Things in Life That Suck

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The Exchange

Mothman wrote:
You know, I’ve often heard it bandied about as fact that a man will eventually resent it if he’s with a woman that makes more money than him. That may be true in many cases, but in my experience its been that women often resent being with a man who does not earn as much as them …

I don't want to sound sexist, but this is my experience too. Also, you are a fairly macho guy and doubtless that is what attracted her in the first place, so she is probably subconsciously expecting you do some sort of superhero/great protector thing and of course that isn't happening. Fakey, I hope things work out for the best. Don't make any hasty decisions.

On the job front, all you can do is plough on and find that position. It's a question of grit and you have plenty of that.

Fake Healer wrote:

@Steve Tindall- Yeah, the worst part of applying for so many different fields is maintaining 4-5 different resumes, each highlighting the different skill-sets necessary for that field. Your other suggestions will be looked into later today after I hit the Temp Agency to test for another field of work to broaden their search parameters for me.

Thanks for the suggestions. And here I thought Craig's List was only for lining up booty calls!;P

Fakey, that truly, truly sucks. I hope things turn around for you soon. But I can also back up Steve Tindall's statement re: Craigslist- it really is a good place to go to for work, but in my experience, the jobs are always temporary in nature. Still, that can be enough to get you through a rough spot.

Also, I don't know if you're willing to move to NY, but I think the Home Depot near me needs someone of your talents.

taig wrote:
My mom found out she had lung cancer 18 months ago. She didn't want to get it treated, because she didn't think treatment did anything to help both her parents. Today she found out the cancer has moved into her brain. She's paralyzed on one side, and she's got anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks to live.

Truly sorry to hear that taig. I hope you and the family can work together to make the last time as comforting and enjoyable as possible for her (as much as can be done in her situation).

Keep your head up!

Liberty's Edge

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Also, you are a fairly macho guy

Well yeah, you know, I try to stay in shape and not take sh*t from no one, thanks for noticing ... huh, what? Oh, you meant Fake Healer, not me? Ah, ok ... that makes more sense now.

Steven Tindall wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
Mothman wrote:

Fake Healer, s#%! man, that’s truly unfair. Hope things start looking up for you soon.

What sort of work do you do or are trying to get into?

Thanks all.

Mothman, I am a good carpenter/construction worker, I've worked in warehouse environments doing a wide variety of jobs from Pick/packing to Quality Control Management, I was a runner for a mortgage company, I worked for 5 years as an IT tech at DuPont in Delaware, laborer, Pro Sales at a Home Depot, Computer sales at the Buy More...I mean...Best Buy, and way back I used to collect loan payments for a loan Moneylender in Atlantic City, NJ.
Mostly I have been looking for a job in Construction, Warehouse, Sales, and IT. I have resorted to casting a wide net and hoping.
All I know is now I've seen the wifey's true colors after 13 years together and I am not happy with what I've seen. She is a totally different person to me now and it sucks.

Dude sorry to hear about the wife situation but try to remember maybe she's scared. Financial insecurity will make people do some really dumb stuff.


Money problems just pile on the stress, and it can be very hard to stay kind and supporting.

I don't know you guys or your relationship, but hopefully it's just hard a$$ circumstances that make you both stronger in the long run!

I hope you find work soon, but most importantly I hope your family situation works out for the best.

For what it's worth I've had jobs in my adult life paying minimum wage + ten cents, and I've made four to five grand a week.

Looking back at my daughter and her husband and kids, the hard times were worth every bit of it.

I don't mean to sound cliche, but "Hard men last. Hard times don't."

Good luck!

Best of luck, Fakey. My older sister's been out of work for a while now, since they closed down Nickelodeon magazine. On the plus side, she's starting to get more interviews than last year, so maybe things will start picking up in your area as well.

The Exchange

James Keegan wrote:
Best of luck, Fakey. My older sister's been out of work for a while now, since they closed down Nickelodeon magazine. On the plus side, she's starting to get more interviews than last year, so maybe things will start picking up in your area as well.

That's the thing that is bothering me....tons of applications, resumes submitted, me following up personally with the hirer to thank them for the opportunity to be considered for work and NOT ONE SINGLE CALLBACK! I know I am qualified if not over-qualified for most of these positions and they are posting that help is wanted so why not even a call to set up an interview? I rock at interviews. I've gotten jobs with too little experience based on my interviews. I just don't understand what is turning people off to my submissions. I am fully flexible with salary, willing to work just about any hours, I have more experience than they are looking for usually....the only thing I can think of is that I have a gap in my employment because I took off to raise kids.

I also think employer expectations are ridiculous lately. I applied at a warehouse distribution center(5 Below) and they wanted me to take a huge test, have a background check done, drug screening, clean license(to work in a warehouse?) and other stuff....for a $9/hr job! WTF?!?! Really? I fit all the criteria so that isn't an issue, but I just found that employer attitude to be ridiculous.
Anyway,...soldiering on.....
Happy B-day to my lil' girl. Turning 7 and making the world a better place...

The Exchange

The problem is that in a recession the cahances of someone being available who is exactly what they want is much higher. So someone who is close, but not an exact fit, has a much harder time. Good luck with it all, Fakey.

The Exchange

Fake Healer wrote:

....the only thing I can think of is that I have a gap in my employment because I took off to raise kids.

It isn't just a gap on your resume though, is it? If so, putting down full-time childcare for a few years would increase the chances of someone getting an interview out of me.

Fake Healer wrote:
James Keegan wrote:
Best of luck, Fakey. My older sister's been out of work for a while now, since they closed down Nickelodeon magazine. On the plus side, she's starting to get more interviews than last year, so maybe things will start picking up in your area as well.

That's the thing that is bothering me....tons of applications, resumes submitted, me following up personally with the hirer to thank them for the opportunity to be considered for work and NOT ONE SINGLE CALLBACK! I know I am qualified if not over-qualified for most of these positions and they are posting that help is wanted so why not even a call to set up an interview? I rock at interviews. I've gotten jobs with too little experience based on my interviews. I just don't understand what is turning people off to my submissions. I am fully flexible with salary, willing to work just about any hours, I have more experience than they are looking for usually....the only thing I can think of is that I have a gap in my employment because I took off to raise kids.

I also think employer expectations are ridiculous lately. I applied at a warehouse distribution center(5 Below) and they wanted me to take a huge test, have a background check done, drug screening, clean license(to work in a warehouse?) and other stuff....for a $9/hr job! WTF?!?! Really? I fit all the criteria so that isn't an issue, but I just found that employer attitude to be ridiculous.
Anyway,...soldiering on.....
Happy B-day to my lil' girl. Turning 7 and making the world a better place...

I've had the same experience in 3PL (third party logistics) as you have with the background checks and drug testing. One place ran you through all the testing; kept you on temp for 3 to 12 months without benefits; then they ran you through all the same testing again when they were ready to make you permanent. The pay was a joke too, but we were in charges of tens of millions of dollars of parts in this warehouse.

Happy birthday to your little girl!

Taking your 8 yr old dog to the vet at midnight to be told emergency surgery is the only chance to save her.

Emperor7 wrote:
Taking your 8 yr old dog to the vet at midnight to be told emergency surgery is the only chance to save her.

~winces~ Ouch. I am sorry to hear that. I hope that the surgery goes well.

Emperor7 wrote:
Taking your 8 yr old dog to the vet at midnight to be told emergency surgery is the only chance to save her.



Jenna died a few minutes ago. They couldn't get her stabilized enough to operate. She had a ruptured tumor by her heart. Life sux.

Emperor7 wrote:
Jenna died a few minutes ago. They couldn't get her stabilized enough to operate. She had a ruptured tumor by her heart. Life sux.

I am so very sorry. :(

Emperor7 wrote:
Jenna died a few minutes ago. They couldn't get her stabilized enough to operate. She had a ruptured tumor by her heart. Life sux.

Man, that does suck. I'm sorry to hear that.

Garydee wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Jenna died a few minutes ago. They couldn't get her stabilized enough to operate. She had a ruptured tumor by her heart. Life sux.
Man, that does suck. I'm sorry to hear that.

*sniffs*, There is a dog heaven, just so you know.

Scarab Sages

Emperor7 wrote:
Jenna died a few minutes ago. They couldn't get her stabilized enough to operate. She had a ruptured tumor by her heart. Life sux.

I'm really sorry to here that E7. Losing a member of the family is always tough. My best thoughts for you and your family.

1) I've had 3 seizures in 3 days and I've been working constantly since last Wednesday. I have no days off for 2 weeks b/c of Spring Break, even though we have no "kids" at my job.

2) I have 10,000 in medical bills that are being collected right now and I can't afford our wedding anymore.

3) I'm so depressed about all this crap that I can't sleep w/o aid and I can't take aid b/c if I have a seizure then my better half needs to wake me up and if I can't wake up, I die.

I really hate life right now.

Burger Meister wrote:

1) I've had 3 seizures in 3 days and I've been working constantly since last Wednesday. I have no days off for 2 weeks b/c of Spring Break, even though we have no "kids" at my job.

2) I have 10,000 in medical bills that are being collected right now and I can't afford our wedding anymore.

3) I'm so depressed about all this crap that I can't sleep w/o aid and I can't take aid b/c if I have a seizure then my better half needs to wake me up and if I can't wake up, I die.

I really hate life right now.

So sorry, Mac.

My wife and I had a small family wedding 25 yrs ago. We both would have loved a better one. I felt it more keenly I think. Still, it hasn't ruined anything for us. The US being the most important part of the event.

I don't know where we'll land with bills due to my recent problem, but I keep telling myself that the health is first and foremost. The rest will come in time. Good luck, bro. Praying for you.

Burger Meister wrote:

1) I've had 3 seizures in 3 days and I've been working constantly since last Wednesday. I have no days off for 2 weeks b/c of Spring Break, even though we have no "kids" at my job.

2) I have 10,000 in medical bills that are being collected right now and I can't afford our wedding anymore.

3) I'm so depressed about all this crap that I can't sleep w/o aid and I can't take aid b/c if I have a seizure then my better half needs to wake me up and if I can't wake up, I die.

I really hate life right now.

I too hope that things go better for you. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Emperor7 wrote:
Jenna died a few minutes ago. They couldn't get her stabilized enough to operate. She had a ruptured tumor by her heart. Life sux.

That bites. I'm sorry to hear this on top of your other challenges. :(

Burger Meister wrote:

1) I've had 3 seizures in 3 days and I've been working constantly since last Wednesday. I have no days off for 2 weeks b/c of Spring Break, even though we have no "kids" at my job.

2) I have 10,000 in medical bills that are being collected right now and I can't afford our wedding anymore.

3) I'm so depressed about all this crap that I can't sleep w/o aid and I can't take aid b/c if I have a seizure then my better half needs to wake me up and if I can't wake up, I die.

I really hate life right now.

That sucks!

It's been about a year. I still have a hard time with it. The anger and bitterness make it hard to believe it's been a year.

I spent time today helping his wife with the house and furniture and trying to deal with the mundane trivialities of life that must be addressed that seem so absurdly trivial in face of this kind of loss. It reminds me of when my wife died of cancer. It seems, somehow, wrong and offensive that the rest of the world just goes on and these things still have to be seen to.

It's not easy for me, but it's agony for his wife that I can't even begin to articulate.

Mike was a truly exceptional man. He was a man of intellect, integrity, and compassion. He was a fine role player and number cruncher.

He would have argued for a humane and progressive social safety net while he quietly supported local private charities with his time and money anonymously with out ever taking a bit of credit.

He was the kind of friend you could call at two in the morning because you couldn't drive home from the bar safely, but he was killed by a drunk driver.

Some people believe that there is some kind of karma or justice in the universe. Forgive me if I don't see it.


Friday, April 17, 2009

A time of loss
Current mood:Devastated
Category: Friends

I saw poem that made me mindful of the profound loss of a dear friend. The poem originated regarding another man I admire, but reminded me of a recent loss.

Unhappy year! that holds the hand of Death
And robs us all of friends whom we hold dear,
I pray the Spring should give you quickened breath
And wash away this mist of somber fear.

I know no words to slow the march of time.
No plea can stay the seasons or the knife.
I know too well the feebleness of rhyme
In capturing the beauty of a life.

And yet I speak, for silence will not bide
The loss of Great Men, whom we miss so well.
From loss, no living man can truly hide
And so we choose these stories still to tell:

Our friends we lose, but mem'ries will we hold
Far warmer than a fire against the cold.


Mike Sargent was a devoted and loving husband. He was a man of quality, integrity, and intellect. His loss makes this world a poorer place yet.



Rest in Peace Mike.

I am sorry to hear about your friend, Bitter Thorn.

Sharoth wrote:
I am sorry to hear about your friend, Bitter Thorn.

Thanks, Sharoth.

It's just hard to understand how the world can be filled with so many people who are a tragic waste of skin and oxygen, but we lose the brilliant and kind ones.

It is what it is I suppose.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
I am sorry to hear about your friend, Bitter Thorn.

Thanks, Sharoth.

It's just hard to understand how the world can be filled with so many people who are a tragic waste of skin and oxygen, but we lose the brilliant and kind ones.

It is what it is I suppose.

~grimaces~ That thought crosses my mine more often that I would care to admit. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your friends family.

Sorry, BT.

It is said that the biggest mark a man can make on the world is the one he makes on others. Mike sounds like he did just that.

The Exchange

Bitter Thorn wrote:

It's been about a year. I still have a hard time with it. The anger and bitterness make it hard to believe it's been a year.

I spent time today helping his wife with the house and furniture and trying to deal with the mundane trivialities of life that must be addressed that seem so absurdly trivial in face of this kind of loss. It reminds me of when my wife died of cancer. It seems, somehow, wrong and offensive that the rest of the world just goes on and these things still have to be seen to.

It's not easy for me, but it's agony for his wife that I can't even begin to articulate.

Mike was a truly exceptional man. He was a man of intellect, integrity, and compassion. He was a fine role player and number cruncher.

He would have argued for a humane and progressive social safety net while he quietly supported local private charities with his time and money anonymously with out ever taking a bit of credit.

He was the kind of friend you could call at two in the morning because you couldn't drive home from the bar safely, but he was killed by a drunk driver.

Some people believe that there is some kind of karma or justice in the universe. Forgive me if I don't see it.


Friday, April 17, 2009

A time of loss
Current mood:Devastated
Category: Friends

I saw poem that made me mindful of the profound loss of a dear friend. The poem originated regarding another man I admire, but reminded me of a recent loss.

Unhappy year! that holds the hand of Death
And robs us all of friends whom we hold dear,
I pray the Spring should give you quickened breath
And wash away this mist of somber fear.

I know no words to slow the march of time.
No plea can stay the seasons or the knife.
I know too well the feebleness of rhyme
In capturing the beauty of a life.

And yet I speak, for silence will not bide
The loss of Great Men, whom we miss so well.
From loss, no living man can truly hide
And so we choose these stories...

Sorry to hear of your loss, Bitter Thorn.

I appreciate the kind thoughts, but I worry about Peggy the most. I can't even begin to describe her loss and pain.

Just F'ing quit my job.

Stupid accountant has done nothing but b$#&@ at me from the start because I followed her ever changing rules on she wants the books done and because I followed her ever changing rules the books never balanced.

When I try to explain how I did the books she would interrupt me and not let me finish. Every time I started to say something she would berate me for not balancing the books properly, not even listening for the explanation.

I have never worked with somebody who irritated me so much I would walk away for the job.


Xabulba wrote:

Just F'ing quit my job.

Stupid accountant has done nothing but b!*@# at me from the start because I followed her ever changing rules on she wants the books done and because I followed her ever changing rules the books never balanced.

When I try to explain how I did the books she would interrupt me and not let me finish. Every time I started to say something she would berate me for not balancing the books properly, not even listening for the explanation.

I have never worked with somebody who irritated me so much I would walk away for the job.


That's rough man. I hope you find something better in short order.

Liberty's Edge

Well, I've been back at SCAD for a day and a half, and I've already missed one class due to a migraine. Funny how I only get them when I'm here. I swear, I think I'm going to lose it. 69 more days of this s&@+.

Blastocystis hominis

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:
Blastocystis hominis

Parasites again, huh?

RPG Superstar 2012

Sorry to hear about your job, Xabulba. I do hope you find something new, soon. If it weren't for the fact that I pay the bills, I would be walking out of my job.

Mr. Shiny, do you know if the migraines are brought on by stress or environment? I hope they get better and you don't lose it.

Kruelaid, are the parasites easy to get rid of? Sorry you're dealing with that.

Liberty's Edge

More from my end. Sorry for clogging the thread--you can get back to actual earth-shattering issues in a second.

I am f&&%ing sick of living with my mother. Right now, I'm at university, but on my breaks, I have nowhere else to go but back to my mother's house. I've got a good, steady job, but I don't make quite enough money to go to school AND pay rent. In other words, I'm stuck.

To make matters worse, my mother doesn't get along with anyone, ESPECIALLY not me. Every time we talk, we fight. Just in the last week, we got into five big arguments, every one over something REALLY trivial. For example, she's furious that I'm transferring schools (this is besides the fact that when she was going to university, she transferred four times, AND she's not paying a dime for my education--I went splits with my dad). When I mentioned that I might not get into school #2 for fall semester, she went ballistic, telling me that I had to get a full-time job. Which would be good advice aside from the fact that I already have a full-time job, and it was my idea to get one in the first place. When I tried to explain this to her, she called me a liar.

Second of all, a couple of nights last week, I spent the night at my girlfriend's apartment. Just to clarify, I'm 23, and she's 20. My mother flipped s*!~ about it when I told her where I was, which would be understandable if I was fifteen. Unfortunately, I'm an adult. The next time my girlfriend and I saw my mother, my mother waited until I had to go do something in another room, and then spent the next ten minutes telling my girlfriend that she was a bad person for "seducing" me. I am f&&@ing sick and tired of this b@%%$~#*. Mom, there's a reason I don't call home.

taig wrote:

Sorry to hear about your job, Xabulba. I do hope you find something new, soon. If it weren't for the fact that I pay the bills, I would be walking out of my job.

Mr. Shiny, do you know if the migraines are brought on by stress or environment? I hope they get better and you don't lose it.

Kruelaid, are the parasites easy to get rid of? Sorry you're dealing with that.

Actually it's probably the same one I've had for a while. The Chinese cyto-techs are just incompetent and never found it.

A screening at Makati Medical Center in the Philippines found it.

Luckily it is not too serious. Every now and then something will set it off and I spend a few weeks running to the can.

Treating it is toxic to the liver, so I think I'll keep it.

Kruelaid wrote:
taig wrote:

Sorry to hear about your job, Xabulba. I do hope you find something new, soon. If it weren't for the fact that I pay the bills, I would be walking out of my job.

Mr. Shiny, do you know if the migraines are brought on by stress or environment? I hope they get better and you don't lose it.

Kruelaid, are the parasites easy to get rid of? Sorry you're dealing with that.

Actually it's probably the same one I've had for a while. The Chinese cyto-techs are just incompetent and never found it.

A screening at Makati Medical Center in the Philippines found it.

Luckily it is not too serious. Every now and then something will set it off and I spend a few weeks running to the can.

Treating it is toxic to the liver, so I think I'll keep it.

why can't I see my post. GARY!

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Blastocystis hominis
Parasites again, huh?

As above.

Plus, it turns out that not only am I allergic to corn, but also to soy. Between the two you have filler, preservative, or additive for quite literally every processed food in existence and almost all oral medicines. I can't even get dextrose drip if I'm hospitalized. Also I'm allergic to the softeners in plastic.

So, to review: I am allergic to post-modernity.

Anyway. Spent a fortune on doctors in the Philippines but at least I know what the f@~* is going on now.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
... Mom, there's a reason I don't call home.

That gf thing is too much.... too frickin' much.

Kruelaid wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
... Mom, there's a reason I don't call home.
That gf thing is too much.... too frickin' much.

How in the name of god does your old man put up with that?

Focus on the good stuff Shiny, and count the days until you have your own place (hopefully with your girl). I've been without my SO for almost two months (bar a weekend or two) and it sucketh mightily. :(

Liberty's Edge

Kruelaid wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
... Mom, there's a reason I don't call home.
That gf thing is too much.... too frickin' much.
How in the name of god does your old man put up with that?

He doesn't live with her anymore. He had to take a job at a paper mill about two hours from where I am in Savannah, and has been living down here for the last two years. We meet at the Outback Steakhouse every few weeks and b%%+# about our lives.

So, found out this morning that my uncle had a brain aneurism yesterday, and is currently a brain dead vegetable. My mother, grandmother, and father are all on their way to the airport so they can say goodbye and pull the plug. I would have loved to console my mother before she left to the airport, however last night someone decided they just couldn’t live without my 6 year old ipod, so I ended up having to spend a couple hours picking up broken glass from my driver’s side window and taking my car into a car glass place. Ended up costing me $160 to replace the window that some a$#%+++ broke so he could get at my old ipod which couldn’t have been worth more than $60.

So all in all, a great morning. Yay.

Prince That Howls wrote:

So, found out this morning that my uncle had a brain aneurism yesterday, and is currently a brain dead vegetable. My mother, grandmother, and father are all on their way to the airport so they can say goodbye and pull the plug. I would have loved to console my mother before she left to the airport, however last night someone decided they just couldn’t live without my 6 year old ipod, so I ended up having to spend a couple hours picking up broken glass from my driver’s side window and taking my car into a car glass place. Ended up costing me $160 to replace the window that some a##@~%* broke so he could get at my old ipod which couldn’t have been worth more than $60.

So all in all, a great morning. Yay.

Sorry for your troubles and especially the loss of your uncle. I dodged that bullet myself last month. Had the brain bleed but not a large rupture.

Prince That Howls wrote:

So, found out this morning that my uncle had a brain aneurism yesterday, and is currently a brain dead vegetable. My mother, grandmother, and father are all on their way to the airport so they can say goodbye and pull the plug. I would have loved to console my mother before she left to the airport, however last night someone decided they just couldn’t live without my 6 year old ipod, so I ended up having to spend a couple hours picking up broken glass from my driver’s side window and taking my car into a car glass place. Ended up costing me $160 to replace the window that some a@~**#~ broke so he could get at my old ipod which couldn’t have been worth more than $60.

So all in all, a great morning. Yay.

That bites. It's bad enough to lose a loved one without some a$$ hat putting salt in the wound.

I hope it gets better.

Liberty's Edge

My wife may lose her part-time teaching position at the local community college for...teaching!

She teaches the remedial English course (the one for students who can barely read or write, despite completing high school). One of her students complained to her department chair that she "picks on" him.

The definition of "picking on him" includes expecting him to show up to class every day, on time, with his assignments completed.

Now, a rational department chair would tell the student to quit whining, and "welcome to college!" However, this particular administrator seems to believe that the students must be kept happy so that they don't drop-out and decrease the student enrollment.

Gotta love bureaucrats. We'll see how it goes.

Cuchulainn wrote:

My wife may lose her part-time teaching position at the local community college for...teaching!

She teaches the remedial English course (the one for students who can barely read or write, despite completing high school). One of her students complained to her department chair that she "picks on" him.

The definition of "picking on him" includes expecting him to show up to class every day, on time, with his assignments completed.

Now, a rational department chair would tell the student to quit whining, and "welcome to college!" However, this particular administrator seems to believe that the students must be kept happy so that they don't drop-out and decrease the student enrollment.

Gotta love bureaucrats. We'll see how it goes.


Good luck to both of you with that.

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