Good Things

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Sovereign Court

I just closed on a new house recently *and* I just found out I'm going to be a first-time father! Woo!

Liberty's Edge

Callous Jack wrote:
I just closed on a new house recently *and* I just found out I'm going to be a first-time father! Woo!

Grats, man.

Sovereign Court

Thanks, I'm on Cloud 9 right now.

Liberty's Edge


I'm on about cloud four. However, that's a significant improvement from cloud -3, which I've been occupying for a few weeks.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

TigerDave wrote:
Stubbing my toes on my own bed.

That's the kind of bizarre joy that I really appreciate.

Callous Jack wrote:
I just closed on a new house recently *and* I just found out I'm going to be a first-time father! Woo!

Awesome! Congrats man.

Daigle wrote:
TigerDave wrote:
Stubbing my toes on my own bed.
That's the kind of bizarre joy that I really appreciate.

Oh heck yeah. Not to mention, there is nothing like coming home and using your own toilet. It sounds odd, but man when the toilet breaks it's like being stabbed in the back by your best friend.

The Exchange

mwbeeler wrote:
Oh heck yeah. Not to mention, there is nothing like coming home and using your own toilet. It sounds odd, but man when the toilet breaks it's like being stabbed in the back by your best friend.

"Look!" *whoosh* "It flushes!" *whoosh whoosh*

"Dear - stop playing with it, wash your hands and come to dinner ..."

Dark Archive Contributor

I'm editing RA Salvatore words he wrote for me.

I'm so happy.


My daughter is getting dressed herself. I didn't even have to chase her around.


Callous Jack wrote:
Thanks, I'm on Cloud 9 right now.


Mucho congrats!

The Exchange

Callous Jack wrote:
I just closed on a new house recently *and* I just found out I'm going to be a first-time father! Woo!

Yea! This is the most....blah, blah, blah.....

Sorry, 2 kids 10+years of marriage, tired of lying to get the newbs into the fold....someone needs to revoke my card....

just joking. It is really cool, enjoy it. Someday you will game with that little embryo and it'll all be so damn cool!

Liberty's Edge

Mike McArtor wrote:

I'm editing RA Salvatore words he wrote for me.

I'm so happy.


Wait, does this mean that RAS is writing something for Paizo? Could it be?



"Housesitting" (aka subletting) a place in Brooklyn until later in the month, so my commute to and from work has gone from 2.5 hours one way to 20-30 minutes one way. All time that I hope to put toward illustrations that needed to be done, like, now.

Albeit a small amount, paid some of the debt off tonight.
Moving soon into super cool house that makes wifey happy.
Still like my job despite the stress and pain it is currently causing.
Mother's day present already bought and paid for.
Great weekend with the boy. It feels great that he truly seems to enjoy spending time with his daddy. :)
Gaming tomorrow. I've really been enjoying the break of being a player for these past few months.
Actually got some work done tonight, even if it's still not nearly as much as I was supposed to get done.
Sunny Spring days making my mood a bit better.

Sovereign Court

graywulfe wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:

I'm editing RA Salvatore words he wrote for me.

I'm so happy.


Wait, does this mean that RAS is writing something for Paizo? Could it be?



Probably a contribution to the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting


A rapidly recovering sick kitty.
A day without the wind blowing

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Friday morning my boss surprised me buy offering to buy me a new set of tires for my car! Wear and tear bonus!! I was floored!

The, "I really appreciate everything you do." was pretty frickin' awesome too!

Sovereign Court

We appreciate you too Daigle. Thanks for donating a copy of GM Gems to the prizes at Paizocon! You and the others did a great job on that book.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Rock! That was actually my "author's copy" I received the very afternoon that Tim gave me the idea, so thank him....again!

Good things

Women's volleyball uniforms.

So... tight.

which is why I always had volleyball girls playing on the untitled site while we had our beer and bbq :)

Kruelaid wrote:

Good things

Women's volleyball uniforms.

So... tight.

Fresh peanut butter cookies straight outta the oven.

I've been at home sick all week, and I just had my delivery from Hirst Arts arrive. Yay!

Sovereign Court

Lilith wrote:
Fresh peanut butter cookies straight outta the oven.


Liberty's Edge

Getting together with ... half my band in about an hour. *psyched*

James Keegan wrote:
"Housesitting" (aka subletting) a place in Brooklyn until later in the month, so my commute to and from work has gone from 2.5 hours one way to 20-30 minutes one way. All time that I hope to put toward illustrations that needed to be done, like, now.

Welcome to Brooklyn, James :)

Good things :
Seeing my son celebrating his 2nd birthday yesterday, growing up day after day, learning something new at every minute, and teaching me new things about life along the way...

My littlest has her second birthday tomorrow; I get her for two hours; aught to be a good time; gotta make cupcakes :)

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Getting together with ... half my band in about an hour. *psyched*

The three of us are totally inexperienced, we suck, and we spend every second of practicing trying to figure out off-tempo rhythms in the poor acoustics of Dennis' (the drummer's) basement.

And we love every minute of it.

Peace out,

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Getting together with ... half my band in about an hour. *psyched*

The three of us are totally inexperienced, we suck, and we spend every second of practicing trying to figure out off-tempo rhythms in the poor acoustics of Dennis' (the drummer's) basement.

And we love every minute of it.

Peace out,

Every great band has to start from somewhere. ~grins~ Just do your best and practice, then things should go a bit better!

Today's noise is tomorrow's Mozart.

Or tomorrow's Noise, if that's what you're into.

James Keegan wrote:
Or tomorrow's Noise, if that's what you're into.

Two great band names, if you ask me.

The Exchange

I think I mentioned it the other day - but being home with my wife. I don't think that I can mention that enough. Getting to take the youngest guy to the build-a-bear store so he could get a new friend (that was fun!) Getting books in the mail (yay! gaming goodness!) Baked potato for dinner (can never have enough of those ...) Putting some things in the Paladin think tank thread that I thought actually had merit (for once.)

Liberty's Edge

TigerDave wrote:
... being home with my wife. I don't think that I can mention that enough. Getting to take the youngest guy to the build-a-bear store so he could get a new friend (that was fun!)...

I definitely know how you feel :-)

Oh, and potatoes: didn't KBR have baked potatoes in your DFAC?

The Exchange

Andrew Turner wrote:
TigerDave wrote:
... being home with my wife. I don't think that I can mention that enough. Getting to take the youngest guy to the build-a-bear store so he could get a new friend (that was fun!)...

I definitely know how you feel :-)

Oh, and potatoes: didn't KBR have baked potatoes in your DFAC?

Unfortunately ... My "shift" ran midnight to noon. COB Speicher is kind of big, so we usually missed "midnight chow" and definitely "lunch". The only meal I ate regularly was the breakfast meal, but ... I was a mission commander most of the time and couldn't get away to eat - so I would get a plate brought in for me, so I was at the mercy of the grabber. Most of the time I just ended up asking for whatever. I did, however, take a great deal of joy noshing on Shin Ramen when I got back to the CHUs...

Liberty's Edge

TigerDave wrote:
... I was a mission commander most of the time and couldn't get away to eat - so I would get a plate brought in for me, so I was at the mercy of the grabber ...

Ahhh, yes! The infamous plate of cold, soggy fries and a single chicken strip! Nothing better after a long 36-hour day of getting shot at, IED'd, and mortared!

Oh, I forgot the 250ml carton of 2% chocolate milk with the missing straw! Now that's a complete meal!


...wait a minute. Maybe this should be in the companion thread...Things That Suck... :-(

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

I posted on the Things that Suck thread that my youngest son had a rough go after his biopsy.

Well, he was admitted for observation Monday night, but came home yesterday afternoon, and is now looking OK. He's on some antibiotics for the possibly pneumonia he might have.

But, the point of all this was the biopsy to test for any signs of rejection....

No signs of rejection!


Scarab Sages

Timitius wrote:

No signs of rejection!


WAHOOO!!! Kick ass, little man!! We are extatic for you, Tim!

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Timitius wrote:

No signs of rejection!


Yay!! Excellent news!!!

Three cheers for the little trooper!

Clean bill of health from the surgeon (though they haven’t done any counts yet). Due to a slight miscommunication, they thought I didn’t want to treat at all, but I think I’ve cleared that up and am headed to the oncologist on Monday morning.

Can pick up my son again (and give my wife a break), and even mowed the lawn yesterday (which, overall, didn’t suck as bad as it sounds).

Not too shabby really; three months ago I was busy confronting my severely moved up mortality, and today I feel pretty darn good. It’s nice to not think about being dead “real soon” every day.

Yay for everyone whos in good health!

In about ten minutes I'm going in for an interviev for an internship.

Arctaris wrote:

Yay for everyone whos in good health!

In about ten minutes I'm going in for an interviev for an internship.

I want the whole story when you get back. Oh, and if you're wearing dress clothes, I WANT PICTURES!

Just after I received my Hirst Arts shipment, I drove into town to pick my wife up from work, and it was a local employer who'd interviewed me, looking to hire me!

...His first question was "Did you know your mobile number is wrong on your resume...?"

I've now been working a full week, at full-time rates, straight out of the gate, and I'm liking this new job, I must say. I didn't think selling furniture would be this fun, but I'm definitely not complaining.

Scarab Sages

Spent the weekend visiting Hershey in Pennsylvania. Interestingly enough, the town is actually called Derry Township. The wife and I were there as part of our 1 Year Anniversary. It was nice. We stayed at the Hershey Hotel, where even the soap smelled like chocolate. We didn't actually go into Hershey Park (the weather was kind of blah) but we went into Chocolate World, visited the Hershey Museam, and went on a trolley tour of the town. All in all, it was nice.

Free box seats to Radiohead! Going to the show in 36 hours!

So many people have come to me and offered places to stay, help moving, and general love. Even strangers, like my neighbors I never talk to and friends I haven't seen in years. People really aren't that bad, on average.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
Spent the weekend visiting Hershey in Pennsylvania. Interestingly enough, the town is actually called Derry Township. The wife and I were there as part of our 1 Year Anniversary. It was nice. We stayed at the Hershey Hotel, where even the soap smelled like chocolate. We didn't actually go into Hershey Park (the weather was kind of blah) but we went into Chocolate World, visited the Hershey Museam, and went on a trolley tour of the town. All in all, it was nice.

My cousin lives in Hershey.

Liberty's Edge

Shiner Bock is good. Especially with pizza.

Wandslinger wrote:
Shiner Bock is good. Especially with pizza.

Mmm...Shiner Bock. It's good with everything! :D

Scarab Sages

On May 15, 2008 at approximately 7:38 PM EST, Natalie Grace Campbell was born.

My niece.


Other good things:

    I am back to work.
    My pregnant wife is healthy.
    I am going to Florida next week to visit my new niece and have a baby shower for my wife.
    D & D this weekend, should wrap up Hook Mountain.
    It’s Friday!

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