What, only one Dungeon in issue 151?

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

The announcement for Dungeon 151 indicated that there would be multiple mods for that issue. Besides Tsocanth, I belive that an Eberron dungeon would be part of the issue. Anyone know where one can find it? I suspect that WoTC is behind schedule as usual and breaking promises.

It'll come out on the last day of the month.

The Real Troll wrote:
The announcement for Dungeon 151 indicated that there would be multiple mods for that issue. Besides Tsocanth, I belive that an Eberron dungeon would be part of the issue. Anyone know where one can find it? I suspect that WoTC is behind schedule as usual and breaking promises.

I'd give them until tommorrow until I really start to complain.

Afterall, if they put out the remaining content at 11:59pm on Halloween, its technically still October... although it would be a rather dubious practice to promise features through the month, and then dump them all on the site on the last day of the month.

Nick has stated elsewhere that he was told his adventure would be posted on Halloween.

- Ashavan

Talion09 wrote:
although it would be a rather dubious practice

And that would be really out of character for 4E considering how well planned and communicated the rest of it has been...


I just checked. Nothing new has been posted today. I heard at midnight the DnDinsider site turns into a pumpkin.

The Real Troll wrote:

I just checked. Nothing new has been posted today. I heard at midnight the DnDinsider site turns into a pumpkin.

Remember that for Wizards it's still 7 a.m., they aren't in the office yet to post anything.

- Ashavan

The Real Troll wrote:

...I heard at midnight the DnDinsider site turns into a pumpkin.

More like a rotten tomato :P

Hells Heart by Nick Logue is available now!


And it's funking awsome!

*standing ovation*


Stebehil wrote:

Hells Heart by Nick Logue is available now!


no offense to the authors - because this isn't aimed at you ... but I'm still waiting for adventures 3&4 and at least decent articles, otherwise I will persobnally consider their claims that "digital is better than print, just wait and see" to be false advertising. This may not stand up in court, but it will be my opinion.. I'm still wiating for them to tell me how I'm supposed to read it on the can like I could with the paper ones with just my subscription price if i don't have a laptop... considering that is 90% of my reading time.. the fact that it was digital has cut my reading time to 10% of what it was, AND put it in direct competition of these boards, which I consider a better source of all things D20. The only articles I have read are the ones that were reposted on these boards...

David Bedlam wrote:

And it's funking awsome!

*standing ovation*

After looking this over I agree... but the above still stands because AOW and STAP were awesome too *grin*


Thanks guys! It is my finale dance with Viktor, bittersweet.

I agree, I wish there was some more content to go around. I'm not sure doing a gigamongous adventure right out the gate was a good way to go, people might have wanted a few more adventures to tease their taste buds first.

Glad you liked Hell's Heart! I need to write me some more Eberron. Nothing on my plate in that milieu right now...sad.

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Thanks guys! It is my finale dance with Viktor, bittersweet.



OK ok. You win Nick. Viktor Saint Demain is one of the best D&D villians. Great job. Can't wait to see the Hell's Heart graphic novel collabveration with Brom. (hint, hint).

good job!

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
The only articles I have read are the ones that were reposted on these boards...


I should also add, as an unintended dig to WotC, that when I downloaded the zip file for Hell's Heart, I saved it to my 'Paizo' folder where I have all my other Dungeon-related downloads.

Nicolas Logue wrote:
I'm not sure doing a gigamongous adventure right out the gate was a good way to go, people might have wanted a few more adventures to tease their taste buds first.

Come to think of it, third in a trilogy might not have been a good initial offering either. I won't voice it too loudly because the alternative would've delayed me reading the conclusion of Viktor the Saint, but it's not how *I* would've done it.

Fletch wrote:

Come to think of it, third in a trilogy might not have been a good initial offering either. I won't voice it too loudly because the alternative would've delayed me reading the conclusion of Viktor the Saint, but it's not how *I* would've done it.

Marketing wise it seems like a good plan to me as long as your also offering new content. Might as well get the people who where really into Dungeon under Paizo's leadership to switch because they want the next installment.

I mean to get it you had to sign in - objective accomplished from WotCs point of view. Sure some will decide that this is the only thing they're going to get from the Evil WotC people but others on the fence might continue now that they have gotten past this hurdle.


Sir Kaikillah wrote:
Nicolas Logue wrote:

Thanks guys! It is my finale dance with Viktor, bittersweet.



OK ok. You win Nick. Viktor Saint Demain is one of the best D&D villians. Great job. Can't wait to see the Hell's Heart graphic novel collabveration with Brom. (hint, hint).

good job!

HA! That would rock out with its cock out. Here's hoping.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I'm not an Eberron fan but these three adventures by Mister Logue were nothing short of genius. I enjoyed reading them. It reminded me of a Sherlock Holmes story. It almost calls out for a holmes-moriarty rivalry. Insane Inquisitive verses the Master Sleuth. Were I DMing these adventures I'd have an Epilogue (If Viktor survived that is) with a black carriage, windows set with bars pulling out of Hell's Heart with Viktor Saint Demain in a straight jacket affer visible in the back window... Where the carriage is going no one knows... No villain of that calibre can stay a gibbering madman for long.

Kudos to you Mister Logue, you're welcome to take the DMs chair at my table anytime.

Argh.. the new Dungeon adventures are using the Tactical Encounter-format. That sucks.

I have to add my praise for this adventure as well. A city wracked by fires, disaster, psychopaths and more getting betrayed by the former Chief Inquisitive and one of its highest-ranking soldiers? Awesome.

Mister Logue, this was excellent. Again, well done.

Scarab Sages

Since its an eberron adventure, I can't actually bring myself to read it, but I'm glad the WotC folks are at least smart enough to have some quality folks writing for them. Keep up the good work Nick.


Thanks everyone!

Sheyd: There is nothing I enjoy more than running a spirited table of players who truly love the game. If I'm ever in your neck of the woods I guarantee I'll run a session for you and yours.

Blue-Eyed Paladin: Thanks for the kind words! I wanted to really top Chimes and Quoth with Hell's Heart...hence all the madness in that adventure...thanks for digging it!

Yeah, the tac-format is not my favorite, but I did my best to make good use of it in Hell's Heart (fights with lots of terrain to interact with, interesting stuff the PCs can do, and have done to them in the fight)...but yeah, overall I'm not a huge fan of the format.

Thanks again guys! I had a rough day and this feedback really cheered me up!

Nicolas Logue wrote:

Thanks everyone!

...hence all the madness in that adventure...

Thanks again guys! I had a rough day and this feedback really cheered me up!

Madness? This ... is ... PAIZO! ^_^

Scarab Sages

I have alluded to this on another board, where the subject was a little more "touchy," but your Viktor trilogy has been the keystone of my Eberron CSI:Sharn campaign. Between this, now, trilogy of adventures and the material in the Sharn book regarding House Deneith, my players have been sprinting to stop/solve one crime after another.

Best of all was that in Hell's Heart you included a "quori possessed" prisoner. Ah, sweet serendipity. One of the PCs in my group lost his favorite cohort to quori possession and she will make a perfect substitute for the prisoner. Can they save her? And what information does she have about House Deneith?

Good Times.

BTW, I was serious on the other board when I said I would support a Patron project, like the one's that Baur does, if you ever have the time/energy to try. There's a c-note burning a hole in my pocket.

Christian Johnson


Christian Johnson wrote:

I have alluded to this on another board, where the subject was a little more "touchy," but your Viktor trilogy has been the keystone of my Eberron CSI:Sharn campaign. Between this, now, trilogy of adventures and the material in the Sharn book regarding House Deneith, my players have been sprinting to stop/solve one crime after another.

Best of all was that in Hell's Heart you included a "quori possessed" prisoner. Ah, sweet serendipity. One of the PCs in my group lost his favorite cohort to quori possession and she will make a perfect substitute for the prisoner. Can they save her? And what information does she have about House Deneith?

Good Times.

BTW, I was serious on the other board when I said I would support a Patron project, like the one's that Baur does, if you ever have the time/energy to try. There's a c-note burning a hole in my pocket.

Christian Johnson

Christian, you are awesome! Thanks for the support my man. I'm so happy the adventures worked out great for you. The quori connection! Excellent, one of the reasons I put that in there is for a something a little different to introduce a quori threat or offer a PC with a conflict with the quori something besides inquisitive madness to deal with. I can't tell you how happy I am that it worked out that way for you, means I'm not just going crazy when I'm designing something.

I would love to do a patron project. Love to. I think at its heart, game design has to be focused on the specific wants and needs of individual DMs and their parties. Don't know how I would go about this, though. But for a c-note, I would definately stab my cat in the eye...er I mean write a great adventure for some patrons.

Oh, and your point was taken well in that other thread Christian...sorry I didn't reply directly. I got a little hot headed about the mini-centricness when I should have been focusing on the positive elements of change and what I can bring to the table with any project. Thanks for your post on the other thread, it made me kick back and relax a bit, and get some cooler perspective on the topic.

Wolfgang, tell me how to do up the Patron thang!!!

P.S. Thanks for the kind words about the trilogy Christian! Brightened an otherwise dreary day!

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