Erian's Glen - Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

This will serve as our discussion thread for the Erian's Glen PbP. Lurkers are always welcome to post their thoughts and ideas here.

Players, please post your questions and out-of-game content here. If it is a question regarding a specific in-game action, that can be posted in the gaming thread with ooc tags.

Thanks, and let's have fun!



Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

To Start, a Brief History:

The Country of Rutania is fairly young and unspoiled by outsiders. To the north is Kagen’s Range. To the west is the Skyward Mountains. To the south is a dense, unexplored and unnamed jungle currently labeled “The Vines”. Finally, to the east is Voyager’s Ocean. The whole ‘known world’ excluding the Camdara Islands is about 500 square miles.

Prehistory dates back only about 1300 years. Until 1200 years ago, even history was handed down by stories.

So starts the first story: (please keep in mind, this only applies to the ‘known world’ it could be completely different outside of these borders, also by stating the ‘world‘ I mean ‘known world‘)

- Prior to 1200 years ago the lands were uncivilized. The different peoples were tribal nomads and barbarians.

- There was no known magic active in the world.

- Mortality rates were high and birth rates were low. This was mainly caused by disease & famine. This kept populations low. Also, this prevented any real skills from being mastered. If an individual lived long enough to master a skill, that same individual did not live long enough to truly pass down the information to the next generation.

- The deities that these people followed were unforgiving and answered no prayers.

Then 1200 years ago:

Kagen Ru (Kagen’s Range, Rutania) was a traveler from the north on a mission from his deity. He used his powers on the first tribe he met, curing their diseases and providing them food. He was able to wave his arms and speak their language. This tribe followed him until they came upon another tribe which resulted in that tribes salvation. This kept occurring until he amassed a huge following and he saved many lives.

He stated that he was here on a mission. He was told to travel through the mountains and follow the holy river until he arrived at the holy lake. He was then ordered to say a prayer and the great Holy City of Cein (pronounced Kane) would appear.

The city did appear and he walked to the Great Temple in its center. He said another prayer and the giant doors of the Great Temple opened. There was a huge rush of air that blew in from the plains and entered the giant doors of the Great Temple. This wind was so strong that it knocked down all of the followers behind Kagen Ru when it entered the Great Temple. Kagen Ru did not budge though. He stood there, his arms held high, in glorious triumph.

When these doors opened, the deities of good and neutrality were revealed to these peoples. The Great Temple houses many shrines and inscriptions. Kagen Ru only got to explain a few things about the deities because shortly after he opened the doors, he passed away.

His followers realized that he brought them salvation. For years to follow, plagues were almost non-existent. Divine and arcane magics were learned while studying the inscriptions inside the Great Temple.

This was the first step to civilization. With healing magics, mortality rates decreased and birth rates increased. Skills were mastered and passed down through generations. Eventually these peoples created towns and cities.

There were great pilgrimages across northern Rutania (what they decided to call their country). These pilgrimages spread the word of the new pantheon bringing hope to the other nomads and barbarians. Races from across the plains and mountains came together in unity, peace, and health. Even the Elves came out of their protected forest and down from their walled plateau to congregate with the other races, for they too felt the plagues of the past.

Currently, it is the start of the Age of Exploration, and the characters will be a part of it, if they choose.

More to come. This was just a brief history of how things came to be.

Any questions, please throw them at me.



Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hey Dreamweaver,

One idea, if you are still interested in playing a knight. Erian's Glen is becoming quite the industrial site. With its lumber and mining exports, it is bringing in serious cash for Rutania. It would be feasible that your knight is on guard detail protecting a high ranking clergyman or even the senator. Just a thought that I would throw your way.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hey Dreamweaver,

Thinking more on a Knight of Rutania. A knight could also easily be on a quest of his/her own. Ridding the world of evil (currenly goblinoids, there is also some banditry), on a quest to find holy relics lost or other holy sites from the old age (the whole Age of Exploration thing). A quest also does not necessarily have to involve religion, but usually knighthood is recognized by government and the government is currently run by the clergy. These are just ideas to give you more details into this world. Feel free to throw ideas my way to put a spin on things.



Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

A few more thoughts on game play:

My goal is to always allow the player to RP his/her character. If the game is waiting for a response, and it has been a twenty-four hour timespan, I may post for the player to keep the game active.

I guess it would be a good idea to mention where you are from, what time zone you are in, and when you are usually checking the messageboards.

Also, I plan to run this Monday morning thru Friday afternoon, so the 24 hour rule does not apply over the weekend. That is not to say we still cannot play over the weekend, but the game will be put on hold if a response is needed by a player over the weekend.

I am in Pennsylvania EST. I wake up 2:30 am and try check the boards first thing. Then I am usually home by 2 pm and have most of the day to myself until my wife gets home at 6 pm. So usually from 2pm to 6pm I can be found on the boards, pending adult chores & responsibilities.

Also, I am toying with the idea of giving the players the option of using the GameMastery Critical Hit Deck. The way I would work it:

If the player rolls a Crit, the player can choose to roll damage per RAW or:

X2 weapon - player rolls regular dmg., DM chooses card & applies result
X3 weapon - player rolls x2 dmg., DM chooses card & applies result
X4 weapon - player rolls x3 dmg., DM chooses card & applies result

Any thoughts?



Grand Lodge

Male Nurse/Father

I havn't bought the cards yet but from all I have read on these boards they sound like fun so I am up for it.

Male Human Bard 1/Ranger 1/Expert 3

Utak, look's like a cool game... do you already have all of your players?

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
TwiceBorn wrote:
Utak, look's like a cool game... do you already have all of your players?

Hi Twiceborn,

Thanks for your compliments and your interest.

I currently have 4 concrete players, and I have 2 in limbo from the Hommlet pbp game that died.

In that thread, there seemed to be interest from 2 players to look for a new game. I put a post in that dicussion thread, and before I knew it, I had 4 players.

I have not heard back from the 2 limbo players, and I am giving them until Monday afternoon. If there is no response, I will open those spots up.

I believe one spot might be filled by an associate of Dreamweaver. For now, I can put you on a stand-by list, and if both limbo players show no interest, then I will be happy to make a spot for you.

Please check back Monday. If I have not heard back from them, I will give you a shout-out post.



Male Human Bard 1/Ranger 1/Expert 3
Utak wrote:
TwiceBorn wrote:
Utak, look's like a cool game... do you already have all of your players?

Hi Twiceborn,

Thanks for your compliments and your interest.

I currently have 4 concrete players, and I have 2 in limbo from the Hommlet pbp game that died.

In that thread, there seemed to be interest from 2 players to look for a new game. I put a post in that dicussion thread, and before I knew it, I had 4 players.

I have not heard back from the 2 limbo players, and I am giving them until Monday afternoon. If there is no response, I will open those spots up.

I believe one spot might be filled by an associate of Dreamweaver. For now, I can put you on a stand-by list, and if both limbo players show no interest, then I will be happy to make a spot for you.

Please check back Monday. If I have not heard back from them, I will give you a shout-out post.



Sounds good. Thanks for keeping me in mind!

The Exchange

The Shaman book is boxed up in my garage. I'll try to find it over the next few days - seem to remember that the book was part of a specialist class series for 3.0 that included one on Chronomancers.

I am happy to use the critical deck.

As house husband and father of a six month old baby I tend to browse the boards on and off during the day.

However I work Tuesday all day so I will probably only respond later in the evening.

That said since I am in the UK, my responding on an evening may not be a bad thing. I like the idea of the campaign running during the week only because that should increase the chances of this lasting.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
French Wolf wrote:

The Shaman book is boxed up in my garage. I'll try to find it over the next few days - seem to remember that the book was part of a specialist class series for 3.0 that included one on Chronomancers.

I am happy to use the critical deck.

As house husband and father of a six month old baby I tend to browse the boards on and off during the day.

However I work Tuesday all day so I will probably only respond later in the evening.

That said since I am in the UK, my responding on an evening may not be a bad thing. I like the idea of the campaign running during the week only because that should increase the chances of this lasting.


Thanks for the info regarding your posting schedule.

Are you referring to the Spirit Shaman from Complete Divine?



Grand Lodge

Male Nurse/Father

About the number of people question I was more wondering if we can fill the four major roles with the people active now, not that I have another person looking to play. So you don't need to put anyone on the stand by list for me, sorry about the confusion.

So far Utak this is looking like it should be a good time and I am all about the week hours because we are ussually doing something on the weekends and could only post maybe at nights on the weekends like I am doing know.

I am still looking at playing a knight so I will probably use your above suggestions on Monday when I have more time.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

Hellow again, just a quick update. I believe our party of heroic adventurers is established.

Just a quick, early shout-out to TwiceBorn, you have a spot, if you are still interested.

This is the current roster pending any changes:

Nani Wahine - Elven Druid
Dreamweaver - Knight
French Wolf - possible shaman type?
Erian_7 - Ranger
Amergin - ?
TwiceBorn - ?

I will still hold a spot for Valegrim, but any new interest will be on stand-by.

The party is lacking a rogue type & an arcane caster. For the players that have not selected a class, do not feel obligated to fill these roles. Play what you want, and I will try to adjust the adventures accordingly.

Hopefully later today, I will get some more info posted regarding the Country of Rutania and specifically Erian's Glen, the bustling town where we start our little adventure.

I figure next week will be character concept and generation week, and if all goes well, by the start of the following week, we will be rolling dice and slaying bad guys.



The Exchange

I'll play a beguiler from PHB2. That should help round out the party and is very different from my usual PC.


Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
French Wolf wrote:

I'll play a beguiler from PHB2. That should help round out the party and is very different from my usual PC.


A beguiler will really make things fun and interesting in a PbP. I am getting everything about Rutania typed up and it will hopefully be posted later tonight. Most arcane types have studied in either the capital city of Aidans Wall or the town becoming bustling city of Seward. Although, the town of Stedman is also gaining a notoriety for the arcane arts also. More on these and other fine locations coming shortly. Just a note, magic is studied all over now, but the locations listed are the main places.



Male Human Bard 1/Ranger 1/Expert 3

Given the awesome religious background you've provided thus far for your setting, I'm leaning towards playing a cleric -- can you suggest the names of deities known in the world, as well as their portfolios/domains?

If we truly are desperate for a rogue, though, I could do that instead...

Are we starting at level 1? Standard rules, aside from the Paizo critical hit deck?

I've gotten hooked to Mothman's excellent Age of Darkness PbP game, and I'm looking forward to the start of this campaign as well... what little background you've provided thus far is intriguing and creative.

As far as posting and time zones are concerned. I live in western Canada, Mountain Time (2 hours behind Pennsylvania, I believe). Most of my posts will be during the evening...

Thanks again for saving me a spot...

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

I am assuming this is 3.5; is there any books banned or can we choose races and classes from any book? Any home table rules we need to know? How are characters going to be generated? I dont have a crit deck; but am good with anyone pulling a card for me or whatnot; am more interested in playing than in dice rolls or cards or whatnot; just let me know the mechanics; will play something to go along with everyone else; I have never played a psion so maybe will lean that way for something different, but am not stuck on it.

am in Mountain time; do most of my posting sun - wed, but am flexible.

Howdy. Still solidly on Ranger here. He'll be able to cover much of the Rogue roll regarding stealth, but nothing on the "mechanical" side (i.e. Open Locks, Disable Device).

I'm Central timezone, and will be posting mostly from work (8ish to 4ish). For questions, what are we doing (if anything) for online character sheets and dice rolling? If nothing is planned, I'll mention the functional 3eProfiler site I like to use for character sheets at the Unlimited RPGS PbP forum. I'm planning on switching to the primary 3eProfiler site once it's complete, since the Myth-Weavers PbP site folks have done a lot of great work to get the 2004 version updated and more functional.

I also use the Invisible Castle Dice Roller for dice in my URPG games.

Example of an Invisible Castle roll:

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
TwiceBorn wrote:

Given the awesome religious background you've provided thus far for your setting, I'm leaning towards playing a cleric -- can you suggest the names of deities known in the world, as well as their portfolios/domains?

If we truly are desperate for a rogue, though, I could do that instead...

Are we starting at level 1? Standard rules, aside from the Paizo critical hit deck?

I've gotten hooked to Mothman's excellent Age of Darkness PbP game, and I'm looking forward to the start of this campaign as well... what little background you've provided thus far is intriguing and creative.

As far as posting and time zones are concerned. I live in western Canada, Mountain Time (2 hours behind Pennsylvania, I believe). Most of my posts will be during the evening...

Thanks again for saving me a spot...

To keep things simple, we are going to use the good & neutral deities from the Player's Handbook. There are other deities in existence, but not in the character's known world. There is a reason behind this that will hopefully become clear later in the game.

If you are leaning toward cleric, go for it. I definately want you to play your preference of character.

The level question is a good one. Wasn't sure if anyone was going to express interest in a race with a higher LA. I do not want to go more than a +1 LA, but if someone wanted to be a goliath or something, then that would be fine. If everyone is good with a +0 LA race, then we will start at 1st level.

You have been spoiled with a DM like Mothman. If I am half as good, then I will be happy. Hopefully you will be too.



Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
Valegrim wrote:

I am assuming this is 3.5; is there any books banned or can we choose races and classes from any book? Any home table rules we need to know? How are characters going to be generated? I dont have a crit deck; but am good with anyone pulling a card for me or whatnot; am more interested in playing than in dice rolls or cards or whatnot; just let me know the mechanics; will play something to go along with everyone else; I have never played a psion so maybe will lean that way for something different, but am not stuck on it.

am in Mountain time; do most of my posting sun - wed, but am flexible.

Welcome, I am glad you got my message and it peaked your interest. Correct, 3.5. I currently do not want to stop you from being anything, therfore; I am not banning any books. Just read through the thread in the "Gamer Connection" area. There are a few rules that I tweaked and info regarding character generation. Just throw me a character concept when you have a chance, and if I cant make it fit into the setting, then I will let you know. I do want to keep all options open at this point. A psion is fine. I belive we are still missing a rogue, if that interests you, but definately do not feel obligated to fill that role. After reading through the threads, you can pop me any more questions via these boards or my email.



Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Thanks for the kind words man – but better not make my head any bigger than it is already! Anyway, based on the effort you put into roleplaying Beren in Dragonmann’s game, and the time and detail you’ve put into this thread so far, I think you’ll be more than up to scratch. I’d like to play myself, but I think I’m committed to enough games as it is, and I think you’ve got more than enough players here!

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
erian_7 wrote:

Howdy. Still solidly on Ranger here. He'll be able to cover much of the Rogue roll regarding stealth, but nothing on the "mechanical" side (i.e. Open Locks, Disable Device).

I'm Central timezone, and will be posting mostly from work (8ish to 4ish). For questions, what are we doing (if anything) for online character sheets and dice rolling? If nothing is planned, I'll mention the functional 3eProfiler site I like to use for character sheets at the Unlimited RPGS PbP forum. I'm planning on switching to the primary 3eProfiler site once it's complete, since the Myth-Weavers PbP site folks have done a lot of great work to get the 2004 version updated and more functional.

I also use the Invisible Castle Dice Roller for dice in my URPG games.

Example of an Invisible Castle roll:


Just looked over your email. WOW. You really did an Awsome job. The map is beautiful.

It is late, and I have to wake up in about 4 hours so I will review all of the locations tomorrow. I will also look at your recommendations for online character sheets. Any interest in looking at the map of Erian's Glen?

Again, thank you.



Utak wrote:


Just looked over your email. WOW. You really did an Awsome job. The map is beautiful.

It is late, and I have to wake up in about 4 hours so I will review all of the locations tomorrow. I will also look at your recommendations for online character sheets. Any interest in looking at the map of Erian's Glen?

Again, thank you.



Heh, thanks. That's just the colorization to get the basic areas identified--I'll be applying textures and such to round out the map and make it all "purty" once I know everything's right spatially. I figured you could also use this one as the quick map for players while I work on a nice one. I can host it on my FTP site if you want to get a version posted now. No hurry on the review, of course, as it's all for you in the end anyway!

I'll take a look at Erian's Glen, just shoot it my way. I'm actually better (at least IMHO) at such smaller-scale maps than overland views, actually. There's an isometric art pack put out by the fans over at Dundjinni that could probably be used to whip up a very nice city-level view.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12

OK, last post for the night.

I emailed Erian_7 a horrible pencil drawn map of the Country of Rutania, and he worked it into a piece of art.

I do appoligize that I did not get the information up that I promised today. It was such a nice day, and I spent alot of it outdoors with my wife. The information is coming.

To give you all a better picture of the area, if you are interested, you can contact me via the email address I left in the Gamer Connection thread. Once I get your email, I will send this wonderful map to you. If you are not interested, this is fine. I will be typing up to the best of my ability a description of the land, the major locations, and a description of what makes them important.

Until Tomorrow, Cheers,


I'll make it easy for folks and stick it up on my site...

The Map

For the map, I know you mentioned the Known World area being about 500 square miles. That'd put the coastline at around 25 miles or so from Kagen's Range to The Vines (assuming the jungle doesn't count as Known World). That'd make it about 10 miles to Roder and 20 to Cein (from Erian's Glen). Is that the right scale?

Male Human Bard 1/Ranger 1/Expert 3
Dreamweaver wrote:

About the number of people question I was more wondering if we can fill the four major roles with the people active now, not that I have another person looking to play. So you don't need to put anyone on the stand by list for me, sorry about the confusion.

So far Utak this is looking like it should be a good time and I am all about the week hours because we are ussually doing something on the weekends and could only post maybe at nights on the weekends like I am doing know.

I am still looking at playing a knight so I will probably use your above suggestions on Monday when I have more time.

Just out of curiosity, Dreamweaver... could you tell me (in a spoiler) what deity your knight will revere? I will probably make a cleric, and although I currently have a particular god in mind, I'm thinking that it might also be cool for our characters to have some common ground at the beginning of the game.

My first choice of deity would be (spoilers for Utak and Dreamweaver):

Fharlanghn... I can see my character having a saying along the lines of, "all paths, and all faiths, lead to Kagen Ru... so sayeth the Dweller on the Horizon." He would have a gentle approach to converting the "savages" and the "heathens," assuming that might become one of the angles of this age of exploration campaign...

But I must admit that I have a hard time picturing a knight devoted to Fharlanghn... although that might make for an interesting and unusual character concept?

Alternately, I am also considering the following deities (spoilers again for Utak and Dreamweaver):

1. St. Cuthbert - a slightly more heavy-handed and less tolerant approach to conversion and dealing with other peoples/cultures...

2. Pelor - more light-handed and flexible

3. Heironeous - back to rigidity

Fharlanghn stikes me as the most interesting concept -- I don't think I've ever met anyone who played a cleric of Fharlanghn. It might also provide a logical choice for eventually multi-classing as a rogue, if no one else fills that role...

I welcome your feedback on my choices, Utak and Dreamweaver...

Male Human Bard 1/Ranger 1/Expert 3
erian_7 wrote:

I'll make it easy for folks and stick it up on my site...

The Map

For the map, I know you mentioned the Known World area being about 500 square miles. That'd put the coastline at around 25 miles or so from Kagen's Range to The Vines (assuming the jungle doesn't count as Known World). That'd make it about 10 miles to Roder and 20 to Cein (from Erian's Glen). Is that the right scale?

Thanks! Nice work!

Male Human Bard 1/Ranger 1/Expert 3

For a character sheet, I just intend to use an Excel sheet... will that be okay?

As for dice, in Mothman's PbP I roll physical d20s. I'm assuming that won't be a problem?

Also, I have a Paizo critical hit deck of my own... would it be okay if I draw my own cards, if/when I score a crit? Mothman will tell you that I can be trusted to play honestly... for a while, I reported so many crappy rolls in his game that it was depressing.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
TwiceBorn wrote:

Also, I have a Paizo critical hit deck of my own... would it be okay if I draw my own cards, if/when I score a crit? Mothman will tell you that I can be trusted to play honestly... for a while, I reported so many crappy rolls in his game that it was depressing.

Heh. Yep, that's true.

I've got a pretty nifty spreadsheet I use for characters, but I've found for my PbP games that having an online sheet is helpful as I don't have to always have the XLS on-hand.

Grand Lodge

Male Nurse/Father
TwiceBorn wrote:

Just out of curiosity, Dreamweaver... could you tell me (in a spoiler) what deity your knight will revere? I will probably make a cleric, and although I currently have a particular god in mind, I'm thinking that it might also be cool for our characters to have some common ground at the beginning of the game.

I like your first choice it seems to fit into the story well and would explain why my Knight would be in town. I will go with your first choice and start on my characters background and motivation with that. Thanks

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
erian_7 wrote:

I'll make it easy for folks and stick it up on my site...

The Map

For the map, I know you mentioned the Known World area being about 500 square miles. That'd put the coastline at around 25 miles or so from Kagen's Range to The Vines (assuming the jungle doesn't count as Known World). That'd make it about 10 miles to Roder and 20 to Cein (from Erian's Glen). Is that the right scale?

Wow, how did I get so lucky. I knew it was a good thing naming this PbP after Erian:)

In terms of scale, my mapping ability is horrible, and I most likely figured out dimensions in error. What I meant was that from Kagen's Range to the start of the jungle is about 500 miles and from the most western start of the Skyward Mountains to Voyager's Ocean is about 500 miles. So, give or take, Erian Glen to Rodor is about 125 miles, Erian Glen to Aidans Wall is about 250 miles. Sorry for the confusion.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
Dreamweaver wrote:
TwiceBorn wrote:

Just out of curiosity, Dreamweaver... could you tell me (in a spoiler) what deity your knight will revere? I will probably make a cleric, and although I currently have a particular god in mind, I'm thinking that it might also be cool for our characters to have some common ground at the beginning of the game.

I like your first choice it seems to fit into the story well and would explain why my Knight would be in town. I will go with your first choice and start on my characters background and motivation with that. Thanks

Yes, your first choice is perfect. Wow, I am loving this. First a beautiful map and now characters are already interacting with the setting.

Thank you very much!

Here is why your choice will work well. It will also be explained in more detail in a post hopefully by tonight.

With the lack of magic prior to the arrival of Kagen Ru, It was very easy for the religious pilgrims to convert other tribes. Of course, most of the land and the people have been civilized, you may still find a stray tribe or two. Thanks again for the interaction

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
TwiceBorn wrote:

For a character sheet, I just intend to use an Excel sheet... will that be okay?

As for dice, in Mothman's PbP I roll physical d20s. I'm assuming that won't be a problem?

Also, I have a Paizo critical hit deck of my own... would it be okay if I draw my own cards, if/when I score a crit? Mothman will tell you that I can be trusted to play honestly... for a while, I reported so many crappy rolls in his game that it was depressing.

Regarding character sheets: I have not had a chance to check out Erian_7's suggestion yet , but what I will probably do is ask everyone to include the information in a spoiler under your alias avatar profile. This will allow me quick, easy access just incase I need to verify something. I am easy though, if there is opposition to this, feel free to use a format of your choosing. I have never tried pasting excel into a Paizo MB thread, so I do not know how it would turn out. Worst case, 1st paste it into word, then into your profile.

Any other thoughts?

I have no problem with players rolling their own dice and choosing their own cards. Keep in mind, players also have the option of just rolling normal crit damage. If you are going to choose your own card, I will ask that you use good judgement for the encounter in question. If the result does not make sense to you, then disregard and choose another. With this option, the DM would have the option of negating the effect.

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
Mothman wrote:
Thanks for the kind words man – but better not make my head any bigger than it is already! Anyway, based on the effort you put into roleplaying Beren in Dragonmann’s game, and the time and detail you’ve put into this thread so far, I think you’ll be more than up to scratch. I’d like to play myself, but I think I’m committed to enough games as it is, and I think you’ve got more than enough players here!

Thanks for the compliment. I have grown fond of Beren. And, Beren has grown fond of Valessa. She is one hot babe!

Utak wrote:

Wow, how did I get so lucky. I knew it was a good thing naming this PbP after Erian:)

In terms of scale, my mapping ability is horrible, and I most likely figured out dimensions in error. What I meant was that from Kagen's Range to the start of the jungle is about 500 miles and from the most western start of the Skyward Mountains to Voyager's Ocean is about 500 miles. So, give or take, Erian Glen to Rodor is about 125 miles, Erian Glen to Aidans Wall is about 250 miles. Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks, and no problem on the scale...working out some closer specifics will help me get other map dimensions right.

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

am looking at my books; been a long time since I played a rogue type so that might be fun.

Oh, and for frame of reference, it looks like the Known World area will thus be about the size of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah put together (roughly the same square mileage as Texas, but more square in shape).

When your working up details, if you include some climate references I can work that into the map as well (i.e. with a jungle that close it sounds like this is a sub-tropical to temperate region). Are the mountains tall enough for snow coverage year round?

Still working on writing up his background, but I've got Erian El'ranelen attached to my userid profile via a link to the 3eProfiler. I also filled out the profile with his basic info. Once the background is complete, I'll include it as well.

Male Human Bard 1/Ranger 1/Expert 3
Utak wrote:

I have no problem with players rolling their own dice and choosing their own cards. Keep in mind, players also have the option of just rolling normal crit damage. If you are going to choose your own card, I will ask that you use good judgement for the encounter in question. If the result does not make sense to you, then disregard and choose another. With this option, the DM would have the option of negating the effect.

Sounds good. I will tell you (in a spoiler) what cards I initially drew, as well as alternates, if the first cards made no sense... and of course, you have every right to negate something that is illogical or inappropriate...

Male Human Bard 1/Ranger 1/Expert 3
Utak wrote:

Yes, your first choice is perfect. Wow, I am loving this. First a beautiful map and now characters are already interacting with the setting.

Thank you very much!

Here is why your choice will work well. It will also be explained in more detail in a post hopefully by tonight.

** spoiler omitted **

I'm glad you and Dreamweaver both liked my first choice. Looking forward to the rest of the background material!

Found my inspirational pic for Erian...

Erian, son of Sevren the Cartographer

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
erian_7 wrote:

Oh, and for frame of reference, it looks like the Known World area will thus be about the size of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah put together (roughly the same square mileage as Texas, but more square in shape).

When your working up details, if you include some climate references I can work that into the map as well (i.e. with a jungle that close it sounds like this is a sub-tropical to temperate region). Are the mountains tall enough for snow coverage year round?

My original thought on climate is towards the north is temperate like say around the Carolinas, and the beginning of the swamps is like Florida. The farther south, possibly like South America, but this will be discovered in the distant future. The highest peaks do have ice caps and snow fall is prevalent in the mountains.

I do want to thank you again for the effort you are putting into the map and your character. Per your email, I like your developing character concept and background. He should be loads of fun to play.



Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
TwiceBorn wrote:
Utak wrote:

I have no problem with players rolling their own dice and choosing their own cards. Keep in mind, players also have the option of just rolling normal crit damage. If you are going to choose your own card, I will ask that you use good judgement for the encounter in question. If the result does not make sense to you, then disregard and choose another. With this option, the DM would have the option of negating the effect.
Sounds good. I will tell you (in a spoiler) what cards I initially drew, as well as alternates, if the first cards made no sense... and of course, you have every right to negate something that is illogical or inappropriate...

We are on the same page. On my way in to work this morning, I was also thinking that you could use the spoiler function to describe the card drawn.



Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
erian_7 wrote:

Found my inspirational pic for Erian...

Erian, son of Sevren the Cartographer

Real nice!

Liberty's Edge

Female Elvish ( Its in my ears) Mother6/Wife6

Dreamweaver and I are in Montana so we are in Mountain time and it will all depend on what our two little girls are doing, and Dreamweavers work schedule is as to when we will be able to post. But we do check in often so we should not have any problems. Thanks for the weekday thing since we never seem to be home on the weekends. Still working on my profile but will try to get it done as soon as I can. Thanks for all that you do!

Liberty's Edge

Female Elvish ( Its in my ears) Mother6/Wife6

Do you have any ideas you can throw my way to help me out a little bit with my character?

Male to Charles, my favorite pizza shop Dork 10, Husband 5, Paizonite 5, Accountant 0, Self-Entertainer 12
Nani Wahine wrote:

Do you have any ideas you can throw my way to help me out a little bit with my character?

I really wanted to have some information posted by now. Someone screwed up at work, so I got called in to pull some extra-duty. That is what I get for taking vacation.

Ok, Elven Druid. Prior to Kagen Ru's arrival, elves dwelled on a plateau. To non-elves, the plateau was called Shelby's rise. To elves, the plateau is called Mord Mottal. On the north border of this plateau, set against Kagen's Range, is the great elf forest. To non-elves, this forest is called the Deep Forest. To elves, this forest is called Hrafn Hrani Esleif.

After Kagen Ru's arrival, a majority of the elves stayed in the Deep Forest, but some ventured out to explore.

As I mentioned before, In Erian's Glen there is a Druid's Grove. The sect of druids call themselves GoldLeaf, named after the Goldleaf trees that are prevalent in the region. These trees make excellent lumber for homes and shipbuilding. The lumber industry is huge in Erian's Glen, and with the Age of Exploratin upon us, shipbuilding and sailing has become the new way of discovery in the past 100 years.

Now to protect the forest and also protect the economy and industry, the GoldLeaf Rangers and Druids are the protectors of the envrionment who negotiate and oversea contracts with the local merchants while also protecting Erian's Glen from goblinoids.

That said, you could be here on a pilgrimage to visit the druid grove. You could have ambition of one day becoming a GoldLeaf Druid. Also, and this will be detailed more in my post of the region, there is a magical element called kotkelum, so far this element has not been able to be harnessed by itself. It is a silvery liquid currently found in some fast moving rivers. Fish from these waters have absorbed this element and the fish pieces caught are used for magical practices. Your elven druid could be searching for new deposits, since south and east of Erian's Glen is undeveloped and unexplored.

Of course, these are just suggestions. Think about who your character's parents were. What they were like. What your characters childhood was like and where he or she grew up. When you get some info down, sometimes the background writes itself.

Hope this helps.



Liberty's Edge

Female Elvish ( Its in my ears) Mother6/Wife6

Thanks! You Rock!

Liberty's Edge

Female Elvish ( Its in my ears) Mother6/Wife6

Little FYI for all of you. If you want to see who we our "real" characters are you can check out our myspace page at Would love to see the other side of all of you! Plus our kids are cute!

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