Homebrew PbP: The Lands Above the Mist

Gamer Connection

Liberty's Edge

I want to try my hand at DMing a PbP game. I'm an experienced DM and I'm currently playing my first PbP game.

The game will be set in my homebrew campain. It's sort of Eberron-ish. The world is covered with a toxic mist and humanoid civilization exists only on the mountain tops. There are floating fortresses, zepplins, and firearms. Eberron type airships are VERY new and so far, only three exist. Gnomes dominate trade. Dwarves provide the "floatstone" for the fortesses. Elves live in a giant flaoting forest and control the only scource of real wood. Halflings are the down-trodden homless of the major urban areas. Orcs live along side the "standard" races and are respected as fierce warriors (sort of like in the Elder Scrolls video games). Half-races, most of the splatbooks, and psionics will be allowed if any one "REALY" wants to use them but I would prefer to stick with the core races and classes (PrCs from splatbooks are ok).

I'm looking for 4-6 players who can post at least once a day. As this will be my first attempt at DMing a PbP game, I would prefer to have an experienced PbP player to make sure I don't do anything stupid.

I would like to play. I'm relativley experienced at PbP. I presume that the starting level is first? Are you using point buy? Is the materiel out of Unearthed Arcana (flaws, traits and such) allowed?

Liberty's Edge

I haven't decided what the starting level is going to be yet. Maybe 3-6. Where do you want to start.

I have a lot of splatbooks, but lent my copy of UA to a friend and haven't got it back yet. If it's here, it should be ok to use. I don't see a problem using triats and flaws, so for now I will say yes.

Thanks for the help. If I do something stupid, just let me know.

List of splatbooks I have:
Monster Manual III
Races of Wild
Races of Stone
Compleat Arcane
Compleat Adventurer
Compleat Divine
Compleat Warrior
Eberron CS
Races of Eberron
Five Nation
Explorers Handbook
Magic of Eberron
Players Guide to Eberron
Sharn: City of Towers

Splatbooks I own but have lent out:
Forgotten Realms CS
Races of Farun
Races of Destiny
Unearthed Arcana

Liberty's Edge

We will use the 32 point buy system.

Flaws and Traits are ok. PCs are limited to two flaws and three traits at first level. You may gain 1 trait or flaw every 5 levels, but only with my permission.
Paragon Classes and Bloodlins are ok too. Any thing else, ask first.

Eberron races and monsters as races are allowed.
Warforged are found in "stasis pods" in ruins. When they are activated they are blank slates. They must be taught and trained to become first level. This only takes about a year (sometimes only 6-8 months). They are still considered property.
Kalishtar are basicly the same, but there are no Inspired.

No planar travel.

Standard gods, but no proof of them exists. No one has ever met a god or gathered any scientific proof that they acctualy exist. Religion is based on faith in a god. This only effects RP. Clerics remain unchanged.

Flintlock firearms are common.

  • Two handed simple weapon
  • ranged touch attack
  • 4d10 crits at 20x3
  • range increment is 30ft
  • weight is 9lbs
  • cost is 75gp
  • Treat rifle butt as a club
  • Treat bayonett as a daggger. When it is attached to rifle, treat as short spear.

LOTS of draw backs though.

  • 10% chance of misfire (weapon is jammed, 1 full round action to clear0
  • Natural 1 on attack roll = backfire (user takes 1d6 fire damage; weapon breaks, 10 full round DC 20 Craft (gunsmith) checks to fix
  • Loud and smokey. -2 on Listen checks for 1 round; cumulative - 1 on Spot checks and ranged atacks until smoke clears (3 rounds with no wind, more wind = less time)
  • 3 full round actions to reload.

Liberty's Edge

Vissigoth wrote:

I want to try my hand at DMing a PbP game. I'm an experienced DM and I'm currently playing my first PbP game.

The game will be set in my homebrew campain. It's sort of Eberron-ish. The world is covered with a toxic mist and humanoid civilization exists only on the mountain tops. There are floating fortresses, zepplins, and firearms. Eberron type airships are VERY new and so far, only three exist. Gnomes dominate trade. Dwarves provide the "floatstone" for the fortesses. Elves live in a giant flaoting forest and control the only scource of real wood. Halflings are the down-trodden homless of the major urban areas. Orcs live along side the "standard" races and are respected as fierce warriors (sort of like in the Elder Scrolls video games). Half-races, most of the splatbooks, and psionics will be allowed if any one "REALY" wants to use them but I would prefer to stick with the core races and classes (PrCs from splatbooks are ok).

I'm looking for 4-6 players who can post at least once a day. As this will be my first attempt at DMing a PbP game, I would prefer to have an experienced PbP player to make sure I don't do anything stupid.

I'm going to see if I can take a stab at this one. I'm already in three PbPs (four if you count the glorified off-topic thread 'The Long Trek'), but I might be able to manage a fourth (well, fifth, technically). I'm most likely in.

By the way, you spelled 'complete' wrong in your lists. Well, not wrong per se, but in the Olde Ynglish way.

Liberty's Edge

Vissigoth wrote:

Warforged are found in "stasis pods" in ruins. When they are activated they are blank slates. They must be taught and trained to become first level. This only takes about a year (sometimes only 6-8 months). They are still considered property.

Wow. Just like Brick.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, my best friend in high school had an obsession with spelling everything in the european style and it kind of rubed off on me. I've been able to shake it mostly, a few words are still stuck in my brain.

Thanks for the intrest. Any idea what you guys want to play.

Any starting level is fine with me. I might play an Illusionist. Would you allow me to take the Master Specialist PrC from the Complete Mage? I didn't see the Complete Mage on your list but I thought I'd ask. Would a Changeling (MMIII) be okay? Mabye with a few levels of Illusionist and a few of Rogue.

Liberty's Edge

I've got a question before I send you a concept:

First, what tech level are the firearms? The reason I'm asking is that if they are akin to 17th-century firearms, they are large and heavy, but if they are more akin to 18th-century firearms, they have split off into 'musket' and 'pistol' groups.

Liberty's Edge

Sounds darn-tooten-spiffy, count me in, if you have me... now to the character concept...

Liberty's Edge

Dragonmann wrote:
Sounds darn-tooten-spiffy, count me in, if you have me... now to the character concept...

So flintlock pistols (dragoons' pisols, pepperpots, what have you...) are OK?

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dragonmann wrote:
Sounds darn-tooten-spiffy, count me in, if you have me... now to the character concept...
So flintlock pistols (dragoons' pisols, pepperpots, what have you...) are OK?

Um, me thinks you are asking the wrong guy...

I was commenting on the setting, and the possibility of playing a character...

Perhaps this would be too many pbp for you

Liberty's Edge

Arctaris wrote:
Any starting level is fine with me. I might play an Illusionist. Would you allow me to take the Master Specialist PrC from the Complete Mage? I didn't see the Complete Mage on your list but I thought I'd ask. Would a Changeling (MMIII) be okay? Mabye with a few levels of Illusionist and a few of Rogue.

Not to jump up and down and shout about all things eberron... wait, to do exactly that...

Consider the Changeling Wizards substitution levels from RoE... lets you be a specialist in illusion and transmutation, and gives a smattering of rogue skills

Liberty's Edge

Right now, I'm leaning toward level 6.

Changeling is fine, it's an Eberron race, but I don't know about the PrC. Are you set on using it? I don't want to limit character choices, but I don't have that book. What is the gist of the PrC? It sounds like it gives you more spells or more powerful spells from you Specialty School.

No pistols, just the musket I posted earlier. Cannons and rockets also exist. Rockets are the main weapon on zepplins as cannons are too heavy. I said flintlock, but I probably should have called them matchlock. I'll get a better statblock for them soon. My intent is for them to be easy to use, super powerful, but with a lot of drawbacks.

Ok, so I've got Arctaris, Mr. Shiny, and Dragonmann. One more and we can start. I'll get a map and some setting background ready.

Call me da tanker. Stats and background are in profile, need to upgrade to level 6.

Can I access the dragon totem and dragon rage feats from eberron? And if it didn't leap out, Zeranthex is an iron dragon.

I'll give it a go.

I was thinking maybe elven ranger/druid or monk (need to get home to my rulebooks first). Maybe even druid/monk/enlightened fist, if that's OK.

I might be a bit spread thin on PBPs, but I'm probably giong to drop out of one of them soonish if it doesn't improve.

If I managed to not screw it up, stats are updated. I took the Dragon feats I asked about, think the background explains it.

I haven't looked into starting gear yet. If we do wealth by level, I'll probably have a +1 Flail, and 'spend' the rest having my body enchanted.

Liberty's Edge

Dragonmann wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dragonmann wrote:
Sounds darn-tooten-spiffy, count me in, if you have me... now to the character concept...
So flintlock pistols (dragoons' pisols, pepperpots, what have you...) are OK?

Um, me thinks you are asking the wrong guy...

I was commenting on the setting, and the possibility of playing a character...

Perhaps this would be too many pbp for you

Aw, s*@&e 'n onions. I had just come from the Stormreach thread when I wrote that, and I was a bit confused. Sorry.

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Aw, s&@&e 'n onions. I had just come from the Stormreach thread when I wrote that, and I was a bit confused. Sorry.

I assumed as much... or did I assume A$$ Munch... hmmm... let me get back to you ;)

Liberty's Edge

Starting Level 6.
13,000 gp

Disregaurd earlier statments about firearms. Use Table 2-4: Flintlock Firearms on page 21 of the d20 Past book. If you don't have this book, I will email you the info. Firearms change to simple weapons.

I'll review your character when I get back from work Dragonmann, but you need to fix his age. The 8 months would have been his "childhood" and after that he would have hit 1st level. He would be older than that now.

Please email me the info on the firearms at wraith6@raresteeds.com.
The master specialist gives you a few bonus feats (Skill Focus (Spellcraft) and Greater Spell Focus (chosen school)), at later levels an increase in CL when casting spells from your school and some special abilities that depend on what you're favored school is. You also get increases in spellcasting ability at each level. If you don't want me to use it isn't a problem, I can think of other character concepts.

I'll gladly add some meat to the grinder too, if you've got any room left. No hauntings, I promise.

Liberty's Edge

Vissigoth wrote:

Starting Level 6.

13,000 gp

Disregaurd earlier statments about firearms. Use Table 2-4: Flintlock Firearms on page 21 of the d20 Past book. If you don't have this book, I will email you the info. Firearms change to simple weapons.

Double awesome.

Liberty's Edge

...Anyway, my character concept is kinda breakin' the mold for me-

Jedediah Sparks: hired gun, vigilante, and self-styled 'holy warrior.' He trusts few, and those who spurn him find themselves at the barrels of his twin musket pistols. Jed rejects the gods, believing in a 'one true god,' who never seems to answer his prayers. He sees every scrap of good luck as a 'blessing,' and every scrap of the bad to be a 'test of faith.'

Basic stats:

Jedediah Sparks:
N male human fighter 5 / vigilante 1 (Comp. Adventurer)

Where should we send our stats? Or should we just post them all in the character description?

OK, here I mostly am. I didn't include my specific special abilities, skills, and feats in my profile.

I won't be able to take a level of Sacred Fist until next level.

Is this OK?

Jed is almost ready.

Also, a note on character: Jed is sort of a wierd cross between Malcolm Reynolds, Batman, Rooster Cogburn, and a religious zealot.

Liberty's Edge

I assumed something would be all bodgered up... Might not be too much older, a dragon using magic to download info into my "brain" may have accelerated the process... while exaggerating the mental problems...

Gear looks to be:
+1 Heavy Flail
+1 Mithril Body - Silent moves and Shadow
Elixir of Fire Breath
Cloak of resistance +1

Leaving me with 85 gp - which if I can go slightly over, the cloak would be shadow weave leaving me at -15gp... if not, no big deal.

Liberty's Edge

Jedediah Sparks wrote:

Jed is almost ready.

Also, a note on character: Jed is sort of a wierd cross between Malcolm Reynolds, Batman, Rooster Cogburn, and a religious zealot.

Did you miss a bonus feat for being human?

Liberty's Edge

Hmm, arctaris, your aren't going to consider barring yourself from casting repair spells are you?

I would probably have to reconcept if that happened...

I could... rogues are always fun...

Liberty's Edge

Dragonmann wrote:

Hmm, arctaris, your aren't going to consider barring yourself from casting repair spells are you?

What school are they as wizard spells? I'd guess Alteration? Seems like too useful a school to bar if that's the case...

Liberty's Edge

Mothman wrote:
Dragonmann wrote:

Hmm, arctaris, your aren't going to consider barring yourself from casting repair spells are you?

What school are they as wizard spells? I'd guess Alteration? Seems like too useful a school to bar if that's the case...

Transmutation... hmm another argument for changeling wizard sub-levels

Liberty's Edge

Mothman wrote:

I'd guess Alteration?

oops. 2Ed slip of the tongue.

Liberty's Edge

Mothman wrote:
Mothman wrote:

I'd guess Alteration?
oops. 2Ed slip of the tongue.

naughty naughty, 214 laps around the bug zapper for you...

Liberty's Edge

Sorry Arctaris, I would prefer if you only used stuff from the books I have. Firearms info on the way.

Players so far are:
Mr. Shiny

Mothman, are you in. I've got one more spot open.

Post stats in profile or e-mail them to me at Vissigoth@aol.com. I prefer a Notepad atachment or pasted into the body of the e-mail.

Ashur, Dahak, Jedediah are all ok. Elves traditonaly don't use metal. Nothing really prohibits it, just long standing tradition. Stone arrowheads and spearheads do the same damage as steel ones.

Dragonmann, stay under the gp limit. You'll get plenty of chances to make money later. Age is ok then.

Lets move this to the PbP Disscusion Forum.

Liberty's Edge

Dragonmann wrote:
Jedediah Sparks wrote:

Jed is almost ready.

Also, a note on character: Jed is sort of a wierd cross between Malcolm Reynolds, Batman, Rooster Cogburn, and a religious zealot.

Did you miss a bonus feat for being human?

Yes. Thanks.



Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dragonmann wrote:
Jedediah Sparks wrote:

Jed is almost ready.

Also, a note on character: Jed is sort of a wierd cross between Malcolm Reynolds, Batman, Rooster Cogburn, and a religious zealot.

Did you miss a bonus feat for being human?

Yes. Thanks.



And while I am busy catching your mistakes, doesn't Craft: Alchemy require you to be a spellcaster?

Liberty's Edge

Dragonmann wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dragonmann wrote:
Jedediah Sparks wrote:

Jed is almost ready.

Also, a note on character: Jed is sort of a wierd cross between Malcolm Reynolds, Batman, Rooster Cogburn, and a religious zealot.

Did you miss a bonus feat for being human?

Yes. Thanks.



And while I am busy catching your mistakes, doesn't Craft: Alchemy require you to be a spellcaster?

Yep, and the vigilante PrC allows one to cast spells. I have come to find that the vigilante PrC is just a non-evil version of the assassin PrC.

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dragonmann wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dragonmann wrote:
Jedediah Sparks wrote:

Jed is almost ready.

Also, a note on character: Jed is sort of a wierd cross between Malcolm Reynolds, Batman, Rooster Cogburn, and a religious zealot.

Did you miss a bonus feat for being human?

Yes. Thanks.



And while I am busy catching your mistakes, doesn't Craft: Alchemy require you to be a spellcaster?
Yep, and the vigilante PrC allows one to cast spells. I have come to find that the vigilante PrC is just a non-evil version of the assassin PrC.

Well, my most abject and humble apologies...

Smacks head, read whole character sheet you dolt

Liberty's Edge

Dragonmann wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dragonmann wrote:

And while I am busy catching your mistakes, doesn't Craft: Alchemy require you to be a spellcaster?
Yep, and the vigilante PrC allows one to cast spells. I have come to find that the vigilante PrC is just a non-evil version of the assassin PrC.

Well, my most abject and humble apologies...

Smacks head, read whole character sheet you dolt


There aren't any spells listed, because even though Jed knows spells, he can't actually cast them until next level. Kinda like a bard.

Just sent my character. Sorry it took me so long, been very busy.

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