Legion of Super Heroes


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Liberty's Edge

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

We went to Bass Pro Shop yesterday; there were these three foot long catfish in a big aquarium.

So today, my 5 y.o. son is Catfish Man.
Look out, Mon El. Your doom comes nigh.
So basically you couldn't get the job done yourself and now your son has to take over for his father.....? Wow! Kinda blows your credibility!

Funny, I said the same thing about the Justice League of America, w.r.t. The Legion of Superheroes!!!!!

Heathansson wrote:
Look out, Mon El. Your doom comes nigh.

More than you know Heath. I regret to say that DC comics has just announced the cancellation of the current Legion of Super-Heroes comic at issue #50 (were at #46 right now).

Legion of 3 Worlds will finish its course of 5 issues.

2009 will have various Legion projects though no specific details have been announced.

L.E.G.I.O.N. making a comeback even though it is not a Legion comic per say but a spin off...at least that is my understanding of it. Strictly Rumor.

Paul Levitz indicated that he may be returning to Legion but didn't say how or when. Confirmed at a convention assuming the poster at Legion World was being forthright.

They will move the Legion to the 21st century. Strictly Rumor.

Again, these are all rumors at this point...little has been confirmed.

Warner Brothers Legion comic ends its run on issue #20. Confirmed.

All on Legion's 50th Anniversary! Thing is though sales aren't that bad...not great...but other ongoing DC titles are doing a lot worse. Personally, I think with Legion of 3 Worlds they are going to rebuild or restructure the Legion universe all over in an attempt to fix their muddled crisis situation.

Please no sarcastic comments about things though ok, my feelings are hurt enough. For some Legion fans it's like WOTC 4th edition all over again. For me....I have faith that it isn't just a big axe coming down but rather a restructuring and DC is limiting their announcements at this time. But still......I SURE HOPE THEY BRING BACK THE ORIGINAL LEGION AND THAT THEY ARE NOT OLDER, BUT RATHER REMAIN TEENS OR IN THEIR VERY EARLY TWENTIES......

Liberty's Edge

That's a bummer, man.
I remember I used to get John Carter Warlord of Mars Marvel Comics, was really into them, then "yoink" the Burroughs estate took the trademark back right in the middle of a storyline or something.

Heathansson wrote:

That's a bummer, man.

I remember I used to get John Carter Warlord of Mars Marvel Comics, was really into them, then "yoink" the Burroughs estate took the trademark back right in the middle of a storyline or something.

I read most of the Tarzan books in junior high, loved a few liked several. Same author I believe.

Liberty's Edge

Yep. I had one Tarzan vs. John Carter comic. (Dark Horse) some assassin chick tried to put Tarzan in the arena to get killed by Martian 4-armed apes. But they were Tarzan's minions. He's lord of the jungle no matter what planet.
AND, John Carter's real strong on Mars due to the low gravity. So Tarzan's a freakin' superhero there!

Liberty's Edge

I don't care what reboot they do after Legion of 5 worlds...Ill buy any title that has the Legion in it ;)

Personally, I half expected this too....

and Loves me some ERB and John Carter!

Ive read every book by ERB, except his extensive Tarzan series...but all the odd books, the few westerns, John Carter, Carson Napier, and David Innes...

and yes, did read the comics too :D

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

If anyone is still trying to find a copy of "Legion of 3 Worlds" #1, let me know; the local store still has three or four copies on the wall.

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Look out, Mon El. Your doom comes nigh.

More than you know Heath. I regret to say that DC comics has just announced the cancellation of the current Legion of Super-Heroes comic at issue #50 (were at #46 right now).

Legion of 3 Worlds will finish its course of 5 issues.

2009 will have various Legion projects though no specific details have been announced.

L.E.G.I.O.N. making a comeback even though it is not a Legion comic per say but a spin off...at least that is my understanding of it. Strictly Rumor.

Paul Levitz indicated that he may be returning to Legion but didn't say how or when. Confirmed at a convention assuming the poster at Legion World was being forthright.

They will move the Legion to the 21st century. Strictly Rumor.

Again, these are all rumors at this point...little has been confirmed.

Warner Brothers Legion comic ends its run on issue #20. Confirmed.

All on Legion's 50th Anniversary! Thing is though sales aren't that bad...not great...but other ongoing DC titles are doing a lot worse. Personally, I think with Legion of 3 Worlds they are going to rebuild or restructure the Legion universe all over in an attempt to fix their muddled crisis situation.

Please no sarcastic comments about things though ok, my feelings are hurt enough. For some Legion fans it's like WOTC 4th edition all over again. For me....I have faith that it isn't just a big axe coming down but rather a restructuring and DC is limiting their announcements at this time. But still......I SURE HOPE THEY BRING BACK THE ORIGINAL LEGION AND THAT THEY ARE NOT OLDER, BUT RATHER REMAIN TEENS OR IN THEIR VERY EARLY TWENTIES......

::picks up thread for the first time in a few days::


They're doing WHAT to the WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

::picks up flamethrower and cheesy domino mask:: Time to visit DC headquarters. They'll never know it was ME!

Freehold DM wrote:

::picks up thread for the first time in a few days::

They're doing WHAT to the WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

::picks up flamethrower and cheesy domino mask:: Time to visit DC headquarters. They'll never know it was ME!

Regretfully I don't make this stuff up, I just report it. Visit the DC site of Legion world and get back to me so we can have a complaint session. On the more positive side, the other day I picked up the 3rd installment of the Legion cartoon version DVD.

Currently I am writing the first plotline and it involves introducing things to the players who are not Legion comic fans but rather fans of roleplaying games. This means their knowledge of Legion is limited to my constant Legion babble. In the first plot, I wanted to introduce certain key Legion elements....namely, The UP, Takron Galtos, and the Legion of Super Villains.

The plot so far is pretty simple. Tarik the Mute is forming the Legion of Super Villains (LSV). He plans on damaging/destroying earth as a show of power for his newly formed LSV.

Many decades ago Tarik the Mute worked as a scientist on Dalak 8, a inhospitable planetoid which scientists once attempted to create a weather/geological computer program that was capable of creating physical changes on planets in order to make them more hospitable. The research station was built underground on Dalok 8. Over the years some success was achieved but it was unable to maintain long term effects and eventually the project was abandoned as was Dalak 8 (simiar to Star Trek's Genesis).

Now Tarik the Mute has decided to form his Legion of Super Villains. He has already employed Cosmic King and Saturn Queen and has his eyes on Lightning Lord. Cosmic King has been given orders to go to Dalak 8 and retrieve the programs and some of the machienry from Dalak 8.

Saturn Queen will be infilitrating the mind of the commander at Takron Galtos (The Prison Planet). With her mental influence, the Prison Planet will see the biggest inmate breakout ever. Select individuals who are deemed worthy for the LSV that are currently at Takron Galtos will be taken aboard a space ship hovering over the planet while absolute chaos insues at the prison below.

Lightning Lord is hatching a plot to assassinate a UP representative from his home planet Winath. Now as most Legion fans know, children are born in sets of twins on this planet, with very rare exceptions occurring. Lightning Lord was one of these rare exceptions and as a result, didn't have the bond everyone else on the planet has, which in twin has caused him to make some mistakes in life. After years of resentment, Lightning Lord is hoping to pin the blame on his brother Lightning Lad. Now Tarik the must will have gotten into the head of Lightning Lord and help arrange the assassination. The motivation for assassinating the UP representative is that he holds particularly harsh attitudes towards single siblings (as compared to twins) and Lightning Lord's seedy past has caused the two to cross paths before.

Now we have three plots above, all of which start out separate and eventually become intertwined (as this is the intended nature of the game). Each PC will play a different Legionnaire in each of the above scenarious, thus a minimum of 3 or 4 characters total. Once Cosmic King plot starts to unravel and we play that for a bit, we stop at (hopefully)a cliffhanger, switch characters, and start the second scenario; then again switch characters and start the 3rd storyline. Eventually, as each develops, they start to weave together.

Here's what I'm looking for...suggestions on the type of "feel" Takron Galtros should have. It will be introduced to the players for the first time as this will be the first game we will have played. I want to represent the prison planet as well as possible. Any suggestions on how to make it feel like well....Takron Galtros should be like are welcome. What should the prison breakout be like? How should the prison be portrayed (without making it impossible for the PCs)? What situations could occur to create interesting encounters during the prison break or afterwards?

What about the assassination plot involving the UP Representative and Lightning Lord? Where does it happen? How does Lightning Lord try to pin the blame on his brother Lightning Lad? I don't have a PC who selecting Lightning Lad as a character but someone did select Saturn Girl, who is Lightning Lad's steady girlfriend. So perhaps more of a tie for her than him?

The overall plot is to take the knowledge Cosmic King steals from Dalak 8 and unleash the geological and weather effects upon earth, essentially trying to bring it to its knees as a show of power of the newly formed LSV.

So I'm looking for anyone interested in offering plot ideas, ways to advance things, tie them together. Keep in mind that the rules are only very partially complete but we have decided to try and playtest what we have and wing the rest as we go. This is due for two reasons, 1: We need to playtest and fix basic things in the core combat rules. 2: Were getting impatient and want to game.

So any suggestions you'd like to offer?

"Fire, Flames, Burn it all; <insert maniacle laugher>"

<= wakes up from his pleasant dream

what; oh; yeah; playtest; yum; good; plotlines; whoot!

Valegrim wrote:

"Fire, Flames, Burn it all; <insert maniacle laugher>"

<= wakes up from his pleasant dream

what; oh; yeah; playtest; yum; good; plotlines; whoot!

Thank you, but what is missing is Valegrims excellent input on plot direction. Just hoping to expediate the processes because I'm getting way to giddy and impatient about getting somewhere. It is weird trying to playtest something that isn't completed but it seems to me the only way to go.

anything you like; just email me or such for anything you like.

Valegrim wrote:
anything you like; just email me or such for anything you like.

Oh, I was hoping to start some plot direction discussion here. Thought maybe Freehold DM and Heath might join as well. Perhaps Set, or others. Basically help me zippity zip the plot thinking process. At the moment I'm working on a spread sheet for Legionnaire statistics. I'm thinking about going to Hardees for dinner. I like the chilli dogs they got with mustard and onions. Maybe a nap later, then more Legion.

::mutters:: Cancelling..Legion...DiDio will pay...flames everywhere...heheheheheheh...

Whoops. Didn't realize I was typing out loud..heh.

The plotline sounds GREAT. It's old school, but believable. Just don't have the LOSV backstabbing each other at the last second, which is a personal pet peeve of mine (evil always turns on itself! ::waggles fingers expresively:: BS, in my opinion).

And include that guy who can turn himself flat as a piece of paper..I always thought his powers were more potent than the comic realized.

Freehold DM wrote:

::mutters:: Cancelling..Legion...DiDio will pay...flames everywhere...heheheheheheh...

Whoops. Didn't realize I was typing out loud..heh.

The plotline sounds GREAT. It's old school, but believable. Just don't have the LOSV backstabbing each other at the last second, which is a personal pet peeve of mine (evil always turns on itself! ::waggles fingers expresively:: BS, in my opinion).

And include that guy who can turn himself flat as a piece of paper..I always thought his powers were more potent than the comic realized.

I'm just starting to get the first encounter or two together for each plotline. I'm looking for some neat suggestions to dress them up. For example....what would you envision the prison breakout to be like? I need to make it interesting and at the same time successful for the forthcoming LSV. What are some suitable distractions? The only one I have come up with so far is having Black Mace having cornered some Science Police officers and the PCs have a chance to stop him. I need other heroic distractions in order to let some of the bad guys get away.

I need to fill out Lightning Lad's personal dilemna. Where does the assassination attempt take place, how is it done? What is the after effect like? Exactly how does Mekt Ranzz attempt to frame his brother?

What encounters could I have at the research base other than patrolling robots?

How do these events begin to tie together?

Freehold DM wrote:
And include that guy who can turn himself flat as a piece of paper..I always thought his powers were more potent than the comic realized.

You must mean Ron Karr. Actually I was going to include him, I'll just have him slip under a door or something to be a bit more effective. Any other ideas to utilize his er....power of flattening oneself?

I was up all night looking on the internet for information on the LSV. I made a spread sheet for their basic stats as well as one for almost all of the Legionnaires. Good times!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Well, the new Legion of 3 Worlds came out this week.

At least one version of Brainiac 5 has worked with alternate versions of himself before.

When two entire alternate sets of Legions appear in front of you, and a green-skinned blonde guy with your voice announces, "This is an emergency. I am Brainiac 5--" ... how the Sprock is it any help at all to announce, "No, wait! I am Brainiac 5" and get into an argument about it?

12th-Level Effector Intelligence, my behind.

Well; when I do a plot line; I do it more or less like this.

I pick a main villian for the party and decide how powerful he is and how much influence he has; ie non combat influence and lackeys, wealth ;stuff like that. I have this guy be a schemer and a villan mastermind. I give him a goal whether it be world domination or the release and return of some old forgottten diety he serves.

I have him employ though various means; one group of tuff guys as his personal elite force.

one group of tuff guys as bait or lackeys he doesnt mind getting into trouble.

a few specialist troubleshooters that he keeps on retainer.

I give this guy some contacts and some other villian competitors who either compete with him in business; social, or in the world domination market.

I give him a few independant organizations that keep watch on his activities in business; social; whatever; up to the pc's to find these guy and pump them for info.

I decide how much he is known as a crimminal; ie do the good guys know about him; is he new; old; or just well connected.

ok; getting characters involved.

well; if they are a group already; this makes it much easier.

So I write a action sequence.

I make up some mystical number of artifacts; say; hmm 9; lets say the bad guy has a random number; might roll a die; say he has 3 of the 9 artifacts to start with. Ok; so the bad guy needs some weird stuff; say to summon this diety; I make a list; 100 cattle for blood sacrifice; 3 virgins; 9 stud guys to deflower them; lots of gold - the metal; lots of incense, fragrant oils; and three monkey hearts; and one rhino horn; and the powdered bones of three priests, and some last pieces of instructions; Lets say he has the other stuff.

so; the adventure; keep in mind this is on the fly. These will be happenings for the pc's to stop; investigate or put the pieces together.

so; bad guys breaks into the zoo and either steals three monkeys and cuts off the Rhino's horn; or kills the monkeys and just takes their hearts.

So; the bad guys kidnap some girls; good girls; makes a few mistakes you know, but adventually gets three.

so; some tablets stolen from some museums; some archeological digs distrupted and stuff stolen; perhaps a lackey gets taken prisoner, but dies in interrogation. Gives cops the "He Shall Return" speach.

ok; some bad boy frat guys are recruited into the secret society; so they talk; and have secret signs and have no clue what is going on for sure; they just know they will get lots of booze and girls and they get gifts from their benefactor; money; influence; etc.; life for now; is good.

ok; cattle keep getting stolen from the butcher yard; over 800 so far; seem to get stolen 10 at a time.

stuff like that; then start dropping clues and have the pcs chase all over trying to put it together; if the group has a mystic; give him a few extra clues from his organization or have one of these watcher groups stop in and say; I think he is trying to Summon X; (right or wrong). Decide whether the cops are presuring the pc's to do somethign; or if they are giving the pc's the hands off treatmentproblem; what problem.

let the fun ensue.

Valegrim, sounds like you do things a bit different than I do. With D&D, I kinda had an overall concept in my head which was underdeveloped in order to retain flexibility based on the PCs actions and needs of the campaign. Generally, the basic concept remained the same (rarely changed) and I would make key events which could occur (without a lot of detail involved).

When I got to the point of utilizing one of these encounters to advance the overall plotline I might add some detail to it, depending upon the complexity of the event or if it was easy enough I might just wing it, keeping the original idea in mind. Example, if the encounter was an interaction between the PCs and an NPC without combat being anticipated, I would merely note the type of information the NPC would pass along. If the encounter included a dungeon or a fight, maps were drawn, stats were designed (when stats were absolutely necessary).

Now with Top Secret/S.I. I learned to do things very differently. This game required concrete plots as opposed to more of a basic free for all plot based on the actions of the PCs. With Top Secret/S.I. I developed a clue/encounter pattern that tended to be circular in nature. By circular, I mean this...

Example: Mission starts out with the PCs at the briefing. Within the briefing they are given 2-3 options of investigation. Each option if followed will return the PCs to the unchosen briefing options as well as introduce one or two more clues to follow up on. Which ever clue the PCs select, it tends to direct them to previous clues which they have yet to take as well as move things forward to one or two more options.

The circular motion of the plot ensures that the PCs have several opportunities to pick up the necessary clues to handle the mission as well as discover new vital clues to reach the climax of the assignment.

This was the basic idea I expected I would use for Legion. I don't know how well it will work but I know I don't like the free for all style I used for D&D. D&D is a game which is easy to wing, Top Secret/S.I. isn't. I suspect a quality superhero game which extends beyond mere "reasons for a fight" needs this kind of structure.

My previous superhero game experience with my brother (marvel and superworld, several years ago (1984-1990?, played extremely infrequently) was that he the GM (my brother) would merely have a reason for a fight and that was it. Example: The Vulture is robbing a bank. You as the PC arrive in time to try and stop him....battle ensues....end of game. That was it, this is what I definently DON'T want to do. Honestly, it sucked as far as game mastering. He really wasn't a good game master despite what HE THOUGHT OF HIMSELF. He catered to 1-2 players (his best friends), overstepped his game mastering bounds many times, and had a very underdeveloped campaign. Am I bitter and in need of therapy? Yes!

It seems that most supers games are more or less mysteries with lots of interaction and detective work with a few small battles before a climatic battle.

The other route is lots of little fights to lead to a climax where the the hero doesnt know the villians plan; but is in the right place at the right time to notice the villian and try to stop him, often with mixed results until some climatic victory.

This seems the super formula in the thousands of comic I have read.

My having all the little adventures in my stated formula posted previously; any one of those encounter can be expanded and other stuff added for one or more plot threads for individual players to follow and I could write a whole adventure with new threads from any one of them. This allows the players to be more free form; thus, they dont have to follow the main plot line or if they get frustrated and cannot follow it; or just have not interest in following it; that plot can develop on its own with whatever consquences the gm determins good for the game and the players can follow a thread more appealing to them for any one of the building blocks before the main target is identified.

Valegrim wrote:

It seems that most supers games are more or less mysteries with lots of interaction and detective work with a few small battles before a climatic battle.

The other route is lots of little fights to lead to a climax where the the hero doesnt know the villians plan; but is in the right place at the right time to notice the villian and try to stop him, often with mixed results until some climatic victory.

This seems the super formula in the thousands of comic I have read.

My having all the little adventures in my stated formula posted previously; any one of those encounter can be expanded and other stuff added for one or more plot threads for individual players to follow and I could write a whole adventure with new threads from any one of them. This allows the players to be more free form; thus, they dont have to follow the main plot line or if they get frustrated and cannot follow it; or just have not interest in following it; that plot can develop on its own with whatever consquences the gm determins good for the game and the players can follow a thread more appealing to them for any one of the building blocks before the main target is identified.

This does sound about the same as I do for D&D, but with Top Secret/S.I. I don't think it would work as well (at least not for me). I'm not sure where the Legion will land...for now I think because it is something new, I will want or hope for more plot defination to fit my comfort zone. Eventually pulling out quality adventures of the type I would like to portray without plot scrutinizing on my part would be ideal. Time shall tell. Can't expect everything at once I suppose.

It kind of depends on your players doesnt it? some players like a well scripted game with clues they can follow in a denfinative line; some people think the gm is to controlling doing that and that the GM is leading them around. I try to figure out what the players like; newer players generally like a more controlled game by the gm; more experienced players generally like a more open scenario and often dont follow scripted plots as they try to find their own niche in the game and the group. Peeps like me who dont know DC hardly at all are going to need all the guidance, but peeps who know the universe may tire of that stuff.

I have every confidence in you; hehe i think you should just start the game and fill as needed with experience and knowledge gained from player input on what works and what doesnt. I have the feeling that your doing so much data and background work that your players will really never see and may never come into play that your game may never get off the ground. It has been like a year or so already.

Sounds like your building a whole universe here; which is great; but to play a game; you just need a bad guy and whatever crime he is plannging or enacting and some clues to bring some heroes in to try to stop/catch/apprehend him. As long as those heroes are the go to guys; they really dont care about other groups or activities until the scenario is over. It sounds like most of the stuff your working on is what characters do between crisis adventures when their exploring and learning your world.

just some thoughts, I think you should just get your game going and run with it.

Valegrim wrote
It kind of depends on your players doesnt it? some players like a well scripted game with clues they can follow in a denfinative line; some people think the gm is to controlling doing that and that the GM is leading them around. I try to figure out what the players like; newer players generally like a more controlled game by the gm; more experienced players generally like a more open scenario and often dont follow scripted plots as they try to find their own niche in the game and the group. Peeps like me who dont know DC hardly at all are going to need all the guidance, but peeps who know the universe may tire of that stuff.

I wrote
My players remain the same as they have for the past several years, minus one who played about 3 times a year. He is totally disintrested in anything that isn't D&D. As for the DC Universe hand-holding, yes I will have to do that to a great degree. I'm ok with that though, eventually that changes. In regards to plots, the players are use to years of complex scenarios and my game style, so unless they discover they either dislike super-heroes or it turns out that I'm really bad at it, this won't become a problem.

Valegrim wrote
I have every confidence in you; hehe i think you should just start the game and fill as needed with experience and knowledge gained from player input on what works and what doesnt. I have the feeling that your doing so much data and background work that your players will really never see and may never come into play that your game may never get off the ground. It has been like a year or so already.

I wrote
Getting started and filling in as I go is what I'm trying to do, but two things are primarly stopping me...

1. Schedules, which is greatly why gaming deteriorated to begin with, the rest was my attitude about 4th edition, which eventaully spun off to D&D in general. Once again, the first game is scheduled for the weekend of Nov 7-9th.

2. My fear of failure, thus procrastination.

Valegrim wrote
Sounds like your building a whole universe here; which is great; but to play a game; you just need a bad guy and whatever crime he is plannging or enacting and some clues to bring some heroes in to try to stop/catch/apprehend him. As long as those heroes are the go to guys; they really dont care about other groups or activities until the scenario is over. It sounds like most of the stuff your working on is what characters do between crisis adventures when their exploring and learning your world.

just some thoughts, I think you should just get your game going and run with it.

I wrote
You over estimate my ability to manage my time, I have a lot less done than you think. Keep in mind, I am one person, and these days anything professional is generally developed by a team of people in order to make deadlines. I'm also doing this very part-time as I have a full time job and must attend to various household responsibilities, so time management becomes a serious problem in getting things done.

Occasionally I dabble in other areas which are not central to what I have to have done, simply because the mood strikes me and I'm dumb for ideas on where to go next. The actual amount of time I have spent writing is actaull re-writting....sometimes for the 3rd or 4th time. I didn't honestly expect to have anything truly playable for 2 years. In 1 year, partially playable though. This is where I fill in the blanks with on the spot rules, jot down an idea I liked and develop it later on.

It took me months to figure out how to just do super strength, movement, some basic things like that...at least in the manner I wanted it done. Sure I could have just said....If you have it, you have it and I'll make the rest up about what your limits are with each use of the power, but for me that wouldn't be satisfying enough. I looked at what the Marvel and DC game did and decided I wanted to do more, thus more time is spent strutinizing ideas, not to mention finding signficant flaws and fixing them.

Do I end up wasting time, absolutely, I'd say 1/3 actually get something done, 2/3 got sidetracked or was rewriting. Thus my primary reason to spend less time on message boards, an effort to "attempt" to focus better.

Not exactly sure what you meant by...

"It sounds like most of the stuff your working on is what characters do between crisis adventures when their exploring and learning your world."

Other than working on a plot, which I think is totally necessary. I don't want to do what my brother did and "just have a reason for a fight" I want to engross the beginning games further than that, the down side is that it delays starts.

Once the basic rules are really done and play tested, I will truly work on the universe.

I have been working on a plot primarly so we can get going....without it I don't think it will be as much fun. I need some information for generic-like NPCs because they are involved in the plot direction I am taking....such as the Science Police, some robots to fight, and a few members of the Legion of Super-Villains.

The undertaking is enormous and as I said, I don't truly expect to have anything "really" functional until the end of mext year. If I get partially functional this year, I'll be satisfied.

So today I sit, day off, sick with serious cold, pressure in the head, not sleeping well...and hoping I'll get something done today.

I don't know if you ever found the time or interest in looking at the preliminary work I sent you months ago, but if I was to send you something now, they for the most part wouldn't even look the same. Things change because many ideas are not...well very good ideas...so I try to adopt and improve.

Here's my timeline:

Year 1: Form the basic (very basic) rules for combat, powers, advancement, racial abilities, and other basic game mechanics.

Year 2: Fine tune the above primarly through playtesting. Write significant fluff parts of the game....taking much off the internet as a starting point.

Year 3: Rewrite the rules, encompassing the playtest adjustments and puting the fluff into my own words, and putting it all into one cover.

Year 4+ Read all these darn comics I have purchased. Read one issue and incorporate all the character and universe details that have yet to be covered.

Year 5: Send all of it to Valegrim, just to have him say "It sucks, do it again. Not even worthy for me to bother to play test. LOL (Hey look I used one of those funny internet abbreviation thingies...aren't you proud of me?

Year: 6: Starts over with everything all over again.

So today, I want to work on two things....power effects (all the little ways a power can be used) and the equivelant of saving throws.

Does anybody have any ideas that they want to throw out there for saving throws? I'm familiar with saves in D&D and in Top Secret/S.I. there was no such mechanic so I made one up. That's about it. I think it will be pretty easy to do taking a look at what I have already developed for combat rules, but I thought I would ask if anyone has any neat ideas they would like to offer.

well, I just want to encourage you; so take anything I say as a woo hoo your great, awesome; and fully encouraged frame of light :) Cool beans.

Power effects, I see this in two ways; one what it looks like; and how it can be varied. Might want to make a differentiation between effects and affects; use effect for what it looks and affects for what is does; might clear up some confustion.

Take Cyclops eye beams for instance; the effect is that he fires a red beam from his eyes; the affect is that it is a physical concussive ray whose power can be varies; he can widen the beam to hit more targets, but it isnt as powerful; or he can bounce it off a hard surface to hit a target from another angle.

so; basically, I think you might want to make a list of effects and affects.

each power must have one of each; ie; beams come from Cyclops eyes; he cant just choose to have them come from his elbow or anything else; if he could do this; it would be an advantage that perhaps costs more; you could look at this like the old star trek enterprise which shot straight forward; vs the new one that could fire in any direction.

so; in your world; you might generate a list for affects and effects.

Saves; I think saves should all be characteristic based with modifiers for powers.

Valegrim wrote:
Saves; I think saves should all be characteristic based with modifiers for powers.

This is what I had in mind. With Top Secret/S.I. I did this. I had a % you had to roll higher than to succeed, and modifiers were applied to the die roll based on the applicable attribute.

With Legion, the system is based on a % roll, with the result being checked on a chart to see what color you got. The higher the roll, the better the color, the greater the result. Each category has its own % so that the higher your category, the better chance of getting a higher/better color (similar to Marvel).

I suspect that I'll do the same, I'm just looking for options. Do you have anything specific you'd like to throw into the hat? Would be nice to hear!

Valegrim wrote:

Power effects, I see this in two ways; one what it looks like; and how it can be varied. Might want to make a differentiation between effects and affects; use effect for what it looks and affects for what is does; might clear up some confustion.

Take Cyclops eye beams for instance; the effect is that he fires a red beam from his eyes; the affect is that it is a physical concussive ray whose power can be varies; he can widen the beam to hit more targets, but it isnt as powerful; or he can bounce it off a hard surface to hit a target from another angle.

so; basically, I think you might want to make a list of effects and affects.

each power must have one of each; ie; beams come from Cyclops eyes; he cant just choose to have them come from his elbow or anything else; if he could do this; it would be an advantage that perhaps costs more; you could look at this like the old star trek enterprise which shot straight forward; vs the new one that could fire in any direction.

so; in your world; you might generate a list for affects and effects.

Actually sometime ago, you mentioned this sort of thing and back then I took it to heart (as it was good advice). What I'm doing so far is this...for power effect stats. Keep in mind that as I continue more might be added, some might blend into others, and perhaps some eliminated. It does cover your idea though. Again, something you brought to my attention. Thank You!

Lightning Bolt
Status Score Modifier: Category x 1.0 (this helps determine what the ability is worth, add them up to determine how powerful the character is)
Power Effect Value: 0 (Another way of gauging how powerful the ability is)
Trait: Fighting, Aim (the traits used to use the power effect)
Category Range: Feeble to Infinite (the range of categories that the power effect may have)

Power Source: Internal Energy (where the power comes from)
Power Type: Continuous (whether it's constant, requires concentration, etc.)
Emanation Point: Hands (where the ability comes from on the person)
Emanation Appearance: Lightning Bolt (general appearance of the power effect, is subject to varition per PC)
Application: Distance (touch, range, etc.)
Power Effect Damage Modifier: Category # x3 (Damage modifier)

Power Links: None (whether or not its related to other power effects (ex. super speed and flight)
Power Effect Unfamiliarity: No (whether it can be attempted without having the ability)

Anyway, this is a quickie for Lightning Bolt (like Lightning Lad). Each power effect gets its own write up. Obviously the information therein changes according to what the ability is.

that looks pretty good; am wondering how cumbersome in might be in a game; if a guys had 10 superpowers then his character is going to be many pages thick. Kind of reminds me of the rolemaster game; which i love; as it had all the meat and potatoes right there; you never sat around asking where's the beef; meaning how does this work. But, it took a long time to build a character and a bit of time to level up; and like that; but you knew what you could and couldnt do and how things worked.

Here is a thought for you; Hopeless is just starting a Supers game based on Marvel rpg; I am the only player atm; it seems; you could join in; we could play as a team and you could learn that system of supers and take what you like and change what you dont for yours. might be fun and a good learning experience. There are about five supers systems out that are worth learning; Marvel has a lot of supporting material and vast audience and history; Champions is very nuts and bolts and is like what your doing; an so on as I have stated before.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Hey what gives... I only just found this Thread!

Although I am a guy I wanna be XS (Jenni Ognats).
Once a speedster always a speedster. =D

flash_cxxi wrote:

Hey what gives... I only just found this Thread!

Although I am a guy I wanna be XS (Jenni Ognats).
Once a speedster always a speedster. =D

It is frequently at the top of the Comics section, sorry you missed it. We try and talk about Legion of Super-Heroes here, but I'd say I'm the only hardcore fan who posts regularly. A couple of other posters who like Legion also post infrequently and they are interested in serious discussion as well. A lot of joking around happens in the meantime but its Legion related (most of the time). We also talk about the Legion of Super-Heroes RPG I am working on for my enjoyment at home. So that's about it, hope to see you around!

Valegrim wrote
that looks pretty good; am wondering how cumbersome in might be in a game; if a guys had 10 superpowers then his character is going to be many pages thick. Kind of reminds me of the rolemaster game; which i love; as it had all the meat and potatoes right there; you never sat around asking where's the beef; meaning how does this work. But, it took a long time to build a character and a bit of time to level up; and like that; but you knew what you could and couldnt do and how things worked.

Eileen said
Your right, character sheets are going to be thick as is the game. In both my D&D and Top Secret/S.I. character sheets were anywhere from 6-12 pages long depending upon the player. I developed this attitude from working on Top Secret/S.I. all those years. Like I've mentioned, I doubled the size of the book when I rewrote it and in all honestly, it turned out fantastic. I even chose to make sure all the pictures and heading that were in the book were in the same location just on a different page (they appeared on the same side of the book when you opened it, correct column and location. It was an editing nightmare but well worth it. I'm very anal about these things. The rules were very extensive.

I want this game to be rules extensive as well. I'm attempting to create something that even if character creation takes awhile, I don't care. You only roll up one character in how long? The other Legionnaires will have been put together by me already, so they will be finished. I want NPC design to go quickly and will make use of generic templates a lot. I will also limit NPC choices for the "little guys" but favor major villains to get the same treatment that the PCs got as far as options and details. I think so far, the game mechanics will go fairly fast (at least compared to Top Secret/S.I.. I can always streamline them if need be.

I'm thinking that the Players book currently called the Legionnaire Commlink Rules will be somewhere between 200-250 pages in length (just a rough estimate when I go through each chapter in my head). A lot of this will be powers but it obviously covers all the other player oriented material as well.

The Encyclopedia Galactica will be the Universe book. I have no idea what length this would be as I really haven't spent much time pondering it yet. It's suppose to include detailed game master information on planets, races, history, that sort of thing.

Haven't decided about what to do for the equipment book. Should I put it in the Legionnaire Commlink Rules even though it is guarenteed to be overly thick already? A separate book? Don't know how much information I will have here as well. I'm guessing a separate book, but we will see how thick the other book turns out.

Valegrim wrote
Here is a thought for you; Hopeless is just starting a Supers game based on Marvel rpg; I am the only player atm; it seems; you could join in; we could play as a team and you could learn that system of supers and take what you like and change what you dont for yours. might be fun and a good learning experience. There are about five supers systems out that are worth learning; Marvel has a lot of supporting material and vast audience and history; Champions is very nuts and bolts and is like what your doing; an so on as I have stated before.

I sent you an email on this subject.

I hope the d6 DC comics game is on that list..I've been dying to play that for AGES...

Freehold DM wrote:
I hope the d6 DC comics game is on that list..I've been dying to play that for AGES...

Does anyone know what he is talking about? What list? What's d6 DC comics? Who was that masked man?

Hooboy, it's not an easy game to find, I can tell you that. It was put out by West End Games, I know, and they did a good job adapting the characters to the system, although character sheets could run a little long. I'd love to get a hard copy of it one day.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Mayfair published three editions of the DC Heroes game. After that, they published the "DC UNIVERSE" RPG (1999), which used an entirely different game engine. They, um, simplified (yeah, "simplified") the d6 game engine (from the original Star Wars RPG), with five dice that had four Superman Shield sides and two Darkseid heads. There was also a wild die that had a Batman symbol, three Superman shields, a Drkseid head, and a Joker head. ('Cause the Joker is even worse than Darkseid...)

(They came out with a "Hercules and Xena" RPG at the same time.)

Chris Mortika wrote:

(They came out with a "Hercules and Xena" RPG at the same time.)

I bought that game!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Same system.

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:

L.E.G.I.O.N. making a comeback even though it is not a Legion comic per say but a spin off...at least that is my understanding of it. Strictly Rumor.

They will move the Legion to the 21st century. Strictly Rumor.

I think DC must have another big "reboot" (fourboot? fiveboot?) planned for the Legion. Otherwise it doesn't make any sense to stop everything like this. If they just wanted to cancel a poor-selling series there are plenty that do much worse than LSH.

Personally, I'd like to see a new series with the adult legion (as seen in the recent "Superman and the LSH" storyline). I think that storyline probably got a lot of long-time Legion fans (including DC writers/artists) excited about seeing the adults again. BUT I don't think that DC is going to cater to the old-school fans over trying for a younger, wider, audience. But then why cancel it? Argh. I'm on the treadmill!!!!!! :)

I'd love to see a L.E.G.I.O.N. series again.

I can't imagine the rumor of moving the LSH to the 21st century is true - that wouldn't make any sense at all. :(

Mark Plemmons wrote:

I think DC must have another big "reboot" (fourboot? fiveboot?) planned for the Legion. Otherwise it doesn't make any sense to stop everything like this. If they just wanted to cancel a poor-selling series there are plenty that do much worse than LSH.

Personally, I'd like to see a new series with the adult legion (as seen in the recent "Superman and the LSH" storyline). I think that storyline probably got a lot of long-time Legion fans (including DC writers/artists) excited about seeing the adults again. BUT I don't think that DC is going to cater to the old-school fans over trying for a younger, wider, audience. But then why cancel it? Argh. I'm on the treadmill!!!!!! :)

I'd love to see a L.E.G.I.O.N. series again.

I can't imagine the rumor of moving the LSH to the 21st century is true - that wouldn't make any sense at all. :(

I think the rumor of moving the Legion to the 21st century resulted from certain fans feeling like DC had mucked up time travel so badly that they would just want to do away with the concept. Personally, I don't think DC would do this becase half of the Legion concept is the fact that they live in the 31st century.

I haven't read L.E.G.I.O.N. so I can't really comment on that. From what I heard it isn't actually a Legion comic, so I doubt I would buy it. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

I could deal with older Legionnaires, it just wouldn't be my first choice. I think the art I have seen of them being older was horrible and for me that was a huge turn off. Perhaps a series which carries us from young adults to adults would be good. My biggest compaint though is that once the characters age, writers want to advance things so quickly, marry characters, have children etc. I'm not saying I want a stagnant Legion, but once writers start doing these things, they try and tell things in somewhat real time and it just mucks up the comics.

This year was the Legion's 50th anniversary. The comic isn't a huge seller but a moderate one. Clearly they are continuing with others that sell worse. This along with the cartoon that ran for a couple of seasons tells me that Legion intrest is up. I think DC has plans and just doesn't want to let the cat out of the bag just yet.

The main reason I haven't posted on this topic is because I'm still frothing. I know the current Legion wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but cancelling it is inexcusible. I don't want to see a 20th century Legion or an adult Legion for reasons similar to Eileen's, but more importantly I don't want to see this Legion- or ANY Legion- evaporate. There was so much potential there...I still can't believe it. Legion of 3 Worlds salves the wound only so much, especially with the events of last issue...Off all the people to kill off, WHY my personal hero(and with the best incarnation of the uniform I have ever seen)?!?!?! I'd vent more but I have to get to my weekly game.

Well; a 20th century legion makes no sense; I would suggest anything before the 25th century makes no sense. The series just needs a good writer; someone who can really make the villians stand out with far reaching goals; some villians who can really put the heroes through their paces and make em shine.

Valegrim wrote:
Well; a 20th century legion makes no sense; I would suggest anything before the 25th century makes no sense. The series just needs a good writer; someone who can really make the villians stand out with far reaching goals; some villians who can really put the heroes through their paces and make em shine.

I agree with you whole heartedly on this issue. I do wish though they would make story arcs about 3 comics long and then move on to the next storyline. I find it daunting and hard to recall what I read when the story takes place over a year.

DC needs to identify why the Legion was successful in the first place and retain the parts of that which are still of interest to comic readers now-a-days. I understand times change, this isn't 1958 when the comic started, this isn't 1975 when things really started changing, and it isn't 1982 when things changed to the point where I was liking the comic to a lesser degree. Things change, retain what works have a decent artist, an excellent writer and stick with one title. Quit trying to re-do the Legion, stop changing the codenames and costumes, give the fans of today something they can identify with yesterday, and give the fans of tomorrow something they can identify with the past. Keep the momentum going by making it similarly recognizeable. Superman, Batman, Spiderman, all greatly sucessful partly because certain things don't change. Spiderman never changed his name to Arachnoman, Superman never changed his name to I can do everything man, Batman necter became Vengeance Man. Their costumes saw relative little change as well. Keep the Legion roster steady, stop feeling the need to rotate characters so much. And stop killing them off. Everytime the do these things, they splinter the fan base.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

The central idea of the Legion is a very large group of young heroes in a distant, Gersbachian future.

I don't mind the changes in roster -- Kent Shakespeare is still one of my favorite Legionnaires -- but I am desperately tired of the reboots.

I didn't mind the "five years later" storyline. The first reboot was required because of Crisis on infinite Earths. No Superboy means different Legion. Then there was the Glorith discontinuity, and the Zero Hour reboot, and the "Earth-247" reinstall, and Waid's Infinite Crisis reboot, and the Lightning Saga Legion, and ...

Really, the long history of the LSH was one of its greatest strengths. The Bierbaum's use of Glorith, for example, was a nod to a three-panel character ten years previous. All the reboots have destroyed that.

I agree. No to any reboots.

However, I would like to see a 5 or even 50 years later storyline. I'd even allow for a legion storyline that takes place immediately after the Legion of 3 worlds storyline(Rond...*sniff*).

Freehold DM:

Were you still intrested in the Super-Heroe PBP? I'm hoping so!

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:

Freehold DM:

Were you still intrested in the Super-Heroe PBP? I'm hoping so!

Yes. And I WILL be playing a Green Lantern now, dammit.

Freehold DM wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:

Freehold DM:

Were you still intrested in the Super-Heroe PBP? I'm hoping so!

Yes. And I WILL be playing a Green Lantern now, dammit.

Not the Green Lantern with the dog looking face though right? He's ugly!

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
I haven't read L.E.G.I.O.N. so I can't really comment on that. From what I heard it isn't actually a Legion comic, so I doubt I would buy it. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

Well, everyone has different tastes, but I really liked the series.

You should try to dig up the first few issues and see what you think. They're usually pretty cheap.

The wikipedia link is pretty unilluminating, but here it is anyway. :)

Mark Plemmons wrote:
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
I haven't read L.E.G.I.O.N. so I can't really comment on that. From what I heard it isn't actually a Legion comic, so I doubt I would buy it. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

Well, everyone has different tastes, but I really liked the series.

You should try to dig up the first few issues and see what you think. They're usually pretty cheap.

The wikipedia link is pretty unilluminating, but here it is anyway. :)

I have a few scattered issues which I haven't read yet. When I bought them I thought they were another Legion comic line. I have heard that other people have liked it though. I haven't read it so I really can't say if it is good or bad. I just try to limit my purchases to Legion comics in order to not get carried away with titles.

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