Important! In case we do not make it to Round 2...

RPG Superstar™ 2008 General Discussion

Dark Archive

I just wanted to tell everyone:

If we aren't among the 32 remaining for round 2, it does NOT mean our design sucked. It just means that these 32 people made a really good job on their magic item.

Doesn't mean yours wasn't any good. Keep trying!

Remember that. :-)


Sovereign Court Contributor

Benoist Poiré wrote:
If we aren't among the 32 remaining for round 2, it does NOT mean our design sucked.

But I designed a magic vacuum cleaner...

Just kidding of course. The competition was fierce for the open call. I believe it will be even fiercer for RPG Superstar. I'm sure many excellent entries will have to be cut in the first round.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Benoist Poiré wrote:

I just wanted to tell everyone:

If we aren't among the 32 remaining for round 2, it does NOT mean our design sucked. It just means that these 32 people made a really good job on their magic item.

Doesn't mean yours wasn't any good. Keep trying!

Remember that. :-)


Well said!

Scarab Sages

Also, keep in mind this is for the RPG Superstar! Not the Wondrous Item Superstar, which is why there are further challenges to pass through. I suspect that it may be possible that some entrants will be better at some aspects of the contest than others. We may see someone with an excellent Wondrous Item really flop on one of the later legs of the competition. I am anxious to see the candidates who make it to the end of the challenge, for they really will be well rounded and well deserving of the title RPG Superstar! Good Luck to everyone who enters the contest, it seems to be measuring up to being a real nail-biter. I am enjoying reading through the posts, there seems to be a lot of really qualified talent out there.

Rambling Scribe wrote:

But I designed a magic vacuum cleaner...

Damn...Now I have to think up a new idea.

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

That is very true. And I can tell you that at the highest level of judging a good bit of it is subjective. We are doing our very best.

Erik and I were talking on the phone tonite that the top 32 are going to all be good items. Not to say it is set, there is still plenty of room for more good submissions. But he and I were both real happy with the contest so far.

So keep those submissions rolling in till the deadline!

Dont give up. If you havent submitted yet, there is still time and room for more good submssions. The last entry will get as much review and consideration as the first.

Clark Peterson wrote:
That is very true. And I can tell you that at the highest level of judging a good bit of it is subjective. We are doing our very best.

Just wondering what happens to the those that don't make the cut, will they be published on the boards? If not, can an author post his (or her) rejected submission on the board for others to see, or would that be considered some sort of plagarism since the submitted item now belongs to paizo?


Benoist Poiré wrote:


Doesn't mean yours wasn't any good. Keep trying!

Yes, no suicides please. We don't want to go back to the 80's. Especially do not kill yourself while laying in a pentagram or else Hasbro will end up removing all the evil monsters from D&D and making them into happy little angels and Jack Chick will get motivated to release Dark Dungeons 2.

If you've never seen this prepare to pee yourself.

Honestly, all my work is crap. Nothing I ever do will live up to my unrealistic expectations, and if Paizo did choose it, I'd look down on them for falling so far.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 aka Sir_Wulf

MWBeeler, you shouldn't run yourself down like that. You never know until you try.

I've posted a lot of items on the Strolen's Citadel site, where the people scoring my submissions often surprise me. Sometimes, I'll submit an item that I thought was routine, only to discover that it hit all the right buttons. Other times, I've expected my ideas to blow everyone else away, but nobody else was that impressed.

Don't discourage yourself! You may be surprised at what you accomplish, and if you keep at it, you WILL eventually outdo yourself.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Ragwaine wrote:

Yes, no suicides please. We don't want to go back to the 80's. Especially do not kill yourself while laying in a pentagram or else Hasbro will end up removing all the evil monsters from D&D and making them into happy little angels and Jack Chick will get motivated to release Dark Dungeons 2.

If you've never seen this prepare to pee yourself.

And after that, make sure you read the MST3K send-up of it:


Ragwaine wrote:
...and Jack Chick will get motivated to release Dark Dungeons 2.

That would freakin' rock! It'd automatically be the funniest comic of the year!

Benoist Poiré wrote:

I just wanted to tell everyone:

If we aren't among the 32 remaining for round 2, it does NOT mean our design sucked. It just means that these 32 people made a really good job on their magic item.

Doesn't mean yours wasn't any good. Keep trying!

Remember that. :-)


Well said, and hopefully by the end of this contest we will see one the best ever adventures made and maybe even gain tips from the winners to further our own gaming and creation skills. (i am of course assuming that the majority of those that entered are GM's)

Liberty's Edge

I'll post my item here if it's not in the top 32 (with permission from Paizo of course). No reason for a copyrighted item to go to waste right?

Or at least I can describe it... no harm in just telling people about it right?

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