Shadows of Keepers Dale Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Utak wrote:

Nani, great pics. Thanks for sharing your world with us.

As for Creed’s question, my posting time is anywhere between 2:30 am to 10:30 pm EST, but I am mostly on between 2 & 4 pm EST. I am up at different hours, and sometimes I cant stop myself from having Paizo up on the net and hitting refresh several times an hour.

DM Dreamweaver:

** spoiler omitted **


Go ahead and roll with him, I am the last person to complain about people not posting everyday, I have my busy days, so if you can check once a day that is fine with me. As far as Scardd, he doesn't have to be sick, I would rather you add to the party, but if you were going to go that route I had an easy story for it. So play when you can and I will have Nani do any NPCing of Scardd if I need to keep the game moving. Glad your sticking around.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12


Thanks. I do appreciate your understanding. My goal is to check the boards and post daily when needed. I may just have an off day at times, but I will do my best.

The Exchange

If you want to see some photos of the happy family, especially baby Archie, then send an email to me offboard at

Yours were gorgeous, Nani. The eldest looks a right minx and youngest is very cute.

Not sure about the bearded boy though.


The Exchange

Creed - to be a little more helpful, I generally have time on the boards between 6-7am, 9-10am (son's sleep), 3-4pm (son's sleep) and 6pm onwards most nights I dip in and out because the majority of players in my game and this one are online then.

However as you have 2 kids you probably know that none of this is written in stone.


Dark Archive

French Wolf wrote:

However as you have 2 kids you probably know that none of this is written in stone.

Boy, do I ever!

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

I most likely will not get back to posting until Wednesday.

sorry for any inconvenience

Female Kobold

If I'm overdoing the roleplaying, just let me know.

Your fine, I like it.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

DM Dreamweaver:

Just thinking, do we currently have a straight up fighter in the party. I am guessing that Tuon is some type of Psychic Warrior. I could be wrong on this. I bring this up because I am in an internal debate on where to go with Scardd. Since we now have Skiddifig for magic, and we lost Galen ... I know we still have Roderick, but I do not know how much that is worth. OK enough of my rambling. Basically, if we do not have a straight up fighter, for party balance, would it help if Scardd started multiclassing with a martial class or would that interfere with your plans for Scardd. Just thinking right now and would like your input. Thanks.

Utak wrote:

DM Dreamweaver:

** spoiler omitted **


Multiclassing Scardd wouldn't be a problem but between Tuon being a warrior type and Creed being a Favored Soul I don't think the muscle is a problem. I think the party covers everything pretty well, your magic and Skidds will almost never overlap so I think you can continue with the Warlock class if thats what you want to do. If anything you could start getting some wands to increase the healing capacity with your UMD.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Good thoughts. Thanks Dreamweaver.

Dark Archive

I know that this has been on the boards and in the news for the past few days, but I'd like to acknowledge the passing of E. Gary Gygax. I must say that though I'd never met Mr. Gygax, I was honestly saddened at the news. Without him, we would not be (virtually) gathered here playing this wonderful game. Much of the happiness I found during my less-than-enjoyable teen years came from playing AD&D with friends. Here's to Gary *hoists a coffee cup.*

Human Cleric (Thor) 1, Hits

I've met him twice and I reckon they were two of the most memorable moments of my life, because DnD means that much to me.

I was lost on Wednesday, so I kind of know what you mean.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

My sentiments exactly Santinj@. The friends I have to this day are the people I grew up with playing this excellent and creative game that we play. Without D&D, I probably would never have found the joy of reading that I have today, and I probably would have gotten into alot more trouble than I did growing up.

It was a sad day.

*hoists cup in rememberance*

Female Kobold

Guys, I might be gone for a few days. DM, feel free to play my character as you see fit.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hey Folks,

Sorry for the absence. My mother is in the hospital again. She is expected to be in for a few more days. I may not be around to post for a bit.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Utak wrote:

Hey Folks,

Sorry for the absence. My mother is in the hospital again. She is expected to be in for a few more days. I may not be around to post for a bit.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Not a problem, I hope your mother feels better soon.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Dreamweaver and Fellow Players (Friends),

I will unfortunately have to drop out of the game. My Mother will be discharged from the hospital in a day or so. She will be unable to live independently, and I have talked her into moving in with me so I can care for her. This will be a major lifestyle change. Also, I will be dealing with real estate agents for her home and stumbling through 40+ years of memories to clear out the house. My mind is just not on gaming at the moment and may not be for a while. I am exhausted and my creativity is shot.

I sincerely apologize for leaving the game, but I also do not want to hold it up. Neither option is fair to any of you, but this is the better of the two that I can see.

I have really enjoyed playing and interacting with all of you. Although I found that I am not to keen on the Warlock Class, Scardd is very interesting to me. I was really looking forward to finding out about his past. Everybody, thank you for a great game. Maybe in a few months, I can stop by and say hello.

Dreamweaver - I have enjoyed Keeper‘s Dale and all of the colorful characters living in the city. It has been loads of fun. Hopefully a replacement will come quick and easy if you decide to fill Scardd’s spot. If you find somebody who would like to play Scardd, I could always send you an email with his profile info for a quick copy and paste. Just let me know if this is the case.

Again, I am truly sorry for leaving the game. I really love these PbP games, but I have to concentrate on other things that are decreasing my past enthusiasm and energy.

Thanks Again and Happy Gaming - May you all roll 20’s



Female Kobold

Utak, if you are still around, then allow me to say goodbye, and farewell. It's a shame that we'll never know about Scarrd's past, but your family must come first.

Utak sorry to see you go but real life and family are definitely a higher priority so good luck with everything. I will put Scardd off to the side like we talked about for some one else to play and who nows many you might find some time in several months. We will still be here and hope everything works out. See you around.

Dark Archive

Utak, I applaud your decision to care for your mother in this way--it will no doubt be hard, but I hope that it has positive moments for you as well. Please stop by the boards when life affords the time, if for no other reason than to check-in and say hello. All the best. ~santinj@

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hey Everybody,

I want to thank you for your understanding and support. Good luck getting those caravan routes cleaned up. Scardd wishes he could be there.


Well if looks like we have another player starting soon.

The Exchange

DM how do you feel about the NPCing? Roderick and/or Scarrd.

I don't know how the rest feel. I just wonder because I have one of Utak's strays left in my game.



New player reporting in. Off to construct PC fit to consort with you lot. Which may be a challenge.

EDIT: Can you just remind me - is this rolls or point build and if so how much? I only have access to 3.5 core books, so for ease of reference I'll restrict myself to those.

Would some kind of half-elf fit in? A druidy/ranger type might have possibilities. Was toying with backgrounding some kind of family connection with Scarrd (mum/dad frolicked among the races a bit) but will leave that if it's just going to make life more difficult.

Dark Archive

Welcome Rev Rosey! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with, character-wise. I have to admit (as I look at my cluttered office) that I am instantly envious of your stated occupations. A very creative set, indeed!

BTW, I play Creed of Kord in the game thread.


Thanks for the welcome. First day at new school syndrome since you've all been together so long. Will try and build someone who works well.

Creative for sure, but all very badly paid, which is why there are so many of them. Much better than the Civil Service legal department however, which I adorned for a lot of years.

Female Kobold

Welcome, Rev. And remember: You can never have enough druids.

French Wolf wrote:

DM how do you feel about the NPCing? Roderick and/or Scarrd.

I don't know how the rest feel. I just wonder because I have one of Utak's strays left in my game.


I have a plan for them that I will put in effect shortly. But most of the time I forget about Roderick until combat and this group is big enough to handle most things with out them.

Male Human Druid 3

Verzale Thorne. The avatar is the best I can do - which is not very good at all since he's supposed to be a redhead with one blue and one green eye. Just imagine those features ... sigh.

Not statted up yet, but I think he's working in Keeper's Gate as a falconer (companion animal will be a hawk) to earn enough to wander for a bit. I'm working on the idea that there is something in the background, which he either knows about and wants to forget or doesn't know or care about but will come up and bite him in the bum anyway. Dreamweaver may have ideas about that. Either way, the guy is a trouble magnet.

Off to fiddle around with spells, weapons, skills, feats and all the stuff I invariably get wrong.

Verzale wrote:

Verzale Thorne. The avatar is the best I can do - which is not very good at all since he's supposed to be a redhead with one blue and one green eye. Just imagine those features ... sigh.

Not statted up yet, but I think he's working in Keeper's Gate as a falconer (companion animal will be a hawk) to earn enough to wander for a bit. I'm working on the idea that there is something in the background, which he either knows about and wants to forget or doesn't know or care about but will come up and bite him in the bum anyway. Dreamweaver may have ideas about that. Either way, the guy is a trouble magnet.

Off to fiddle around with spells, weapons, skills, feats and all the stuff I invariably get wrong.

Awesome that was quick, I will think on some idea's for your background tonight.


Please do - I gave him red hair deliberately in case you wanted to tie him in with Scarrd in some way, but it's up to you.

My son has swiped the PHB, so I'm a bit stuffed at the moment on stats, but I'll do what I can and if you or some other kind soul can check I've got the maths right, he'll be good to go. Info on starting gold at 3rd level would be handy as well.

I'll give him some very basic kit, and be happy to prune if the amount is miniscule. I suspect it may be. 1st level is something horrible like 2d4x10.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elvish ( Its in my ears) Mother6/Wife6

I would love to know how you just managed to get a character together that fast. Today I have only managed to take the girls to gymnastics, clean out the fridge and buy some grocery's. I envy you!


Two words. Easter holidays! I have freedom. More to the point, I didn't feel obligated to do anything else. Some grocery shopping got done, but that counted as useful thinking time.

Plus you have two small children, I have on slightly older one - big, big difference.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elvish ( Its in my ears) Mother6/Wife6

Well that explains that. I am glad that you have joined us. It will be nice to have another "woman" around here. Sometimes the testosterone levels get a little high around here! (Just Kidding Boys!)

Rosey, I just remembered that your son joined the PbP for younger's, How is that going? We are envious but our oldest will be 5 soon and is too young to do much other than paint miniatures. (lots of blue dragons and what not)

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic
Rev Rosey wrote:
Two words. Easter holidays! I have freedom.

And a colleague who works out skill ranks for you. ;D

FabesMinis wrote:

And a colleague who works out skill ranks for you. ;D

So very true.

I bow to your awesomeness Fabes. Speaking of which - care to check out Verzale for me? Make sure I haven't allocated inappropriate feats and skills again ... I am asking very nicely :D

Nani Wahine wrote:

Well that explains that. I am glad that you have joined us. It will be nice to have another "woman" around here. Sometimes the testosterone levels get a little high around here! (Just Kidding Boys!)

Rosey, I just remembered that your son joined the PbP for younger's, How is that going? We are envious but our oldest will be 5 soon and is too young to do much other than paint miniatures. (lots of blue dragons and what not)

It's slow because the time zone thing matters a lot more to him than it does to me, but he's enjoying himself playing a rather cantankerous monk.

Dark Archive

Fabes?! Is it really you? (It's almost like virtual reality mimics reality better than reality does--I hardly ever bump into friends out of context in real life!)

Male Human - dash of elf Miniature painter/ Heroic
Rev Rosey wrote:
FabesMinis wrote:

And a colleague who works out skill ranks for you. ;D

So very true.

I bow to your awesomeness Fabes. Speaking of which - care to check out Verzale for me? Make sure I haven't allocated inappropriate feats and skills again ... I am asking very nicely :D

I shall have a quick look at Verzale tonight before coming over to kick some PC butt in Freeport. Not really of course, all my monsters roll so poorly.

FabesMinis wrote:

I shall have a quick look at Verzale tonight before coming over to kick some PC butt in Freeport. Not really of course, all my monsters roll so poorly.

Just as well they do. Also helps they tend to be non-stragegic nutbars - otherwise we'd all be rolling new characters every session. And yes, I'd be mighty grateful if you'd cross check Verzale. As always it will be a whole new set of errors.

Rev Rosey

Well if you want to be intertwined with Scardd lets have you come from Vanguard in the western edge of Havenwood. Vanguard is a small fortified town that is the last safe haven before entering the Demon Wastes. Almost directly west forty miles is a ruined city the demons occupy so the people of this town are used to dealing with the outsiders.

There is a group of elite fighters originating from Vanguard that specialize and hunting and kill demons and devils called the Shadow Stalkers. You could be trying gain the experience to join them.

If you want to take this route I can tell you more.

It is entirely up to you, if you want to hear about some idea's about Gilead and it's current unrests I can fill you in.

DM Dreamweaver wrote:
Rev Rosey ** spoiler omitted **

Companion animal will be a wolf - abrupt change of mind there.

DM Dreamweaver

How about this then. Verzale has been approached by the Shadow Stalkers as a possible recruit. He's not sure at all about committing himself to that extent and has asked for time to think and hone his skills. Which was given, but some time ago and he should in theory be back in Vanguard by now telling them about whatever his decision is.

He hasn't done that, so he's got one ear open in case the Shadow Stalkers come after him - in case he spills too many beans about them or turns to the dark side himself. Verzale has no intention of going dark, he's just not happy about joining an organisation that seems a bit focussed and straitlaced to him. He's a druid - he needs his freedom, he likes being able to come and go, drink what and where he wants, talk to whoever he wants. Really not a man good at taking orders.

The problem is that he's a very noticeable kind of guy and simply seems unable to keep out of trouble. Partly because it attracts him, partly because he can't leave well alone (a bad trait in a druid). He may or may not take the Shadow Stalkers route in the end, but he'll try out a lot of other things first.

He really does know nothing about his own background and doesn't care much. As far as he knows, he was dropped off on the doorstep of some priest's house (a nature loving one) and picked up his druidic skills as he got older.

Is any of this useable? I'm very happy to tweak, re-think or whatever you want - it's your world and I just want to build someone who will fit in well.

The Exchange

A wolf companion.

He will most definitely not be Tuon's best friend.

Grand Lodge

Male Nurse/Father
French Wolf wrote:

A wolf companion.

He will most definitely not be Tuon's best friend.

Yeah the parties interaction with wolves lately has not been good.

Rev Rosey

OK lets go with this if you like it. This is what happened you were found on the road through Dragons Divide in a bundle of cloths extremely pissed and hungry when you where just a couple months old. A Gilead soldier took you as his own and raised you in a town north east of Arronan in the Bluetip Mountains. Did you find the maps I had? I will leave the details and why you are in Keepers Dale.

Dreamweaver wrote:
French Wolf wrote:

A wolf companion.

He will most definitely not be Tuon's best friend.

Yeah the parties interaction with wolves lately has not been good.

Rev Rosey ** spoiler omitted **

French Wolf - I know you will all have wolfy issues, but Dagmar will win you over with her immense personal charm.

Dreamweaver - thanks.

I found the first set of maps you posted at the start of the thread - had some zooming issues, but think I can find where you mean. Just tell me where you want him from and why he's in Keeper's Dale and I'll roll with it. I need Fabes to check my stats - there will be wrong stuff in there. I also need to stat up Dagmar. She's a white wolf - looks nothing like the one that healed itself and took chunks out of them.

Female Kobold
French Wolf wrote:

A wolf companion.

He will most definitely not be Tuon's best friend.

At least it's not a dog. If it was, Hattyn would not be pleased.

Male Human Druid 3

Been cleared on skills, points and such like, Dagmar my wolfy chum is sorted, just need to clear up a couple of points on background, money and equipment and I think we're good to go.

Ok Rev Rosey I will send a couple of additions tonight and put you in the game tomorrow sometime.

DM Dreamweaver wrote:
Ok Rev Rosey I will send a couple of additions tonight and put you in the game tomorrow sometime.

Cheers. Thanks for that.

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