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- My respiratory system is attempting to void itself through all possible orifices.
- I'm swamped with work.
- I don't know how to say "no" to art commissions.
- My feelings are exceedingly conflicted as to the question of whether or not this would be a good time to start a relationship. I'm beginning to feel like Marten from 'Questionable Content'.

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The slow collapse of my car:
Replace the breaks
One month latter replace the alternator
One month latter replace the radiator
One month latter replace the radiator again (at least I didn't have to pay for the one)
Now my water pump is leaking and needs to be replaced.
If I get myself a new car I won’t be able to buy a house.
If I don’t buy a house, I will have to stay in my Apt. at an higher rate.

shamgar |

Despite applying for literally hundreds of jobs and having a very successful background in managemnet and sales, I can't seem to get even a phone interview with anywhere remotely respectable.
Also, from my accident last year it appears fluid keeps building up around my brain on the back of my head---and being between jobs I don't have insurance and can't really go to a doctor about it because it will possibly create a preexisting condition that will make me uninsurable.
Finally, our D&D group is cancelled at the last minute for the 2nd week in a row.

Sharoth |

Despite applying for literally hundreds of jobs and having a very successful background in managemnet and sales, I can't seem to get even a phone interview with anywhere remotely respectable.
Also, from my accident last year it appears fluid keeps building up around my brain on the back of my head---and being between jobs I don't have insurance and can't really go to a doctor about it because it will possibly create a preexisting condition that will make me uninsurable.
Finally, our D&D group is cancelled at the last minute for the 2nd week in a row.
OUCH!!! I am sorry to hear that, shamgar. I will put you in my prayers and I hope that things go better for you soon!

Susan Draconis |

Realizing you're probably a lesbian. While you're engaged to a man.
Spending months painting a miniatures order for a dude willing to spend lots and lots of money for your work. And then finding out 4 days before the order is supposed to ship that he added three characters and a large warjack to the list of stuff he ordered and you agreed by charging him for it.

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Fu&^$@g employee's. Inconsiderate, lazy, rude fu&*^@g employees. If I could hire trained monkeys I would. No matter how much s&*t they throw it would be better than the low brow, low rent, useless collage "students" that I have no choice to hire because my corporate bosses tell me I can't offer decent a wage to get decent people.
Corporate bosses who blame me for not training my employees correctly when they keep changing the fu%$@^g rules and not tell me. Then expect me to know what rules have changed by trial and error.

Michael Donovan |

Realizing you're probably a lesbian. While you're engaged to a man.
Statistically, he would likely not object to mutually agreeable exploration of such.
Also, statistically, women tend to question their tendencies most frequently upon formal commitment to one team or the other.
Such thoughts are not uncommon and usually pass in due time or with an experience of confirmation.

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Realizing you're probably a lesbian. While you're engaged to a man.
Having your wife run off with another woman, after the wedding. Having your second wife run off with another woman after the marriage. Having your third wife run off with your first wife. I knew a guy that this actually happened to.

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Being extremely busy at work.
Having Paizo withdrawals.
The fact that during the time that PF14 was delayed by customs and did not ship, the Aussie dollar slipped from about 90+ US cents (At the time it was originally supposed to ship) to a low of about 60 US cents (when it actually did ship) ... and then began to rise again the next day. So my book will end up costing me about a third again what it should have.

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Someone rifled through my wife's car last night. She left it unlocked and someone helped themselves to a little search. They took everything out of the console and glove compartment and set it in the seat. They moved stuff around in the backseat, but only stole a little stainless steel case that had a flashlight, pen and tire gauge in it. I think they might have siphoned some gas out of it as well, because this morning the little door to the gas tank was ajar.
The funny thing about it all is that they dropped their baseball cap while doing all of this. I'm going to make a sign and staple the cap to it. I plan on it reading, "Dear thief, While rummaging through our car your dropped your cap and I thought you might want it back."

lynora |

Someone rifled through my wife's car last night. She left it unlocked and someone helped themselves to a little search. They took everything out of the console and glove compartment and set it in the seat. They moved stuff around in the backseat, but only stole a little stainless steel case that had a flashlight, pen and tire gauge in it. I think they might have siphoned some gas out of it as well, because this morning the little door to the gas tank was ajar.
The funny thing about it all is that they dropped their baseball cap while doing all of this. I'm going to make a sign and staple the cap to it. I plan on it reading, "Dear thief, While rummaging through our car your dropped your cap and I thought you might want it back."
Oh, man. That totally sucks. I've had that happen before, except that it was the night I had inadvertently left my purse in the car which was of course a massive headache cancelling all the bank cards, getting a new driver's license, scrounging up another copy of my son's baby picture, etc. It's a really crappy feeling to know that someone has been through your stuff. I like your idea for the sign.

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I wasn't that upset about it all. Nothing was taken, and after all, it's just stuff. Also, nothing was broken. I'd be really annoyed if someone chunked a rock through the window of my car and grabbed my tools or something, 'cause then I'd have to file a claim and all that annoying crap.
The thing that did bug me is that when things like this happen in our neighborhood, I get the heightened sense of alertness and always see the worst in people. I hate that some jackass soured my outlook, ya know?

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I know how you feel Daigle. Someone smashed my windshield with a brick Sunday night/Monday morning. No reason. Just drunk teen nonsense, I guess. I got a whole lot of writing work Tuesday that will cover the damage 5 fold but it doesn't make up for the feeling of helplessness.
I like your idea about the hat.

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Having your wife run off with another woman, after the wedding. Having your second wife run off with another woman after the marriage. Having your third wife run off with your first wife. I knew a guy that this actually happened to.
Once is a misfortune, twice seriously smacks of carelessness. Three times? That guy really likes lesbians - he should maybe try heterosexuals for a change.

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Good: I have a portfolio review on Sunday. I might be going to college.
Related epic suck: Peter Mulvey is playing at the Cafe Lena in Saratoga for the first time in two years, and it's at the SAME TIME AS MY PORTFOLIO REVIEW.
My best friend (mentioned above) is still going through some really bad shit with his family, and it hasn't gotten any better. He's currently living in my basement. The fact that he had to move in with me isn't bad per se, but it makes me feel like a dick for having it comparatively better. Anyone whose relatives make my family look like Ozzie and f~$+ing Harriet deserves a hell of a lot better than camping out in the basement of his loser friend that still lives at home. Ah, f~&%..

Amardolem |

That sucks...I thought I had it bad last week when I had the kitchen sink out, and the water heater sprung a leak putting an inch of water into the normally dry basement-I was basically camping out in my own home for 3 days till I could someone out to plumb a new water heater. While my pc's (I'm on laptop)hardrive crapped out...but they're all fixable at some point ( I didn't mention that for the first time in years I actually had a xmas club account, guess how much the repairs cost? all of it+) . There's not much you can do with relatives tho.

mwbeeler |

Didn’t sleep well today, as I was gaffing at my neck for an hour and a half trying to get at an ingrown hair instead of going to bed on time (I think the return of my thyroid function may be linked to my OCD), lost a decent amount of blood, still didn’t get the damn thing (but I will), then I had sinus problems from mowing the leafy lawn, so I headed to the truck stop Arby’s at 3 am for some protein to keep myself awake, and encountered the ”New Homeless.”
Such a strange, heartbreaking mix. Cars stuffed to bursting with the remnants of the contents of their houses, little sleeping areas carved out in the midst of clothes and dolls, laptops fired up, sucking down free Wi-Fi. Knowing you are just a couple of paychecks away from the same fate.

Bill Lumberg |
Snow. It's not even November yet but snow is falling. It's not cold enough for it to stick but I think this sets a bad precedent. Every day that I have had off lately it either rained or I had no time to do anything with my yard. My grass is high enough to grant a +8 circumstance bonus to Hide checks.

James Keegan |

It's like freaking Shark Week at work. Tomorrow is when the Spring 2008 books are shown to sales reps from around the country, so we have to make a ton of mock-ups. Usually we have about a week or so to prepare and get all of the materials together. This year, however, every single book is late. No covers or interior samples until, in some cases, this morning when tomorrow is the day of the event. The deadline for all of this stuff, covers, interiors, etc. was about two weeks ago. So myself and the two other studio monkeys have to put in crazy extra hours trying to do the impossible, with panicked promotions representatives breathing down our necks. All through no fault of our own.
Not even mentioning that I had to make about 30 cardboard displays, cut and wrapped by hand because someone didn't put in the order to the printers soon enough. And, of course, the blanks that we ordered from the factory in China that does the printing, the ones for the most time consuming and headache inducing book on the list, has the wrong dimensions and I'm the lucky sucker that has to try and salvage it the day before it has to be presented.
If you're making upwards of $40 an hour, why can't you do what's necessary to meet your freaking deadlines? Not even meet them: get in the ballpark of them, a day or two late rather than two whole weeks.
I'm so sick of getting home at 10:00 in the evening because of other people's b.s.

mwbeeler |

Companies are so stupid at times. Eleven years I’ve been with Comcast, and hey, they aren’t the greatest (channels freeze at times, sound goes out on a few stations, or the modem dies at random), but they aren’t terrible, and the rate was reasonable, even if it did go up a little every year. So this morning my son is watching…something…weather channel or doodle bops, when splat, SNOW (to which he says, “uh oh”), and my wife tells me, “Hey, there is a Comcast van in the driveway” Go outside, talk to the guy, and he tells me I’m in the wrong tier or some crap and he’s just whacked all but 15 of my stations? Call Comcast, and they “offer” to let me pay double to get back what I’ve always had? Whatever.
Called WOW! Internet and switched over (no promos, but billing is locked in until 2011 and she knocked off the install costs for me), more channels and two megs faster for about 10 bucks more, and left Comcast billing through the end of my cycle so I can smoothly transition service and e-mails. Going to seriously suck losing the e-mail addresses I’ve had for over a decade, but hey whatever. Don’t want to take care of me as a customer? Other fish in the sea, and the economy sucks, biyotches!
Seriously, how easy would it have been to retain me as a customer with common courtesy? A phone call, a letter, a fricking knock on the door? They can have me as a customer forever with a little carrot, but whack me with a stick and you’ll pay ten times that many carrots trying to win me back.

mwbeeler |

I switched to Verizon. They charge more for onDemand movies.
Got Netflix here, though I use Verizon for our phones. Got a great deal through work, but there is a Sprint repeater directly over my head (perfectly fine health wise, no doubt), which smashes any and all hope of ever getting reception at my desk. Still, the price is right, though I'd really like to get a cellular modem (see: no reception at desk).

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I switched to Verizon.
They charge more for onDemand movies.
I'll go back to ComCast when my contract is up, unless they succor me.
Me too. And I hate how cumbersome the DVR and other remote functions are. I hate DirecTv and I wish I hadn't switched.....also the damn DVR has less than 1/2 the space than DirecTv. Can't wait til my contract is up also.

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a lot of gospel truth about comcast (aka the company with the worst customer service EVER)
I'm with you 100%. I was promised a $70 credit for the two weeks I didn't have cable after the storm (Ike), got my bill (with no credit), called them, and was told my "request" was on file and being processed.
"Request"? WTF??? "No", I said, "The service rep I TALKED TO A MONTH AGO (sorry, I kinda lost it after 40 minutes on hold and then dealin gwith the condescending attitude from the outsourced dou$hebag on the other end of the line and shouted a bit) said my account WAS CREDITED. He didn't say anything about a "request"."
"Well, sir, i've just resubmitted your request, pay this month's bill and we'll work on having that credit on next month's bill".
Dude, I so prefer cable internet to DSL, and had roadrunner before Comcast became the sole provider in my area, but I am seriously considering direcTV and any phone company provider now.