Dark Sun PbP #1 - The Fine Art of Reciprocity


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Aso wrote:
Now that's literature. Comes from?

It’s best not to stare directly into my madness (and thank you). Incidentally, the dwarf’s instrument actually exists. One free critical confirmation to the first person to identify it.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

was in the description from our gm; but is remniscent of wizard of oz heh

Aso wrote:
Now that's literature. Comes from?

Kirrish carefully picks shattered pieces of the bar from the creases of his exoskeleton, while Faindrac bounds from beneath the archway, flush with the sensation of being alive.

The bartended rises from behind the counter, a bit unsteady as he gapes at the devastation in disbelief, “Not happening. This is not happening.”

Malaki steps through what used to be the entrance to the tavern but is now little more than a gaping hole, seeking the source of the popping, which resumes, stops, and then continues again as he walks.

Turning, he can see a dark silhouette etched into the wall of the bar, weathered permanent in mere moments. Something in the depression twinkles in the much-welcome daylight.

The crackling sound draws his attention away from the sparkle for the moment, and looking up MalaKi can see an enormous breech in the once mighty city walls. Several templars are investigating the damaged barrier. As you watch, the wards on one side of the fissure flare to life, sending a bolt of raw elemental power sparking across the fissure where it connects to the sorcerous wards of the neighboring wall. After an extended pause, the process repeats.

Timing the period between the jolts, an ambitious templar nudges his immediate superior into the cleft for a “closer look” at the exact moment the ward unites. In an instant, the lead templar vaporizes in a puff of greasy, orange smoke, leaving behind nothing but a slowly rotating golden symbol of office. The ambitious subordinate snatches up the amulet, then directs nearby townsfolk to begin repairs to the fortification with whatever rubble is at hand. They obey…with great care.

Watching all this come to pass in a bit of a daze, a hand upon Malaki’s shoulder shakes him back to reality. Turning to see who it is, he beholds a skeletal hand attached to a smallish, bleached skeleton with a thick pelvis. The undead’s jawbone clacks and chatters for a brief moment, and then the monstrosity begins to claw at MalaKi with abandon.

From the neighboring alleys appear similar skeletons, all smoothly polished and stark white. Two, then a handful, then a dozen, then more; all closing fast upon the living occupants of Iz Z’tal.

Diving behind the bar for a second time, you hear the owner exclaim, “Does anyone wish to purchase a newly renovated tavern for a one-time low price?”

Aso switches tacks in an instant, grabbing hold of the bewildered Shenker. The two men blunder into Radik, and they huddle together, inching slowly down the street with their faces towards each other in a ring, straining to keep from blowing away or falling down in the hurricane force winds.

Time to break the bad news: Each round you remain outside, you take 1d4 points of damage as the wind whipped sand flays your skin off. Heavy cover (we’ll include Kha-Chik in here) reduces this damage to 1d6-3 (minimum 1). This is round 1.

Kha-Chik augments her vision with a stray thought command. Eyes sparkling silver, her gaze pierces the storm somewhat, revealing an overturned, curtained litter not far from where the group struggles. Three desperate men inside the palanquin hold a half-dozen slaves against the storm as shielding, the back half of the retainers flensed clean by the whirlwind.

Farther down the street, a semicircle of templars utilizes the same approach on a grander scale. Huddling behind a ring of half-giants with full body riot shields, the priests of the Sorcerer King begin working some great magic in concert. The remaining party members perceive only dark shapes moving within the whirling sand.

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

"Run-run, fire priest. Fight deadf not possible, dead numerous, feel no pain." Skarsnikt grabs MalaKi in one set of arms and set off down the street, looking for a room low enough to jump up on. "Run, clutch, run!"

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

how far is the Tavern and how many rounds would it take to get there? Would having my toon cast barkskin upon herself help? it would increase her natural ac by 2....

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

Our choices are thus, my comrades:
1) make for the tavern, though it is some distance
2) shatter or trick open a door of a home and seek shelter there, perhaps uninvited
3) make shelter from this rubble and fight a loosing ongoing battle

what say you, choose quickly!

I say shatter or trick door now!


Valegrim wrote:

was in the description from our gm; but is remniscent of wizard of oz heh

Aso wrote:
Now that's literature. Comes from?

Haha, I missed that one cuz I was looking for something specific. Lol.

Male Human Level Adjustment +1 Rogue 1 Ranger 2 Sidewinder Monk 1

MalaKi starts to step back in surprise as the skeleton begins to claw at him. His mind races as he thinks something about the skeleton strikes him as familiar. Could this be the remains of the female dwarf who was sandblasted to bone before his very eyes? How could she still be “alive”? His moment of reflection is shattered as he is lifted off his feet by powerful insect arms. MalaKi shouts, “Skarsnikt wait!” to no avail. He makes a last ditch desperate attempt to grab the twinkling item from the dark depression.

Would this be a straight dexterity check?
dexterity check: (1d20+2=15)

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

Aso; do you think you and I can burst that door open?
<points accross the street into the murk>

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
G'mork wrote:
Aso wrote:
Now that's literature. Comes from?
It’s best not to stare directly into my madness (and thank you). Incidentally, the dwarf’s instrument actually exists. One free critical confirmation to the first person to identify it.

You never did actually say what it looked like.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2

Radik spits out a mouthful of sand, deciding that it's best to return to the relative safety of the tavern.

Through his fetid elf-shirt shemagh Aso replies: "Phughh wwwww wgghh."

He starts moving with kachik to the door.

Every man for himself?

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

No; everyone follow me to the door; now; get close; follow me; CHIRP! CHIRP! CHIRP!

cast barkskin and magic talon to give my claws +1; we'll tear this door apart if we have too...


CHIRP! CHIRP! CHIRP! (regular intervals)

spot 16+9 plus using elven sight: 25
survival 12 (sheesh)20; not the heroic roll I would have liked hehe
will 14 +3 17
int roll to remember the door? 11 ack
geography to remember the layout 9 +3 11 hehe this might be a goose chase
concentration; 12 +4 = 16

prayer; oh spirits forgive the short humonoid if he has offended you; give us a window in this storm; guide our way for we are not weak and would not perish in this or any other test. There are deeds to do and wrongs to right; this land to heal; give us but a window and a chance and we shall prevail!


Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

OH; the anxiety; will we make it; will we be the next victims of the flesh-eating storm; :)

btw ASO your not a man hehe

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

On my initiative, I would like to grab a piece of fallen tavern to use like a makeshift club (or a big fallen beam, wielded in four arms like a greatclub) and start hacking into the undead. I'll roll if you think that's possible in one round, otherwise this bug is content.

"Query: This...usual, city dweller cities? This one not see how wastes any greater danger..."

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

"Ah. And the madness continues unabated. Good. For a moment I was concerned that perchance our luck had changed. The ensuing boredom would have been maddening." He raises his hands as the undead begin closing in.

Will wait to post exact action until I see if the others are going to 'fry or fly', as we caster types say. ;) So far I see one fleeing, trying to carry another with him, and one preparing to stay and fight.

Skarsnikt wrote:
"Run-run, fire priest. Fight deadf not possible, dead numerous, feel no pain." Skarsnikt grabs MalaKi in one set of arms and set off down the street, looking for a room low enough to jump up on. "Run, clutch, run!"

Down the street. Huh. I did not see that coming, should make things interesting. :)

Valegrim wrote:
how far is the Tavern and how many rounds would it take to get there? Would having my toon cast barkskin upon herself help? it would increase her natural ac by 2....

Other side of town, and more than it would take to strip you all clean. I’m going to say yes, barkskin would help. This thing still damages buildings, but we’ll call it minimum damage each round. You’ll need a concentration check to cast it in the storm, though.

MalaKi wrote:

Would this be a straight dexterity check?

dexterity check: (1d20+2=15)

Sure, that works. I’ll call it a success and work it in.

"Radik Aurel wrote:
You never did actually say what it looked like.
G'mork wrote:
The source of the soulful harmony is immediately apparent: near the rear of the room is a modified spinner’s wheel. A Halfling chained to the device pumps feverishly at a foot pedal, causing a dozen gold-rimmed glass bowls of consecutively increasing size to rotate on a long wooden rod driven through their centers. A legless Dwarf works his kank honey covered fingers over the bowl rims with satisfaction, drawing haunting notes from an aether only his milky gaze can perceive.
Aso wrote:
Every man for himself?

Ever watch cattle being driven off a cliff?

Kirrish-Kreshk-Skiklik wrote:
I'll roll if you think that's possible in one round, otherwise this bug is content.

Sure, why not? There’s enough junk all over the place to make snatching an improvised weapon(s) into a free action.

Zuko runs immediately.

Some music for Zuko's running.

Aso follows Kha-Chik.

Male Thri-kreen Monk 2 (ECL 6)

Huh. Somehow I mixed up Zuko and MalaKi - AND I thought he was a halfling! Feel free to disregard the grabbing, then, as I might not be big and strong enough to just zoom off with a largish human. My bad, all.

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
G'mork wrote:
The source of the soulful harmony is immediately apparent: near the rear of the room is a modified spinner’s wheel. A Halfling chained to the device pumps feverishly at a foot pedal, causing a dozen gold-rimmed glass bowls of consecutively increasing size to rotate on a long wooden rod driven through their centers. A legless Dwarf works his kank honey covered fingers over the bowl rims with satisfaction, drawing haunting notes from an aether only his milky gaze can perceive.

My best guess would be a hydrocrystalophone.

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

Faindriac looks at 'Snikt running down the street, followed closely by Zuko. Then back to Malaki, and Kirrish picking up a beam.

His Psicrystal flashes frantically.

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking!" He replies, irritated.

With a tired sigh, he calls out to Malaki and Kirrish. "Come along you two. Better part of valor and all that." He cries, moving to follow Zuko.

'We might have taken them together, but if the fire priest decides it's time to stretch his legs, who am I to argue?!'

'Less talking, more running!'

Aso breaks wind into the blasting howl. That warm feeling fills his leathers for just a moment.

Radik Aurel wrote:
My best guess would be a hydrocrystalophone.

Freaky. I'd like to hear it.

Female Aarakoras race adjustment+2; ranger 4

ok; was my roll of 16 for concentration good enough?
anyway; we make for the nearest building and smash in the door and enter to get out of the storm; hopefully we wont bust off the door as we will need it to keep out the storm; dicey choice; but survival sometimes calls for extreme measures.


Radik Aurel wrote:
My best guess would be a hydrocrystalophone

I call it “armonica,” but it is the same thing. Congrats. ;)

Aso wrote:
Freaky. I'd like to hear it.

If you listened to the .ogg file, you already have heard it. Ben Franklin used to jam on one; they’re supposed to drive people crazy.

Yah, I caught that. Thought it was a synthesizer. Now visualizing Ben Frnaklin on one, that's a little work.

Aso wrote:
Now visualizing Ben Frnaklin on one, that's a little work.

You would think so, but google around for "william zeitler."

MalaKi does a frantic magpie impression, groping for the shiny object in desperation as Skarsnikt scoops the large man into his four arms. Unwilling to relinquish its prize, the skeleton scores five thin channels into MalaKi’s leg with gleaming white finger bones (AoO, 1d20+1 = 21, Crit. Confirm 11 (fail), damage 1d4+1=4). As MalaKi clutches what turns out to be a thin metal tube covered with runic writing, the Kreen commences a panicked dash towards the oblivious templars.

The dwarf skeleton turns and lays a hand upon the tavern windowsill, hefting itself upward into the tavern and the life pulsing inside. Kirrish snatches up a nearby chair leg and shoves the frantic patrons aside. Unflappable, he strides to the front of the bar and clouts the skeleton out of the frame. Illyen takes this as a good time to vacate the premises, nodding to Faindrac before leaping out the window after Skarsnikt.

Male Athasian Elf Beguiler 4

"No time like the present!"


Kha-Chik beseeches the spirits for a clear path, but, ever the pragmatist, also includes a appeal for better defense against the scouring soil. Her feathers condense and harden, turning from fair to russet as she racks her brain, attempting to remember the path to the administration building next door. Directing Aso and the others to follow her and trusting in nature to guide them beyond this unnatural storm, Kha-Chik forges ahead.

Shaking his head and spitting dirt, Radik decides he’s had enough sand in his crevices for one lifetime and sprints back to the perceived shelter of the hotel, to the scornful laughter of the zombie attendant.

“You’ve checked out. Pay up for another day or get lost!,” She says, rattling the coin box just below Radik’s nose.

Reminders: Inn - Aso, Radik, Holdrus, Kha-Chik, Marada, and Shenker
Tavern - Zuko, Kirrish, Skarsnikt, Zuko, MalaKi, Illyen, and Faindrac

A terrified patron shakes the bartender upright, yelling, “Is there a back way out of this place?”

Cash drawer in one hand, stout sjambok in the other, he comments dryly “Yeah, it’s in the back,” before shucking free and ducking back down beneath the bar.

Zuko perks up at this, then sprints towards the kitchen.

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)

FOUL DEAD B!%+$!!! *Holdrus knocks the box from her dead hand and tosses the deceased b%##* out into the sandstorm.*
1d20 6=25, 1d20 7=14
There is a touch attack and grapple check if needed, let me know what else you need me to roll for this.

To be frank (or Mike, as the case may be), I’m amazed it took you this long. I’m assuming you ducked in after Radik then.

No grapple check required, muahahaha.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

Schenker ducks as he walks in the door, and Holdrus' pitch goes flying over his head.
"Hrrrmmm....nice throw, gladeradiator."

Male Mul Warrior 4 (SRD generic class)
G'mork wrote:

To be frank (or Mike, as the case may be), I’m amazed it took you this long. I’m assuming you ducked in after Radik then.

No grapple check required, muahahaha.

Yeah, I kinda followed along, I guess. Holdrus is about at the end of his rope with the undead situation in town also....

Male Human (Athasian mutant) Psion3/Wiz1

'Is it too much to ask that we stick together?' Faindriac asks Cair as he watches Illyen leap nimbly through the window after Skarsnikt.

(sigh) 'Nevermind.' He answers his own question as he sees Zuko head for the kitchen.

"Kirrish! Stay with Scarsnikt, don't let him eat the elf! Yet. I'll stay with the priest. Meet us back at the Inn-Between!"

"Zuko, wait up! Don't get separated!" The tall human shouts as he follows the fire priest towards the kitchen. "Why are you running anyway?" He asks as he catches up to Zuko. "I thought you could command them yourself, or at least cause them to flee?"

Just to verify, the ones who did not go to the meeting are still playing out surviving the storm, but for those who were at the meeting, the storm is over? (Don't fancy running headfirst into the storm myself. I'd rather fight the undead!) ;)

Male Thri-kreen Thri-kreen 2/ Ranger 2

Kirrish grabs a chair, if handy, to fend off the undead outside and bounds, cricketlike, after Skarsnikt.

"Request: Not let house-owner hold cash; we not drink drinks, we get cash again."

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Aso wrote:
Yah, I caught that. Thought it was a synthesizer. Now visualizing Ben Frnaklin on one, that's a little work.


M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
G'mork wrote:

Shaking his head and spitting dirt, Radik decides he’s had enough sand in his crevices for one lifetime and sprints back to the perceived shelter of the hotel, to the scornful laughter of the zombie attendant.

“You’ve checked out. Pay up for another day or get lost!,” She says, rattling the coin box just below Radik’s nose.

Radik was there first. Heh.

Radik sneers at the undead attendant. In one swift motion, Radik grabs the zombie's upper and lower jaws, then pulls back, splitting the creature's skull away from its neck and lower jaw. This move was one of his signatures on the gladiator circuit, going by the popular moniker of the "reverse curb-stomp".

Still holding the skull, Radik tosses the corpse over his shoulder. Catching it, Holdrus breaks it in half and chucks it into the maelstrom.

As a final insult, Radik drop-kicks the coin box into the sandstorm.

Str check: 16 + 4 = 20

He searches for something he can use for a weapon. Finding nothing, Radik simply wraps his hands with an unused coil of rope and goes zombie-hunting.

"The Lady hath blessed me with iron skin. None shall pierce it.
The Lady hath blessed me with an iron grasp. All shall fall beneath me.
The Lady hath blessed me with a far hand. None shall pass me and live.

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"Shenanigans!" heh heh...

M Human Fighter 3 / Binder 2
Shenker wrote:
"Shenanigans!" heh heh...

"Next person who says 'Shenanigans' will get PISTOL-WHIPPED!"

male human lvl 6 +1la human; 5lvl rogue xp 15,00--21,000 next levelup

"What's a pistol. And it's Athas, so what's a pistil, for that matter.

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:

"Zuko, wait up! Don't get separated!" The tall human shouts as he follows the fire priest towards the kitchen. "Why are you running anyway?" He asks as he catches up to Zuko. "I thought you could command them yourself, or at least cause them to flee?"

"Would you want to be here when the templars arrive? Let's go."

Holdrus Rippor wrote:
Holdrus is about at the end of his rope with the undead situation in town also....

I regret to inform you I have what might be construed as..."bad news"...

Faindriac Fellstar wrote:
Just to verify, the ones who did not go to the meeting are still playing out surviving the storm, but for those who were at the meeting, the storm is over? (Don't fancy running headfirst into the storm myself. I'd rather fight the undead!) ;)

Correct, Sir! Although something mighty interesting is about to happen over that way (or at least, if I can shake this GD headache it will...

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