YeuxAndI |

Besides, it's all I have to complain about. >.<
Um. So. I lied.
Saturday morning, I woke up to a house full of smoke. Luckily, everything was alright except for some smoke damage in the D&D room (no casualties there, thank Pelor)and the loss of the computer. Not so bad, right? Top it off with my father accusing me of starting it and then of being evasive when I say I didn't know what happened. I got kicked out of his house and will be staying with my mom for a few days, at least till I figure out what to do.
Thanks for the birthday present, Universe. Really frakkin' thoughtful of you.

YeuxAndI |

OMG. That is so terrible! Did this actually happen on your birthday? Is that man actually your father?What happened to the computer exactly and where did the smoke come from?
My birthday is in four days. Close enough to count, me thinks.
And yes, all signs point to him being my actual father. Karma is pretty cool.
The computer desk is more like a stand, like a series of shelves in a casing. The printer was on the top and that's apparently where the worst damage is. It's completely melted down. There are a few wooden shelves above the desk that are burn up pretty bad too, so it looks like it started on the printer or on the shelves. The house is about 105 years old, has ancient wiring and really dry wooden floors covered in dust. It could have been any number of things, really. He just thinks it was me.
AND he wants me to pay the $500 deductible to the insurance company. Tomorrow, while he's at work and the resoration guys are working, my best friend and I are going in geurrilla style to get most of my things and I'm not going back.
Daiglicious is right, though. It's a great motivator to get out.
Again, I really appreciate the thoughts. *hugs and kisses and love all around!*

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The Jade wrote:
OMG. That is so terrible! Did this actually happen on your birthday? Is that man actually your father?What happened to the computer exactly and where did the smoke come from?
My birthday is in four days. Close enough to count, me thinks.
And yes, all signs point to him being my actual father. Karma is pretty cool.
The computer desk is more like a stand, like a series of shelves in a casing. The printer was on the top and that's apparently where the worst damage is. It's completely melted down. There are a few wooden shelves above the desk that are burn up pretty bad too, so it looks like it started on the printer or on the shelves. The house is about 105 years old, has ancient wiring and really dry wooden floors covered in dust. It could have been any number of things, really. He just thinks it was me.
AND he wants me to pay the $500 deductible to the insurance company. Tomorrow, while he's at work and the resoration guys are working, my best friend and I are going in geurrilla style to get most of my things and I'm not going back.
Daiglicious is right, though. It's a great motivator to get out.
Again, I really appreciate the thoughts. *hugs and kisses and love all around!*
The scary thing is, I can see something like this happening to me, only with maternal/paternal roles reversed...

The Jade |

My birthday is in four days. Close enough to count, me thinks.
Excellent. You'll be old enough to taste your very first alcoholic beverage!
AND he wants me to pay the $500 deductible to the insurance company. Tomorrow, while he's at work and the resoration guys are working, my best friend and I are going in geurrilla style to get most of my things and I'm not going back.
Sounds like a plan. Getting accused of something you didn't do is a vile feeling when it comes from someone who should know better. Do you have a history of arson?
Daiglicious is right, though. It's a great motivator to get out.
Daigle is always right. It's unnerving.

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YeuxAndI wrote:Besides, it's all I have to complain about. >.<Um. So. I lied.
Saturday morning, I woke up to a house full of smoke. Luckily, everything was alright except for some smoke damage in the D&D room (no casualties there, thank Pelor)and the loss of the computer. Not so bad, right? Top it off with my father accusing me of starting it and then of being evasive when I say I didn't know what happened. I got kicked out of his house and will be staying with my mom for a few days, at least till I figure out what to do.
Thanks for the birthday present, Universe. Really frakkin' thoughtful of you.
Suckage man.
Well, if you're into optimism, things can only get better for your birthday from here, right?
As for you being accused of starting it and kicked out, that is extremely f~&%ed up. I don't understand people like that.

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The Jade wrote:Totally.YeuxAndI wrote:Daiglicious is right, though. It's a great motivator to get out.Daigle is always right. It's unnerving.
Thanks y’all. I do what I can.
Actually, one of the most important lessons I learned in life was how to be wrong.
People aren’t that good at being wrong, and many think that it is a great travesty to be shown that they are wrong. I personally hold very few beliefs steadfast, because I don’t think that deciding something is one way or another is a very prudent way to go through life. Walking a mile in strange shoes, and all that. Who needs conventional thinking in such a weird world?

The Jade |

Thanks y’all. I do what I can.
Actually, one of the most important lessons I learned in life was how to be wrong.
People aren’t that good at being wrong, and many think that it is a great travesty to be shown that they are wrong. I personally hold very few beliefs steadfast, because I don’t think that deciding something is one way or another is a very prudent way to go through life. Walking a mile in strange shoes, and all that. Who needs conventional thinking in such a weird world?
I was just saying this very thing last night. I believe I said, "Admitting that you're wrong isn't showing weakness. So long as it's not being done out of fear, it's a sign of great strength."

Trey |

Trey wrote:And this, really, is why I am wrong as often and publicly as possible. I know it seems like I'm just an idiot, but all that time, my psyche is doing reps.You must be an old soul, oh enlightened one.
There was this time I was looking for the tire place on Elmira Road, and ended up in Elmira, a city an hour away, looking at the grave of Mark Twain. The sheer amount of stupid exerted by me that day was enough for me to ascend, but I elected to stay and become a true master of the dumb arts.

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People aren’t that good at being wrong, and many think that it is a great travesty to be shown that they are wrong. I personally hold very few beliefs steadfast, because I don’t think that deciding something is one way or another is a very prudent way to go through life. Walking a mile in strange shoes, and all that. Who needs conventional thinking in such a weird world?
Tell us more, O wise insect.

Trey |

Trey wrote:I drove right by the tire place, incidentally, about five minutes into the pilgrimage.That's a great story, Trey. I'd love to read it as an humorous self-discovery essay.
You have to be careful with those things. You write one, and the next thing you know, you're reading it in a wimpy monotone as filler at the end of an NPR news show. From there, it's a quick drop to wearing bad sweaters and doing readings at make-it-yourself teddy bear store openings.

Valegrim |

WEll, dating sucks; sheesh; but the alternative; being alone day after day sucks more.
what sucks about dating you might ask; well; you meet a girl; you seem to get along great; you mutually decide to see each other again; then nothing; sporatic calls saying your great and their just busy; or you see em a few more times then they want to be with you; only to decide a few days later that they are not sure about the whole package; or you date them for a few months and everytime you get in an arguement that is hard to resolve; they run back to their old boyfriend; sheesh; then you get someone new; start it all over again; they call a lot in the beginning then say their going to call and dont.
Sure would be nice to just meet a nice girl that I really like; with some common interests and can laugh at the absurdity of life sometimes; but then dating would suck so that probably wont happen.
The weird thing is; all those girls seem to all call me the same night; got like seven girls I have dated; days without anything then they all call me and text me; wierd. The worst thing is when you dont hear from several for like a week, then they say that they want to be exclusivly yours; you tell them your cool to go for it too; then you tell all the others you have been sorta dating your not available; then when things dont work out for one reason or another; you what; go back and tell all those girls your available again; then listen to all the "why didnt you choose me" questions; whew; this is hard stuff this dating.
Anyone else think dating sucks? I have only been at it since October so am relatively new at it.

Kruelaid |

Earthquake in China, can't reach some of my friends.
The spread of EV71 into the city where I live, yet the authorities are not willing to publicly release the information and take measures to stop the spread. The Chinese government really leaped into action on the earthquake, but they just can't seem to take disease seriously until it affects their image around the world.

Trey |

Anyone else think dating sucks? I have only been at it since October so am relatively new at it.
I had a really bad girlfriend in high school, then pretty much nothing except a couple trivial things until I was 33. Then I lucked into Ms. Awesome and we have been together for seven years now.
Good luck, dude. I hope you meet someone you match up with soon (definitely sooner than me, but for me, I feel like it was worth the wait).

Trey |

Earthquake in China, can't reach some of my friends.
The spread of EV71 into the city where I live, yet the authorities are not willing to publicly release the information and take measures to stop the spread. The Chinese government really leaped into action on the earthquake, but they just can't seem to take disease seriously until it affects their image around the world.
Wishing you good health and hearing from your friends soon. Scary, scary stuff.

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Earthquake in China, can't reach some of my friends.
The spread of EV71 into the city where I live, yet the authorities are not willing to publicly release the information and take measures to stop the spread. The Chinese government really leaped into action on the earthquake, but they just can't seem to take disease seriously until it affects their image around the world.
I thought about you when I heard the news this morning. You're nowhere near the epicenter though right? Weihei is on the coast I think?
Sorry you can't contact your friends, I hope they're ok. Good to see you posting though, must mean you're not buried under rubble. :D
Sucks about the EV71 too - I know little to nothing about the outbreak, but I hope you and yours are protected.

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Earthquake in China, can't reach some of my friends.
The spread of EV71 into the city where I live, yet the authorities are not willing to publicly release the information and take measures to stop the spread. The Chinese government really leaped into action on the earthquake, but they just can't seem to take disease seriously until it affects their image around the world.
I'm sorry, Kruelaid. When I saw it on the news I thought about you. I hope you are able to get in touch with your friends. And I hope that the officials manage to get a handle on EV71 for everyone's sake.

The Jade |

Earthquake in China, can't reach some of my friends.
The spread of EV71 into the city where I live, yet the authorities are not willing to publicly release the information and take measures to stop the spread. The Chinese government really leaped into action on the earthquake, but they just can't seem to take disease seriously until it affects their image around the world.
My heart goes out to you. Please let us know how it turns out.
(Kruelaid flips my heart on the grill)
"Oh, I'm pretty sure it'll turn out medium rare."

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Earthquake in China, can't reach some of my friends.
The spread of EV71 into the city where I live, yet the authorities are not willing to publicly release the information and take measures to stop the spread. The Chinese government really leaped into action on the earthquake, but they just can't seem to take disease seriously until it affects their image around the world.
Hey man, hop[e they're ok. Anything we can do to spread the word about EV71?

James Keegan |

Earthquake in China, can't reach some of my friends.
The spread of EV71 into the city where I live, yet the authorities are not willing to publicly release the information and take measures to stop the spread. The Chinese government really leaped into action on the earthquake, but they just can't seem to take disease seriously until it affects their image around the world.
I can't even imagine what it's like for the people out there. I hope your friends are well and that the authorities take action soon.

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Less on the Wrath of God (or god, if you prefer) and more on the relationship problems:
1. The girl that left me for someone else got her heart curb-stomped by said other person. Guess who she comes back to. Guess what I said.
2. One of my idiot friends set me up on a f@$#ing BLIND DATE.
Samantha - "Oh, I set you up with _____."
Me - "You did WHAT?"
Samantha - "I ... I told her you'd... you'd..."
This is about the LAST G&%+N THING I NEED right now. I'm too nice.

mwbeeler |

Oh cool, I was getting worried about you, Kruelaid (though I figured it was more due to phone / internet clogged or down); thanks for checking in.
If you want more info on EV71, try doing a search for HFMD (Hand, foot, and mouth disease). HFMD and EV71 are often seen together, but aren’t the same thing. It’s a serious viral infection with no specific treatment, and can lead to neurological damage and often, death.
Wash often, I can’t stress this enough. Don’t give your kids a hand washing complex for the rest of their lives (plus this will lead to dry skin and cracking and potentially undo your hard work), but be advised EV71 is transferred via fecal-oral. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better as the summer approaches, so limit your time in public restrooms, outdoor eateries, and anywhere people change children’s diapers. Wash like crazy.

![]() |

Earthquake in China, can't reach some of my friends.
The spread of EV71 into the city where I live, yet the authorities are not willing to publicly release the information and take measures to stop the spread. The Chinese government really leaped into action on the earthquake, but they just can't seem to take disease seriously until it affects their image around the world.
Hop you guys are okay!!!

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Oh cool, I was getting worried about you, Kruelaid (though I figured it was more due to phone / internet clogged or down); thanks for checking in.
If you want more info on EV71, try doing a search for HFMD (Hand, foot, and mouth disease). HFMD and EV71 are often seen together, but aren’t the same thing. It’s a serious viral infection with no specific treatment, and can lead to neurological damage and often, death.
Wash often, I can’t stress this enough. Don’t give your kids a hand washing complex for the rest of their lives (plus this will lead to dry skin and cracking and potentially undo your hard work), but be advised EV71 is transferred via fecal-oral. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better as the summer approaches, so limit your time in public restrooms, outdoor eateries, and anywhere people change children’s diapers. Wash like crazy.
How bad a risk is the fecal contam from improperly fertilized raw vegetables?

mwbeeler |

How bad a risk is the fecal contam from improperly fertilized raw vegetables?
I'm not up to snuff on China's agricultural processes, but it's a definite possibility, as enterovirus can also be spread via contaminated surface water or contaminated food. I'm not saying anyone is "dirty," by the way, just so anyone else reading is clear (speaking as someone who has had Rotavirus).
Here’s the deal: These things are hardy; fecal-oral virii have adapted to live outside the body, they’re very good at what they do, and it only takes one person not paying attention to screw everyone. Wash, wash, wash, wash. Even if someone’s kid who has it gets better, the thing stays in their gut for two freaking months and is still capable of infecting others who might come into contact with your fecal matter (easier than it sounds). Active infections also spread via sneezing, coughing, popping blisters, etc..., so masks and separation for people with active infections, not the worst of ideas.

Kruelaid |

We only eat pressure cooked veggies and thick skinned fresh fruits these days. A lot of the fruit I buy is imported.
My girl is not going to school for a while... looks like it will last about 2 months.
Also, we only drink bottled water.
I'm lucky to be living in a fairly small city, so the chances of mass epidemic in town is much lower. This oral/fecal vector stuff loves high density.
And of course I shun all public washrooms.

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My birthday is in four days. Close enough to count, me thinks.
And yes, all signs point to him being my actual father. Karma is pretty cool.
The computer desk is more like a stand, like a series of shelves in a casing. The printer was on the top and that's apparently where the worst damage is. It's completely melted down. There are a few wooden shelves above the desk that are burn up pretty bad too, so it looks like it started on the printer or on the shelves. The house is about 105 years old, has ancient wiring and really dry wooden floors covered in dust. It could have been any number of things, really. He just thinks it was me.
AND he wants me to pay the $500 deductible to the insurance company. Tomorrow, while he's at work and the resoration guys are working, my best friend and I are going in geurrilla style to get most of my things and I'm not going back.
Daiglicious is right, though. It's a great motivator to get out.
Again, I really appreciate the thoughts. *hugs and kisses and love all around!*
<makes wild and totally unwarranted connection>
Maybe this explains your (seemingly) poor dating record?

YeuxAndI |

Earthquake in China, can't reach some of my friends.
The spread of EV71 into the city where I live, yet the authorities are not willing to publicly release the information and take measures to stop the spread. The Chinese government really leaped into action on the earthquake, but they just can't seem to take disease seriously until it affects their image around the world.
I'll be meditating on you and your's. I'm really glad you're safeish and whole.
Aubrey: Actually, I do have superpowers that act up occasionally. Combine that with some daddy issues and feelings of abandonment, you've got yourself a good dark superhero!! Whooo! You may call me Gamma, Mistress of ALL. :D
Good luck on your date, Shiny. I recommend seeing it as a anthropological field study. You should take notes while she talks.

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Good luck on your date, Shiny. I recommend seeing it as a anthropological field study. You should take notes while she talks.
Only problem is, I deal with strangers like this. Be sure to watch the whole clip.

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We only eat pressure cooked veggies and thick skinned fresh fruits these days. A lot of the fruit I buy is imported.
My girl is not going to school for a while... looks like it will last about 2 months.
Also, we only drink bottled water.
I'm lucky to be living in a fairly small city, so the chances of mass epidemic in town is much lower. This oral/fecal vector stuff loves high density.
And of course I shun all public washrooms.
I need to stop reading this thread, you're all creeping me out!

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YeuxAndI wrote:Aubrey: Actually, I do have superpowers that act up occasionally. Combine that with some daddy issues and feelings of abandonment, you've got yourself a good dark superhero!! Whooo! You may call me Gamma, Mistress of ALL. :DOooo, crayzee! :-)
I may have to write a short comic...