Weekly Chat Summary (15 May 2007)

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion


I missed the weekly #pathfinder chat this week. Many thanks to those who sent me the logs.

Jason Bulmahn (Editor-in-Chief of Paizo's GameMastery line) dropped by for a few hours, and asked a few questions of his own. If you missed the chat, please post any responses here so that Mr. Bulmahn, and the rest of the Paizo crew, can get your feedback.

Bulmahn Question, the First: Who all here is going to GenCon or Origins?

Bulmahn Question, the Second: Who here uses the Critical Hit Deck (or plans to)? Who here would use a Fumble Deck (if we made one)?

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THE MOST IMPORTANT CHAT NEWS: It was announced that the only authorized tool for punishing players is the upcoming GameMastery Cattle Prod.

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Paizo has been buzy since the last chat. Both Crown of the Kobold King and Dragon's Trove went off to the printers. Crown is the first GameMastery Module and Dragon's Trove is the next Item Card set.

Paizo currently plans to release one module per month, but Jason stated that this might increase in the future. "It really depends on demand," he said.

Some attention was given to the degree of compatibility between Paizo's various upcoming product lines. To summarize:

- The Pathfinder and GameMastery Module lines are set in the same campaign setting.

- Some elements of the GameMastery Compleat Encounters line will be pulled into the Pathfinder world. However, Jason stressed that Paizo is not holding the Encounters up as canon. "The Whispering Tyrant, for example," he said, "might just have a home in our world."

- Item Card sets can be used with any product line, whether published by Paizo or a third party. However, some of the future sets will have cards taken directly from Paizo adventures.

Development thru Adventures
Paizo's new campaign setting will be primarily developed through the publication of adventure modules. "Many of the early campaigns were built using modules," Jason said. "We are (to some extent) working the same way."

Paizo adventures will only require the use of the three core books. Similar to the format used in DUNGEON Magazine, anything outside those core books that is required to run Paizo adventures will be added to the product. There will be no need to buy anything else.

Jason also stated that Paizo will not be using the delve format for their adventures. If you would like a preview of their new format, check out the Paizo blog from Tuesday, April 24, 2007. You can also view a priview by clicking here.

Setting Specifics
Last week, we talked about dwarves. This week it was gnomes. Jason stated:

We are working out a good niche for all the player races. Gnomes in our world will have a closer tie to fey in some respects. We are still working out some of the finer points, but gnomes have a tie to the First World, along with all fey. They keep themselves rooted in this one through obsessions, depeding on the individual.

As an aside, there will be a group illustration of all the player races in the Player's Guide to Rise of the Runelords. And no, there will be no warforged.

Module Codes
To rehash what some have been asking in the chat, as well as here on the boards, the following is guide to the codes used for the GameMastery Module line: D for Dungeon, J for Journey, E for Event, U for Urban, and W for Wilderness. These are supposed to indicate 'general themes,' and are not really related to the plot or story line of the module in question.

If you want to learn more about Paizo's new lines, want to meet the people who make the magic, are considering submitting your work for publication, or just want to be killed in a gruesome and horrible way... you must go to GenCon. Paizo will be hosting a delve event (at no charge) at their booth, and a number of their employees will be giving seminars. Jason also said that there might be a "possibility to play part of the first Pathfinder with us or one of our authors." Keep checking the Paizo blog, as that will be where the final schedule of events will be posted.

Beyond GenCon, Paizo will also have a sizable presence at Origins. If you manage to make it to either show, stop by their booth.

Odds and Ends

Paizo is still kicking around the idea of publishing Pathfinder novels.

They are also considering a "Living" campaign, set in the PCS.

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SPECIAL NOTE ON ART SUBMISSION: On May 8th, Erik Mona, Paizo Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Dragon Magazine, dropped by #pathfinder. I did not post a summary, as he was only there for a short time. However, he did state that artists looking to work with Paizo on their new product lines should send samples to sean.glenn@paizo.com. It is also best that you create and maintain an online portfolio.

Thanks for the log. In regards to critical hit/fumble deck -- I plan on purchasing the crit this month, and would definitely purchase a fumble deck as well.

EP Healy wrote:
Bulmahn Question, the First: Who all here is going to GenCon or Origins?


EP Healy wrote:
Bulmahn Question, the Second: Who here uses the Critical Hit Deck (or plans to)? Who here would use a Fumble Deck (if we made one)?

I'm planning on trying the Critical Hit Deck out once it arrives (my account says it shipped Wednesday). But I'm not entirely sure about fumbles. I tried the 3.0 mechanic, but ultimately wasn't satisfied. I'll want to know if (a) it is equally punitive to creatures using natural weapons as it is to creatures using manufactured weapons, and (b) if there is a large or small chance of damaging PC equipment. I find some players deal better with PC loss the having the PC's best weapon broken.

EP Healy wrote:
THE MOST IMPORTANT CHAT NEWS: It was announced that the only authorized tool for punishing players is the upcoming GameMastery Cattle Prod.

I NEED one of these for when I DM at conventions...

EP Healy wrote:

Bulmahn Question, the First: Who all here is going to GenCon or Origins?

Bulmahn Question, the Second: Who here uses the Critical Hit Deck (or plans to)? Who here would use a Fumble Deck (if we made one)?

I am planning on attending GenCon this year and am looking forward to seeing Paizo there - any word on when a schedule of Paizo's events will be coming out?

Secondly, I just ordered the Critical Hit Deck today (from my FLGS, gotta support them) and would definitely buy a Critical Fumble deck.

Keep up the good work, Paizo.

EP Healer thank you very much for your excellent summaries! One of the best threads/posts at all.

But you mentioned dwarves being the topic in the last chat, what was said about them? Please let me know.

Aureus wrote:

EP Healer thank you very much for your excellent summaries! One of the best threads/posts at all.

But you mentioned dwarves being the topic in the last chat, what was said about them? Please let me know.

Yeah this threw me a bit too; I think it was just a slight reference about their deities (for more check the latest blog = very cool). The post is on here under log May 8th or some such title.

Eric Garvue wrote:
I am planning on attending GenCon this year and am looking forward to seeing Paizo there - any word on when a schedule of Paizo's events will be coming out?

Very soon. I had to finalize the plans for Origins this week--next week I begin the process of finalizing the Gen Con plans.

EP Healy wrote:

If you want to learn more about Paizo's new lines, want to meet the people who make the magic, are considering submitting your work for publication, or just want to be killed in a gruesome and horrible way... you must go to GenCon. Paizo will be hosting a delve event (at no charge) at their booth, and a number of their employees will be giving seminars. Jason also said that there might be a "possibility to play part of the first Pathfinder with us or one of our authors." Keep checking the Paizo blog, as that will be where the final schedule of events will be posted.

Beyond GenCon, Paizo will also have a sizable presence at Origins. If you manage to make it to either show, stop by their booth.

All of the events hosted at Gen Con will be, in some way, also hosted at Origins in July. Since Origins is a smaller show, we'll be doing slimmed down versions of the events but running them nonetheless. A little birdy told me that Jason Bulmahn and Nicolas Logue will be running a Crown of the Kobold King delve in the Paizo booth at Origins and that some other Paizo celebs might be demoing Pathfinder #1 in 2-hour blocks.

Details forthcoming. :-)

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