Several lawyer jokes, followed by statement that I must return to work rather than waste time.
Snarky admonition of a poster who spelled "rouge" as "rogue."
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Acknowledgement of making page three.
Gratiutous reference to Wil Wheaton ousting thread.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Heathansson wrote: Long-winded blathering ill-worded Unibomber Manifestoesque bla bla bla bla bla bla bla........................................................................ ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ...bla Wondering if Heathansson is just now hearing about 4e?
Rereads thread for the umpteenth time, trying to wrap my medicated brain around the superior wit. Finally getting the courage to post what I hope is a snarky comment. After erasing and restarting post several times, finally admitting to myself that I shall never be as witty as my comrads, gives up and continues to lurk.
Edit: Looks at whats written only after I have posted, realizes that perhaps it's not a good idea to type while on said medication and assures all my friends once again that yes, English class is next trimester.
Realizes belatedly that there is a golden opportunity with this type of thread and proceeds to type the wittiest comment ever seen on these boards. At last, AT LAST!
Notes irony that First Time Poster has now posted three times in this thread alone.
kessukoofah wrote: Notes irony that First Time Poster has now posted three times in this thread alone. Statement of displeasure with creating a new alias every post.
Reiteration of 4e rumors. Accusation of WotC wanting to make money.
EDIT: Shock upon learning news of 4e from following another thread.
Complaint that other posters should knock off the look-alike-alias shennanigans.
Reminder that corporations need to make more money or poster will not have sufficient funds to gold plate his dog.
Heath N. Asson wrote: Complaint that other posters should knock off the look-alike-alias shennanigans. Imperious statement agreeing with above poster!
Ludicrous queery regarding the nature of the universe.
States that the course of this thread has changed the outlook and direction of the poster's life. He will now quit dianetics and dedicate his life to spreading the truths revealed in this thread.
Non-sequitor statement delivered with a 'hillbilly' accent.
Late poster makes vain and awkward attempt to veer thread back onto a previous threadjack dealing with D&D alignment system. Paladins are mentioned.
Further degeneration of thread by ignoring all past threads and starting to talk in smurf.
Afterwards, a smurf about Smurfette and how smurf she is...
Stops reading thread because one can safely assume that any relevant statements about the topic have already been made.
Celestial Healer wrote: Stops reading thread because one can safely assume that any relevant statements about the topic have already been made. Puzzled inquiry as to what "relevant statements" had already been made.
Evokes advanced education in just this subject, attaining imagined authority over the thread. Belittles previous points made by citing obscure, subjective outside source material. Pats own back, invites other posters to read blog on just this subject. Remarks vaguely that blog was "written up" on some other, more popular blog.
Expression of surprise (and inevitable bump) that this thread has gone on for so long.
Expression of dismay that self cannot resist posting on this thread again now that someone has "bumped" it.
Inquires to the thread's original purpose.
Replies to several comments further up the thread.
Inserts an obligatory 'lol.'
Repetition of earlier suggestion that thread be moved to word games.
Accusation of post padding and expression of indignation that thread is bumping more important discussions.
Pointless double post by someone lurking Paizo while everyone else is asleep.
Attempts post as pirate.
Arrrr, "matey."
Fails miserably.
Brief, token attempt to respond to the original topic.
Several paragraphs explaining how none of the other posters would be having this problem if they played Castles & Crusades instead.
Sexual overture to anyone in the same city as self.
Indignant supporting proclamation regarding the validity of this thread.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Declares this thread funny.
Also declares the sky blue.
Closing statement.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Requisite elf-bashing post. Designation that a particular non-elf race "rulez."
Baseless accusation that all of you are nerds and need to get a life.
waltero wrote: Baseless accusation that all of you are nerds and need to get a life. Defends his position by stating that he is married, has a child, and a full time job.
Makes several grandstanding statements about how D&D has improved his life, made him better, smarter, stronger, and faster.
Posts impromptu 'Six-Million Dollar Man' reference.
Slips back in, sees that thread has gone off topic.
Makes some "witty" comment to bring thread further off topic.
Uses too many emoticons.
Questions the thread with no topic's ability to go off topic in the first place.
Complains about several things that have been going wrong in his life lately.
States that said complaints will be cross-posted to the 'rant' thread.
Fatespinner wrote: Questions the thread with no topic's ability to go off topic in the first place. Deliberately goes "off-topic" with no explanation as to how just for the sake of argument.
Hastens threads downward spiral by injecting snide remark about munchkins.
Defends the "munchkin" archetype by argueing that optimized characters make the game more fun since you aren't constantly worried about dying all the time.
-posts a list
-of URLs
-each supporting a particular point
-but not bothering to state
-the point directly.
Heathansson wrote: ninja's r teh suck!!! GRRRR!!!
Tongue-in-cheek verbal assault about how much ninjas completely rock and how pirates obviously suck. I mean, come on, they lose their legs and hands all the time. How can you possibly think they are cool?
Uses a lot of BBCode Tags to draw lots of attention to his otherwise completely pointless post about
Mike McArtor wrote: Heathansson wrote: ninja's r teh suck!!! GRRRR!!!
Tongue-in-cheek verbal assault about how much ninjas completely rock and how pirates obviously suck. I mean, come on, they lose their legs and hands all the time. How can you possibly think they are cool? Retort phrased in dreadful attempt at cockney. Reply that Pirates have groovy fanciful names.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mike McArtor wrote: Heathansson wrote: ninja's r teh suck!!! GRRRR!!!
Tongue-in-cheek verbal assault about how much ninjas completely rock and how pirates obviously suck. I mean, come on, they lose their legs and hands all the time. How can you possibly think they are cool? Implies that once you've gone pirate you'll be hooked.
Wonders if munchkin is an archetype or a template...