Rise of the Runelords Campaign

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I have been thinking about running another PbP game. Namely Rise of the Runelords.

I was thinking 5 players, Core only (for now), 28 point buy, roll for starting gold.

Is there interest?

I'll bet there is interest. I would love to play, but I am running it for my players, as well as playing in 2 (3, but one is..... sporadic) other PbPs, and attempting to run my own (for the first time) Falcon's Hollow PbP (mini) campaign.

I think that's enough reasons why I'll have to (unfortunately) give this game a miss.

Damn! Would have been fun to.

Yeah, this will make two that I am running, and one I play in. My plate can't get much fuller currently.

Ross Byers, if you are reading this I will hold a spot until I hear from you; in my last Pbp you had expressed interest but the slots were filled up . . .let me know if you want in this one.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Sign me up! I'll create a dwarf ranger character.

Cool. Rambling Scribe is in. In addition to what I said earlier, you do get the bonus regional feat from the Player's guide.

I'd like to play. Couple of potential hiccups:

1. Haven’t played in years, I’d be working out of 3.0 core books and the SRD.

2. It would be my first PbP game. I would be technology challenged for a little while.

3. My work schedule is unpredictable and I can’t always get on line when traveling. I might be gone 2-3 days a week.

4. Already read my pdf of Pathfinder 1. I’m sure I can separate player from character knowledge, but felt you should know.

On the plus side:

1. Willing to fill any class slot the party needs.
2. Unlikely to munchkin.

Sovereign Court Contributor

BTW, I have flipped through Burnt Offerings and been exposed to multiple spoilers here. I'm sure you know that won't affect how I play.

thereal thom, that is fine . . .ideally I'd like people to be able to post at least once Monday-Friday, but I am sure that is something we can work with.

Core and SRD are fine. That is actually what I am limiting it to. Except for the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide. You get a bonus feat out of there. It is a free PDF if you have not already downloaded it.

Rambling Scribe, that is cool. I figure most people have read it.

So Rambling Scribe is a Dwarven Ranger

thereal thom is a . . .?

I'd love to play! As you can see above I own the book but have only flipped through it a little. I've never played in a pbp game and am really excited about the idea, so if you need another player, I'm all for it.

Michael James wrote:

I'd love to play! As you can see above I own the book but have only flipped through it a little. I've never played in a pbp game and am really excited about the idea, so if you need another player, I'm all for it.

That makes 3. Core/SRD only + bonus feat from players guide.

The Last Rogue wrote:

thereal thom, that is fine . . .ideally I'd like people to be able to post at least once Monday-Friday, but I am sure that is something we can work with.

thereal thom is a . . .?

Great. Actually my travel has been pretty low this year. (summoning the jinx)

Let's see what the others want to play. I'll fill any gaps. I'm just glad to be on board.

This is Michael's Avatar for the game. A human Bard.

I'd love to get involved.

I do own the pathfinder books, and have read the first 10 or so pages of Burnt Offerings, and have been exposed to some other spoilers on the paizo messageboards but I think I can keep character knowledge and player knowledge seperate.

I quite like the idea of playing a Paladin if that's acceptable.

I would also greatly enjoy playing in the Rise of the Runelords AP! If there is still room I'd love to play.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

If I'm doing the math correctly, it looks like I'm number 6. How do you feel about a sixth player? If you're willing to stretch, I'd like to play a human rogue or fighter from Sandpoint. Caveat: I suffer from some of the previously mentioned issues. I've read some of the spoilers (on the plus side, I do own the Player's Guide) and I'm a pretty busy guy. I should be able to post most weekdays though.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

P.S. - My rogue would be a technical specialist / lockpicker type, not the "steal from partymembers and disrupt the game" type. I'm thinking a young man of Chelaxian descent with the Lone Wolf feat.

Rambling Scribe = Dwarven Ranger
Micheal = Girst the Human Bard
Flamifur = Paladin
Guthwulf = ?
thereal thom = ?
PbemDM = Fighter or Rogue

Ok that is the limit then guys. 6 people. If you are for sure playing reply and tell me what character and class.

28 point buy + bonus feat from Player's Guide

Core only.

The Last Rogue wrote:

Rambling Scribe = Dwarven Ranger

Micheal = Girst the Human Bard
Flamifur = Paladin
Guthwulf = ?
thereal thom = ?
PbemDM = Fighter or Rogue

Ok that is the limit then guys. 6 people. If you are for sure playing reply and tell me what character and class.

28 point buy + bonus feat from Player's Guide

Core only.

Looks like we still need a heavy arcane caster and a cleric. Any preferences Guthwulf?

I would not mind either, but I typically lean towards arcane. I did not want to force you into a cleric role either if you did not want to be one.

I appreciate your consideration. Been rolling ideas around in my mind and cleric keeps popping up. So go Arcane.

Hey, guys. It looks like I'll be a cleric. Chelaxian-varisian mongrel from the outskirts of Magnamar. (That sort of racial interaction has got to be going on in the big city.) I'll roll him up tonight. How much background do you want to know ahead of time?

(apologies for spelling)


28 point buy (if you don't have access to DMG, check invisiblecastle.com)

1 free bonus feat from Players Guide

Roll starting Gold

Give me a decent background AND 2 character traits that best define your character (i.e. Bold and Loud, Shy and studious, etc). I like to reward roleplaying with in game bonuses and the like (free 20's, skill bonus, etc).

Make an alias and post your character when done.

I guess I'll start the ball rolling. (I previously posted as PbemDM, but made a new alias with my character name.)

Tzoltan Devreen
Male Human Rogue 1
Align: CG Init: +3 Speed: 30 ft.

12 Str
16 Dex
12 Con
14 Int
10 Wis
10 Cha

Melee dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
Melee hammer, light +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Special attacks – sneak attack +1d6 damage

HP: 7 AC: 15, touch: 13, flat footed: 12
Fort: +2 Ref: +5 Will: +0

Special Abilities - trapfinding

Lone Wolf (bonus/ 50% stabilize, +1 Fort), Martial Weapon Prof (Light Hammer), Nimble Fingers (+2 Disable Device and Open Lock)

Skills (44 points)
Craft +6, Disable Device +8, Forgery +6, Hide +7, Knowledge (architecture and Engineering) +6, (local) +6, Move Silently +7, Open Lock +9, Sleight of Hand +7, Use Magic Device +4, Use Rope +7

Combat Gear:
Alchemists Fire

Other Gear: ( Rolled 120 gp, 7 gp left)
10’ Pole, Hammer, light, Dagger, Crossbow, light, 20 bolts, Leather Armor, Backpack, Thieves’ Tools, Flint and steel, Grappling Hook, Rope, Lantern, Hooded, Oil (2 pints), Spikes (4), Whetstone.

Traits: socially awkward and curious

History: Raised in Sandpoint of Chelaxian ancestry, Tzoltan makes a meager living hanging around the general store doing odd jobs, mostly fixing items for patrons and the proprietor. He’s saved enough money to buy the gear to go off on his own and start adventuring, but hasn’t built up the courage to tell his mother.

Cool. We have a rogue. This is a good format for people to follow; also you should make sure that you put in your Alias's profile.

Sovereign Court Contributor

I'll do my character up over the weekend... I've had a few extra projects come up for today. Sorry to hold things up!

My wife grabbed the computer last night to work from home. (WHere are her priorities?) I'll get *fanfare of horns* Vaclav Rennet, Cleric of Erastil, rolled up over the weekend, probably tonight. (actually horns are way over the top for him.)

Rambling Scribe wrote:
I'll do my character up over the weekend... I've had a few extra projects come up for today. Sorry to hold things up!

That's fine. I figured it might take a little time to get the game off the ground.

I'll get mine done tonight and post it first thing.

Are we gijng to be using invisible castle for dice rolling once we get going ?

Flamifur wrote:

I'll get mine done tonight and post it first thing.

Are we gijng to be using invisible castle for dice rolling once we get going ?

You can. But I trust you guys, so you don't have to link it.

Hi, guys, here's my character and alias for the campaign.
-- Tom (thereal thom)

Vaclav Rennet
Male Human Cleric of Erastil 1
Align: LN (G) Init: +2 Speed: 30 ft.
12 Str
14 Dex
10 Con
8 Int
16 Wis
14 Cha

Offense :
Ranged longbow +2 , 1d8, x3, 100’ (+3, 1d8+1 at less than 30’) 20 arrows
Melee morning star +1 ,1d8+1, x3
Melee dagger +1 , 1d4+1, 19-20, 10’

Special attacks – Turn Undead x5/day 60’

Check: Most powerful HD affected = Clerics level + ((1d20 + Ch) –10)/3) round down
Total HD turned = 2d6 + cleric level+ Ch
If Cleric level >/= Undead Hit Dice, Undead is destroyed.
Turned Undead Flee for 10 rounds if possible or Cower (attacks versus them +2)
Closing range less than 10’ Let’s undead overcome turning.

Defense :
HP: 8 AC: 15, touch: 12, flat footed: 13 Studded Leather
Fort: +2 Ref: +3 Will: +5

Spells: 0 lvl 3, 1st lvl 2+1 Domains: Law (+1 caster level on lawful spells), Animal (Speak with Animals once/day)
Typical spell loads:


Orisons: mending, guidance, light 1st: calm animals (d), command, sanctuary

Orisons: 2x virtue, guidance 1st: protect(chaos) (d), bless, shield of faith

Citybred(Magnimar)(+1 Reflex saves, +2 Diplomacy), Martial Weapon Prof (Longbow), Precise Shot (+1 hit and dam inside 30’)

Skills (8 points)
Diplomacy (Ch) +8 (4+2+2), Knowledge, Nature (I) 3 (4-1)

Combat Gear: none

Other Gear: ( Rolled 120 gp, 8 gp left) soon to be none.


BackSlider and cautious


Born in Magnimar to a Chelaxian cheese-maker and his Varisian second wife. Dedicated to the local temple of Erastil at age 6, though Mom still came to visit. Didn't like the strict, verbally abusive Temple Elder. Didn't do well in his studies. Ran away at age 14, renouncing religion all together. Drifted for 3 years. Ended up in the Korvosan military as an archer. Starting praying to many other gods because there are no atheists in foxholes. Drummed out after 9 undistinguished years because of some difficulties in the quartermaster corps. Joined a mercenary band, which was hired by a greedy incompetent noble to help annex some of his neighbor's demesne. The battle was a rout; Vaclav was left dying on the battlefield. In desperation he turned again to Erastil, who heard his plea and healed him enough to stagger away, leaning on a broken longbow. Since then he's drifted from temple to temple, working as a gopher or guard, trying to understand Erastil's plan for him. Because of his unusual history, he's often not well received in the wealthier, more urban temples, but in the poorer temples of rural communities, where the trappings of religion are less important he often finds acceptance.

Appearance: Vaclav is a solidly, but not powerfully, built man of slightly less than average height. His olive skin and black hair indicate Varisian descent, although his features are somewhat rounder than the Varisian ideal. Grey is just starting to creep into his short goatee and closely cropped black hair. But for the wooden longbow symbol of Erastil dangling from his belt, his well-traveled gear and upright bearing might lead the casual observer to deduce that he is a common mercenary.

Cool. The Human Rogue and Human Cleric are in. Next up . . .

Sorry it's taken me a while to post, stuff came up. All is fixed now and I'll post my character in a few hours.

I've decided to go for a Fighter to begin with who may or may not become a Paladin as we progress - I want to discover a 'calling' for him in the adventure.

This is Guthwulf's wizard name and profile

Sorry I have not posted this sooner. Anyways I rolled 3d4x10=100gp for my starting gold.

I have not yet finished hashing out this character but his two most notable traits are he is a Bookworm. Always wanting to research something before he acts on it. And secondly, he is a bit of a daydreamer, which means sometimes he is not paying attention at the critical moments, but he can come up with some interesting ways of getting out of a bad situation as well.

Male Varisian Wizard 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses: Listen +1, Spot +1
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
(+2 Dex)
Hp 6 (1d4+2)
Fort +2, Ref +2 (+0 when flat-footed), Will +3
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee Staff -1(1d6/x2) or
Melee Dagger -1 (1d4/19-20) or
Ranged Dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) or
Ranged Light Crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; Grp -1
Feats: Spell Focus(Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Varisian Tattoo(Conjuration)
Skills: (24 Ranks)
Concentration +6 (4 ranks + 2)
Knowledge(Arcana) +7 (4 ranks + 3)
Knowledge(Geography) +7 (4 ranks + 3)
Knowledge(Local) +5 (2 ranks + 3)
Knowledge(Planes) +5 (2 ranks + 3)
Profession(Cartographer) +7 (4 ranks + 3)
Spellcraft +7 (4 ranks + 3)
Languages: Common, Varisian, Draconic, Celestial, and Thassilonian
SQ: Summon Familiar
Spell-like Abilities: 2/day Acid Splash
Possessions:(Starting Gold 100 gp)


I'll get my character up tonight or tomorrow morning. Sorry about the delay

Here's the start of my Fighter. I'll Post more Later - I've got a face to face game to run !! (Flamifur)

Human Fighter
Human Cleric
Human Rogue
Human Wizard

Waiting on 2 more ..
Human Bard
Dwarven Ranger

My humans are popular.

Girst Gerikson
Male Human Bard
Alignment: Neutral Initiative: +2 Speed: 30 feet

STR: 10
DEX: 14
CON: 12
INT: 12
WIS: 10
CHA: 16

Ranged: Light Crossbow +2
Melee: Dagger -

HP: 7 AC: 15, Touch: 12, Flat Footed: 13
Fort: +1 REf: +5 Will: +2

Feats: City Born (Riddleport), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot

Skills: Bluff+9, Craft (Painting) +5, Gather Info +7, Knowledge (Nobility, Royalty) +5, Perform (Wind Instrument) +7, Use Magic Device +7, 8 ranks of speak language

Gear: Explorers Outfit, Studded Leather Armor, Light Crossbow, 10 Bolts, Dagger, Flute, Belt Pouch, Sunrod, Tindertwig (2), Ink Vial, Ink Pen, Parchment (5 sheets)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Aquan, Terran, Varisian, Thasalonian, Chelaxion, Gnome

Traits: Arrogant, Aloof

Born Wealthy, Girst recieved the best education money could buy. An obsession with art and music led to the neglect in other studies and his eventual expulsion. His sense of entitlement and all around strangeness usually alienates him from those around him.

Here's my character, stats are in the profile. I still need to buy equipment and write her background.

I'd like to buy a mule or donkey, but don't see a price. Eventually I'd like to have a mule or donkey as my animal companion, although they're a little weak compared to a warhorse.

I'll get on that background and gear!

Craig Shackleton,
The Rambling Scribe

OK, let's make sure I have this right.

We have:

1)Tzoltan Devreen, a human rogue, from Sandpoint. He lives with his mother and makes a living helping out around town (what is your craft check -- armor, carpentry, etc?). He is ill at ease in social situations, yet possessed of an innate curiosity on how things work, and why they work, and what makes them work . . .etc

2)Vaclav Rennet, human priest of Erastil, from Magnimar, but has wandered his fair share of Varisia. (Are you staying in Sandpoint? If so where? WHy are you in Sandpoint). He is a bit cautious, as he has seen his share of roughness in the world (explain Backslider to me, please). Vaclav is a rough-looking customer, though well-spoken when needed to be.

3)Marius Vaca, a human wizard, from (still need history. Where from, why in Sandpoint?). He is a bit of a dreamer, and is rarely found without a book at his side or in front of his face.

4)Rince, a human fighter, (Still need history/bio)

5) Girst, a human bard, from Riddleport (why in Sandpoint?)Gifted and attractive, Girst can still be tough to be around . . .his sense of aloofness makes him hard to be around, and his arrogance can be grating.

6) Onagella Sunpath . . awaiting bio and traits.

Look right so far? (and fill in answers to questions i put in parentheses)

Bio and traits done. I'll be staying at an Inn. What's available.

Just got my player's guide (and Burnt Offerings) in the mail!

I'll do equipment shortly.

There was supposed to be a question mark at the end of "what's avaialble."

That's okay though. I'll be staying at the "White Deer." It has a nice view and is less crowded than the rusty dragon.

Backslide -- to relapse into bad habits, sinful behavior, or undesirable activities. (dictionary.com) Vaclav is pretty new to the cleric thing. He also has a pretty strict view of what his behavior should be like because his strongest role model was the martinet-type priest from the temple he fled in his youth. Expect him to try to live up to the highest purtannical standards in public and when its obvious that a well-considered decision is needed, but to occasionally fail in private or when he acts without fully thinking things through. He's got half a lifetime of expereince in carousing. Depending on your view of things, keep atonements available. please?

thereal thom wrote:
Backslide -- to relapse into bad habits, sinful behavior, or undesirable activities. (dictionary.com) Vaclav is pretty new to the cleric thing. He also has a pretty strict view of what his behavior should be like because his strongest role model was the martinet-type priest from the temple he fled in his youth. Expect him to try to live up to the highest purtannical standards in public and when its obvious that a well-considered decision is needed, but to occasionally fail in private or when he acts without fully thinking things through. He's got half a lifetime of expereince in carousing. Depending on your view of things, keep atonements available. please?

Cool. Thanks.

All in all, things are measuirng up for a good PbP. I will start up a game thread probably tomorrow morning.

Okay, I think I'm done.

Can I train (or have trained) Droga (my mule)?

Hmm... I'm also thinking a guard dog suits Onagella's nature. Is that problematic for the PbP format? If not I'll buy one.

Is there a festival about to start in Sandpoint? That would be good reason why Girst is in town. He's there to do some street performing.

If there's no festival (I thought I remember reading somewhere that there was a festival going on in this campaign but maybe I'm crazy) then he's there studying with a master painter.

Marius was born in the Hinterlands outside of Sandpoint. When he was a bit older his parents decided to move into Sandpoint were Brodert Quink first met Marius. Bordert realized the potential the young boy had in the arcane arts and with the permission of his parents begin to tutor the boy teaching him languages such as Thassilonian and Draconic. Brodert would tell Marius of all his studies of ancient Thassilonian ruins, Marius eventually became quite good at drawing maps of the area as if he had a hidden talent at it. Brodert however became more and more obsessed with the Old Light within town. Marius found his studies with Brodert becoming less and less useful as his old mentor was fixated on the ruined tower. He did however expand on his talent for map making and has become the town cartographer.

Within the arcane arts, Marius has found himself drawn to things other worldly. He has a knack for summoning things to help him when he needs something. When he had finally come of age a ritual was performed in which a magnificant tattoo was etched of a wild beasts coming from his heart. Ever since then he has found an even deeper connection to this arcane of art of his.

I've done a few tweaks to Tzoltan's skills to finish him up. I switched from craft to profession (tinker), which I think fits the character concept better. He makes a living by fixing equipment, odd-jobs, sharpening knives, etc.

Dog = 25 gp
Donkey = 8 gp

You must buy them.

Everything else looks good guys, I will open a post for play sometime tomorrow.

Sovereign Court Contributor

The Last Rogue wrote:

Dog = 25 gp

Donkey = 8 gp

You must buy them.

Everything else looks good guys, I will open a post for play sometime tomorrow.

Yeah, I found the donkey after the edit option disappeared. I don't know why I couldn't see it right on the list I was looking at. I did pay for the mule, and I will buy the dog as well, then. I'm assuming standard stats. Can I train them up to their training limit?


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