Hardcover cover credit?

RPG Superstar™ 2008 General Discussion

My name is one of the long list of contributors on the cover of the Koboldnomicon, which is published by Bards & Sages via Lulu. In most places, it's only available softcover (or as a PDF), but given that it's Lulu, there are hardcovers out there with my name on it. (I have one of them.)

Am I ineligible?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The intent of this particular rule is to eliminate folks who have been professionally published within a moderately high-profile product. So we'll say a print-on-demand hardcover doesn't count.

I am thinking about trying out for this while I am re-relocating back to the USA, however, 20 years ago, I was a game developer, and also put out a (dismally selling) hardcover supplement. Though I was the majority owner, it wasn't "full time"...

Given the length of time past, and the very low exposure, would I still be ineligible?


Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Okay, now I gotta ask, I had a magic item published in Relics & Rituals (the Tear of Mormo), back in 2001, would this disqualify me?

As with most everyone who answered that open call, I was credited as an author and it was only one item, not a majority share of the product.

Thanks, hopefully for the answer I'd like to hear, but I understand if the answer is the other. *chuckles*

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Regarding eligibility, the Official Rules say:

Official Rules wrote:
Employees of Paizo Publishing, their immediate family members, and persons with whom such employees are domiciled are ineligible. Anyone who has been employed full-time as a designer for a game company is ineligible. Anyone with a cover credit on a hardcover RPG book is ineligible. Designers who have been credited on Paizo's Pathfinder or GameMastery products are ineligible.

So, Omega, you'd be in the ineligible category. Robert, if it's not a hardcover, or your name's not on the cover, you're eligible.

Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:

Regarding eligibility, the Official Rules say:

Official Rules wrote:
Employees of Paizo Publishing, their immediate family members, and persons with whom such employees are domiciled are ineligible. Anyone who has been employed full-time as a designer for a game company is ineligible. Anyone with a cover credit on a hardcover RPG book is ineligible. Designers who have been credited on Paizo's Pathfinder or GameMastery products are ineligible.
So, Omega, you'd be in the ineligible category. Robert, if it's not a hardcover, or your name's not on the cover, you're eligible.

My name definitely wasn't on the cover, at the time I would have loved if it was, but damn if I'm not glad, now, that it wasn't.


It was a hardcover, though, but my name was only on the inside of the book, never the outside. The only cover credit I've had was through Ronin Arts', on a PDF product in the Athenaeum Arcane line, Esoteric Libraries.

Anyhow, thanks for the quick reply, I'm glad that I've still got a chance in this thing.


I own Blackdirge Publishing, does that count as being employed full time by an RPG company? Even though I'm a fulltime freelancer, to date, I haven't appeared on the cover of any "hardback" title.

Am I out?


Vic Wertz wrote:

Regarding eligibility, the Official Rules say:

Official Rules wrote:
Employees of Paizo Publishing, their immediate family members, and persons with whom such employees are domiciled are ineligible. Anyone who has been employed full-time as a designer for a game company is ineligible. Anyone with a cover credit on a hardcover RPG book is ineligible. Designers who have been credited on Paizo's Pathfinder or GameMastery products are ineligible.
So, Omega, you'd be in the ineligible category. Robert, if it's not a hardcover, or your name's not on the cover, you're eligible.

Awh crap. But that was 20 years ago!!!


Danged pizzachip.


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

We're going to amend the rules to say that you are only disqualified if you're a full-time employee of a print publisher. So you're ok to enter.

Erik Mona wrote:
We're going to amend the rules to say that you are only disqualified if you're a full-time employee of a print publisher. So you're ok to enter.

Excellent. Thanks.


Liberty's Edge

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Blackdirge wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
We're going to amend the rules to say that you are only disqualified if you're a full-time employee of a print publisher. So you're ok to enter.

Excellent. Thanks.


Oh, you're thankful now...but if you win, Erik is so gonna make you his beyotch in hindsight. ;)

Seriously, though, congrats and good luck.

Erik Mona wrote:
We're going to amend the rules to say that you are only disqualified if you're a full-time employee of a print publisher. So you're ok to enter.


*shakes fist*

Where is Paula Abdul when you need her!


Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Erik Mona wrote:
We're going to amend the rules to say that you are only disqualified if you're a full-time employee of a print publisher. So you're ok to enter.

I was going to sit this contest out until I saw this post. I've never been a full-time employee of a print publisher, but I do have my name on a softcover book Green Ronin published from a PDF product by The Game Mechanics.

Hopefully, that doesn't disqualify me. I've gone ahead and submitted an entry in the hopes that it doesn't. But, in the interests of full-disclosure, I wanted to ask about it here anyway. And I'll honorably bow out of the competition if I'm in violation of the rules.


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

It doesn't disqualify you.

I have to say, though, as a judge it's a little unsettling how many people are having problems with understanding this relatively basic requirement (not just on this thread, either).

Having a non-cover-credit in a hardcover book does not disqualify you.

Having a cover credit on a softcover book does not disqualify you.

Read the directions. Follow the directions.



Liberty's Edge

Hey, I read and followed the directions…

Yay, I win!

(er … unless I missed, or misunderstood something…)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Erik Mona wrote:
I have to say, though, as a judge it's a little unsettling how many people are having problems with understanding this relatively basic requirement.

Understood, Erik. And thanks...

Based on everything I'd seen you post so far, I suspected it would be okay. Hence, I submitted anyway. I did have a conversation with another freelancer in the same circumstances, though, who withheld participating because she read the initial rules and assumed she'd be disqualified. So there was a lot of confusion out there. I told her she should be okay, but I don't think she entered anything.

Regardless, thanks for the very quick reply. It's nice to be part of the competition...win or no-win. I appreciate the uniqueness of the contest, as well.


Erik, can we enter the contest a week from now, or was the deadline not negotiable?

Hey look, everyone. You can see that puffy vein in his head now. Push down on it and see if he gets sleepy.

The Jade wrote:

Erik, can we enter the contest a week from now, or was the deadline not negotiable?

Hey look, everyone. You can see that puffy vein in his head now. Push down on it and see if he gets sleepy.


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher


Grand Lodge

Okay...I DO have hardcover name credit in the form of the Mother of All Encounter Tables, through Necromancer Games. However, I was never a full-time employee of NG. Per the rules, that disqualifies me (not a question). But per Eric Mona's post above, if the eligibility waives this, then I should qualify.

So unless I hear otherwise, I'll go ahead and submit something. If I'm disqualified, I won't raise a fuss.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Damien_DM wrote:

Okay...I DO have hardcover name credit in the form of the Mother of All Encounter Tables, through Necromancer Games. However, I was never a full-time employee of NG. Per the rules, that disqualifies me (not a question). But per Eric Mona's post above, if the eligibility waives this, then I should qualify.

So unless I hear otherwise, I'll go ahead and submit something. If I'm disqualified, I won't raise a fuss.

Erik's clarification regarding employment status was intended as an adjustment to that rule only, and does not negate the rule about being published with a cover credit on a hardcover. So I'm afraid you're not eligible.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Steven T. Helt

i have never been published in any way, shape or form, but i have written my name on several inside covers. does that make me ineligible?

Star Voter Season 7

Sometimes I steal books from my local library and scribble my name on the inside cover in green crayola . . .I assume this does not make me ineligible for the contest. I would like to note that I always return the books to their proper place as per the Dewey Decimal system, if that makes any difference.

Star Voter Season 7

ancientsensei wrote:
i have never been published in any way, shape or form, but i have written my name on several inside covers. does that make me ineligible?

<Shakes fist>

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