The Fake Arena


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Bad troll Mere troll

It's Invisible Castle... As long as you put my character name in, I could always track back how many rolls you made before linking to the worst one. :-P

Alright, if it isn't resolved by the time I log in tomorrow, I'll roll.
But if any one can roll for me before then, please do.

And since I am fairly sure this will be a new page:

New Fake Arena Map.

LOGAN (25) B
VANIN (16) B

Sorry, boys. Distracted by the flashy lights on the WotC Page (look for yourself)

Again, I've left Spartacus in the mix, but will make modifications as needed. Round progressed to 5.

Down for me also. I will roll at home and post results (you just need to trust ol' Fakey)
Logan's rolls a 9 to hit +9=18, a hit, for 2 damage.

Vanin is up.

Invisible castle is down, so I need a STR check rolled to see whether or not I fall prone, which is 1d20+3. Thanks, O Arenamaster!

Roll for Heinrich's check - 10+3 for 13
Heinrich is dragged to the ground by Bitey's furious ankle-bite.

Vanin takes a swing at Garash.

1d20+10 2d6+10

Also, Vanin should be at H9/I10 on the map.

Bleeding profusely and burnt in several places, Heinrich is dragged to the ground by Garash's companion. Feeling that the end is nigh, he closes his eyes and says to himself:
"I always knew this day would come. I'd just hoped that it would not be this soon."

Vanin Ironheart wrote:

Vanin takes a swing at Garash.

1d20+10 2d6+10

Also, Vanin should be at H9/I10 on the map.

to hit= 19, damage 13(if it hits, I haven't checked)

Bad troll Mere troll


I forgot to add in Rurin's Inspire Courage.

That would be +1 to hit (no effect) and +1 to damage, if FA hadn't already added that for me with that damage roll of 2. (I certainly hope not.)

Disenchanter wrote:


I forgot to add in Rurin's Inspire Courage.

That would be +1 to hit (no effect) and +1 to damage, if FA hadn't already added that for me with that damage roll of 2. (I certainly hope not.)

nope, I didn't add that, I used the numbers given to me.

False Arenamaster wrote:
Vanin Ironheart wrote:

Vanin takes a swing at Garash.

1d20+10 2d6+10

Also, Vanin should be at H9/I10 on the map.

to hit= 19, damage 13(if it hits, I haven't checked)

That misses Garash (AC 21 with current spells in effect)

Nilgaar's turn, moves to O8 and fires off a burning hands at Heinrich.
Heinrich needs a reflex save of DC13 to take 2 damage or take 4 damage if he fails and catch on fire.

Heinrich is up.

Reflex save vs. burning hands (1d20+5=9) Heinrich takes 4 points of damage and is on fire

Heinrich attempts to stand up to face Garash again, using all the defensive training he's ever received, he attempts to stand up to face Garash again.

Standard action: Total defense (AC 20)
Move action: Stand up from prone (provokes AoO from Garash and Bitey)
Finally: Take a 5-ft step away if not dead.

Heinrich the Bold wrote:

Standard action: Total defense (AC 20)
Move action: Stand up from prone (provokes AoO from Garash and Bitey)
Finally: Take a 5-ft step away if not dead.

“Stay down humie!” Garash snarls, striking at Heinrich with his shortspear.

1d20+8=22 -Hit!

1d6+6=7 damage.

Bitey also attacks:

1d20+7=20 –Hit!

1d6+5=11 damage.

“That’ll learn ya!”

Actually, can I get a ruling from the Arenamaster on whether those two AOO actually hit Heinrich? I'm not totally certain if I should have been targetting his "prone" AC (in which cast they hit) or his "standing" AC (in which case they miss). I think its the former, but best to check these things.

Garash Gnarlwood wrote:
Actually, can I get a ruling from the Arenamaster on whether those two AOO actually hit Heinrich? I'm not totally certain if I should have been targetting his "prone" AC (in which cast they hit) or his "standing" AC (in which case they miss). I think its the former, but best to check these things.

Prone. They hit.

Stabbed by a shortspear, and being ripped to shreds by the sharp teeth, Heinrich lets out a final, gutteral scream, and then falls silent.

Thanks for the good times everyone, it was a great first-time play-by-post! Go Blue team! I'm with you in spirit!

Male Human Fighter 2/Sorcerer 1

"It appears I'm still in the game. Well, now... it looks like the odds are even once again."

Great to be home again! Gen Con was a blast and meeting all the friends I've made on these boards was awesome. Fakey, thanks for running Nilgaar like I asked. Well done.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 / Exotic Weapon Master 1

Seeing Heinrich go down, and being keen to swing the odds further our favour, I move to K11-L12 to take the fight to Logan and lash out at him with my Quarterstaff.

1d20+8=28, 1d8+10=16 Possible Crit. Crit Confirmation (1d20+8=12) Damn, only a normal hit. Take 16 damage.

Heinrich the Bold wrote:

Stabbed by a shortspear, and being ripped to shreds by the sharp teeth, Heinrich lets out a final, gutteral scream, and then falls silent.

Thanks for the good times everyone, it was a great first-time play-by-post! Go Blue team! I'm with you in spirit!

Sorry bout that mate - good game though! I got some lucky rolls in those last couple of rounds. Nice trick with the disarm too.

Jathali provokes an AoO from Vanin, right? Vanin still has 20' reach?

"Damnation! You shall pay for that, orc!" As Vanin bemoan's the loss of his ally he glances the monk out of the corner of his eye and quickly lashes out at him.

Vanin takes an attack of opportunity aginst Jathali. 1d20+10=30, 2d6+10=18

possible crit: 1d20+10=29, 2d6=16

Crit succeeds for 34 damage!

"Heinrich, you did not die in vain; we shall see you on the other side and toast our glorious battles!"

Male Human Fighter 2/Sorcerer 1

"Stupid big fat fur ball!!! Ye'r goin' down!"

"Garash, looks like it's just you n' me."


What is this?! I come back from Gen Con and then the game grinds to a halt? Phooey!

Nilgaar wrote:

"Stupid big fat fur ball!!! Ye'r goin' down!"

"Garash, looks like it's just you n' me."

"Yar, 'm jus waiten fer dat littleun ta make a move..."

ie, it's Rurin's turn.

Male Gnome Bard 1/Cleric 2
Garash Gnarlwood wrote:
ie, it's Rurin's turn.

D'oh! So it is! Sorry, fell asleep at the wheel... Rurin ceases his bolstering cheer and steps forward to intone a spell upon the druid's wolf. 5-foot-step to I11 and cast cause fear on Bitey. DC 13 Will save or run in terror. My inspire courage will persist for 5 more rounds. Garash is my new Dodge target.

[ooc}Ha! Doh! Bitey doesn’t have Devotion yet…[/ooc]


Bitey turns tail and runs!

“Bitey! Come back ere ya wuss!”

Vanin gets an AOO at Bitey. Bitey flees to square T1, and loses the benefits of several shared spells – note that these benefits will not be lost during Vanin’s AOO, as Bitey will still be within 5ft of Garash until after this point.
Will take Garash’ turn shortly. Status check on Jathali and Spartacus – are they dead, dying, unconscious?

Male Gnome Bard 1/Cleric 2
Garash Gnarlwood wrote:
Bitey turns tail and runs!

I'll need the Arenamaster to roll for the spell's duration as I cannot access Invisible Castle.

I believe both Spartacus and Jathali are dead.

Vanin takes a mighty swing at the fleeing wolf.


dang, a miss.

Garash takes a 5 foot step to space M7, and casts Cure Light Wounds on himself.


Male Human Fighter 1, Monk 2

Logan thinks to himelf: "Damnit... We lost one."

"Oh well. Things aren't over yet."

Logan loads his crossbow, and takes a shot at the open enemy, Nilgaar.

Move action - load crossbow.

Standard action - Crossbow shot on Nilgaar. Nilgaar gets cover. (1d20+10=23), (1d10+1=10)

I am afraid I missed by one... :-(

Clarification: Did the AoO that took out Jathali prevent the damage on Logan?

Rurin Songsmith wrote:
Garash Gnarlwood wrote:
Bitey turns tail and runs!
I'll need the Arenamaster to roll for the spell's duration as I cannot access Invisible Castle.

1d4 rounds=2 rounds.

Logan said "Clarification: Did the AoO that took out Jathali prevent the damage on Logan?"
Yes it did.
The AoO would've happened before Jathali's attack.

BTW- Spartacus' horse flees to X11-Y12 and will remain there for the rest of the fight unless molested.

False Arenamaster wrote:

Logan said "Clarification: Did the AoO that took out Jathali prevent the damage on Logan?"

Yes it did.
The AoO would've happened before Jathali's attack.

BTW- Spartacus' horse flees to X11-Y12 and will remain there for the rest of the fight unless molested.

Garash has been known to molest horses, but will probably leave this one alone.

I beleive Vanin is up.

Male Human Fighter 2/Sorcerer 1

So can we get an updated arena map?

Nilgaar wrote:
So can we get an updated arena map?

This would have been helpful. To Team Evil I am sorry for the newb mistake that provoked the AoO. I didn't check where Vanin was, or I would have either attacked him or tumbled to avoid it. Oh well, it can't be helped I suppose. Just goes to show it is always a good idea to check everything.

Anyway, good luck to those left in the battle, hopefully you tear those do gooders a new one.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
mevers wrote:
Nilgaar wrote:
So can we get an updated arena map?

This would have been helpful. To Team Evil I am sorry for the newb mistake that provoked the AoO. I didn't check where Vanin was, or I would have either attacked him or tumbled to avoid it. Oh well, it can't be helped I suppose. Just goes to show it is always a good idea to check everything.

Anyway, good luck to those left in the battle, hopefully you tear those do gooders a new one.

No worries Mevers, we'll see what we can do. Good game. If you were just in negatives I was going to try to heal you, but that last crit by Vanin was a big one - killed you good.

Vanin hustles to I7/J8 and takes a mighty swing at garash with his large chain.

1d20+10=26, 2d6+10=16

"You shall pay for the blood of my comrade, orc!"

Male Human Fighter 2/Sorcerer 1

Nilgaar pulls out his scroll of grease and casts the spell on Vanin's oversized chain. Vanin needs to make a DC 11 Reflex save or he drops it. The effect only lasts one round, but it ends on my turn on the following round.

"Let's see how you do with a buttered up weapon, furball!"

Nilgaar then takes a 5-foot step to Q-6.

Reflex save: 1d20+3=4


The large chain slips from Vanin's grasp and drops to the arena floor.

"Oh, you'll pay for that one, villain!"

Male Human Fighter 2/Sorcerer 1

"Garash! Move up on him before he arms himself again. We can take him down together!"

Ouch! Nice hit Vanin.

"Yer, yer, I'll git im," mutters Garash, keeping an eye out for the sneaky short 'un.

Rurin's turn,

Male Gnome Bard 1/Cleric 2

Rurin chuckles and advances (moving to J9), drawing his whip as he advances and lashes out at the orc, attempting to yank him off his feet. Whip has 15' reach and can be used to trip. I need someone with Invisible Castle access to roll for me, bearing in mind my +1 to hit for inspire courage (total should be +5 melee vs. Garash's touch AC). I will drop the whip to avoid being tripped if I lose the opposed roll.


Even though he is disarmed, Vanin still has 10' reach due to the fact that his banded mail armor includes gauntlets, which are considered simple weapons that he is proficient with. FYI since my intention is to hide inside my ally's reach. :)

Male Gnome Bard 1/Cleric 2
Garash Gnarlwood wrote:
...keeping an eye out for the sneaky short 'un.

Sneaky? I'm wearing heavy armor, dude!


I could roll it if you like, if you don't mind someone on the other team doing it. Invisible Castle has been working fine for me.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Steve Greer wrote:
I could roll it if you like, if you don't mind someone on the other team doing it. Invisible Castle has been working fine for me.

I don't have a problem with it. I trust your integrity. :) I just can't use it because it's blocked by my firewall at work.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Rurin Songsmith wrote:
Garash Gnarlwood wrote:
...keeping an eye out for the sneaky short 'un.
Sneaky? I'm wearing heavy armor, dude!

Ah, you're still sneaky. Trying to trip me with a whip, that's sneaky in my (well, Garash's) book. ;-)

EDIT: didn't put Garash Touch AC in his profile (that I can see), it is currently 14.

Male Human Fighter 2/Sorcerer 1

Here's the roll for Rurin. I entered a damage value as well, though it won't come in to play. 1d20+5=15, 1d2+1=2

Male Gnome Bard 1/Cleric 2
Nilgaar wrote:
Here's the roll for Rurin. I entered a damage value as well, though it won't come in to play. 1d20+5=15, 1d2+1=2

Touch attack succeeds vs. Garash's 14 touch AC. Now I make a STR check opposed by Garash's STR or DEX, whichever is higher. I have a -4 for being Small.

Since I'm home now, I can roll for myself again: 1d20-3=6. Hm. Well, I don't think Garash can lose this unless he rolls a natural 1. Oh well, I tried. :) If he succeeds (and I expect he will), I will drop the whip to avoid being tripped in return.

“Har, har, din work!” taunts Garash, (being an annoying git).
“Now, you’re mine giant humie!” he yells, charging at Vanin, his shortspear out-thrust. (to square K7)

To hit: 1d20+8=24 - Hit (although I just realised I forgot to factor in the bonus from charging).

Damage: 1d6+6=11

Now, I seem to have it in my head that movement as part of a charge does not provoke an AOO from the subject of a charge, but I’m buggered if I can find that in the SRD. Can I have the arena master’s ruling?

“Git over ere Bitey!” yells Garash, but the wolf is still off cowering in a corner (for another round).

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