Curaigh |

hehe just got the money email; guess I lose. ah well; not like I dont have lot of dating oppurtunities; just not any I am excited about. Really; a real life mail order bride; cool. I will see what the next email is if there ever is one.
sigh; if dating sucks so much why do I do it; well; other things suck worse.
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:I was reading this the other day Valegrim. Hope its everything you well....are hoping it is. Be your cautious self, and keep your rule about not sending money. For what it is worth, I once had a neighbor here in town who had a mail order bride from Russia. Guess it worked for him.
Had a friend doing something like this, after he bought the ticket to get her here, she then asked for money for her boyfriend's ticket as well. Guess the previous two women from Africa taught him nothing.

EileenProphetofIstus |

hehe just got the money email; guess I lose. ah well; not like I dont have lot of dating oppurtunities; just not any I am excited about. Really; a real life mail order bride; cool. I will see what the next email is if there ever is one.
Did she tell you that the money was so she could visit you? I'm thinking you might be corresponding with a network of scammers rather than an individual. The type that send out 1000+ things to whomever's email addresses they got a hold of. If so, they are working a lot of others as well. It is also possible that she is real and is just manipulating a bunch of people for their money. I know you won't send her any so all will be well. If it isn't to personal, may I ask how you originally contacted this person or how they contacted you?
Valegrim said:
sigh; if dating sucks so much why do I do it; well; other things suck worse.Because your normal, because your full of hope, because your looking for fulfillment. Nothing wrong with those ideas. Love happens when it is suppose to, it isn't anything you can make happen. Searching for love versus embracing it when it is offered are often two different things.

![]() |

mwbeeler wrote:Oh bummer. What slogans?Romani eunt domum?
(Realises that Shiny might not get the reference seeing as the film is quite old now. I hope he does though!)
"Write that a hundred times by morning, or I'll cut your balls off."
(That's one of my favorite movies of all time.)

EileenProphetofIstus |

R-type wrote:Everyones went paint balling and I missed a place! Wah! It's not fair!EileenProphetofIstus wrote:Why would you want to paint balls?I've got blue balls.
Could you help me with that?
The only help your going to get Snorter is me putting a ring nose on you and proudly displaying your fine lines in front of the state fair judges. Then when your usefulness is over, I shall walk you down to the butcher shop and shortly after that, grill out. At least you can say we had dinner together.
Either that or I shall sell you for some magic beans.

shamgar |

The process, pain, and expense of moving, which we are doing this week.
Ultra stressful time at work that could result in loss of the job which would lead to insane levels of trauma I'm not remotely prepared to deal with.
Not even having time to game right now due to working so much.
Causing the family to feel stress during this time that does not come from them thereby creating tension.

Freehold DM |

My father was diagnosed with Emphysema today. The doctor told him it is in the middle stages. He was also told that the average time he could expect was 5 to 10 years, which is better than I expecte. He's got high hopes - a very positive attitude.
Aberzombie, I am very sorry to hear about your father's prognosis, but the importance of his positive attitude cannot be underestimated. My almost mother-in-law lived far, far longer with her small cell cancer than any of her doctors thought possible, and she did not succumb to serious physical problems due to the chemo and other treatments until the very late stages. If your father is half as strong willed as you are, then I think he will also surpass everyone's expectations, even his own.

Sharoth |

My father was diagnosed with Emphysema today. The doctor told him it is in the middle stages. He was also told that the average time he could expect was 5 to 10 years, which is better than I expecte. He's got high hopes - a very positive attitude.
I am sorry to hear that, but at least he has that long if not longer. Just keep up the good attitude, my friend!

James Keegan |

My father was diagnosed with Emphysema today. The doctor told him it is in the middle stages. He was also told that the average time he could expect was 5 to 10 years, which is better than I expecte. He's got high hopes - a very positive attitude.
Sorry to hear that, but it's great that he has a positive attitude. I'm told that really makes all the difference. All the best to you and yours.

Trey |

I hope that between your father's good attitude and the support from you and your family, that he will be around for many, many more happy years. I'm in agreement with everyone here. I have known quite a few people who beat their prognosis by a long time. There are no guarantees, but it's also amazing the power that people can have over their health when they set their mind to it.
Good luck to you and your dad, Aber. I hope you have many more good times ahead.

Leafar the Lost |

Thats right. This is the evil twin of the 'Good Things' thread. This a place to post all those things that don't make for full-sized rants but still bug you. Because, in life there's always something that sucks right?
For instance,
For some unknown reason my computer has stopped letting me use Winamp and every time I try to play music with it it gives me an error message.
I've ordered several books that I wanted for an upcoming campaign but they've still not arrived and the campaign nears (I suppose this is what I get for not springing for the expedieted shipping).
At work today I spilled mustard all over my hands (again) so for the afternoon I smelled like mustard.
I haven't read all 1,000+ replies, but has anyone said D&D 4.0? It sucks. Also, let me throw in animal abuse and man-made global warning.

Valegrim |

gas prices suck; renting your kids from the state sucks; least that is what I call it and it sucks; listening to your lying exwife in court really sucks; working on Sunday sucks; hehe but the alternative of working more weekdays sucks too; so it all sucks though my job is ok and doesnt suck. Choosing between girlfriend and a d&d game; that sucks, game is gonna loose out which also sucks cause we have been waiting a year; yes a friggin year for this guy to finally get the game started after a years worth of background emails; sheesh; total suckage. Girlfriend sucks too; but that is a good thing hehe :> Air conditioner in the car doesnt work; that sucks, I live in the desert to it really is gonna suck come August. The courts ordered the ex and I to get total psych evals to see what is best for the kids; expensive as hell and waiting list of five months which totally sucks. Am sucking down some decent coffee; but that doesnt suck per se :)hehe had lots of spicy food yesteday; got the winds so it sucks to be anyone around me hehe

Valegrim |

hehe, can you come over and help me move a couch; also a tree blew down in the back yard; need some sucker to come over and help me take it down; all the beer you can drink after the jobs done; but wait; I dont have to pay up right? hehe Sheesh; helping peeps who are supposed to pay up who dont really does suck.