take...he grabs his top forearms at the wrist with his bottom forearms to represent shackles and the word 'slave'...city dweller wall house. Long-ear sand walkers could go either place.

At Shenker's suggestion, Kirrish bobs his head. Agree: City dweller wise declaration. Want hunt long-ear sandwalker, no quarry to long-ear sandwalker.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Aye....we can always come back on them points. Always. I'm cocked for that, I'd like a proper more bit of shanks firstly."

"R... r... r... Raam. Aso needs a b... b... b... frackin' blade."

I never suggested where Aso was in my bio, but it ain't Raam. I'm thinking somewhere south.

If we can figure out the direction the slavers were taking, then we can find the direction to Raam.

Whenever the voices cease, and oblivious to the conferences around him about where to go, Aso wanders apart from but in the same general direction as the rest and mutters to himself repetitively.

"Break the l... l... locks, b... b... bigger lock. B... b... break the biglock, superbig l... l... lock. Can't break the locks. Don't break the locks." Grunts and growls follow. Aso seems to be acting out fights he remembers sometimes fallling to the ground and wrestling with ghosts that trouble his damaged mind.

Then, "three months scraping a hole through the f... f... frackin' floor, almost done, almost done, almost, almost. Bigjob d... d... FRACK. B... bigjob decides to move the c... c... cage and he find it!" Aso sneers and swings his club at the sand.

And a little later: "That frackin' d... d... d... dog, it was that frackin' big frackin' dog. Old b... b... bigjob's dog. Didn't think Aso could take it. No, no. NO, they didn't. Arena dog k... k... killed 9 bigjobs they said. F... f... frickin' fatman lost the frackin' money and we had to m... m... m... move."

The autobiographic monologue goes on for some time, recounting increasingly horrendous events.

Thinking about Aso's background, I guess he's been all over the tablelands and will probably recognize Raam--and arenagoers in the big cities may likewise recognize Aso. Being locked in the cage, though, he has neither a sense of how to get from place to place nor any really useful knowledge about the places themselves.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Hey, Aso!" Schenker says from 15 feet away or so...."there, allright, then, feller? Sokay, sokay,....there's thing we all got as remembering is not all too grandiose. I'll tell you, though, I'll tell you it'll be allrighty right, so."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Hey, Aso, you need a hug, feller?"

lol. Aso is very huggable, as long as he has eaten in the last 24 hours. And I reckon everyone has fleas by now.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
Aso wrote:
lol. Aso is very huggable, as long as he has eaten in the last 24 hours. And I reckon everyone has fleas by now.

Muls don't have hair. No hair, no fleas.

Small warrior, you are the victor. Your battles are won, and your freedom is here. I will help you fight whatever battles are to come, so let your mind be at ease. We will face the fights together.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

"Would someone shut up that yapping dog?"

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Ach! *cough cough* were you raised by a T'liz? Guy's got the willies. Go pud off in your mekillot head!"

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Shenker wrote:
"Ach! *cough cough* were you raised by a T'liz? Guy's got the willies. Go pud off in your mekillot head!"

"If I had half a mind to, I'd slit your throat and drink your blood for the water. But I won't, see? I wouldn't want to off-put our mutual acquantences."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"You couldn't kick my ass if I helped you."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

"I once killed twenty men with my bare hands. I don't think I'd have any problem dealing with a filthy, scrawny degenerate like you."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Lies, all lies."

Holdrus Rippor wrote:

Muls don't have hair. No hair, no fleas.

not even eyebrows?

Zuko observes the flaring discussion between Shenker and Radik. To his mind's eye, he can see the influence of the Flame bathing them in its embrace.

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Faindriac notes the growing verbal jibes between the two. But seems content to watch for now. Seeing Zuko observing them as well, and then looking at Faindriac, he comments quietly,...

"In my experience, It's only worth worrying about when they STOP insulting each other." He smirks. "THEN we'll either see who is as good as they say, or we'll show them who is REALLY 'top dog'."

Be traveling for a week, don't know when I'll get to post again. Happy New Year!

Have f... f... fun!

The group mills about, quarrelling over which way to head, but all in agreement not to remain with the disembodied voices.

The whispers chatter and titter, milling about the site where Radik stood moments before, switching to subtle pleas of ”more” and ”ask” before returning to their ubiquitous request for “water.”

Sadly, your captor’s tracks are lost to the hard pack of the road.

As Kirrish focuses, he pulls away from from his body, viewing the area from a great height. He can see the deadly choking silt sea to the southeast, and the equally perilous dragon’s bowl to the northwest. Far to the west, the city of yaramuke fills his exoskeleton with a nameless dread, and the equally distant Forts to the east still ring with a sense of unease following his recent abduction. Three days hard walk to the southwest lays Raam, replete with danger, but also water, civilization and shelter, of a sort. Lastly, at the very northern edge of his new perception are three tiny elves passing Shazlim, en route to the Silver Spring, with a fourth elf not far behind in dogged pursuit.

Faindrac is unable to determine the origin of the voices, though after collaborating with MalaKi, the two are able to piece together enough lore and legend to say with certainly the voices are not unique. Apparently, if a traveler is foolish enough to provide the whispers with sufficient hydration, one may ask questions of the voices, which answer with unearthly accuracy. Tales of such occurrences are rare; as typically the thoughtless traveler’s first question of the voices is, “Where do I find more water?”

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
I'm not sure if he knows anything about the Dragon's Bowl, since he's not from this area originally.

It's a famous landmark, the roll should be sufficient. If you need specific details I can provide them. There is indeed potable water there, but it's well guarded, and a steep decent of several days.

Aso wrote:
but it ain't Raam. I'm thinking somewhere south.

Not that you'd need to either, but Draj is south of Raam, if you like.

Aso wrote:
not even eyebrows?

Those poor Mul women with the painted on eyebrows, if they cared for such fancies...

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
Be traveling for a week, don't know when I'll get to post again. Happy New Year!

Take care, we'll be here!

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Buddy, if you ever kick my ass in a dream you better wake up and apologize."

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"So, can anybody think of anything to ask the thirsty yapper flappers? If not, I'm for Raam. I can't think of nothing or anything. Hrrrmmm....."

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
Shenker wrote:
"So, can anybody think of anything to ask the thirsty yapper flappers? If not, I'm for Raam. I can't think of nothing or anything. Hrrrmmm....."


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