[Ultimate Equipment] Diggin Deep into Treasure Generation

Rules Questions

I'm currently learning and writing a small Javascript in order to create random treasures to support improvising. I's based on the rules and tables of Ultimate Equipment Appendix 1:Treasure Generator (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/appendix.html#treasur e-generator). The reason I write it is, that I'm not happy with the one that can be found at: http://pathfinder-treasure-generator.com.

However, I made a couple of questions and observations I would like to ask and share. Maybe someone has a solution or idea for them:

1) Treasure Budget.
In step 1, it says, I should determine the overall challenge rating of the encounter and then look into the Treasure Values per Encounter to get the base value for such an encounter. This doesn't make sense to me, because the base value that I get has no connection to the challenge rating.

So when I take a look into the gamemastering chapter (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/gamemastering.html) i find:

"Easy encounters should award treasure one level lower than the PCs' average level. Challenging, hard, and epic encounters should award treasure one, two, or three levels higher than the PCs' average level, respectively."

easy = APL -1 = CR
normal = APL = CR
challenging = APL +1 = CR
hard = APL +2 = CR
epic = APL +3 = CR

So we see, the level adjustment is equal to CR-APL (example: APL=3, CR=6, adjustment = +3).

Okay, so if we put this into a formula:

Treasure level = APL + (CR - APL) = CR.

ups... so the base treasure value is independend from the APL? Why don't they say that directly? Why so complicated? Or did I miss something? (of course, it doesn't depend solely on the CR, some modifiers for low/high magic worlds and monster types are applied afterwards, but the base is only depending on CR).

2) Step 3: Choose treasure types. It leaves it open to the GM to choose from the ones determined by the type of monster contained in the challenge.

What would you expect a generator to do? Ask which type depending on the creatures you used? Choose one randomly?


Silver Crusade

I'd make it keyed in off of the 'types' (treasure a, b, c, d, etc) as opposed to the monster types.

My issue with random generators in general though is they tend to glut with scrolls and potions.

Also, the current charts have no accounting for mundane goods. I actually kind of miss the 'mundane item' table from 3.5's treasure generation. I've seen random generators in the past that over account for mundane stuff.

The trick is making sure the system doesn't look at a certain dollar value and decide to fill say 10,000gp worth of loot with dozens of potions of enlarge self or something.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Try this one out:

It includes "random salvage", which can be kind of cool.
I usually generate multiple pils of treasure and pick the one most to my taste (and my players' needs) and eventually edit it a bit before printing it out, ready for use.

There are 5 Pathfinder generators on that site, all quite useful. I also like to pre-generate multiple lists for magic shop inventories. It feels more appropriate than just saying they have some percentage chance to have whatever the PCs desire. And it's odd & ideosyncratic - just how I imagine a magic shop. Kinda like the Fred Sanford of magic shops.

@Spook: Yea, that's exactly what annoys me with the current generators.

@Wheldrake: I knew donjon before and I've also seen that generator. Although it comes quite close of what I want to do, I like a bit more customization. For instance, I miss the possibility to select a single treasureType (in donjons, you can only choose predefined "Types", but can't say that you want to create a Type G: Spellcaster Gear treasure hoard").

But besides that, the stuff with the average party level and CR is quite strange, don't you think? And in the end, it's also the answer, why donjon only asks for the cr but not for the apl.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So bump the CR up a bit, then delete anything that isn't "spellcaster-y" enough for you. Bingo.

Treasure generation isn't rocket science. You can give out however much or little you want. I suggest being somewhat stingy most of the time, then generous on the epic adventures.

Silver Crusade

I like the donjon one as well. I admit I kind of wish you could adjust its feed outs a bit though.

The donjon one seems to love siege equipment as salvage, or hilariously huge numbers of mundane items.

I actually half want to base adventures off of the whackier ones, like the one that had the treasure be all illusion scrolls, and then the mundane was like 2 catapults, 60 shovels, 28 casks of ale, and two casks of tobacco. Its like a bored hill-billy wizard's loot pile.

Again though, I'd make the treasure generator work off of the letter-treasure type. A for coins, b, gems, spellcaster gear, hoard, etc.

I will note though, Pathfinder seems to think you don't really get 'real' magic items until around the 10k+ cut off, below that its all wands, scrolls and potions or less if you're using martial gear lists (which seem to freaking love potions).


That's something I'd work in, the different advancement accounts and the 'treasure' by encounter thing.

And a 'no treasure of this type' selector that doesn't act like a smacked child if you actually use it. I tried turning potions and scrolls off of on the generator that was on Pathfinder SRD site, and it started giving me ridiculous returns. I was generating for a 12th level party and it still kept trying to foist like exotic saddles off on me before it deigned to give me a magic weapon or non-crap tier wonderous item.

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