Al Quadim for d20


Just a quick question- I understand that Al Quadim got the Campaign Classics treatment from Dragon- can anyone tell me which one it is?
I've spent my lunchtime searching to no avail.

firbolg wrote:

Just a quick question- I understand that Al Quadim got the Campaign Classics treatment from Dragon- can anyone tell me which one it is?

I've spent my lunchtime searching to no avail.

Dragon 351

FYI, it's Al-Qadim. That may have hindered your searches.

(Forgotten Thread, I command thee to rise in my service!)

I have pretty much all the all TSR's Al-Qadim setting.

On Adventure (mini-campaign?) that I was unable to use was AQ1 - Golden Voyages.

So, I would like to convert this to Pathfinder 1st. Edition. A couple of questions:

  • What would be a good starting level for this adventure? (Admittedly, this detail was also missing from the 2nd Edition AD&D version.)
  • Could (and should) this be imported to Golarion?

Any input from people familiar with Al-Qadim (at least) would be helpful.

Grand Lodge

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I found this for recommended levels using 2nd Edition AD&D rules:

A party of 4-6 characters level 4-6 starting this adventure should be fine, presuming they are character kits/classes particular to Zakhara. If they are foreigners, they're going to have a tougher time. But it's a very open-ended adventure, so they may stumble into something beyond their abilities and either die or run away.

So, bringing that forward using PFRPG rules, I would have run it for characters of levels 5-7.

I say "would have" because I currently use 2nd Edition AD&D, but I did use 3.5 and PF for over 8 years. And while I am very familiar with the Al-Qadim setting, I too have never run Golder Voyages.

As for placement within Golarian, Katapesh and the Obari Ocean look like the closest, if not the best fit. While the coast off of Katapash lacks the sheer number of islands within Al-Qadim's Crowded Sea, the islands actually used and/or mentioned are small enough that at the very least, those could be very easily added.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Digitalelf wrote:

I found this for recommended levels using 2nd Edition AD&D rules:

A party of 4-6 characters level 4-6 starting this adventure should be fine, presuming they are character kits/classes particular to Zakhara. If they are foreigners, they're going to have a tougher time. But it's a very open-ended adventure, so they may stumble into something beyond their abilities and either die or run away.

So, bringing that forward using PFRPG rules, I would have run it for characters of levels 5-7.


That was my feeling reading the adventures, but I was hoping for information from some one who has actually run the adventure set. This you provided.

Digitalelf wrote:

I say "would have" because I currently use 2nd Edition AD&D, but I did use 3.5 and PF for over 8 years. And while I am very familiar with the Al-Qadim setting, I too have never run Golder Voyages.

As for placement within Golarian, Katapesh and the Obari Ocean look like the closest, if not the best fit. While the coast off of Katapash lacks the sheer number of islands within Al-Qadim's Crowded Sea, the islands actually used and/or mentioned are small enough that at the very least, those could be very easily added.

I was thinking that moving it over to Qadira, which is less well defined, might also work.

Grand Lodge

Lord Fyre wrote:
I was thinking that moving it over to Qadira, which is less well defined, might also work.

My initial thought was Qadira as well, but then I thought, no... This area seems flavored after India more than flavored after the middle east. However, I do suppose it is a close enough fit that it would work with just a minimum amount of tweaking.

But you're right, Qadira is far less defined than Katapesh, or any of the nations along the southern coast of the Inner Sea (i.e. Osirion, Thuvia, and Rahadoum), which could also work quite well (but that whole reagion has a lot of information concerning it).

If you wind up running this, please post about it. I'd be curious as to how it plays out. :-)

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