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Off-Topic Discussions

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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

veector wrote:

Silly post making fun of llamas :)

Another silly post making fun of making fun of Llamas.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

A post which attempts to test the bounced service.

Post attempting to bring back the first topic.... again.

Post which weakly attempts to support the post above, but inadvertently threadjacks.

Hijack post by one of the following:

1) Jack
2) Heathy
3) Kobold Cleaver
4) Sebastian

Scarab Sages

Disturbing examination of the socio-political aspects of the mating habits of Phacochoerus africanus.

Post which holds forth extensively on the topic of Phacochoerus Africanus, but obviously found out what to say on Wikipedia.

Anecdote about vehicle in a computer game.

Boast of prowess.

Off-colour joke about Linnaean classification.

M1sguided attempt at leet-speak.

Sovereign Court

Joey Lafyatis wrote:

Hijack post by one of the following:

1) Jack
2) Heathy
3) Kobold Cleaver
4) Sebastian

Denial of being affiliated with threadjackers.

Smug satisfaction at being listed at the top.

Scarab Sages

Condescension; smug disapproval of threadjacking.

Scarab Sages

Newbies jumping in on other peoples conversations. ;)

Scarab Sages

Maladroit hendiadys.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Misplaced post addressing the topic of a different thread.

Sovereign Court

Advertisement for joining the Cult of Jack.

Liberty's Edge

We have beer, babes, and our own private chef. He's also a pretty fair party planner.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

The first post of testing of the day, but perhaps not the last.

Dark Archive

Nonsensical rant about pony-worshiping godlike lawyers being the only legitimate cult figurehead, while denying the legitimacy of any and all imitators.

Dark Archive

Angry rant about the destruction of historic sites like Fengdu in the name of progress.

Scarab Sages

Brazen repudiation of Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development.

Dark Archive

Obligatory post asking "Where is my Pony!"

Flippant irrelevancy. Attention Grab.

Dark Archive

PonyLVR, wrote:
Obligatory post asking "Where is my Pony!"

Gratuitous post mocking little girls who love ponies.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Gratuitous post which exists for no reason other than to tickle the messageboards.

Gary Teter wrote:

Gratuitous post which exists for no reason other than to tickle the messageboards.

Stupid post:

(ex: Funny! or Good one!) that its...

Scarab Sages

Gratuitous post which mentions smurfs.

Post that backs up the previous smurf post.

Post which contributes something valid to the discussion, but is forgotten a moment later.

Threat of legal action against Kobold Cleaver unless he pays his insurance premium.

Aberzombie wrote:
Maladroit hendiadys.

Sinister neologism.

Allhate Insurance wrote:
Threat of legal action against Kobold Cleaver unless he pays his insurance premium.

Allow me to offer my services in regards to legal proceedings against the lizard.

Stern admonition about previous post.

Sovereign Court

Shameless pluggery.

Liberty's Edge

Response to shameless pluggery.

Request for Legar action against thread thievery

Butterfrog wrote:
Request for Legar action against thread thievery

Pointy accusing finger and shout of 'WARLOCK!'

WHG's Flunkie wrote:
Butterfrog wrote:
Request for Legar action against thread thievery
Pointy accusing finger and shout of 'WARLOCK!'

Response of 'nonsense, now get back on UFO hunting duty'.

The Exchange

There is no need for legal action here.

Scarab Sages

Badly written observation about the blatantly obvious.

Post grumbling about posters who spam the word-games section, just to get their post count up, and who don't actually make a serious effort to try to fit their posts in with anything which has actually gone before. Tone of post makes it clear that poster is an extremist who thinks that those who do not take word games seriously should have their eyes put out, their hands chopped off, and their ears stopped up with molten lead, or at the very least be executed.
Poster is suspended for a week as a result, leading to even more grumbling when poster returns that trolls frequenting the 4E boards are treated less severely, before poster announces that Paizo is 'clearly anti 4E'- and that he/she will launch a personal crusade to bring the company down.

Post announcing that the poster of the previous post has been arrested by the FBI, and is undergoing questioning for 'misuse of NASA resources'.

Post expressing relief that 'the late unpleasantness' seems to be now over, thanks to the ever-vigilent heroes of the FBI.

Scarab Sages

Turning previous posters recent unpleasantness into a word game.

Post which doesn't make a serious effort to try to fit in with anything that has gone before.

Nonsense Post!


Post which accuses the previous poster of threadicide.

Angry Post!

Post which consists of nothing but quotes of the previous post, with lengthy rebuttals.

Post which utilises the word fail to insult and belittle the other posters on the thread.

Accusation of incompetence, and poor mental ability.

Strident hyperbole.

Claim that rudeness is excusable.

Claim of genius.

Derogatory remarks about others.

Quote of previous poster. Claim that all the other posters are guilty of harrassment.


Scarab Sages

Obligatory commentary on posting practices.

Veiled insult at long-time community members.

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